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Wholeness And Wellness

Fresh Breath

To instill into your minds and thus your bodies
The sensation of wholeness within is the quest.
It’s the very sensation of wellness that will
Propel you toward the dreams you want to fulfill.
Magical things happen when you’re feeling your best.
The blessings of a wonderful life you will seize.

The mess that’s been created by our human race
Will only work itself out when we realize
Our greatest fears – hatred, violence, greed, envy,
Lust and so forth. Can we rid ourselves completely
Of these tendencies? Are we nearing our demise
As a species? What kind of future do we face?

We will realize our massive capacity
For greatness of both mind and soul. We will in time
Overcome our miscalculations of the heart.
It’s not likely that this world will be blown apart
Even though the conditions right now aren’t sublime.
This future may be somewhat difficult to see.

When you understand your own greatness you proceed
With an effervescent light which tracks the very
People and situations that energize you.
On a worldwide basis think of what we could do
To turn earth into a place joyful and merry.
In the mind’s eye is where your consciousness is freed.

Listen With Your Heart

Social Conflict

Everything that we know we must know in a way
That upsets and causes people to congregate
And wreak havoc in public. No one can deny
That the world is in trouble and no one knows why
Because it’s complicated. What can be our fate
If in a state of peace we’re unable to stay?

The cause of human suffering is in the mind.
We process information as symbology
That we treat as the truth which is a huge mistake.
Be discerning of all the agreements you make
With yourself and with others continually.
Be grateful for the smidgen of peace that you find.

Learn to be skeptical but Listen With Your Heart.
It’s were truth resides but it can be distorted
By your words and symbols. They turn out to be lies
When within you there’s a tendency to despise
And the peace that you want remains unsupported.
With oneself is where one must be willing to start.

Use the power of doubt to challenge everything
Offered to you but listen to what’s being said.
Mastery of the human mind requires complete
Attention to your inner truth. It’s when you meet
Up with your heart and try to stay out of your head
That you’ll come to some kind of an understanding.

Change For The Better

Colorful Humanity

Do know that you can be, do, or have anything
That you want. There is nothing off limits. If you
Can remember that life is supposed to be good
For you always then things will work out as they should.
Your life will change immediately if you do
What it takes in order to get your heart to sing.

It takes not much to get from where you are to where
You’d prefer to be – in love perpetually
With your life and the universe. The world will treat
You much better. You’ll find that all life is replete
With the full consciousness of divine energy.
Of the good in all things you become more aware.

Most people are conditional vibrators. We
Vibrate according to conditions we observe
Then get more of it yet we can turn this around
To where first we focus on some good thing we’ve found
Thereby simply attracting what we most deserve.
We can vibrate things into the way they should be.

Satisfaction does not come from your jumping through
Even ‘well-meaning’ hoops. Satisfaction only
Comes from your wanting something then moving your way
Toward it. Change will happen as long as you stay
In alignment with the person you’re meant to be.
Keep in contact with the most evolved part of you.

Follow Your Dreams


There are those of us who like to venture into
The unknown – the strange, the unexplored. The beauty
Of the journey is the awesome sense of wonder
As good ideas rip through the mind like thunder.
Magical is the risk of things coming to be.
Hold on tightly to those dreams no one sees but you.

Listen closely to what your inner voice tells you
In a whisper yet clear as a bell in the mind.
It tells you when to leave, where to go, when to stay,
And what’s right. Take delight in what it has to say.
Give yourself some uplifting and always be kind
To yourself and others in everything you do.

Some birds aren’t meant to be caged. Their feathers are just
Too magnificent and when they do fly away
The part of you that knows it was sinful to lock
Them up does rejoice. It shouldn’t come as a shock
That you are such a bird at the end of the day.
In your power to take to the air you must trust.

It’s not Shakespeare. Your inner voice gives it to you
Most directly but you have to pay attention
In your moments of silence when you’re more aware
Of its presence. It’s up to you to take good care
Of your point of attraction. You’re an extension
Of divine energy. Do believe this is true.

Blessings Of The Universe

Spatial Horizon

Do you know how much wellbeing is waiting to
Come to you? All you have to do is open the
Crack a little bit and some evidence of it
Will begin to flow in much to your benefit
But so often people have this strange tendency
To resist the wellbeing that wants to get through.

You may be aware of where you are strongly so
And it may not be pretty but if you could just
Change slightly your perception then things would begin
To turn for you. Things will take a positive spin
When in your worthiness to be happy you trust.
Much of this stuff you probably already know.

There is nothing that you cannot have, do, or be.
There’s no reason that you’re not constantly thriving
In measures extraordinary on all subjects.
You were meant to be successful in all respects.
It will happen for you when you’re not depriving
Yourself of the goodness that flows naturally.

You are not here to prove something to anyone.
Rid yourself of the reason to go it alone.
Feel the power of who your are and rejoice in
The creator that you are and you will begin
A new life – one in which you are happiness prone.
Keep yourself occupied mostly by having fun.

Sacred Geometry

Eternity Symbols

Since the old days of Plato and Pythagoras
Sacred Geometry has spurred speculation
And wonder. Skeptics insist finding these common
Patterns throughout nature that reflect the Brahman
Are of happenstance. In contrast, adoration
Is given to these symbols by the mystic mass.

The Cave of Brahma can activate a wide range
Of new abilities and states of consciousness.
The daily practice of Sacred Geometry
Will increase your physical and mind energy.
Staring at these symbols can eliminate stress
And the mystics insist that your whole life can change.

