Tag Archive | upstream

A New Story

Magic Book

Whatever your living, whether it’s about your
Money, or your relationship, or your body…
It’s only a temporary in the moment
Indicator of the vibration you present
To the universe. Your life becomes your story
As you live it while hoping that it will endure.

If you’re not satisfied with your life it’s because
You’ve been telling the same old story for so long
That you can’t think of new ones. You’re stuck in a scene
That repeats itself. The only thing it can mean
Is that you think something about your life is wrong
But what you think goes against spiritual laws.

“I don’t have enough money. I don’t like what the
Government isn’t doing. I hate billionaires
And their uppity attitudes.”
This certainly

Isn’t the story you want to tell. It would be
Useless to you because nobody on earth cares
For that kind of a story unfortunately.

“There’s a crap ton of money. I can get my share.
Things are lined up and the resources are in place.
Circumstances have been arranged. All I need do
Is relax and adopt a more positive view
Of my life.”
This story is one you can embrace

With assurance that you’ll find satisfaction there.

Soothing Thoughts

Fresh Thinking

Can I heal myself through my determination
To do so? Can I figure out what to do then
Set a goal and achieve it? These thoughts are upstream
And I know they won’t help me to fulfill my dream
Of a life of simplicity. I don’t know when
I’ve ever been in such a tough situation.

I need thoughts that are downstream. I need to let go
Of a ton of resistance. It stands in the way
Of my becoming the person I’m meant to be.
I must know that there’s nothing the matter with me.
To get into alignment what price must I pay?
It’s that of being willing to go with the flow.

My life has caused me to create it. I know it’s
Waiting for me. I don’t have to worry about
It becoming reality. I don’t have to
Figure it all out right now. All I need to do
Is to keep myself free of any thoughts of doubt
Which means I cannot focus too much on my wits.

It’s natural for things to turn out well for me.
There’s no rush. I’ve got plenty of time to do this.
When I feel like doing it, it always feels good.
When I don’t, then it sucks. It’s now well understood.
All the things that are going well I can’t dismiss.
To think any thought I want I’m perfectly free.

It’s A Winner!

Lucky Sign

Those who buy lottery tickets usually
Do so out of boredom, hope, or desperation.
When you’re in this vibration things can’t possibly
Work out for you yet most people don’t seem to see
That their winning is through identification
Only with pleasant feelings and good harmony.

Can you meditate and manifest the winning
Lottery numbers? You cannot get there from there.
It’s like saying that you want everything right now.
It’s much better for you if you learn to allow
It to come gradually. Take time to prepare
Your Vortex of Creation and get it spinning.

You must know how you’re feeling so that you can tell
If you’re headed upstream or downstream. If you feel
Not your best you can find a better feeling thought.
You attract best when your beliefs and wants are brought
Into perfect alignment. Your Vortex is real.
You can always count on your life working out well.

If you feel overtaken with euphoria
As you put down your money then most probably
You will be a big winner. You don’t really need
The ticket when the true self within you is freed.
In a state of elation is where you must be.
Feeling your best is always a good idea.

What’s In Your Future?

Fortune Telling

Everything that you’ve lived as you stand here and now
Has caused you to ask for a mind stimulating,
Uplifting, and provocative environment.
You want nothing more in life than to be content.
In each moment the future you are creating.
Only those thoughts that feel good you want to allow.

When you say that it hasn’t happened yet it means
That what’s happening now has been effectively
Projected into your future by your intent
As you don’t believe that anything will prevent
It from happening. What you want must come to be.
It happens through your positive daily routines.

If you spend the next three hours anticipating
Something way beyond what the probability
Of it happening is now, you will have altered
Your future into something that’s much more preferred
Over what may occur had you chose not to be
Expectant. There’s power in what you’re creating.

‘Now’ does not have to dominate your vibration
But because you were taught to face reality
Rather than try to change it ‘what is’ keeps you from
What could be in your future which is the outcome
Of your present. Your future can be yours to see.
Your intent is your crystal ball of creation.

