Tag Archive | physical

The Truth About Phychics

Scientific Thought

Some folks claim to be psychic. They’ll tell you that they
Can see spirits and often times communicate
With nonphysical beings. Can this be the case?
Is it true that these kinds of events can take place?
How can one be in this most unnatural state?
What’s one simple thing that can cast all doubt away?

Being psychic doesn’t always mean that you’re tapped
Into nonphysical. To be psychic means you
Read thought energy. There’s plenty of it around
And both negative and positive can be found
Among people now living. You’re receptive to
These thought forms. At interpreting them you’re quite apt.

Terrified about crossing bridges suddenly,
One may consult a psychic who may determine
That because once the bridge took a terrible blow
People died. Even though it happened long ago
Fearful thought forms are deeply embedded within
The very space time fabric through eternity.

You’re tuned into lots of different frequencies
And depending upon where you’re tuned you’re picking
Up on thought forms so you may be vulnerable
To things that you don’t want to become meaningful.
If things get too bizarre then it’s worthwhile sticking
With a world where clear information you can seize.

Speak Words That Bring Money

Cute Cash

You don’t have enough money so you’ve asked for more
And it’s done. The cooperative components
Have been assembled already. All you do
Is line up with a bunch of it coming to you.
Nothing but a negative attitude prevents
You from getting the things that you’ve been asking for.

What’s already done exists vibrationally.
In the physical it’s not yet manifested
But this vibrational reality must be
Just as real to you as the money you can see.
By the guidance of your inner being you’re led
To fulfillment of your dream of prosperity.

“I want more money but I don’t have enough.” This
Kind of talk gets you nowhere. “I want more money
So that I’ll have delicious experiences.
I can create more positive circumstances
For myself with more money. Indeed I would be
In a most welcomed state of perpetual bliss.”

Speak this way if you want what you want to come true.
With just this much self-monologue you can achieve
And enormous change in your point of attraction.
Speaking words of your truth brings you satisfaction.
It also puts you in the right mode to receive
Everything that you want which is lined up for you.

Manifest Anything

Fairy Dust

Absolute clarity about what I want to
Manifest I must have first then I can prepare
To receive what I’m asking for. Naturally
In alignment with my higher self I must be.
The momentum increases if I can stay there
In that place where I have an evolved point of view.

I enjoy the excitement that I feel when I
Think about what I want. I love talking about
It with others. My passion may blow them away
Because I have so much about my dream to say
To the world. In my heart of hearts I have no doubt
That with my wishes the universe will comply.

Everything seen was once a thought. All that occurs,
Good and bad, is just a thought originally
So I watch what I’m thinking. If it starts to go
Southerly then I’ll implement all that I know
To get back to good thinking. I love getting free
Of my lower self and the chaos it prefers.

Single-mindedly focused I am on my goal.
The universe yields to both faith and commitment.
Negative thought takes me in the wrong direction
Whereas thoughts that are not enhance my connection
To my higher self where I find extreme content.
Of my point of attraction I’ve complete control.

The Only Thing Of Lasting Value

Happy Heart

Love is the only thing that prevails. When you see
Your immense capability to love you will
Realize that your true worth is inherently
Within you. You have so much divine energy
Flowing through you that it can most easily spill
Onto others as you live your life happily.

You are loved beyond human measure for love in
And of itself cannot be measured but of course
People try to put it on a pedestal. They
Covet it, hide it, and do whatever they may
To believe that it’s some kind of mystical force
Or a game where only certain people can win.

You are love itself. The energy which is love
Pervades all of existence no matter whether
Or not you can feel it. When you feel it you are
Effervescent, joyful, buoyant, and not too far
From your dreams and wishes all coming together
Like a symphony composed by heaven above.

Not allowing yourself to feel love causes you
To swallow yourself up in psychological
And physical pain expressed as misery, lack,
And depression. Love remains the primary hack
For a life unfulfilled. Truly it’s natural
To feel love. It’s the only thing you want to do.

A New Story

Magic Book

Whatever your living, whether it’s about your
Money, or your relationship, or your body…
It’s only a temporary in the moment
Indicator of the vibration you present
To the universe. Your life becomes your story
As you live it while hoping that it will endure.

If you’re not satisfied with your life it’s because
You’ve been telling the same old story for so long
That you can’t think of new ones. You’re stuck in a scene
That repeats itself. The only thing it can mean
Is that you think something about your life is wrong
But what you think goes against spiritual laws.

“I don’t have enough money. I don’t like what the
Government isn’t doing. I hate billionaires
And their uppity attitudes.”
This certainly

Isn’t the story you want to tell. It would be
Useless to you because nobody on earth cares
For that kind of a story unfortunately.

“There’s a crap ton of money. I can get my share.
Things are lined up and the resources are in place.
Circumstances have been arranged. All I need do
Is relax and adopt a more positive view
Of my life.”
This story is one you can embrace

With assurance that you’ll find satisfaction there.

Becoming Invincible

Bright Day Ahead

So much has come before you. The world has been here
Long before your arrival preparing for you.
You’re Source energy in a physical body
And your purpose is to live your life happily.
All That Is thanks you for your willingness to chew
On the contrast in this physical atmosphere.

All That Is is what Source is and you are the same
Energy that creates worlds. You’re selfish enough
To want to feel good always. You’re fully aware
Of what feels otherwise and you stay clear of there.
You’re prepared for whenever the going gets tough
Because to you this wonderful life is a game.

You have no idea of how worthy you are
So at times you expect choices to be bigger
And harder to make, find, apply, and to achieve.
In such cases you must try your best to believe
That you’re worthy of better. Don’t let it trigger
A downward momentum because you’ve come too far.

All That Is benefits from all that you go through
On your journey but do it for yourself also.
As you do you’ll feel less vulnerability.
You will feel more invincible naturally.
There is no stopping you due to what you now know.
Take advantage of what has been laid out for you.

Your Vibrational Reality

Happy Daydream

Sometimes people worry that becoming aligned
With your higher self means giving up all the things
That are physical – that it’s an airy fairy
Existence and it’s too far from reality
To be of any value. From this notion springs
Myriad excuses of the negative kind.

