Tag Archive | disease

Who Are You?

Who? Me?

Who Are You? Yes, you’re the one being spoken to.
Don’t freak out. There’s just something that you ought to know
About who you are truly. You’re one of a kind.
From the heart of divinity you were designed.
Unto you many wonderful blessings can flow
And there’s nothing ridiculous you need to do.

You get close to who you really are when you feel
Absolutely delighted to simply exist.
When you offer that kind of vibration then you
Are extremely successful in all that you do.
When feeling good is kept at the top of your list
Then you’ll be living a life that’s most ideal.

Your power of influence is so huge when you
Get in touch with who you truly are at your core.
People will be astounded by your confidence.
Everyone will be speaking of your radiance.
You’ll appreciate life more than ever before.
You’ll be the witness to all your dreams coming true.

The nonphysical part of you is who you are.
It’s the part that’s eternal. You came here to be
A cooperative component to what you
Desire mostly in life. Pay close attention to
How you feel. You were meant to live life happily.
From where you are your true self is never too far.

Have A Talk With Your Cells

Raw Blood

It’s an inaccurate assumption that the brain
Is the center of all thinking ability.
It’s not just the brain that transmits and receives thought.
Every cell of the body does this but we’re caught
In the mindset that the mind controls the body.
It’s a concept that you wouldn’t want to maintain.

If you don’t make decisions about what you want
Then the cells of your body receive influence
And direction from whatever mass consciousness
Is speaking. If they’re hearing nothing but distress
Then they’ll feel bad. You know that this makes common sense
Yet the propensity is to be nonchalant.

After climbing a mountain the body may be
In the morning sore and stiff from the exercise.
Speak this way to your body before the next climb,
“Listen up, cells. Indeed I’ve decided that I’m
Up for climbing this mountain. I pray that you guys
Get the perfect amount of blood and energy.”

“Tomorrow when I wake up I want to feel fine
And well rested.”
When you speak to your cells this way

They respond positively. You can override
Old beliefs. Remember that you get to decide
How you feel. In the best of health you want to stay.
You are meant to be healthy by nature’s design.

Using The Power Of Intention

Creative Exchange

Some are afflicted with the disease of pleasing.
They don’t know how to say no so they will give in
To outrageous requests made of them by others.
Since by now it’s a habit it often it occurs.
They can’t change their behavior, much to their chagrin,
Of finding people most worthy of appeasing.

But intention is at the heart of creating
Authentic power. If you’ve the strength to say no
To someone then it will become easier to
Say no into the future. You’ll enter a new
Realm of being. Your sense of wellbeing will grow.
In essence you want to be self-advocating.

The disease to please is cured by your intention
To be better than you have known yourself to be.
If you don’t want to do it then don’t. It’s okay
To say no without letting guilt get in the way
Of your purpose. You are meant to live happily.
You’re not here to devote service to anyone.

Your intention will ultimately determine
The outcome. Your intention in fact is the cause
Of the wanted effect. You cannot separate
The two. Through your intention you want to create
Your dream in accordance with spiritual laws.
Right now is the perfect time for you to begin.

Tell Your Cells What To Do

Awaiting Orders

It’s not just your brain that transmits and receives thought.
The cells of you body have the ability
To transmit and receive thought. Every part of your
Body gets direction from its source that is pure
Also from what mass consciousness happens to be.
They know how to respond when wellbeing is sought.

Doctors have concluded out of their ignorance
That disease is hereditary in nature.
Sickness comes from the worrisome thoughts of parents.
The infant quite unconsciously has no defense
Against ambient mindsets of those who, unsure
Of what true wellness is, spew all kinds of nonsense.

Old beliefs and mass consciousness get in the way
Of wellbeing, but you are the one to decide
What is relevant for you. The ills that exist
Are made real because illness cannot be dismissed
From the mindset of many people who abide
By the dictates established. They practice dismay.

Before climbing a mountain, you can tell your cells
Consciously to provide you all that you will need
For a fun-filled adventure without resistance.
One can do this in any kind of circumstance.
When you wake up the next morning, you will be freed
Of the soreness, and this will be ringing your bells.

Talk To Your Cells

Bodily Wisdom

Most of us assign all thinking ability
To the big blob of gray matter between the ears.
This indeed is an inaccurate assumption.
Transmission and reception of pure thought is done
By each cell of the body. To us it appears
That we do all the thinking most exclusively.

Each cell has consciousness, and each wants to feel well
But the conscious decision is not all that strong.
So the body responds to the collective thought
Of the whole human race and to thoughts that are not
Beneficial to wellbeing. Living cells long
To be given direction that they may excel.

Doctors think that some ills are hereditary
But the fact is that cells of the fetus receive
Worrisome thought transmissions from the sick parents.
The fetus thinks not consciously so it makes sense
That the force that is stronger is what cells perceive
As the way that is normal and the way to be.

You may talk to your cells in a personal way
Telling them that you love them each and every one.
You can speak to them as if they are your old friends.
Tell them what you want from them. This one act transcends
The beliefs of society. All that is done
To communicate wellbeing strengthens your day.