Right Back Into Alignment


It takes much self-control to let go of control.
It feels almost counter to what I’m asking for.
I think I’m meant to do things that I’m not doing
And that’s why I have difficulty pursuing
What I want. I’ve no time for the things I adore.
How I feel in the moment is much less than whole.

In my determination to have a fine day
I’m obsessed with figuring out what I can do
To be the best at what I do, somehow I know
That I’m struggling upstream. If I go with the flow
Then I’ll have a much more positive point of view.
Things may just work out for me if I think this way.

I don’t know exactly where to go or what to
Do but I can feel the call and know that as I
Relax more then I’m better able to translate
The call into more details. I want to create
A life full of excitement. It’s the reason why
I was born and each moment I have here is new.

Now I’m meant to do things that I’m going to let
Myself do. There’s a difference in how that feels
Which is lighter. I don’t have to figure it all
Out right this red hot minute. It is but a small
Thing to change my direction. My true heart reveals
What I need to know to me and there’s no regret.

Making Peace With Where I Am

Making Peace

Where I am is where I am but where am I now?
Have I time left to get to where I need to go?
Where I am now is troublesome. I’m in a place
Unbecoming of a person. Utter disgrace
Rains upon me. My memories are of sorrow.
Could I feel more remorse if I only knew how?

“All is well and it’s getting more well all the time.”
Not an appropriate mantra is this for me
At the moment but as I get things turned around
In my mind the more humanity can be found
In my nature. I know not how I came to be
Such a person susceptible to certain crime.

Have I the luxury to claim insanity
For all my past behavior? The things that I’ve done
Are atrocious and part of my reality.
Making Peace With Where I Am is how I break free
From my own psychic prison where I had begun
A sentence of self-undoing repentantly.

Where I am is an indicator of where I
Want to be and the gap between them I control.
Everything I’m living is an indication
Of downstream or upstream motion and I’m the one
To decide which direction will make me more whole.
That I feel somewhat hopeful I cannot deny.

Everything Is Downstream

Winding Stream

There’s a strong current moving in one direction.
It’s toward your wellbeing and all you desire.
You can go with the flow or you can go against
It but a whole lot of work needs to dispensed
In so doing and your yielding doesn’t require
Any effort. There’s no need for course correction.

So why do people want to paddle hard upstream?
It’s because our society teaches us that
Working hard is virtuous. We don’t want to be
Perceived as some mixture of foolish and lazy.
All the reasons you do so are worth looking at
Because they’re keeping you from fulfilling your dream.

When you say no to something you include it in
Your vibration which is your point of attraction
Just as when you say yes to something you invite
Subtle energies to bring your dream within sight.
Going downstream always leads to satisfaction.
When you push against something you never will win.

When you feel things like love and appreciation
The stream carries you. Without any resistance
On your part you move swiftly to everything you
Want in life and there’s nothing that you need to do
But relax and let your life be a joyful dance
And you’ll get along much better with everyone.

Let Go And Let God

The Threshold

Long before all else fails why not put yourself in
A more trusting position? If you’re doing well
But you want more to happen you have to believe
That it will. The only thing you have to achieve
Is alignment with that which is ringing your bell.
Not to do so would be committing a grave sin.

Don’t take score about where your are. Trust the process.
If you make peace with where you are you will succeed
In the long run due to your improved attitude.
Let the spirit within you cause you to conclude
That all is well. You want to let go of the need
To keep measuring your spiritual progress.

Let go of the oars and let the boat turn around
So that it’s pointed downstream. There’s nothing upstream
That you want. Let how you feel determine the way
That your boat turns. Once it does it’s easy to stay
Pointed downstream where life can be lived like a dream.
In your surrendering control much can be found.

When you feel negative emotion it means that
Your boat is pointed upstream. Find some way to find
Some relief from the opposition and the stress.
To the minds who create worlds you have full access.
As you Let Go And Let God you’ll be more inclined
To feel better. Is this not something to look at?

