Tag Archive | discover

Feel Good No Matter What

Smile In Hand

Expansion is a given. It’s just going to
Happen. You don’t have to know anything about
Creating with intention. When unconsciously
You attract a most difficult reality
All That Is still expands so it’s worth checking out
How it does so and why it all pertains to you.

Life’s contrast causes you to ask. The universe
Then responds by gathering cooperative
Components custom tailored to satisfy your
Specific situation. You open the door
To receiving by how much attention you give
To the thing you want. Into it you must immerse.

If you don’t line up with what you want life will be
Miserable but your inner being cannot
Ever feel that way. With the expansion it will
Be a part of forever. Imagine the thrill
Of constant satisfaction. It gives you a lot
To appreciate about living happily.

In the midst of your negative emotion your
Inner being remains in complete ecstasy.
It sees things always from a broader perspective.
It can show you precisely the right way to live
Through the contrast and do so most successfully.
The guidance of your inner being must endure.

You Get What You Believe

Doctor Cat

You Get What You Believe. It’s as simple as that.
If you think that the world is coming to an end
Then it is but if you believe otherwise then
Things will turn out just that way. But what happens when
You believe in something others can’t comprehend
Like a well-meaning doctor disguised as a cat?

Your life is created by the conversations
That you have and by memories and how you feel
About things and you have the ability to
Feel quite differently about things than you do.
Any idea can turn into something real.
Be receptive to the positive vibrations.

The Law of Attraction, while it’s your very best
Friend, because of its consistency, it also
Gives you what you believe. What you know to be true
Is first pondered by the rational parts of you
And by then you can say to yourself that you know
What is true for you and disregard all the rest.

It’s not easy to hold thoughts that are different
Than the ones you’d prefer so you must overcome
Limiting belief systems that keep you apart
From the things that are special and dear to your heart.
Your belief in wellbeing delivers you from
Negative feelings such as doubt and discontent.

The Power Of Non-Resistance


Some people are outrageously wicked and mean.
How could one give them the time of day let alone
Try to love them? Despise them I do with every
Part of me. Indeed I can’t see objectively.
I cannot find a place in my heart on my own
To accept them and thus keep my vibration clean.

But it’s my nature to love. I know this to be
So because I can feel it and I recognize
It in others. I don’t see it in everyone
As I should so I know there’s some work to be done
On my part. What would my inner being advise?
I believe it knows very well what’s best for me.

When I’m not loving it’s not that I’m wrong about
How despicable they are. It’s just that I must
See the value in what they’re presenting to me.
Though there are areas where we cannot agree
In their links to their inner beings I must trust.
Loving truly does not leave any room for doubt.

Those who aren’t all that lovable are my greatest
Advantage because they cause me to realize
My emotions and also what I would prefer.
My life would be less complicated if I were
More accepting of all that I know to be wise.
When I am nonresistant I’m my happiest.

You Attract By Your Attention

Personal Focus

Your life is created by the story you tell…
By the conversations that you have also by
Memories and past attitudes and about how
You feel about things in general yet right now
You can change it without even having to try.
You can learn to tell your new story very well.

You’re the attractor of things by your attention.
You create your own reality in this way.
You’ve the ability to think differently
Than you do at this moment which means you can be
In a pretty nice place throughout much of your day.
Happiness isn’t beyond your comprehension.

You’re a brilliant creator in this here and now.
Life on earth is the leading edge of creation.
Find something to focus upon. Feel your way to
Clearer, purer, less resistive thought. It helps you
To make stable your spiritual foundation.
Life gets so much better when you learn to allow.

It’s only about you personally wanting
Enough to feel good that you’re willing to reach for
Better feeling thoughts. Clear your mind and start anew.
Turning thoughts to things should come easily to you.
As you ask, it is given, and you’ll receive more
Than you could have imagined to make your heart sing.

Observing Versus Creating

Mind Power

“I respond to my environment therefore I
Need to have control of it although I cannot.”

It’s the greatest dilemma known to humankind.
Unless conditions are right we simply can’t find
Satisfaction. Your giving it all that you’ve got
Doesn’t get it no matter how hard you may try.

