Tag Archive | negative

Alien Perspective

Alien Encounter

How the universe sees us is something that’s known
By the aliens. Coming from somewhere in space
They’re among us and they have our story to tell
To our faces. Don’t worry that it won’t go well.
Actually it may put a smile on the face
Of the weary to which some relief can be shown.

We’ve chosen to forget who we are so that we
Rediscover ourselves from a new perspective.
With forgetting comes the ability to choose
Negative ways of thinking. Our limited views
Of existence determine the lives that we live.
So in living why do we have difficulty?

We buy into certain ways of understanding.
We’ve forgotten that physical reality
Is a mental projection such as in a dream.
We tend to take things then to the very extreme.
Reinforcement of our negative energy
Keep us stuck. Our consciousness isn’t expanding.

We are master transformers of thought energy
And as such we’re a master class of very strong
Spirit beings who can change darkness into light,
Limitation to freedom, and wrongness to right.
At the rate we’re going will it take very long
For us to remember who we came here to be?

Reality Addiction


What’s it take to jazz up your life experience?
You’re addicted to what’s going on here and now
And you like the momentum. It fascinates you
To be able to do all the things that you do.
Things are working out for you because you know how
To convince yourself that it makes absolute sense.

Your Vortex is incredible. It contains all
That you’ve asked for since day one and even before
You emerged into physical reality.
You can access this treasure vibrationally
Just by feeling good and the more you do the more
Good will come to you. You want to answer its call.

If you knew what was in there and how much it’s grown
Since you’ve been here you would pay much more attention
To your feelings and to releasing negative
Though patterns. You’d do all that you could do to live
In a way that you could enter the dimension
To receive all the blessings that are yours alone.

Your Vortex of Creation is reality
Although you can’t perceive except by your heart.
You get to it by letting yourself let it in.
At the game of life you can most certainly win.
Your Vortex and reality aren’t far apart
When you choose to be the person you’re meant to be.

It Gets Better

Expressing Cheer

Look for more positive aspects. Be more aware
Of the blessings bestowed upon you every day.
Take notice of the good things that happen for you.
You will cultivate a positive point of view
In so doing. You’ll find that it is the best way
To move out of a state where you simply don’t care.

If you struggle with a negative attitude
Or if you’re haunted by feelings of guilt or shame
Then you must find a better feeling frequency.
Perhaps you think that you can’t do this easily
But you can and your sense of self you can reclaim
And your feeling of worthiness can be renewed.

Positive aspects may be difficult to find
At first try but it’s imperative that you start
Finding things to appreciate right here and now
About you and your life. In this way you allow
Divine purpose and meaning to enter your heart.
Blessed are those who finally learn to be kind.

It Gets Better once you decide that it will be.
When you find things about yourself you like then you
Will find more of those things in others and the world.
Mysteries of the universe will be unfurled
In your consciousness as you pay attention to
Your prime directive which is to live happily.

Perfect Timing

Fun Time

You’re approaching a red light and it becomes green
Right before you start thinking about slowing down.
Or you might pick the right stock before its decline
On the market. You’re timing’s great when you align
With that part of you that can never wear a frown.
There’s no problem with keeping your vibration clean.

Often times things seem to come right out of the blue
But it’s just an illusion. There’s no assertion
In a world that’s attraction based. Things come out of
The oblivious. You can get yourself above
The unwanted grossly negative horizon
Simply by hooking up with the best part of you.

Things come out of the vibration that’s most practiced
But the reason it feels like they creep up on you
Is because you forget that it’s your vibration
That things are responding to. It’s your creation.
Your words and actions really have nothing to do
With the Perfect Timing that you know must exist.

You’re offering a vibration and practicing
It and practicing it and practicing it and
Thus becoming an expert at it enough to
Manifest Perfect Timing in all that you do.
Don’t give too much attention to what you had planned.
Be more open to what your vibration can bring.

What’s Life All About?

Big Little Questions

Life is not about being right. It’s more about
Being kind. If you’re given the choice to be right
Or to be kind choose kindness. It makes you feel good.
Being right doesn’t always work out as it should.
Life is not about getting yourself all uptight
Over things to the point where you simply freak out.

And life is not about proving anyone wrong.
It’s about proving yourself right. It’s not about
Competing against others. It’s more about you
Competing against yourself to bring yourself to
An improved self – one which others nor you can doubt.
It’s about growing and becoming ever strong.

Life’s about being happy – not being perfect.
It’s about making sure you’re experiencing,
Learning, loving, and developing who you are.
You know that being happy is better by far
Than the feeling that you don’t deserve a damned thing.
Life demands that you cultivate some self-respect.