You don’t have to give up one for the other here.
The worlds of the nonphysical and physical
Are interconnected in miraculous ways.
Only good things can happen to the one who stays
In communication with what’s spiritual.
Keep yourself in an elevated atmosphere.

You create Your Vibrational Reality
By your sifting through contrast. All that you put there
In your ever growing vortex of creation
Is of worthiness beyond imagination.
It’s nonphysical so do your utmost to care
More about it than your having it come to be.

Make the nonphysical your top priority.
When you do blessings will come from out of nowhere.
Everywhere you’ll find things working out well for you.
You’ll have greater success in whatever you do
And it’s all because you took the time to prepare
Your vibration by finding ways to be happy.

The Meaning Of Life

Tree Of Life Book

There are those who think all kinds of things constantly.
They may question existence. They may play around
With the notion that consciousness is a façade.
Things that happen in reality they find odd.
In their ponderings answers to questions are found.
The biggest have to do with our reason to be.

What’s the purpose of living? Is it to achieve
Great success in relationship, health, and money?
Is it to worship who is said to be divine?
Is it so that we all learn to get along fine?
Is it just for the purpose of being happy?
Find something most fulfilling in which to believe.

Joy is the basis of life and it’s the reason
For existence. It’s to feel exhilaration
In each moment. Don’t take life so seriously.
Your expansion happens automatically.
You’re your best in a state of appreciation.
You came here for the fun – not for getting things done.

Life means life itself meaning it’s simply to be
And to find true alignment with who we’ve become
Through the process of living. It’s the reason why
You often find life thrilling. It’s hard to deny
Where your feelings of enthusiasm come from.
The Meaning Of Life is to live it happily.

Earning Versus Attracting


Most of us believe that we have to do something
In order to justify money coming in.
We think that suffering and hard work is the key
To accumulating huge amounts of money.
We believe that only lucky people can win
At the game of life. It’s rather fascinating.

We who think about dollars approach it more from
The lack of them rather than just allowing them
To flow in and out as if we were breathing air.
There’s so much air that we couldn’t possibly care
That so many are breathing. We’d never condemn
Anyone for the taker of air they’ve become.

Think about the ten dollars in your wallet now.
Is it too little or enough? What can you do
With ten dollars? Answer these questions truthfully.
You can think negatively or positively.
Be delighted about all the dollars that you
Have already. This way more of them you allow.

Always you get what you give your attention to.
If you give it to lack of money then you’ll get
Only more lack of money but if you give it
To your feeling good you’ll train yourself to permit
Money coming. Your mind is your biggest asset.
Think of reasons to feel good is all you need do.

Gravity, Inertia, Speed, And Momentum

Cosmic Tunnels

That which moves will keep moving unless there’s a force
Applied to it to keep it from going its way.
Force is equal to mass times acceleration
And when two masses meet due to some causation
They apply forces to each other. They obey
Laws of physics. This is but a matter of course.

Gravity is a weak force all bodies must feel
In this time space reality. It may appear
To be strong when witnessing human suffering
But it is a weak force it’s worth remembering.
It can be overcome easily with a mere
Act of kindness in a world that’s not ideal.

One can notice the human condition and be
Disillusioned. It’s difficult to reconcile
If you’re one of compassion. The grossly mundane
Is the gravity that has made people insane.
What goes on has been going on for quite a while
And it may keep going throughout eternity.

When you meditate on a regular basis
You become reconnected to your clarity
And your reason for being which is to create
A life for yourself that you can appreciate.
As you sync up with your positive energy
In the world’s desert you become an oasis.

The Perfect Body

Physical Fitness

A body with a perfect shape may be what you
Really want but you don’t want to do exercise.
Usually this causes enough resistance
In your thoughts and beliefs that you don’t stand a chance
Of achieving what you want. It would be more wise
To proceed with the efforting you have to do.

Why not go for it? It’s just like any other
Thing that you want. There’s no reason whatsoever
That you can’t be, do, or have anything that you
Truly want. The only thing that you have to do
Is to make it a satisfying endeavor.
Treat your spirit as if it were your big brother.

There have been many studies done on people who
Visualize what they want regarding their skill
At some task like throwing a ball through a basket.
If you visualize what you want then you get
More often exactly what you want and you will
Be amazed by the fantastic things you can do.

There’s nothing more delicious than being inspired
Into action then it doesn’t seem like a chore.
You get good results when you’re open to receive
Inspiration and when you begin to believe
In yourself then you’re able to do a lot more.
In the end nothing but your intent is required.

Look For Things To Appreciate

Picture Perfect

What’s the fastest path to absolute happiness?
Look For Things To Appreciate and when you do
You feel good. It will purify your vibration
And it also leads to the manifestation
Of your dreams. Look for whatever fascinates you.
The world responds to the feelings that you express.

What is going to lead you to happiness that
Is close to where you are that you might recognize?
“What can I use as my excuse to feel a bit
Better as I look at you?”
You can benefit

From your asking these question. The one who is wise
Finds the answers in everything they’re looking at.

Revenge may be the path if you’re feeling despair
And from there into anger and then hopefulness…
Your emotional guidance system can lead you
Up the scale to sheer happiness. All you need do
Is focus on your wellbeing and a lot less
On your troubles and things that you don’t want to share.

Look at this world around you. Its magnificence
Can be quite overwhelming if you let it be
That way for you. Appreciate being aware
Of the things you appreciate. Breathe the fresh air.
Notice birds singing and kids playing happily.
The wellbeing of this world you know is immense.

The Perfection Of Who You Are

Happy Heart

Learn to accept The Perfection Of Who You Are.
Your society tells you that you’re imperfect.
Don’t believe it! Believe what your spirit tells you.
That you have to redeem yourself just isn’t true.
For your own spiritual health you must reject
Any notion that from perfection you are far.

Embrace the contrast that produces expansion.
Love yourself the way your inner being loves you.
Look at the bigger picture and find resonance
With who you truly are. Give your spirit the chance
To uplift you in everything you choose to do.
Learn to feel love and compassion for everyone.

