Tag Archive | choosing

From Moment To Moment

Tender Togetherness

What you think right now is a manifestation
Even though it’s intangible, and how you feel
Is also your creation. What’s happening now
You create but you may not know exactly how
This is done. This topic may not have much appeal
But perhaps it may turn into fascination.

Just like the car in the garage and all the nice
Things that you find of value that are physical,
Thoughts and emotions are manifestations too
In fact everything that is happening to you
Is a manifestation. It’s illogical
To assume that your life is a throw of the dice.

The most important manifestation is how
You are feeling From Moment To Moment because
You control every other manifestation
From this moment. Your life is your own creation.
Keep your primary focus away from what was
And keep yourself always in the mode to allow.

Just be present in this moment and be aware
Of the manifestation that’s happening now
And then adjust your vibration accordingly.
You’ll experience your power and clarity
In so doing. Let how you’re feeling tell you how
To keep track of this moment and all that is there.

It Gets Better

Expressing Cheer

Look for more positive aspects. Be more aware
Of the blessings bestowed upon you every day.
Take notice of the good things that happen for you.
You will cultivate a positive point of view
In so doing. You’ll find that it is the best way
To move out of a state where you simply don’t care.

If you struggle with a negative attitude
Or if you’re haunted by feelings of guilt or shame
Then you must find a better feeling frequency.
Perhaps you think that you can’t do this easily
But you can and your sense of self you can reclaim
And your feeling of worthiness can be renewed.

Positive aspects may be difficult to find
At first try but it’s imperative that you start
Finding things to appreciate right here and now
About you and your life. In this way you allow
Divine purpose and meaning to enter your heart.
Blessed are those who finally learn to be kind.

It Gets Better once you decide that it will be.
When you find things about yourself you like then you
Will find more of those things in others and the world.
Mysteries of the universe will be unfurled
In your consciousness as you pay attention to
Your prime directive which is to live happily.

Be Kind To Yourself

Righteous Heart

You can get to the  general vibrational
Reason behind what you want by just asking why
Your desire is important. Begin practicing
The vibration of creative manifesting.
Answering the question ‘why?’ keeps you flying high.
What you’ve asked for is coming. You know that it shall.

The only question to ask is, “How long are you
Going to keep yourself from it?”
It all depends

On how much in the mode of receiving you are.
Since you’re speaking about how you feel you’re not far
From achieving your wishes. Spirit recommends
That you keep yourself happy in all that you do.

What’s the feeling of having and living your dream?
When the experience finally comes to be
How will you feel exactly? Go into detail
Until only feelings just like it can prevail.
The feelings of homecoming and security
Give you power and confidence in the extreme.

Law of Attraction is showing you how you feel
In each moment so that you can make decisions.
It’s about being kinder to yourself always
And all others. Make sure that your consciousness stays
Free of clutter and honor your inner visions.
Talk about your dream as if it has become real.

You Will Control Every Manifestation

Magical Control

How do you feel this moment? This question is so
Important because it’s your point of attraction.
Manifesting is easy when you have control
Of the moment. When you feel powerful and whole
Everything you do is to your satisfaction.
From right now all of your manifestations flow.

It’s a manifestation what you’re living in
Any moment. Surrounding you are people who
You may play with or not. Your life is unfolding
According to the things to which you’re beholding.
Manifesting can come naturally to you
And right now is an excellent time to begin.

You have constant personal control over the
Manifestations of your moment, but what trips
People up often is that they’re looking long term
When they don’t know enough to come up with a firm
And clear mission. It seems that they’re caught in the grips
Of a limiting mindset perpetually.

What’s the most significant manifestation?
It is this very moment. The way that you feel
Indicates how much power is at your command.
That you have control you must fully understand.
You can reach for the feelings that are most ideal.
In this moment you’ve the power of creation.

Healing With The Masters

Sacred Stillness

I am a universal human in training.
I’m one who’s beyond nation, religion, culture,
Sex, and economic circumstance. I give my
Allegiance to life firstly and secondly I
Am a citizen of the earth. Safe and secure
I am in who I am. I need no explaining.

Of the universe I’m also a citizen –
Not a child of it. This is authentic power.
I’m living a life where my personality
Is aligned with my soul’s purpose. In harmony
I am with nature which is obliged to shower
Me with its blessings. It happens now and again.