Money’s great but only when used with positive
Intentions. It’s alright to want it but don’t stress
Over it. You can’t take it with you anyway.
Your upliftment of others will brighten each day
Of your life. You’re meant to live one of happiness.
You receive in accordance with how much you give.

Positive Aspects

Thumbs Up

You may find that the world treats you better when you
Are your happiest and you know how to get there.
Look for Positive Aspects in all that you do.
Folks respond to an optimistic point of view
In a good way when you have your true self to share.
You may also find that most of your dreams come true.

If however you have a chip on your shoulder
And you’re usually ornery or upset
Then the world sucks and life is a constant nightmare.
You’re aware that no one in their right mind would dare
Get close to you. You come off as a lethal threat.
Confrontations with folks are likely to occur.

It gets better the better it gets and it gets
A lot worse the worse it gets. Which way do you find
More appealing? One cannot overemphasize
The importance of your coming to realize
That you can become more positively inclined.
Your true nature is one of your greatest assets.

Look for things about your life and the world that you
Can appreciate then you will find a lot more
In yourself to be thankful for. Look for the good
In all things and your life will work out as it should.
Take advantage of all that there is to explore
That uplifts you. Love what you give attention to.

Soothe Yourself

Pleasant Rest

Somehow I’ve managed to activate within me
Something I really didn’t want. Now I’m stuck in
A conundrum of thought that cannot serve me well.
In a state of great dissatisfaction I dwell.
I’m not feeling comfortable in my own skin.
In a much different place I was meant to be.

Through life experience I and most everyone
Vibrate sloppily. We are all over the place
With our focus and we pay too much attention
To what we don’t want. It’s not worthwhile to mention
What’s not working. What is working we should embrace.
There’s plenty of work to do with my vibration.

I know that my emotions are my true guidance.
They help me to determine whether or not I
Am lined up with my energy or foolishly
With the wishes of others. By now I can see
That I don’t have to struggle and ask myself why
Things occur in my life as if by happenstance.

When I can trust the process I trust the goodness
Of who I am. I must do anything I can
To distract myself until I can find a way
To soothe myself. More attention I need to pay
To my own wellbeing. This is one righteous plan.
How I feel is my way to ultimate success.

What The Masters Know

Threshold Of Eternity

What if noticing how you feel wasn’t something
That you wanted or strived for because you live in
A world that wants you to be tough and care much less
About your feelings? It’s not healthy to suppress
The emotions. It’s like committing mortal sin
To the spirit. Nothing good can this practice bring.

In every moment that you are encouraging
Negative momentum through your thoughts, the other
Side of the coin is gaining momentum also.
There is only one certain way for you to know
What your point of attraction is. That’s to confer
With the part of you that does all of the feeling.

“Nobody gets to just do what they want to do,”
Says society. We lack the motivation
To feel better just for the sake of doing so.
You know what is needed for your spirit to grow
And it has much to do with your having more fun.
Don’t look outside yourself for a positive clue.

Negative manifestations are a good thing
Because they bring more clarity. Don’t be upset
With yourself for not being where you want to be.
Where you are is where you are temporarily.
Be prepared for the good things that haven’t come yet.
Stay connected to whatever makes your heart sing.

Give And Receive Positive Karma

Connecting To Spirit

There are negative people in my life. So how
Can I stay positive? I can’t push them away
Because they consist of my friends and family.
I don’t want them to hold any grudge against me.
At the same time I know that myself I betray
If mistreatment from other people I allow.

If there are negative people in your life, you
Are attracting them. Don’t look at them. Look instead
At the energy you’re creating to attract
Them into your experience. You are in fact
In need of some adjustment. Make sure that you’re led
By your most evolved self in everything you do.

Sometimes you have to divorce your negative friends,
Family members, and anyone who thinks you
Are someone who accepts abuse naturally.
Tell the straight up. The only way you will get free
Of their influence is to hold fast to what’s true
And to what your innermost being recommends.

How can you serve and be the most loving person
You can be? How does your love affect people’s lives?
Change your thought and the negative energy will
Dissipate and the people that were such a pill
Will adjust as the most evolved part of you strives
For some balance and spiritual perfection.

Tapping Into Other Inner Beings

Distilled Consciousness

People are made of spirit essentially so.
We have bodies but they’re just the vehicles for
Interacting with this time space reality.
Human beings are therefore a dichotomy
Of magnificence. Our work here is to be more
Than we are now. The purpose of life is to grow.

Inner beings are our spirits. Each has access
To all others, which means if we can tap into
Our own spirit then we have the ability
To communicate with others psychically.
Your connecting in this way can benefit you
And all others and can lead to your happiness.