By observing things then responding to them you
Give up much of your power to feel as you should
In any situation whether it’s pleasing
Or disgusting. The only thing that’s worth seizing
Is contentment in each moment. Your feeling good
Is your primary focus in all that you do.

Don’t attempt the impossible. Don’t say that you
Would feel better under a certain condition.
You put yourself in a very difficult place.
There’s an alternate mindset that you can embrace.
Be prepared for the ultimate acquisition
Of wellbeing and all your wishes coming true.

Instead of observing ‘what is’ try conjuring
An image and letting ‘what is’ respond to it.
Feeling good is the purpose of this exercise
And in time there’s no doubt that you will realize
Much improvement. All it takes is just a small bit
Of accepting that you can create anything.

Incremental Unfolding

Plans Laid Out

Things go smoothly when you’re in the receiving mode.
Many exciting ideas come to you when
You tune into that on a regular basis
In the desert of life you find your oasis
As good things happen for you again and again.
Unto you many blessings of living are flowed.

Discover what non-resisted thought will bring you.
It’s the focus that actualizes all things
That you deem wonderful about your time and place.
Know that there’s nothing in the world you need to chase.
Just relax and allow what the universe brings
Right to you without your having a thing to do.

You have access to the energy that creates
Everything in existence and when you become
A vibrational match to this vast energy
Then you will come to know how happy life can be.
Take pride in the fact that you’re beating your own drum
To the tune of the satisfaction that awaits.

You’ve practiced yourself into alignment with it.
You’ve withstood all the harassment from people who
Can’t see what you can see from your place of knowing.
What you know will assist you in further growing
As a spirit. The most extended part of you
Exists solely for your personal benefit.

Expect Good Things To Happen

Beach Side Joy

A vibrational snob is what you want to be
Meaning that you prefer to be among those who
Are uplifting. You don’t want to be around those
Who are fraught with depression or those who oppose
Happiness and excitement. Have nothing to do
With those who offer you negative energy.

Make sure you’re not attracting it by consciously
Expecting good to happen. Don’t let the mindset
Of the world sleepwalk you into utter despair.
Hardly does it mean that about things you don’t care.
It means only that thinking of them is a threat
To your purpose, your pleasure, and your sanity.

You’re here to explore and decide what you prefer
From the contrast offered. Deservability
Was never an issue. You’re worthy beyond doubt.
Spend much more of your time ruminating about
What you want. Source is with you on your long journey.
Take more notice of God’s blessings as they occur.

You’ll make a whole lot happen in this world when you
Know that you have control over your vibration.
The support there is for what you want to create
Is immense and when you choose to stay in the state
Of allowing you get rid of much frustration.
Place your positive focus upon what is true.

You Are The Universe

Alien Citizen

The world of human drama is nothing compared
To the whole of existence. The intelligence
That created the universe created us.
How it all happened would be something to discuss
But since nobody knows it wouldn’t make much sense.
Manifold are the scientific theories shared.

You can understand things like your intuition,
Synchronicity, happenstance, and harmony
Once you reach the state of God realization.
You’ll be truly amazed by all that you get done
When through the eyes of divinity you can see.
You become more compassionate with everyone.

What is that inner calling that tells you when you
Are off track – the one that you will often ignore?
It’s that divine, organizing intelligence
That created all things in the universe. Hence
You’re the same as this intellect. What could be more
Satisfying than adopting this point of view?

Subatomic particles don’t act like inert
Agent entities. They each seem to have a mind
Of their own. They respond to our thinking process
And our point of attraction. We are nothing less
Than the infinite universe and we’re inclined
To create. Each of us is a living expert.

The Power Of Nonresistant Thought


Discover what nonresistant thought will bring you
In the way of wellbeing and all you desire.
Take the time to remember who you really are
Deep inside. You may find that you’re not very far
From that being who you know will never require
A thing from you. This part of yourself is most true.

As you blissfully daydream you find yourself there
In that space where your thoughts aren’t contradictory.
Nonresistant though is thought that doesn’t hold back
Due to feelings of unworthiness or of lack.
You don’t doubt that what you’re thinking could come to be.
Only of what you want are you fully aware.