It’s a life in which I naturally create
Reverence for life, sharing, cooperation,
And harmony. I know that my fear is a part
Of the person that still nurtures a broken heart
Over deeds in the past that I wish were not done.
On the present and future I shall concentrate.

As I begin to recognize the different
Parts of myself I can cultivate the parts that
Come from love. There’s an intimate relationship
Between my choices and what happens. It’s a trip
To be conscious. I have not a foe to combat.
There’s no trick at all to my remaining content.

Manifest How You Feel

Allow Joy

What is manifestation? Is it the new car,
Or the big raise in salary? Is it romance,
Or a fun-filled vacation? The way that you feel
Is a manifestation. Your feelings are real
And important. You can, in any circumstance,
Be a kind, loving person. This is who you are.

Your life unfolding is a manifestation.
And in rapid succession as moments go by,
You create in each one of them how much of you
Is getting through to others. If you’re feeling blue,
There’s not much of you present. You may wonder why
You feel trapped in an unworthy situation.

You have constant personal control over the
Manifestation of your moment. Stop looking
To the future. You have not enough clarity
Or power. Your concern keeps you from being free
To be the chef who knows what the hell is cooking
In your own kitchen. Right Now is where you should be.

Just be present in this moment and be aware
Of the manifestation that’s happening now.
You then adjust your vibration accordingly.
The good feelings that you have are the primary
Creations of your moments because they allow
You control of all of the things for which you care.

Control Your Mind

The Program Of Society

By controlling your feelings, you focus your mind
In a way that allows things to come easily.
But it works both ways. It doesn’t matter if you
Are feeling ecstatic or if you’re feeling blue.
Good or bad things will manifest accordingly.
Is the Law of Attraction considered unkind?

It’s your best friend. It brings you how you are feeling.
It shows you so that you can make better choices.
When you feel badly, it gives you more of the same.
If you waste time looking for someone else to blame,
Then what flood through the mind are negative voices
Which may then require a process of self-healing.

Why do you want what you want? Pay attention to
The answer that comes to you. Begin practicing
The vibration of having it, and it will come.
Do not burden your mind with where it will come from.
Ask yourself what it feels like, and pretend being
Satisfied in the having of it come to you.

How does the vibration of security feel?
Does it feel like homecoming and empowerment?
Ask yourself these questions often, and feel your way
To alignment with your wishes. Do not fall prey
To the mindset prevailing. Your time is well spent
Contemplating what you have deemed to be ideal.

Marching Toward Manifestation

Joyful Journey

Every moment of every day I get closer
Or further away from something that I desire.
I know I can’t demand that the world give to me
What I want. It gives me what vibrationally
I give it. So the only way I can acquire
Anything is to focus on what I prefer.

I can’t change too much too fast, but in this moment
I can mold my vibration to what it should be.
How I feel is my offering. What I get back
Reveals to me whether or not I am on track.
Every moment can be an opportunity
To feel better. In this I remain confident.

If I feel chopped off at the knees, that’s a tough place.
From there, I can only choose the best thoughts that I
Can find and fork off gently in the direction
Of feeling just a bit better. I am the one
Who must do this. I know that I cannot defy
Universal laws. My resistance I must face.

The better it gets, the better it gets, and the
Worse it gets, the worse it gets. There’s no in between.
Words and actions are useful when in alignment.
My own attitude may require some refinement.
I can get a lot done in my daily routine
As I keep my vibration uncluttered and free.

Psychic Exercise

Maintenance Of Spiritual Wellbeing

Catch a ride on the magic carpet of spirit.
You are the manifester of all that you know
To be real in the physical as well as in
A beingness of frequency. As you begin
To believe in vibration everything will go
Easier. It takes no time to get used to it.

There is nothing of value ever grater than
To be satisfied with what you’re manifesting
And basking in the feeling of knowing that God
Cannot create a thing in a manner slipshod.
Truly knowing this, what a relief it does bring
To the part of you who fears not having a plan.

Basking means feeling proud. It also means oneness
With your inner being. Your appreciating
Is also a component to be realized
In the state of alignment. Be then magnetized.
The universe is constantly advocating
For your glory. Don’t think that you are something less.