The emotional scale determines how far we
Are from our inner being. So no matter where
We may find ourselves we can get to a new place
Where we are more receptive to infinite grace.
All it takes is a willingness to be aware
Of your spirit and trust in it wholeheartedly.

When you’re tuned into your inner being you will
Receive impulses also flashes of insight
Telling you there are others in contact with your
Inner being. You can be absolutely sure
That what you get from your inner being is right.
It takes no time at all to develop this skill.

Law Of Attraction Theory And Practice


For the logical, practical kind of person,
It’s good knowing that the laws of the universe
Are precise, accurate, eternal, unerring,
And unbreakable, so it’s a wonderful thing.
When you think about it, there could be nothing worse
Than chaotic existence where no good is done.

When you trip, it makes sense that you basically
Are in your own way. When it comes to allowing
The process of manifestation to unfold,
You do things unintentionally that will hold
You in place. The vibration that you’re offering
Ultimately turns into your reality.

Make the association between what’s going
On vibrationally and what is taking place
In your life. It can never be a mystery.
You’re a deliberate creator and to be
Where only your creation you care to embrace
Is to be where abundance is overflowing.

Most people don’t have any awareness of their
Creation until it manifests. Negative
Thoughts yield negative outcomes, and positive ones
Lead to positive outcomes and great solutions
To your issues. Is this not a great way to live?
How you feel must be given the utmost of care.

Everything That Happens Is A Lesson


How do I not feel bad when bad things do take place
Like disasters and hate crimes? Do I just ignore
My emotions completely? That doesn’t seem right.
I do not have an insatiable appetite
For adverse situations, yet I would be more
Of an android if tragedy I didn’t face.

When bad things happen out there, I can either get
A good lesson from it, or I could play the role
Of the innocent victim. The choice is my own.
There’s no dark quandary into which I am thrown.
If I ponder the lesson, I will be made whole.
If the victim I do play, I will know regret.

People may do things to me. It’s how I react
To what’s done that’s the difference between being
A fully functioning person or a victim.
The latter only leads to a future that’s dim.
I may kick myself in the butt for not seeing
The big picture and from it all I can extract.

If something that has happened has made me feel bad,
Then why did it wait until I knew about it?
The fact is that I make my own self feel this way.
Bad things happen. That’s life. It’s up to me to play
Life in a way that is to my full benefit.
I may find that my teacher is my best comrade.

Everything In Your World Will Get Better

Bright Moment

It gets better, the better it gets when you seek
Out the positive aspects of what you’re giving
Your attention to. You tune yourself to receive
More good thoughts about everything when you perceive
But the best in all circumstances. You’re living
A life that people envy because you’re unique.

Many people may struggle in an attitude
Of self-criticism stemming from their childhood
Programming by parents, teachers, peers, and others.
Negative comparisons and all that occurs
Is held in the subconscious where it does no good.
It’s a monkey wrench in whatever is pursued.

By choosing a subject about which you’ve practiced
Fewer negative thoughts, you can tune yourself to
A better feeling frequency. Then from that place,
Redirect your thoughts to yourself. Fully embrace
All the things that you know are the best parts of you.
The whole world will in time be on your blessed list.

Look for positive aspects about everything
In your presence. Focus more on thoughts that uplift.
Be one who is deliberately looking for
Only good things. The universe will show you more
Than you could have imagined. Make yourself the gift
Of alignment and all of the good it will bring.

Perfect Timing

At One With Eternity

Things exist and they move about. As we perceive
Things existing and moving, time is created.
It is perfect because it came from the big bang.
From that one event everything that we know sprang.
To the concept of time we are dedicated.
To think otherwise is to be daftly naïve.

Nothing asserts itself. It’s about attraction.
I prepare the environment for unwanted
Situations to become my reality
Through my practice, then, what I don’t want comes to be.
Only by insecurity am I haunted.
What is the proper way to get what I want done?

Sometimes things seem to force their way into being.
That is never the case. I attract them to me,
Although I may not be aware of doing it.
Being more conscious would be to my benefit.
As I clean up my vibration, I am set free
To explore more alternative ways of seeing.

Things occur not in response to words or actions
But through vibration. Perfect Timing is the way
Of the universe, and I have enough control
Over when, where, and how things will happen. My goal
Is to sync with the Timing. It can be child’s play.
I’m fully prepared for upcoming attractions.

Just Get In There

Vortex Of Creation

Think of it as a circle of pure energy.
Your Vortex of Creation contains every dream
You have had since arriving here on planet earth.
Your existence here is your engaging with mirth
All its pleasures and contrast. The energy stream
Of your wishes increases cumulatively.