When you stand in your place of understanding how
The cooperative components coalesce
Around you that’s when you know that you have control
Of your manifestations as you become whole
With their coming to being. You find happiness
When the wellbeing present you learn to allow.

Accept that the process is one of perfection.
Do your best to make dominant the larger part
Of yourself who knows everything you need to know.
Release enough resistance that off you will go
With your life of which you’ve made into a fine art.
Be aware of your spiritual connection.

What God Wants You To Know

Realm Of Divinity

It’s about your accepting the sheer perfection
Of who you are as a human being. For so
Long no matter what platform you were born into
You were taught that you’re not perfect. This isn’t true.
This is the biggest thing that God wants you to know
And it’s worth keeping part of your recollection.

God wants you always to embrace all the contrast
In your life because it produces expansion.
You’re an eternal being. You must find a way
To love yourself no matter what. You want to stay
In that state of wellbeing where you are the one
In control and you’re able to remain steadfast.

Anytime you’re not loving yourself you may feel
Guilt or shame. Even hope has a bit of a stain
Of uncertainty. All that it means is that you
Have forgotten the wonderful things God can do.
You can be healed of your troublesome self-disdain
In an instant. Any ailment you have can heal.

Do your best to make dominant the larger part
Of yourself who knows all of this. Don’t sweat the small
Stuff. It’s all small compared to your ability
To grab hold of some of God’s awesome energy.
Get yourself hooked up with the being who knows all.
All feelings of divinity come from the heart.

Past Lives

Pastel Fog

When you make your transition from your physical
Body back into nonphysical a process
Of clearing happens. Thoughts of negativity
Are released. From all resistance you become free.
You return to your pure clarity of wholeness.
How it happens escapes your human rationale.

Isn’t it logical though that if negative
Thoughts don’t reemerge with you they cannot return
In a future life? The reason you don’t recall
Your Past Lives is because they don’t matter at all
To how you live your current life and your concern
With the past will play havoc with how you now live.

You don’t come back to fix the mess you left behind
Nor to compensate for your ill deeds of the past.
You come here for the newness each time you arrive.
In this world of the physical you’re meant to thrive.
Spirit smiles upon you when you’re having a blast.
It’s the general mission of all humankind.

Sometimes you’ll see someone who has a tremendous
Talent or genius for something. Their momentum
Was started in a past life and continues on
Through the present life and what you’re focused upon
With intensity is what you benefit from.
Your Past Lives are not something for you to discuss.

Don’t Chase After Money

Money Chase

In the morning do you go outside and breathe in
All the air that you’ll need for the day because you
Fear that others will suck it away completely?
In a world of continued psychosis you’d be
If that were so and this is especially true
About money. It isn’t the root of all sin.

You breathe in and breathe out. You don’t worry about
Where the next breath will come from. Much in the same way
There is an unlimited amount of money.
There’s enough to where everyone can be happy.
Being happy rather than being in dismay
Makes it happen. There must be no lingering doubt.

At the same time both lack and abundance exist.
Which of these probabilities do you give more
Attention to? Your society teaches you
That in order to be worthy then you must do
Certain things such as hard work and things you deplore.
Any notion of abundance then is dismissed.

If you feel good about money then it will flow
Easily into your life. You don’t have to chase
After it like a rat. Be thankful for what you
Have already. The only thing you need to do
Is keep yourself receptive to infinite grace.
Be open to what the universe has to show.

Regrets In The Hereafter?

Ethereal Gate

When she made her transition to the other side
It was under unusual circumstances.
The frustration she had with her life drove her to
Suicide. Was it the worst thing that she could do
To her soul? And indeed what would be her chances
Of safe passage? Would heaven to her be denied?

In every moment we are awake we receive
But the question is: What is our tuner set to?
Are we receiving truth? Or are we receiving
The spinoff of unconscious thought then believing
That it’s truth? It would seem that one’s own point of view
Has the dangerous potential to self-deceive.

The clearing process happens immediately
Upon dying. We leave behind all the regret,
Anger, guilt, and obsession with worldly affairs.
Once the spirit leaves the body it only cares
About what’s coming next and often we are met
By spiritual helpers from eternity.

We look always forward. We never look behind
To the past except to acknowledge its value
To the soul’s evolution. Our new perspective
Is of the wholeness of the human collective.
There’s no period of agony to go through.
Look within and stay out of the troublesome mind.

A Brain Meditation

Mind Flow

There are two points of focus that always exist.
There’s the nonphysical part of you who remained
Nonphysically focused, and then there’s the part
With a flesh and blood body and a beating heart.
An ideal blending of the two can be attained
Although the human brain sometimes wants to resist.

During meditation when you quiet your mind
Your vibration rises and the gap between you
And your higher self narrows. When you meditate
Your brain naturally reaches the alpha state.
You come out of it with a more positive view
Of yourself and the condition of humankind.

You may be standing in a place where you’re feeling
Embarrassed, unworthy, or incapable, but
Your own higher self will never go there with you.
That’s why you feel the negative way that you do.
You have a guidance system. It’s known as your gut.
What it has to say is totally revealing.

Your thoughts may introduce into the equation
Resistance so you’re not at the top of your game.
That’s okay. You can get there now that you know how.
Take the time necessary for you to allow
You and your higher self to be right on the same
Frequency, and it is all about vibration.

Call On Your Spirit Guides

Moment Of Prayer

How do angels and spirit guides work? Are they real?
How can I call upon them? Can they assist me
In my everyday living? If so, how can I
Sense their guidance? I keep on asking myself why
Others can perceive their guides occasionally.
Is there some special way that I’m needing to feel?

You are an extension of Source Energy and
You are now in this body. You are connected
To the world of pure spirit eternally so.
There’s no way you need be. There’s no place you need go
And your asking for help cannot be rejected.
There’s not a whole lot that you need to understand.

The nonphysical world is one of energy
Of the purest vibration. Your ability
To perceive it depends on your strength of desire.
Your communication with it doesn’t require
You to be other than who you happen to be.
Your vibration must be higher naturally.