Because you’ve practiced yourself into alignment
You know it when you feel it so you can get there
By your consciously choosing to be there. If you
Want to be in alignment the thing you must do
Is give up the complaining and give utmost care
To your purpose and spiritual refinement.

You become a vibrational match to that part
Of yourself that is most evolved and the most wise
By allowing your thoughts to flow freely without
Contradiction, anxiety, or hint of doubt.
The journey becomes easy once you realize
That it is from the thinking mind back to the heart.

In Sync With The Solution

Eye On Potential

Are you right now in vibrational alignment
With the problem or with the solution? You can
Get so solution oriented that in the
Moment a problem happens it’s effectively
Taken care of. This way works out much better than
Freaking out. Instead you remain rather content.

You can speed the problem right into your future
When you do right behind it the solution will
Follow quickly. The contrasting experience
Gives birth to the solution. It makes perfect sense.
You’ve come here with a whole lot of dreams to fulfill
And about this you can be absolutely sure.

You can change lanes before the accident happens
Or receive an impulse to give someone a call.
You can find the thought or act that moves you toward
Wellness rather than illness. You can be restored
To perfection. You can take advantage of all
That you can when you see the world through a new lens.

Come to know that there’s nothing that you cannot be,
Do, or have. Look for reasons to feel good and let
The abundance of wellbeing satisfy you.
If you can do this then anything you can do.
Sync up with the solution if you haven’t yet.
Do what you need to do but do it happily.

Self-Interest Is A Real Thing

Serene Solitude

Your inner being has your self-interest in
Mind at all times with no resistance. You can be
In alignment with that if you want to feel good.
Interest in yourself can be well understood
To be the main goal of spirituality.
At the game of life your spirit wants you to win.

Feeling good is the purpose. If you get cross ways
Of your own interests you become ornery,
Fearful, and disconnected from what you desire.
You want only good thoughts and feelings to transpire.
Things you have no interest in just let them be.
The relinquishing will help to brighten your days.

It has to be okay with you that all others
Have self-interest. It’s not you usually.
Everyone has their own bag of self-interests.
That you have the power and the freedom suggests
That you’re worthy of being who you’re meant to be.
Realize when the enlightened moment occurs.

When you no longer need others to act in ways
That you can’t make them in order for you to feel
Satisfaction is when you have complete control
Of your destiny. You can quit playing the role
Of the needy one. That’s not the kind of ordeal
To go through nor is it ever worthy of praise.

Believe It, It Will Be


It’s a different orientation when you
Begin to understand that you create your own
Life experience and that you’re an attractor
And the universe is your kind benefactor.
To it all of your aspirations are well known.
You attract whatever you give attention to.

Your life is created by the story you tell –
By the memories and all the conversations
That you have and by the way you feel about things
Generally. You know that your feeling good brings
Many blessings. You see all the indications
Of alignment with your true self. You’re doing well.

You’ve the ability to feel differently
Than you do if you want to – just not all at once
Because Law of Attraction, while it’s your best friend,
Will give you what you believe – not what you pretend
To believe. Do believe in receiving your bunce
Not all at once but let it come gradually.

As you find something that you can focus upon
And as you feel your way to less resistant thought
You’ll be joyful, productive, and perfectly clear.
You’ll spend time on the things that to you are most dear.
You do best simply when the good feeling is sought.
Do whatever delights you and then carry on.

Find The Meaning Of Life

Life Scape

In your life what have you always wanted to do?
Are you doing it now? Or are you on the way
To fulfilling your purpose? There’s nothing to fear
But fear itself. The path before you is made clear
In your heart and you cannot afford to betray
That which generates passion from deep within you.

You cannot live your life in your mind. You must go
Out and seek your life’s destiny. Fear of the past
Or the future is useless. The present is where
You should focus. It’s important for you to care
About now and it helps if you remain steadfast
In your quest. There is nothing else you need to know.

And it’s not trial and error. It’s simply getting
Off your ass to do something indeed anything
That moves you in the proper direction. It will
Help you more than if you decided to sit still
In your comfort zone. On it you don’t want to cling
Lest the loss of what you want you’d be regretting.