Just Go With The Flow

Blue Green Splash

You can feel the power of your experience
If you Just Go With The Flow. Much publicity
About crises causes you to think in a way
That’s contrary to happiness. How can you stay
In alignment and free from negativity
When the hate of humanity is so intense?

It’s a time of awakening. Greater contrast
We’re experiencing. People are asking more
Of the universe. The energy that creates
Worlds is moving much faster which clearly translates
To more energy flowing than ever before.
We can no longer keep holding on to the past.

Find ways to move in the direction of the flow.
You don’t have to keep up with the fast energy.
You need only to let the flow turn you around.
You’ll delight in the new sense of ease you have found
Otherwise you paddle with much difficulty
In the upstream direction of heartache and woe.

Wellbeing is the order of this universe.
When you look at the world as a whole you will find
Tiny pockets of discord. Don’t let it deter
You from seeing in the way that you would prefer.
Do believe in the potential for humankind
To evolve in a way that is better – not worse.

Before Doing It, Align With It

Mechanical Perfection

What do you know that you often seem to forget?
You know the difference between what doesn’t feel
So good and what feels a little better so you
Can make well informed choices about how to do
The mundane things as well as the ones most ideal.
Things you have to do shouldn’t be seen as a threat.

You don’t need to know everything. Just know what you
Know already. Does this thought feel better or worse
Than the one right before it? You know beyond doubt
The answer in each moment so it’s all about
Choosing better and the entire universe
Will support you. You have to believe this is true.

You need to talk yourself into feeling better.
You begin by remembering that you create
By the way that you vibrate, in other words, you
Attract things. They do not come from out of the blue.
So, how can you stay in a more positive state?
Keep your mind focused on the thoughts that you prefer.

Nothing is more important than that you feel good.
Only look for that which you are wanting to see.
No matter what you’re doing you can make it fun.
It’s the best way for you to get anything done.
Before doing it you’re advised to get happy.
How you get to that place is now well understood.

Everything Is Down Streaam

Dream Stream

There’s a strong current flowing. It’s created by
A whole lifetime of wanting. It’s calling you to
Take you to what you’ve asked for and if you decide
To go down to the river’s edge and take a ride
You will be most delighted by where it takes you.
If you didn’t go for it one would wonder why.

If your turn your boat deliberately upstream
And start paddling profusely someone may ask you,
“Why not turn your boat around and go with the flow?”
But many people do it. They don’t seem to know

Any better yet there are a fortunate few
Where the ride down the river yields pleasure supreme.

We’ve been trained to struggle hard against the current
And it’s noble to do so. It is virtuous
To work oneself to pieces. There’s nothing that you
Want that’s upstream. For all the hard work that you do
Satisfaction is something you cannot discuss
Due to your being in a state of discontent.

Everything that you want is downstream. Just let go
Of the oars and let the current turn you around
In the proper direction to carry you to
Everything that you’re wanting. Your dreams will come true.
Take pleasure in the new sense of freedom you’ve found
All because you’ve decided to go with the flow.

All Is As It Should Be

Harsh Reality

Things are as they are, and I am where I am now.
Finding peace with the circumstance is challenging
When I feel just as sick as the world I live in.
If I had to I wouldn’t know where to begin
Comprehending behavior. If it were my thing,
How much hatred and suffering would I allow?

What would be a good mantra or affirmation
I could use to anchor my vibration to be
Uplifted? “All is well and is getting better?”
If I’m not right, it’s not one that I would prefer,
But I can find the words that are just right for me.
“It was bad, but it got better.” That’s a good one!

I can soothe myself in the same way that I’d try
To soothe anyone under any condition.
From my perspective, things are nowhere near alright,
But it’s possible for me to gain some insight
That will put me in a much better position
To make peace with the here and now. My health is why.

Whatever I’m living isn’t more important
Than that fact that it’s only an indication
Like the gas gauge that tells me I’m almost empty.
I don’t cry and ask, “What the hell’s happened to me?”
Indicators tell me that things ought to be done.
In each moment I can learn to find the right chant.