Apart from the beliefs that you already hold
You cannot interact with the nonphysical.
The way you interpret energy is unique.
It’s alignment with your inner being you seek.
Your experiences with what is spirit shall
Become for you nuggets of spiritual gold.

Satisfy Your Dreams


Your body is responding primarily to
The content of your thoughts, and right here and right now,
It is benefiting from your positive view
Of your life. Let the fresh air invigorate you.
Let the fullness of each breath begin to allow
Your adventurous spirit to dream something new.

Your life is supposed to feel good to you, and you
Are meant to feel happiness in your life. You are
Meant to satisfy your dreams. Breathe in; then breathe out
All the mental clutter and the feelings of doubt
From the day before. What you’ve accomplished thus far
Is alignment. Breathing is all you have to do.

Physical wellbeing is flowing to you now.
Breathe in all your abundance. Breathe out negative
Belief structures. Your are doing extremely well.
By the way that you’re feeling you surely can tell
That your body’s responding. The more that you give
It attention, the more wellness you will allow.

Relax and enjoy the unfolding. Be aware
Of what’s happening to you and appreciate
What is now. Be most eager about what’s to come.
There’s no doubt that you’ll get immense benefit from
Breathing your way into a more positive state
Of being. About how you’re feeling you must care.

Life On Planet Earth

Fluid Earth

Four point six billion years ago earth came to be.
In that time it’s become a hospitable place
For all life. There’s no other planet of its kind
In this part of the galaxy. Here you will find
A uniqueness unfathomable to embrace
In its fullness. Its wonder anyone can see.

Sometimes there’s more connection; sometimes there’s much less
With the earth for we humans. We bother too much
With things not that important. We waste energy
Focusing too much on spirituality.
At the same time we seem to be way out of touch
With a loving solution to lack of progress.

We are grounded. We don’t have to worry if we
Are or are not. Our physical bodies maintain
Our connection to earth. We’re made of energy
And the earth is also, so it’s easy to be
In alignment. So much from the earth we can gain
By knowing the earth as spirituality.

Things that we’ve all been asking for is tended to
By the forces that create worlds. Life here on earth
Is a mixture of unyielding love and contrast.
Much more dominant is love and it will outlast
Everything. It’s a place of misery or mirth.
Happiness while on earth is decided by you.

Reflection And Momentum

Linear Intent

Like a mirror reflects everything, daydreaming
Shows you what you most cherish. It has momentum
And enormous potential for becoming real.
You continue doing it as it makes you feel
Powerful. It’s where your creative flair comes from.
It’s the answer to what can be unbeseeming.

The vibrational stance from which people reflect
Is important. If you’re under the influence
Of your true self, then daydreaming is a good thing,
But if not, only hellish nightmares it will bring.
Either way the experience is quite intense.
What you place your attention on you can expect.

The mind can be of value but not always so.
When you’re under the influence of something bad
Like a long past injustice, your thinking will be
Not of dreams but of bitterness and misery.
But your Source can turn out to be your best comrade.
It can help you to get only good thoughts to flow.

Reflection is about momentum. Momentum
Is about focus. What you reflect on has to
Do with your vibrational stance. What’s becoming
Your reality can be a wonderful thing.
More and more as you access the best part of you
You prepare for the magnificent times to come.

The Nonphysical Connection

Threshold Of Spirit

Most people rely on others for their advice.
We depend on our parents for security
When we’re young. We seek guidance and leadership from
Our elected officials. We want it to come
With insight into our current reality.
Often one who’s a leader must pay a high price.

Almost everyone looks for their connection where
They won’t find it. It isn’t with society
Nor with other people who you happen to know
And respect. They are human and don’t always show
Their best side to the public. They don’t clearly see
The big picture. It’s not always that they don’t care.

Until you begin looking for your connection
Where it really is, you’ll not be able to find
The comfort and security you most desire.
It’s amazingly simple. It doesn’t require
Any effort. Your aim is to quiet the mind
So that you enter a state of deep reflection.

The Nonphysical Connection naturally
Is available to everyone. We are one
With all that is nonphysical. It is the Source
Of all guidance. It is the omnipotent force
Of creation. You are there when you have begun
To receive information nonphysically.

A Question About Karma

Flight Of Spirit

If I don’t live a good life, I will pay the price
In a future one or in the time remaining
In this present one. This causes me great concern
Because I know that I’ve many lessons to learn
About life still. I have no hope of regaining
Any grace. The truth is that I haven’t been nice.

Karma means ‘action’ or ‘work.’ The body and mind
Create karma, and the law of cause and effect
States that consequences for my actions must be
Realized. The whole thing scares the hell out of me.
I’d been given a lot of chances to correct
My mistakes, and by now, the courage I can’t find.

So how does the Law of Attraction fit in here?
My inner being is always looking forward
To all the possibilities for my success,
But right now my life seems like an absolute mess,
And the harm I’ve done to others can’t be ignored.
I’m a loser, and that’s why I’m riddled with fear.

Now I’ve talked myself into a ragged dead end.
Does it help to have come here? It does if I can
Find in it some assurance that I’m still worthy
Of existence. My choice is to live happily.
It is up to me only to follow that plan.
To be redeemed of my sins is what I intend.

The Collective

Colorful People

There are different nonphysical entities
That come through us at certain times. They represent
A vast host of great teachers, friends, family, and
Many others although they do not take command
Of our actions. They peek through us by our consent
At an unconscious level thus with perfect ease.

But we must be receptive to their influence.
Negative emotion on our part keeps them from
Connecting and therefore from their interacting
In our lives. It’s their essence that we’re attracting
When we are in a good mood. Good feeling thoughts come
On the heels of good feelings if that makes some sense.

We’re each a part of the collective consciousness
Which is about vibration, also energy
That is focused intently. We’re able to share
Positive thoughts among ourselves. It isn’t rare
That it happens. All that is required is to be
Consciously aware of what brings you happiness.

We enhance our connection through meditation
Or by doing something that is absolutely
Wonderful and exciting as The Collective
Cheers us on. When it’s seen from this new perspective
Future states of alignment will come easily.
Each moment is the product of your creation.

