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Mostly Vibrational

Blended Realities

You are Mostly Vibrational. Your frequency
Is determined in any moment by how you
Think and feel. It creates your point of attraction.
When you’re in a state of complete satisfaction
Then you’re able to let what you wish for come true.
Your vibration is best when it’s resistance free.

You can manifest what you want if you’re willing
For a little while to let it be about how
It feels to have what you want. Feeling enhances
Your desire so that much better are your chances
Of receiving what you want. This way you allow
Your life to be rich, wholesome, and most fulfilling.

Abstract nouns are that way because they’re vibration
As is everything yet the distinction is made
Between vibration and physical beingness.
Nothing comes into being in this world unless
It is first a vibration so don’t be afraid
That it isn’t the proper start of creation.

You exist in this physical reality
Which is Mostly Vibrational so that you can
Sift and sort through the contrast and practice your skill
At bringing things into existence by your will
And your conscious intent. They’re more powerful than
Your resistance to living your life happily.

Let Life Be About Happiness

Energy Smile

Are you willing to just let it all be about
Being happy? Is it such a terrible price
To pay for your existence in this here and now?
You’re fortunate in that you already know how
To get happy and stay there which is rather nice.
You can get happy when you’re not, without a doubt.

How do you feel about being vibrational
Mostly and partly physical? How does it feel
To translate a vibration into what you know
To be physical? What is your manifesto
About life? Is it something you’d want to reveal
To the world? Would the world find it sensational?

Let it be about happiness just for a while
Without justification. You get to decide
To be happy without the manifestation.
Get yourself in the sweet spot of co-creation.
Certain laws of the universe, when they’re applied,
Help you to have a more satisfying lifestyle.

Things are always working out for you and you know
This already. It’s just that sometimes you forget
So you need a reminder that being happy
Is your reason for being a reality.
Live the life you were meant to – one without regret.
Let the blessings of the universe to you flow.