Tag Archive | different frequencies

Relationships Are Forever

Dear Friends

Karmic relationships are connections that are
Very quick to start. Typically they evolve
Into alternating patterns of love and hate.
Constant highs and lows keep the couple a state
Of emotional tension. They cannot resolve
Many issues and life can be rather bizarre.

We move on from one relationship to the next
It would seem but this isn’t so karmically.
Forever we’re connected to those we have met.
Every person you have known you cannot forget.
You are part of the vibrational frequency
Of everyone you know. You should not be perplexed.

The relationship is a thing of reflection
And energy. It need not necessarily
Imply physical contact with the other one.
The relationship continues once it’s begun
It will go on throughout all of eternity.
There is nothing that can sever the connection.

Think in terms of ‘we’ and ‘us’ instead of just ‘me.’
Mutual respect, honesty, and empathy
In your communication will carry you far.
Be accepting of the person for who they are.
Can you learn to trust in each other completely?
Then a wholesome relationship will come to be.

Benefits Of Distraction

Relaxation At Dusk

“How do I want and just kind of leave it alone
So that what I want happens?”
By feeling worthy

You can do it. When you want it and expect it
Then things will come together for your benefit.
The perfect solution comes to you easily
And quickly if you’re not negativity prone.

Don’t keep asking the question repeatedly so
Because it holds you in a place of the absence
Of what you want. It’s a different frequency
Than the very thing that you want to come to be.
Keep yourself in a state of expectant suspense
Then into your life many a blessing will flow.

You’ve already asked for it. Allow it to come
By taking your mind off of it. Find something to
Distract you from its absence. You could meditate
For a while until you get yourself feeling great
Once again then find something fulfilling to do.
Negativity you want to stay away from.

Going general is also an excellent
Tool to use to distract yourself. “Things are always
Working out for me. I’m in a wonderful place
And I’m worthy of being here. Infinite grace
Rains upon me.”
An attitude such as this pays

Exponentially. Your life is one huge event.

Presence Or Absence

Ordered Progression

You cannot continue to focus upon the
Absence of something that you want and let it in.
Its presence and its absence are two different
Frequencies. You must find a way to be content
With the absence then manifestations begin
Happening for you just the way it ought to be.

You may think that you must face this reality
Of the presence of absence so you focus there.
If you do though you continue to hold what you
Want away from you. One simple thing you can do
Is commit to keeping yourself only aware
Of the presence that certainly will come to be.

What is not present is absent but on its way
Of becoming a reality and for now
You must focus your attention on what’s to come –
Not on what is occurring now. Get away from
Any negative thinking. It will not allow
What you want. In a positive mood you must stay.

You can’t see it yet. You don’t know how, when, or where
It will happen but you trust that things are always
Working out for you. If you can be satisfied
With the absence then the presence can’t be denied.
Give the universe its rightful chance to amaze
And delight you in ways that you cannot compare.

Getting Answers

Allowing the Guidance

I would like to be able to communicate
Directly with my maker as some of us can.
I know that it is possible for anyone.
I need answers to my questions. I receive none.
Perhaps it is because I am feeling less than
One deserving of answers. It’s worth some debate.

Some people speak with their God as if they’re old friends.
Others do in the same way and call it good luck
Or timing, the right resources, or just magic
To connect them with God. Is there some special trick
To the asking for guidance? Indeed, I’m dumbstruck
By the complex simplicity that life intends.

It is said that it’s subtle in the beginning.
Connecting with your God source means your alignment
With the answer forthcoming and not the question.
It is through meditation that this can be done.
When you quiet the mind you relieve the torment
Of your bad habit of overanalyzing.

Let the questions rest within you but for a day.
Ponder them in great detail to get clarity.
Then the next day get quiet and just meditate
But not on the questions. Confusion you’d create.
When you’ve finished listen for what flows easily.
You become more insightful in living this way.

Fairy Rings

Circular Beingness

The term ‘organism’ must be loosely defined.
When science studies nature it cannot include
The convergence of creatures that already do
Exist as sovereign beings. It must exclude too
Any mention of spirit. It is rather crude
In its fettered approach. In some ways it is blind.

What has come down through time are the legends that tell
Of the nature spirits and the elementals
Who, attracted by ‘fairy rings,’ meet to partake
Of the shifting of energies for the earth’s sake.
They take advantage of ethereal canals –
The mycelial networks that in the earth dwell.

There’s some truth to the stories. Beings that exist
Outside of our perception sometimes can be sensed
By some people when they are receptive and clear.
If one wants them to show up they just might appear
But society’s values are strongly against
Believing is such nonsense. Much wisdom is missed.

Nature is a vast network of information.
Many interconnections are made constantly.
Mushroom rings form the lenses that focus the light
Of total understanding for beings of sight
Into other dimensions there happen to be.
One cannot know the whole tale of how things are run.

The Conundrum

Engaging The Illusion

A finite number of finite universes
Is a thing one can ponder without much headache.
Would then a finite number of infinite ones
Stretch the mind even further because there are tons
Of delightful conclusions anyone can make?
One becomes enthralled by what the mind disperses.

Infinite numbers of finite universes
Can be thought of as thoughts of the others subside.
Then there are infinite numbers, as one would guess,
Of infinite universes one can address.
By the time one is finished one may be cross eyed
But it can be good exercise if someone says.

So, who says that the thinking of such thoughts can be
Beneficial? It matters not where it comes from.
You do not seek an answer. Simply contemplate.
Practicing this a while, you may open the gate
To unknown understanding. Just speculate some.
Thinking outside the box will indeed set you free.

And you’ll find that there’s no box – only a façade
Intertwined in enigma. Those realities
That exist despite our ignorance can be known.
After time you will realize how much you’ve grown.
There exists only your consciousness to appease.
Do not fear that you are thinking the thoughts of God.