Stay In Alignment In Difficult Times

Windows Of Perception

I feel best when I have those moments where things that
Used to mess with me hugely do not anymore.
I can handle things quite well. Not much bothers me.
I believe meditation has helped me to be
More connected to spirit than I’d been before.
I am more discerning about things I look at.

But the question is, regarding the bigger things
That I have no control of, how can I remain
In alignment with spirit? The world and its woes
Are things I shouldn’t look at. They are but shadows
Of a vacant reality, so there’s no gain
In sustaining it. Only the happy heart sings.

It’s a difficult situation when someone
Who I love suddenly dies. The Source within me
Knows there is no death, and I can communicate
With those who are in spirit if I concentrate
On making the connection. I have to be free
Of emotional trauma before it is done.

Situations don’t have to control how I feel,
And I don’t have to blunder my way through the day
Unaware of my feelings. I get out ahead
Of the difficult issue by choosing instead
To selectively sift difficulty away.
In each moment I can find what is most ideal.

A Winner

Lottery Luck

“Can I meditate and manifest the winning
Lottery numbers?”
You cannot get there from there.

It is possible to do this, but here’s the thing.
If your mood isn’t right, then your spending will bring
Nothing to you. Most people aren’t even aware
Of their feeling when buying. It’s interesting.

Are you feeling euphoria while you’re putting
Down your money? If so, then keep on doing it.
People buy out of boredom while hoping they will
Win the jackpot someday. If you go for the thrill
Of just playing, it is of immense benefit
To your vibration and your chances of winning.

There’s a mix of emotions you’re accustomed to.
Your mind tells you it’s possible, but not your gut.
You want money to flow to you in abundance
That you can enjoy comfortably. You enhance
Your vibration by keeping your focus on what,
In each moment, is going on inside of you.

So, don’t buy until you’ve lined up your energy,
Then you won’t need the ticket because you are now
A cooperative component to money
Coming to you in ways that you didn’t foresee.
You’re a big winner when you decide to allow
The abundance to happen spontaneously.

What’s In Your Future?

Crystal Portal

If you spend the next few hours anticipating
Something far beyond what the probability
Of it happening is, then even though things will
Probably be the same as they’ve been, you will still
Be preparing your future, and naturally,
What will happen then is what you’re now creating.

If you can avoid facing reality and
Think thoughts that are different from what’s probable,
Then your future experience has to transform
Into something better. While not part of the norm,
It is an exercise in remaining stable
So that the most fulfilling of futures is planned.

Just anticipate that you’re going to get it
Then forget it. Don’t spew lack into your future
By observing what’s in your now experience.
You can know it’s on the way without evidence
Of its coming. Your focus on it must be pure.
Change happens only as much as you will permit.

In all the deciphering, you are becoming,
And you must let yourself gravitate toward that
Which you have become. Joy is your primary goal.
Change what is in your future by taking control
Of the present. Do make peace with where you are at.
This will get your futuristic motor humming.

A Magnificent Story

Abundant surprise

Whatever you are living at any moment
Is an indicator of what you’re offering
By vibration. The feeling is temporary.
Have you been telling yourself the same old story?
Telling it like it is doesn’t yield you a thing
But a difficult life and extreme discontent.

There are two kinds of drumbeats that people follow.
One is that of frustration. “I don’t have enough.
I hate them. I don’t like what they’re doing to me.
I don’t like what is happening with my country.
Ever since I was little, my life has been tough.”

Beating this drum takes you where you don’t want to go.

But the other drumbeat is a lot different.
“There is plenty. I have enough, and what I need
Is lined up for me. Circumstances and events
Come together for me, and it makes perfect sense
That there is nothing wrong. I have planted the seed
Of desire. I have faith in its full fulfillment.”

The way you feel is everything. This is because
It is The indicator of whether you are
Closing or widening the gap between who you
Really are and the troubled self. All you can do
To beat the drum of happiness carries you far.
This is all according to spiritual laws.