Various traditions believe these symbols make
Up the building blocks of our reality. So
Basic and ornate shapes common throughout nature
Each have meaning and power. Their nomenclature
Is of elegance. It’s as if they want to show
That our not noticing them would be a mistake.

Meditators use Sri Yantras and mandalas
As objects to focus upon to further hone
Their mindfulness ability. It’s a fine way
To express your spirituality each day.
 You can do this with others or when you’re alone.
You will never go back to the way that it was.

Giving In To Your Power


Sometimes words can put you back into alignment
When you’re not. You can give up the struggle and say
Things like, “It is what it is. I give up control
Of this tough situation. It’s only my goal
To be happy.”
When you talk to yourself this way

You can alleviate much of your discontent.

Many momentum building statements you can use
To uplift yourself. “Things are always working out
For me”
isn’t the best one you could use right now

But from where you are find something that will allow
Your own power to find you. There are without doubt
Many good affirmations from which you can choose.

“I give into my goodness. I give up the pain
And the struggle. I give into my worthiness.
I give into not caring what others may say
About me. In my state of alignment I’ll stay.
Into the probability of happiness
I surrender. I know I’ll have so much to gain.”

Talk yourself into your power. Feel easier
About life. Happiness is your primary goal.
Let the earth spin in its orbit. Let your heart beat
Through the night on its own and be willing to treat
Yourself and others kinder. It will make you whole.
Nothing keeps you from living the life you prefer.

Satisfaction And Conditional Vibration

Good Reception

It would be nice to just be zapped with the feeling
Of complete understanding that I can be, do,
Or have anything I want and without limit.
Life is supposed to be good. I should benefit
From the good I’ve created. I’ve come to a new
Way of knowing that seems to be more appealing.

If I can get closer to the understanding
That whatever I want I can have, then there will
Be a change in my life quite immediately.
The world will treat me better if I choose to be
Positive in my outlook, and I will fulfill
My desire for a big consciousness expanding.

I vibrate to conditions unconsciously so.
I observe things, then I offer a vibration
Because of what I’m observing. Then I get more
Of the sameness, but if I can vibrate before
The condition, then it becomes my creation.
I tell you this because it is good that you know.

Like a sculptor enjoys the process of molding
The clay, or the painter, the process of painting,
I cannot be frustrated or impatient that
It’s not done yet. I’m satisfied just working at
My creation. Is it not a wonderful thing
To witness one’s creation as it’s unfolding?

Your Life Will Change

Breaking Away

Were I zapped with a feeling of understanding
That I can be, do, or have anything that I
Want in life, and that life is supposed to be good,
Then my reason for being would be understood.
Life would change for the better if I would comply
With my own desire which is ever expanding.

It takes not much from where I am to get to where
I become what I’m wanting vibrationally.
I used to vibrate according to conditions
I perceived. It got me into tough positions
Of fear and confrontation. Not necessary
Was the waste of my life force. I chose to not care.

My vibration can alter any condition.
Staying focused on feeling the best that I can
In each moment is what creation is about.
There’s no room for the feelings of worry or doubt.
When I’m joyful is when I come up with a plan,
Otherwise there is effort in what I get done.

My jumping through hoops leads not to satisfaction.
It cones only through my having wanted something,
Moving in its direction, then seeing progress.
Every manifestation is a huge success.
I can trust the wisdom of my inner knowing.
This advice is applicable to anyone.

Blessings Of The Universe

Spatial Providence

There is so much wellbeing lined up and ready
To come into your life. All that you have to do
Is be willing to focus in the direction
Of feeling just a bit better. You are the one
Who can change the conditions that you think are true.
Where you are now may not be where you want to be.

So, don’t look so much at where you are. Look instead
To the guidance within you. Crack open the door
Ever so slightly, and you will see evidence
Of wellbeing. It’s trying to make its presence
Known to you. It helps you open the door some more.
Then you have some control over what lies ahead.

Pick your battles wisely, or perhaps better yet,
Forget them all because each will slam the door shut.
It comes down to vibration. If you’re negative,
Then the universe and all that it has to give
You block off. You continue in the same old rut.
Your righteous indignation is not an asset.

We’re all in this together. You are not alone.
You’re not trying to prove a thing to anyone.
Feel the power of who you are for one moment.
It’s not difficult, and through your conscious intent,
You become not the problem but the solution,
And the infinite blessings unto you are shown.

Of Two Minds

The Twin Within

I don’t have to actively create my desires
If I merely focus on following the flow.
Fulfillment of my needs will always manifest
If they are relevant to my being my best.
The current of creation is one that I know
Contains all the things that my existence requires.

In my current of creation there is knowledge
Beyond what my physical mind can comprehend
But the higher mind is what the current contains
While the ego mind thinks it knows all and complains
About guidance it’s given. How can I suspend
It’s behavior? I fell like I’m on the knife’s edge.

Making things happen is a form of resistance
To the current, therefore I must go with the flow
And let my life unfold for me naturally.
Let the perfect machine of synchronicity
Do its good work by stopping thinking that I know
Anything because I don’t. I’m taking a chance.

I’ve no clue whatsoever. This matter is fact.
The beginning of wisdom is knowing that I
Do not know, but the higher mind knows everything.
It knows what needs to happen, and by listening
To its guidance. I have no choice but to comply
With my higher mind for a positive impact.