A Virtual Reality

Future Night

Do we live in A Virtual Reality
Where our bodies are like tokens or avatars,
And our real selves are playing this consciousness game?
Are we actors who each have a script and stage name?
What’s so great about this physical world of ours
As it is now? How much better off could it be?

We are powerful creators who have come from
The nonphysical into this world of contrast
With fantastic intentions. We’re Source Energy
In these physical vessels. Alignment with the
Better part of us is when we’re having a blast
As we’re living and knowing that more good will come.

As we seek alignment with broader perspective
We transmit a vibration that draws unto us
Wanted things. What we want most is to demonstrate
The joy we have for living. We’re here to create
With abandon. We did not come here to discuss
Ways of living that are mostly ineffective.

We’re not one or the other. We’re both physical
And nonphysical, and both are necessary
For the eternalness of all of existence.
What we offer to the universe is immense.
Leading edge creation is physicality.
It’s the focus of all that is spiritual.

A Planned Time Of Death

Passing Eternity

From a human perspective life comes to an end
At some point. It’s believed that we cease to exist
Altogether by many, and others hold on
To spiritual teachings. When relied upon,
They provide guidance. Thoughts of death can’t be dismissed
From the mind, yet they’re difficult to comprehend.

Do we as humans have a predestined way and
Date of death? Could it happen at anytime or
Anywhere? Does our physical experience
Here on earth to the spirit world make any sense?
Added to these questions there are a whole lot more
To be asked so that one can fully understand.

Our two points of attraction – our Source Energy
And the people we’re being at any moment –
Are blended together. Our feelings let us know
How much of our true selves we’re allowing to flow
Through these physical bodies. At times we prevent
The emergence of who we have come here to be.

Those who know innately their power and value
But who don’t let it happen may choose to allow
Reemergence back into the nonphysical.
Surely we are basically spiritual
Energy here with bodies. Some of us know how,
More than others, to have a positive point of view.

About Death

Death View

Rather frequently thoughts of death enter the mind
Of the troubled one, and thoughts of living are those
Of the healthy. Which ones do I choose here and now
To steer clear of disaster? How can I allow
What I know to be helpful? Within the shadows
Is a dark soul that none but the devil can find.

Feeling better remains an achievable goal
Yet the present obsession with freedom beyond
Earthly knowing consumes me. Can I find a way
To take life as I should and get on with my day?
As I’m waiting for the universe to respond
To my questions, is there any hope for my soul?

One could say that it’s natural for losers to
Dream of death a lot. As it occurs I can feel
A mixture of envy, rejoicing, and sorrow.
I look forward to when there is no tomorrow.
My true feeling about it I cannot conceal.
Sharing it with the public is something to do.

When I reemerge into nonphysical, I’ll
Leve behind all resistance. Doubt, worry, and fear
Will dissolve in an instant. I’ll finally be
In alignment with infinite Source Energy.
Life is worth my living and as my time draws near
I’ll keep doing what I keep doing all the while.

Just Be


You can set time aside to let your daydreams flow
Just like when you were little. Remember when you
Felt so free in the moment? You didn’t worry
About things and had no responsibility.
You had nothing to get done. No one even knew
Where you were half the time. You were like a shadow.

You were born to experience joy. How do you
Carve out time to get back to that good feeling place
Of vibrational purity? Many demands
On your time there are. There’s no one who understands
More than you. There are too many issues to face.
Difficulty with trying is not something new.

You can do it by looking for it everywhere.
Even if it requires getting up earlier
Before anyone knows where you are, you can find
Time to daydream and get yourself fully aligned
With your inner being who indeed would prefer
That you keep giving yourself the utmost of care.

Remember what it was like when you could Just Be
With no urge to prove worthiness? Be there right now
In this moment because it’s the best way to start
A new life where your thoughts are driven by your heart.
True happiness depends on how much you allow
Your daydreaming to soothe you perpetually.


Last Rights

She’d been ill for a long time. Anticlimactic
Was her passing. Her breathing just slowed down and came
To a stop. My impatience I felt guilt about
For a while, but I’ve had time to figure that out
For the most part. I know that things won’t be the same.
Generally my numbness is ataractic.

I don’t know what I expected to have occurred.
Did I want to see angels or her spirit rise
To the ceiling and exit? Did I want there to
Be some last words between us? And what can I do
To maintain my existence as I realize
How this loss affects me such that I’m without word?

The most perfect creation is the one where the
Next logical step just happens. I can become
More aware of her presence if I believe that
She’s not gone. In a spiritual habitat
She exists now. It’s where every being comes from.
I can line myself up with her reality.

I know now that her inner being was waiting
For exactly the right moment. I’m the one who
Had created the drama through my ignorance.
I had made too much of the entire circumstance
I am interested in her new point of view.
I reach her any moment by concentrating.

Unnecessary Yearning


Nothing’s going wrong. Nothing is wrong. Everything
Is unfolding. There’s Unnecessary Yearning
On your part. Somewhere along your physical trail
You picked up the notion that you’re destined to fail.
Satisfaction with your life is nil concerning
Where you are now. It doesn’t cause your heart to sing.

Wherever you are now is perfectly okay
Because it’s where you are now. There’s no better place
For you to be right now. Pieces of resistance
That you’ve put on your path are no big deal. The chance
To remove them is yours. You’re not running a race
To the finish line. That’s just a game that you play.

Right where you are your inner being adores you.
It knows exactly everything you’re asking for
And it sees clearly the path of least resistance
To help you to experience the circumstance
Of fulfillment. Allow it to help you gain more
Of a positive mindset, then dreams become true.

The pieces of resistance are not a problem
Whatsoever to your inner being because
They’re an integral part of your joyous journey
Of existence if you handle them properly.
Have faith in the good will of universal laws.
Take those pieces and make positive use of them.

What Is Real?

Alternate Reality

What’s it like to hallucinate? I’d imagine
That it’s much like reality, which is a dream
That all beings are having. What I know as real
Is due to my perspective which is a big deal
To my conscious awareness. But why does it seem
Such an issue? I do not know where to begin.

