Tag Archive | suffer

Let Go Of Your Past

New Direction

The harder your past was the more beautiful your
Future will be. At life’s darkest moments you’ll see
The most clearly. Good things do come to those who wait
And suffer. Realize that it’s never too late
To move on. It may take time but it’s completely
Worth it to you that your circumstance you endure.

You have things you can count on – you, your health, and your
Achievements. Let these things about you resonate
Through your consciousness. Try to look for positive
Aspects of your life. Bless all there is to forgive
Then decide that a better life you will create.
Take advantage of all that you’ve been asking for.

Worrying doesn’t take away tomorrow’s woes
Nor the sins of the past but it does take away
Today’s peace. The more time you spend clinging to the
Past, the less likely your future turns out to be
Satisfying. You can change how you feel today.
Be receptive to your wellbeing as it flows.

Respect yourself because other people can see
If you don’t and this knowledge may cause them to treat
You the same way you feel about yourself. Be kind
To yourself always. Go deep within where you’ll find
Peace and guidance. Attune to your inner drumbeat.
It’s never too late to live your life happily.

The Impossible Dream

Urban Depression

What you’re seeing and hearing right now is nothing
But a dream. At this moment you’re dreaming with the
Brain awake yet the dream of the planet prevails.
It’s a dream with myriad explicit details
And it’s lived out by all human society.
Onto this way of being you were taught to cling.

The dream of this planet and of society
Is one of rules, beliefs, laws, religions, cultures,
Social events, schools, governments, and holidays.
People come up with grossly elaborate ways
Just to be here as humans. As the dream endures
You believe that it’s the only reality.

You did not have the opportunity to choose
Your beliefs. As a child they were forced upon you
And your domestication brings you suffering.
The emotional drama is a constant thing
To be dealt with in this world. So what can you do
To live your life correctly so that you won’t lose?

Your own personal dream does not have to become
An ongoing nightmare. It can be otherwise.
You’ve made tons of agreements with who, what, and where…
But the ones you make with yourself give special care.
Do whatever in your dream that most satisfies
Your fulfillment. Your heart is where it must come from.

I Thought I Could

High Locomotion

At this moment I’m right where I’d wanted to be
Since forever and I’ll just keep chugging along
Through a blissful eternity. I’m flying high.
On top of the world I am I cannot deny
And at this point I’m forever singing the song
Of excitement as I live my life happily.

At first it seemed impossible for me to do
But I knew deep inside that I could overcome
Any negative feelings I had about it.
I went with my gut and decided not to quit.
Deep within is where my inspiration comes from.
I rely on it to make my wishes come true.

The only thought that I’ll ever have to practice
Is that if I want it I can have it and I
Can be satisfied in just the wanting of it.
My not having it won’t cause me to throw a fit.
I can be happy without my having to try.
Any thoughts of not having it I can dismiss.

I like knowing that I want it because I know
That what I want is coming therefore I can take
Pleasure in the fact that it will most certainly
Come to be. This alone is delightful to me.
Fortunately by now I’ve come fully awake
To abundance and positive energy flow.

Embracing Contrast


Can some environments be more challenging than
Others? Is this reality or is it just
In my own mind that I’m seeing things in this way?
Situations of struggle and constant dismay
Cause me to feel that in this world I cannot trust.
It seems things were like this since before time began.

It is not about which environment is more
Challenging than another. It’s whether or not
You are up to the challenge vibrationally.
What you don’t want creates what you do want. To be
In alignment with what you want matters a lot.
Be happy about getting what you’re asking for.

More ripe with opportunity and potential
For expansion is the way that’s more challenging.
Going through it you become better than before.
All the benefits of challenge you can explore
From a place of alignment. What you’re offering
By way of your vibration is something special.

The challenge is still there, so let it give birth to
Your desire once again. You will experience
Clarity and fulfillment immediately.
Embracing life’s challenges will help you to be
Stronger. The most challenging of environments
Are the ones that exist in the dark part of you.

Why We’re So Anxious

Extreme Concerned

When you feel like there’s something you must do to get
To a place where you will have some security,
Is it normal? Or is it just an illusion
To be so anxious that you can’t get a thing done?
If you want long-lasting peace and serenity,
Don’t worry that it hasn’t manifested yet.

Our anxiety is a permanent feature
Of our lives here as humans. We are to the core
Anxious beings. We hold powerful fantasies
About things we could get that would bring us more ease
In our everyday living. What do we live for
But to struggle? How can life be the best teacher?

When we find the right home, status, or lover, we
Think that we’ll be much happier. This isn’t so.
We will always be restless, but we can show some
Compassion for our fellows. We can overcome
Our discomfort through the process of letting go
Of the fear and the desperation completely.

We can learn to laugh about our anxieties,
Laughter being the exuberant expression
Of relief. We can hug people much more often
Than we do now. Anxiety dissipates when
We share with others our unique situation.
Learn to see the way that your inner being sees.

If I Want It, I Can Have It

Ready For Fun

If I really want something, I cannot believe
That it might be impossible. If I can feel
In my gut that it will happen, then it will come.
My inner being is where all my faith comes from.
I am focused on what to me has much appeal.
I can stay in the right attitude to receive.

I cannot make a contradictory statement
To the universe. It will respond in a way
That may not be delightful. I want my wanting
To feel good even though I do not have the thing
That I want. In a positive mood I can stay.
Finding ways to be excited is time well spent.

I like knowing that I want something to become
Manifested. It means that it must come to be.
Whether I’m on the trail of it or it’s here now,
I can keep myself in the right mode to allow
The blessings of the universe to come to me.
I get much satisfaction from beating that drum.

I can ask and get on with it. I don’t have to
Bound myself up in yearning and long suffering.
It’s a no brainer that things will always work out.
Life is good to me as long as I have no doubt
That the universe can bring to me anything
That I want. Every moment of life is brand new.