There are many people who are right now living
How you would want to live, and at one time they were
Standing where you are now. No manifestation
Comes until you can believe in the gestation
In the womb of your clear mind. The birth will occur.
In the meantime, be in the mode of thanksgiving.

The Magician’s Control

The Master Creator

It’s a strangeness of contrast. This world that we know
Only half way may cause us a heap of concern
For survival and existential sanity.
Density of the mist causes us not to see
The dark forces. Sometimes we’re able to discern
Benefit in the contrast and go with the flow.

What we manifest in life – the physical things
Like the house and the car – can only come to be
Through our focused and positive conscious intent.
Long term goals are a problem. Stay in this moment
Where you have absolute control. You’re completely
Free to manifest universal offerings.

Manifestations are not only physical.
The emotions we feel are examples of such.
The people that we meet and the way that they play
Or do not, and the way you feel throughout your day
Are all manifestations. When we know this much
We are then connected with the spiritual.

Just be in the present moment and be aware
Of the manifestations that are happening
Now and adjust your vibration accordingly.
The most important manifestation must be
How you feel in each moment so that everything
You control. It’s completely a feeling affair.

Finding A Negative Belief

Looking For Trouble

Belief systems control us. We know that they do.
If I have chosen something that’s dragging me down
And don’t know that I’ve done so, I’m in a bad way.
My actions may confound me, and my thinking may
Be unclear about most things. I don’t want to drown
In the river of my life while absent a clue.

It’s a viable concept that I can accept
At face value. It leads to the question of why
I believe in something that does me little good.
The issue isn’t complex if well understood.
To get to the root of it I’m willing to try
To discover the mystery that is well kept.

I may seek the approval of others like me
Who share the same circumstances and the same ills
Of the spirit and psyche. It’s hard to move on
When the life force within one has picked up and gone
Totally catastrophic with negative thrills.
This cannot be the way that I meant it to be.

Once I know what is keeping me from being who
I am truly, pure nonsense it all seems to make.
Then I can let go of it. To bring to the light
What is eating away at me is only right.
The pathway to discovery that I must take
Is the only one I have. I can make it new.

Control Every Manifestation

The Ease of Creation

Take command of the weather as no one has done.
Atmospheric conditions and all that takes place
In your world of reality you do control.
You have just what it takes to achieve any goal,
And you know that you’re worthy of God’s loving grace.
You have healthy relationships with everyone.

That dream job you’ve been wanting or that fancy car
Or the ultimate lover you know you create.
These are manifestations. Indeed this is true,
But how you’re feeling in this moment is one too.
How you feel in the wanting of what you await
Is the time for discovery of who you are.

Looking long term way into the distant future
You have not enough power or the clarity
To provide enough answers to all you may ask.
You don’t need to know too much. Your primary task
Is to tune your vibration so that you will be
In receptive mode – always serene and secure.

Be present in this moment. Be fully aware
Of the manifestation that’s happening now.
It is the most significant one that occurs.
And the truest you that this world greatly prefers
Is alive and available. So do allow
The magnificent present to honor your care.

These Words

Every Moment Is New

Focus wheels are a good thing if not overdone.
Residue of resistance in my vibration
Can be eradicated if I work them well.
But to focus too long or too hard is sheer hell.
It defeats the whole purpose. Indeed it will bring
The issue into dominance. What had begun
As a helpful solution turns out to be none.

Simple problems encountered are handled with ease
When the focus required is not too much to bear.
If after a good while, improvement isn’t seen,
Then it’s time to just give up and wipe the slate clean.
Starting over is done often. Rarely it’s rare.
Every moment is new to do with as we please.

Trying too hard at anything isn’t the way
To achieve what I’m after. A wonderful thing
Happens when I find out that I am weary of
The whole subject completely. Then, like an old glove,
I’ll abort and discard so that newness can bring
On the breakthrough that I need to get through the day.

An uncluttered space of pure desire I behold.
I’m fast forwarded there with a sense of freedom
To ponder big the question, “Now what do I choose?”
Since I am starting over, I’ve nothing to lose.
In the long run I can’t help but truly become
A being of wellbeing as it does unfold.