From the stuff that things are made of, my perspective
Is what calls them together into what I know
To be real. It’s in response to my vibration
That things take on physical manifestation.
My perspective can be my best friend or my foe.
I’m fully in touch with the human collective.

There’s nothing outside of my perspective. There’s no
Kind of reality beyond my perception.
I can tweak myself into alignment with my
Inner being. My perspective can remain high
Above folly unless I’m in the mood for fun.
The more real the excitement the more real the show.

Everything that is physical is much the same
As the nonphysical. The only difference
Is that what’s physical is exaggerated
So it feels real. The sense organs have created
A reality that must make absolute sense
To the psyche. Indeed all of life is a game.

Emotions And Your Body

Feeling Spectrum

Your body responds to the way you think, feel, and
Act. This is one type of mind/body connection.
When you’re stressed, anxious, or upset, your body may
Develop high blood pressure or ulcers. To stay
In good health, you can confide in the direction
Of your inner being who has the upper hand.

The manifestation in the body is an
Exaggerated version of what’s going on
With your feelings, but you can shift an emotion
With much more ease than after the damage is done.
You have your guidance system to rely upon.
Your awareness is important to your game plan.

If you wait until there’s a manifestation,
Then it’s much harder to emotionally get
Around what’s taken place in your body, therefore
Catch it in the beginning and do not explore
All the things about your life you deeply regret
Having gone through even though it’s your creation.

Understand your emotions and recognize why
You are having them. Sorting them out can help you
To cope with them. Find some form of relaxation
Such as yoga, Tai Chi, guided meditation,
Or just listening to music. Things you can do
Are quite many. It’s worthwhile to give some a try.


Prayerful Setting

Spirituality is the state, quality,
Or fact of being spiritual. It is a
Broad concept with room for many perspectives, but
Generally it includes a deep sense of what
Could be called one’s connection to all. One could say
That it’s something that comes about naturally.

It’s a sense of connection to something bigger
Than oneself, and it involves a search for meaning
In one’s life. It’s experienced by everyone
Whether we’re aware of it or not. There are none
Who are not subject to spirit intervening
At times in their life just as one might well prefer.

We are all spiritual beings having a
Human experience. To awaken is to
Become more consciously aware that this is so.
Personal attention is in wanting to know
The answers to the questions that have much to do
With one’s purpose. One can be fulfilled in this way.

“What’s the purpose of life? What happens when we die?
What is life? Who am I? Why do people exist?”

These are prime curiosities for the novice.
Meditation and prayer bring genuine bliss.
Spirituality is on what we subsist.
It has the full ability to sanctify.

Money Will Flow

Legal Tender

When you don’t have enough money you ask for more.
Then what happens is that the universe gets hold
Of your wish and it turns into reality.
It’s become manifested vibrationally
Until you line up with it. Then things will unfold
In your favor. You will get what you’re asking for.

Everything that you’ve asked for is already done.
In your willingness to accept the existence
Of this vibrational reality, you will
Be in a place where the universe can fulfill
Your request. You know that its power is immense.
Focus in the direction of what has begun.

Everything in your physical experience
Morphs to match the vibration that you’re offering.
If you say, “I want more, but I don’t have enough,”
Then your getting what you want will be really tough.
Thoughts of lack can keep your wishes from becoming
Your reality. This is also common sense.

“Money would be good for me. More money would give
Me more freedom to do the things I’d like to do.
I could be of more value to others, and I
Can get more in alignment by speaking of why
I will have it.”
This conversation will get you

There much faster. It’s a fulfilling way to live.

Mastery Of Life

Family Fun

I’m on top of the world. Life is going so well
That I don’t have to worry about anything.
My life is moving forward. I see through the eyes
Of the larger part of me. I now realize
All the wonderful things being happy can bring.
In a state of perpetual joy I do dwell.

I believe that the Law of Attraction helps me
By arranging cooperative components
Of my main point of focus into what is real
In the physical. It’s by the way that I feel
That I master my life, and it makes perfect sense
That it only gets better. My mood is the key.

In this moment, my quest is to identify
What I choose for my point of attraction to be.
I joyously watch the universe fill in all
The details, and I know that it’s right on the ball
Regarding what I ask for. Now I’ve become free
Of resistance. My focus is the reason why.

Would you call me delusional? If it’s seeing
The world differently than most others folks do
And more than most would want me to, then I suppose
You’re correct. But the most evolved part of me knows
Nothing but wellbeing from its broad point of view.
Fantastic is the life of this human being.


Life Is Good

Attitude defines the person. It is a learned
Tendency to evaluate things in a way
That is certain. People, issues, things, or events
Are the predispositions which are the contents
Of the ego mind wherein the attitude may
Have a wide range as the total self is concerned.

Attitudes range form very bad to very good.
In psychology, attitude is the construct
Of a mental and emotional entity
That characterizes a person. It can be
The main influencer of a person’s conduct.
Many social factors need to be understood.

For spiritual seekers, it’s good to know that
Attitudes will change over time. By letting go
Of beliefs and positions that are negative
A much healthier life on this earth you will live.
Attitudes will change naturally as we grow
In experience. Your searching never falls flat.

Attitudes laced with jealousy, hatred, and fear
Have been associated with ill health, whereas
Positive attitudes such as joy, love, and peace
Help the body. There is a substantial increase
In wellbeing. Do know that your attitude has
Everything to do with what in life does appear.

You Create With Your Focus

In A Moment Of Wonder

Life has caused you to focus. That’s why you are here.
You came for the experience of sifting through
All the contrast life offers. You came to express
What could be done to lead to your own happiness
Then to have fun through the process as dreams come true.
You knew that you would find many things to hold dear.

What you give your attention to is what you get.
Life shows you how you’re feeling no matter if you
Are exuberant or in a deep depression.
While you’re here on earth you have taken possession
Of emotional guidance which can lead you to
Anything you choose. It’s a tremendous asset.