Often times people will start fulfilling their dreams
But when they near the end the journey becomes more
Difficult and they stop seeing the light at the
End of the tunnel as a sign of hope. They see
A milestone hard to overcome. What you ask for
You receive. It’s not just the way everything seems.

Whether Anything Changes

Things Work Out

It’s the greatest dilemma that deliberate
Creators have to deal with. Do I respond to
My environment? Do I try to control it?
Or can I by sheer practice get some benefit
From achieving a good thought? Perhaps it is true
That a better environment I can create.

I can’t control the environment, but I can
Change the way that I’m feeling in any moment.
I want to establish a vibration that will
Penetrate what exists here and now to fulfill
My wishes. I believe in my conscious intent.
I don’t need to struggle with some asinine plan.

If I say I want something, I have to believe
That it’s possible, otherwise it will not come.
Conjuring up an image of what I desire
And then focusing on it until I’m on fire
Is the fine beating of a magnificent drum.
I must be in alignment with what I conceive.

Whether Anything Changes or not, I can be
Feeling better than ever. When I find a piece
Of contentment, I know that I’ll be given more
And more of the moments that are worth waiting for.
Then things will change and resistance to it will cease.
I am glad that I have made the choice to be free.

Non-Resistant Thought

Happily Dreaming

Awesome is the energy that does worlds create,
And you have access to it in every moment.
Wait until you discover what Non-Resistant
will bring you. To go on a positive rant

In your mind is to be positively content.
Nothing is more important than your feeling great.

Everything comes from universal energy.
It’s what has allowed the existence of it all.
This focus is a consciousness that will help you
Bring your dreams to fruition. You don’t have to do
Anything but get happy, which is but a small
Price to pay. Your enjoyment is the only fee.

You have many parts, and the furthest extended
Part of you is the most evolved. When you’re aligned
With the way that it sees things, you’re in the best place
To receive from the universe provident grace.
By not doubting or countering it you will find
Everything about life to be rather splendid.

You’ve withstood the harassment from those who can’t see
What you can, so they doubt your knowing that it’s there,
But you know that it’s there because you’ve practiced the
Resonant feeling of it. You’re it completely.
Be less in your head about it and be aware
Of your thoughts and how more uplifting they can be.

Any Reason For Joy

Spontaneous Happiness

What’s so appealing about unfulfilled desire?
You’re not the only Vortex through which answers come.
Connected to Source Energy you are always.
It and you are deserving of infinite praise.
It is where all your creative power comes from.
What state of consciousness does this moment require?

You’ve the resources to discover the answer
To any question and to find the solution
To every problem. Contrast causes you to ask.
It is answered immediately, and your task
Is to feel good and watch for the evolution
Of abundance in your life begin to occur.

Are you right now in vibrational alignment
With the problem or with the solution? You can
Get so solution oriented that you’ll find
Answers to problems before they’ve entered your mind.
Feeling anticipation is much better than
Neediness and a sense of psychic confinement.

There is nothing that you cannot have, do, or be.
You can change lanes before the accident happens.
You can find the thought or the action that it takes
Toward illness or wellness. So, for goodness sakes,
Consider your feelings to be your best of friends.
Feel the best that you can now, and take it easy.

Vibrational Snobbery

Enjoy The Good Life

You expect things to turn out the way that they should
Which is why you associate only with those
Who are of the same spirit. You choose to explore
The big wide world around you. All that you live for
Is the feeling of freedom. Your confidence flows
From the one source that is spiritual and good.

Deservability was never an issue.
You are so loved. You said before arriving here,
“I’ll go forth. I’ll explore and decide what for me
Is delightful.”
Your inner being must agree

With whatever you like. You are perfectly clear
In your purpose regarding everything you do.

Your inner being said, “I’ll hold the vibration
Of freedom that you offer, and I will call you
To what you have created. I’ll beam a signal
That you can follow easily. I am your pal.
Let me know whatever it is that I can do.
It is my totally loving obligation.”

You know when you’re receiving the signal by how
You are feeling. You can reach for a better thought
No matter what the circumstance, and as you do,
Dreams that had become stagnant will start to come true.
You have mastered the receiving of what is sought.
You are only as powerful as you allow.