Tell It The Way You Want It Told

Your Story Your Way

What you’re living is only a temporary,
In the moment indicator of what you are
Offering by vibration. Your feeling creates
A magnetic transmission. Your positive states
Bring about blessings that border on the bizarre,
Yet, this moment, as all, at some point, cease to be.

Tell a different story than the one that you
Were provided by others because it does not
Measure up to the real you, nor does it suffice
As one which includes things that you consider nice.
You are authorized by God to write your own plot.
You’re the star, the director, and the staging crew.

The old story contains things that are best to lose.
When you’re beating the drum of, “I don’t have enough,”
Then you draw others like you and give power to

The notion of not having. What you’re free to do
Is to tell the new story where life isn’t tough.
The best thing about it all is you get to choose.

Listen to the call of your source, and follow through
With the impulse to do something and change the way
You approach life and others. Your story can be
One in which everything works out successfully.
We are all acting with other forces at play.
Be open to what is more refreshing and new.

Listen To The Call Of Source

The Message From Everywhere

Forces that create worlds come from one single source
Which is also inside you. It is all knowing.
Just beyond your awareness impulses received
Are those of constant guidance. Once you have achieved
Consciousness of your contact you won’t be owing
Anything to a thought stream that you can’t endorse.

Listen To The Call Of Source? But how does it sound?
It depends on where you are in aspect to it.
If appreciation is what you mostly feel
You’ll get shivers and goosebumps. You will not conceal
Your enormous excitement, but if there’s a bit
Of despair then revenge is all that may be found.

Only you know where you vibrate on the spectrum
Of emotion. Revenge may offer some relief
From bitter rage and anger. You can reach that place
Where you are most receptive to your source’s grace.
Do not let your analyzing become the thief
Of the life you deserve. That would be kind of dumb.

Get to that place where you are more hopeful than not.
It’s not hard. With some practice you’re on your way there.
Steady streams will be flowing of blessings and more.
Talk about things that feel good. The more you explore
What it is that excites you you’ll be more aware
Of that special connection that matters a lot.

What’s In Your Future?

The Intent Of Unceen Forces

We ask for the solution in myriad ways.
Living has caused the asking, and life will respond
To the heart of our focus immediately.
Feeling better or worse are the choices only
From this moment unto those that pierce the beyond.
How can we know what’s happening in later days?

What is in the process of becoming for you
Is all that you have wanted right up until now.
As you stand in awareness of all that you are
You must know that fulfillment is not all that far
In your future. To feel this is how you allow
All your dreams and wishes to finally come true.

But if you notice that it has not happened yet
It’s an upstream awareness that will pull you down
To the depths of despair. When you go with the flow
The events of your future are easy to know.
You do not have to resort to drifting around
In the fog of prediction with utter regret.

If you can avoid facing reality and
Think thoughts that are different from the probable
You pump that into your future nowness instead
Of the usual rubbish produced in your head.
In the long run you will be a lot more able
To know what’s in your future because it is planned.

Winning Ticket

Chosen One

I would love tons of money, so what’s wrong with that?
If there’s nothing, then maybe I can do something
To attract what I’m wanting – like meditation
Or some Law Of Attraction trick like having fun
While I wait for the universe to kindly bring
What I want in a hurry – in other words, stat.

But I can’t get to there from my place of feeling
That I need to have some gimmick poised up my sleeve
That I can use like magic any time I please.
That’s too big of a jump, and it will only tease
The heck out of me. I must profoundly believe
That the thing that I’m doing good fortune will bring.

Winning lottery ticket numbers come to those
Who believe it is possible deep in their souls.
Is it euphoria that I feel when I buy?
Or is it out of habit? The more that I try
To come up with a system, it’s shot full of holes
Why I do what I’m doing I need to disclose.

Gambling is an upstream way of bridging the gap
Between me and what I want. If I feel an urge
To engage and I also feel magnificent,
Then I will. I relieve myself of the torment
Of it meaning all that much. I stand to emerge
Quite the winner. I need not fall into a trap.