The Source within you is giving its attention
To whatever you’re giving your attention to,
But it may be of a much higher frequency.
Its opinion may differ from yours completely.
In that case there is only one thing you can do,
And it’s not beyond anyone’s comprehension.

You always know more clearly what you want when you
Are right smack dab in the middle of the contrast.
Negative emotion lets you know right away
That things aren’t to your liking. It’s easy to stay
Clear of all that upsets you. You must be steadfast
In your acceptance of your Source’s point of view.

The Bigger Picture

In Perfect Proximity

The perfection of who you are is nothing new
To the universe since you are a part of it.
It is perfect in every way and it reflects
How you feel about your life. Your feeling affects
How it treats you. So it is to your benefit
To be happy. In this way, more joy comes to you.

Find a way to love yourself no matter what may
Be your negative programming. You are not here
To work hard at redemption. You’re more than worthy
Of wellbeing and happiness. Get yourself free
From the mindset of lack generated by fear.
Don’t let what others think of you lead you astray.

You want to talk to fewer people about stuff
And to be much more generally accepting
Of what’s going on. You want to step back and see
How this earth spinning in perfect proximity
To other spatial bodies is an awesome thing.
Wonder is such that you can never get enough.

Understanding The Bigger Picture, you’re aware
Of the higher thoughts that hold the planets in place
And that you can tap into. Your best creating
Is done when you know that all is advocating
For your utter fulfillment. The infinite grace
Of the universe is for everyone to share.

You Will Never Stop Wanting

Ever Wanting

Do know that life is supposed to be good for you.
You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
So much has come before you. Your inheritance
Is of massive proportion. It isn’t by chance
That you are who you are, and vibrationally,
You’re aligned with your purpose. Each moment is new.

You’re selfish enough to feel as good as you can
By forking in the direction that feels as good
As you can make it feel. You pay more attention
To the way that you feel and to having more fun
Than the chatter of others who say that you should
Be working a lot harder on some noble plan.

You will begin to see physical evidence
That you are queued up to receive wonderful things.
There’s no price to be paid. You are more than worthy
Of the best life can offer. You must be ready
To receive. You will tap into all the wellsprings
Of abundance and spiritual providence.

You will never stop asking for something better.
That was your promise to Source before you came here.
You will understand what’s happening to you and
Why it’s happening to you. You will take command
Of your life. Your outlook will be perfectly clear.
To the universe you are an open letter.

Life Can Cause You To Feel Better

Freedom And Joy

There are many more consciousnesses focused here
In this physical plane of existence than there
Are people on the planet. There’s quite a party
Going on all around us that we do not see,
But we know that it’s possible to be aware
Of the nonphysical if our hearts are sincere.

We summon the collective. Multifaceted
Is our nature. Consciousness needs not a body
Necessarily. It’s a continuous stream.
Our awareness of our bodies does make it seem
That we are separated. This happens to be
An illusion that the mind is constantly fed.

Things that happen to people that they can’t explain
Are the doings of those who are disembodied.
From that vantage point, they often communicate
With the ‘living.’ When we’re in a receptive state,
We are hip to their antics and don’t feel the need
To be cautious. In fact, there can be much to gain.

You don’t miss the water until the well runs dry.
In the same way, you do not miss your connection
To the whole of who you are until you have not
Had it for such a while that your spirit is shot.
Look upon your community with affection.
Wonderful things will happen, and you will know why.

Enjoying Life’s Contrast

The Rush Of Momentum

As my day unfolds, I’m going to do my best
To find my path of least resistance, and it will
Be a fine day. I look forward to the contrast
That life offers. I’ve stopped looking into the past
For fulfillment. This present moment is a thrill
To behold. In it, eternity is expressed.

I can tell by the way I feel what influence
I’m under. I’m either under that of my Source,
Or that of something other, like society,
Or my mother, or anyone who wants to be
In control of me somehow. And this is, of course,
Something I allow, but at enormous expense.

There are times when I’m not in a very good place.
They are plenty in number. I’ll just stop and say,
“Well, that’s perfectly logical,” then leave it there.
Above all, it’s about how I feel that I care.
I’ll pivot from that thought and get on with my day.
It’s my own inner being who I must embrace.

I get over things quickly. I don’t explain how
I got into a bad place. That only will make
Things a lot worse. I can’t get the answer until
I stop asking the question. I know that it will
Manifest as an impulse which I will then take
As a sure sign that I have learned how to allow.

Tired Of Struggling

Work Fatigue

Be aware of how you feel. It gives you a clue
That your struggle may be useless. Only you know
When it’s time to do something. It’s driving you mad.
Your whole life would have been much better if you had
Never followed your current path. Nothing to show
Have you for all your effort. What are you to do?

Everybody’s working harder than they mean to.
There’s a lot being offered vibrationally
That is counterproductive – like marching in place.
Your world is governed by the thoughts that you embrace.
You can feel your way into how things ought to be.
How you feel about anything is up to you.

Only two choices there are, most people believe:
Either to be a good person by working hard
Or a bad one by being irresponsible.
You don’t want to be one who is disrespectful,
But there are other choices that cannot be barred
From your God given propensity to conceive.

You can be an aligned citizen, as it were,
Of the universe. Your struggle is not in vain.
It’s a wake-up call, if you will let it be so.
It is an opportunity for you to grow.
If you take it as such you’ll have so much to gain.
You are not far from living the life you prefer.

Stop Focusing On The Wrong Things

Hard At Searching

How do I keep myself in a place where I’m not
Focusing always on the manifestation?
It gets tricky. I give up on closing the gap
Between me and my wishes. I’m caught in a trap
Of my own making. There must be some solution
To the issue. Indeed I am in a tough spot.

“I’ll go forth. I’ll define. I’ll align and receive,
Then experience the awesome deliciousness
Of watching it come together. I’ll mold the clay
With my mind and with pleasure throughout every day.”

This promise you made to yourself is nothing less
Than your purpose for living. This you must believe.

The eternal unfolding of your life means that
You cannot get it wrong because it’s never done.
You can have a wonderful life experience
Moment by moment. Complaining makes little sense.
You’ve put much into your Vortex of Creation.
You can pull from it as if from a magic hat.

You are guided through the path of least resistance
When you are open to it. You came to create
From the contrast life offers. Release the burden
With its tentacles in your now so you can then
Find something easier on which to concentrate.
Things work out for the better if given the chance.

Your Spirit Guide

Guidance From Within

We all have the ability to interact
With nonphysical, but we can’t do so apart
From beliefs that we hold. What you find to be true
Is by faith or experience. It helps if you
Can release all the folklore and go with your heart.
You can be aware of when you have made contact.

Many different names and labels we offer
In attempting to explain the nonphysical.
We are all the extensions of Source Energy.
Angels and spirit guides are a reality.
For what others believe, do not be quizzical.
Of your own beliefs, one may become a scoffer.

The nonphysical is interacting with you
In many different ways. The intensity
Of your desire to know and your ability
To allow in this moment the variety
Of experiences makes you ever more free
To receive information from out of the blue.

You get to interpret it in whatever way
That you want to. It is offered to you purely,
But you are the interpreter of it, and so
You make it what it is. It’s good for you to know
That you always have contact. Your focus is key.
You can tune to precisely what it has to say.

Speak Up For Yourself

A Meeting

This world gives you two choices. You either can be
A bully or a doormat. This kind of thinking
Can get you into troublesome situations
With others, but the wisest people are the ones
Who know there are more choices. They are unshrinking
In the ways of relating most positively.

How do you Speak Up For Yourself without being
Angry and aggressive? You are always speaking
Up for yourself vibrationally. This is true.
The entire universe is responding to you.
It will bring to you whatever you are seeking.
With the process you must be fully agreeing.

Getting in someone’s face is clearly not the way
To resolve any issue. It makes things much worse.
Come into alignment with what you want and then
Speak from pure inspiration. It is only when
You rely on the power of the universe
Are you given the appropriate words to say.

When you have a strong negative reaction to
Some injustice, the question becomes apparent.
Do you brood in it and talk to others about
Your mistreatment? Do you get a bullhorn and shout
To the world all about it? Don’t be declarant
Of perceived lack of power. It is within you.

Tuning Into Your Station

Frequency Selection

Sometimes people worry that the airy fairy
And nonphysical verbiage uttered so much
Hits nowhere close to home. In their understanding,
The vibration of something does not mean a thing
Unless it evolves into something one can touch.
Only in the receiving can one be merry.

We’re not being lured into some volatile place
Where only the intangible seems to exist
Far outside of the practical world we live in,
But the things that we want in life will not begin
To take form if we’re continuing to resist
What we think is pure nothing suspended in space.

Yet, we don’t have to give up one for the other.
That which we can call spirit is physically
Understandable. One sees manifestation
As reality, but feeling is also one
That gives birth to the physical. There couldn’t be
Physical existence unless thought did occur.

This vibrational reality is as real
As the world that we live in. We just have to tune
Ourselves day by day, thought by though, and mood by mood.
Success always comes with a winning attitude.
The upliftment of all happens never too soon.
Co-existence of frequencies is the ideal.

The Fastest Path To Happiness

Taking In The Goodness

What’s the fastest path right here, right now where I am
To my happiness? This question is a good one
To consider – but not “How can I get happy?”
What’s the surest and quickest way that will lead me
To a state of eventual satisfaction?
The question is part of a consciousness exam.

If I’m in despair, then revenge is the next thing
I should reach for. I can’t get from there to sheer bliss.
What can I recognize where I am that will ease
The bad feeling? In other words, how can I seize
Some relief from the realm of the horrid abyss?
The emotional spectrum is worth traversing.

From revenge into anger, and then frustration
Is the way to move forward toward happiness.
Once I reach hopefulness, I am well on the way
To the joy that awaits me. I don’t want to stay
Negative more than needed. I want to express
The best self that I can offer to everyone.

What can I use as my excuse to feel better
Right where I am this moment? Appreciation
Goes a long way in feeling better here and now.
My awareness of how I’m feeling does allow
Much control in the process. I like having fun.
There is nothing to living the life I prefer.

A Magnificent Story

Abundant surprise

Whatever you are living at any moment
Is an indicator of what you’re offering
By vibration. The feeling is temporary.
Have you been telling yourself the same old story?
Telling it like it is doesn’t yield you a thing
But a difficult life and extreme discontent.

There are two kinds of drumbeats that people follow.
One is that of frustration. “I don’t have enough.
I hate them. I don’t like what they’re doing to me.
I don’t like what is happening with my country.
Ever since I was little, my life has been tough.”

Beating this drum takes you where you don’t want to go.

But the other drumbeat is a lot different.
“There is plenty. I have enough, and what I need
Is lined up for me. Circumstances and events
Come together for me, and it makes perfect sense
That there is nothing wrong. I have planted the seed
Of desire. I have faith in its full fulfillment.”

The way you feel is everything. This is because
It is The indicator of whether you are
Closing or widening the gap between who you
Really are and the troubled self. All you can do
To beat the drum of happiness carries you far.
This is all according to spiritual laws.

Tell Your Cells What To Do

Awaiting Orders

It’s not just your brain that transmits and receives thought.
The cells of you body have the ability
To transmit and receive thought. Every part of your
Body gets direction from its source that is pure
Also from what mass consciousness happens to be.
They know how to respond when wellbeing is sought.

Doctors have concluded out of their ignorance
That disease is hereditary in nature.
Sickness comes from the worrisome thoughts of parents.
The infant quite unconsciously has no defense
Against ambient mindsets of those who, unsure
Of what true wellness is, spew all kinds of nonsense.

Old beliefs and mass consciousness get in the way
Of wellbeing, but you are the one to decide
What is relevant for you. The ills that exist
Are made real because illness cannot be dismissed
From the mindset of many people who abide
By the dictates established. They practice dismay.

Before climbing a mountain, you can tell your cells
Consciously to provide you all that you will need
For a fun-filled adventure without resistance.
One can do this in any kind of circumstance.
When you wake up the next morning, you will be freed
Of the soreness, and this will be ringing your bells.