It’s nonphysical. It consists of vibration.
What’s in there is magnificent because it’s you.
It seems like it’s not enough like reality,
So attention to it you may not pay. Maybe
You have some trouble accepting this point of view,
But remember it’s your focus of creation.

You’re addicted to reality. You spend more
Of the time documenting the way that things are.
Feeling for what is coming, you are more aware
Of the more subtle forces that tend to and care
For all that you have wanted. It’s not very far
From becoming. It’s what you have been waiting for.

If you had but an inkling of what is in there,
You’d put up with no negative conversation.
You’d clean up your vibration fast and not complain
Or defend you position. There’s much more to gain
With a sincere token of appreciation.
Just Get In There, and then live a life without care.

Life Is A Vacation

Relax Into Life

No manifestation can take place in spirit
Because physical substance does not exist there.
That’s why those who are in spirit are focused here
On this leading edge. In this perfect atmosphere
They observe and have guidance they most gladly share
With those who are willing and able to hear it.

Manifestation is the most spiritual
And authentic part of the creative process.
This path of culmination is co-creation
Between ourselves and spirit because anyone
Who is open to spirit will have more success.
It’s sublime if it can become habitual.

That Life Is A Vacation is becoming clear
To me as someone now physically focused.
Blissfulness begets boredom in reality.
That’s why spirit allows for resistance to be
One of our standard choices. We must learn to trust
In our gut feelings always to mitigate fear.

To the things we want the path of least resistance
Is revealed. If you’ve got resistance going on
Then you can’t see the path and put too much effort
On achieving things. Your sweat and tears only thwart
What is coming right to you. Conclusions foregone
Favor this fine vacation within the expanse.

Facing Your Fears

Handling Life Anxiety

Deep down everyone is afraid. When you don’t face
What you fear, much of life you are missing out on.
That you could have, or should have, or would have is the
Saddest way to sum up your life. Don’t let it be
The thing that holds you back until your life is gone.
 Take each step at a time as you steady your pace.

Life can be overwhelming especially when
You are not in a good place to handle it well.
Each little success will increase your confidence.
Break humongous things down so that they make more sense.
It is not good for you to remain in your shell.
This applies equally to both women and men.

Get professional advice. To yourself be kind.
Get whatever support you need. Accentuate
What is going well. You can rewrite your story
To exactly the way that you want things to be
But you must face your fear in order to create
Any further. You must be with yourself aligned.

When your brain is not well oxygenated things
Will feel much worse than they really are. Helplessness
And paralysis keep you in the negative
Reinforcing mentality. Decide to live
To your fullest. You intended for nothing less
Than to live upon this earth as do queens and kings.

Free From Opinions

Escape The Noise

To be free – truly free – of people’s opinions
Cannot be but an intellectual desire.
It echoes through the person of pure confidence –
Of the one who need only to make of it sense
Of the mind liberated which then may acquire
All that’s needed from nonphysical dominions.

The approval of others some see as pure gold.
It feels good in your face as you take in the breeze.
If they speak in the negative, badly you feel.
It may be stressful when people start to get real
Unless you’re made to see just as your stressor sees
Then you’d be satisfied with whatever is told.

Getting positive feedback is an addiction
Of the psyche. It craves more with each message heard.
It can be devastated with on lethal blow.
Yet it must come from somewhere, this thing I must know.
Feedback comes from a place where the spirit is stirred
And from where all due glory is already done.

Depend on the feedback of your inner being.
It’s feedback that you want, and your source can provide
Every praise that the healthy ego cherishes.
The big cloud which is your human doubt perishes
In your inner being who’s always on your side.
Simply learn how to make it your daily wellspring.

Handling Negative Beliefs

Psychic Suicide

They can creep right up on you and point to your head
Which indeed has conceived them. The harm they can cause
Is immensely complex. All beliefs negative
Keep you from ever knowing the right way to live.
One cannot get around life’s most basic of laws.
Belief systems of all kinds are in the mind bred.

Some cannot seem to change them. They are rather strong
Having picked up momentum over many years.
But they can and must be changed in order to be
Delivered from frustration in all that you see.
The thought of your exploring them escalates fears
That you may find that some things about you are wrong.

You may not know which belief is causing the fear
So you just need to find out where it’s coming from.
Doing that will be scarier than you had planned
But in your getting through to it you take command
Of the issue effectively. You’ve overcome.
A big obstacle in life you’ve made disappear.

It may hurt getting close to what’s holding you back
The more pain means you’re closer to reaching the core
Of your harmful belief systems. And the breakthrough
Will be bright and refreshing. Life will be brand new.
You will then have the rest of your life to explore.
You will finally feel that your life is on track.

Just Get In There

Don't Waste Time

I’m addicted to reality. I spend more
Time than anyone should be when talking about
Things as they are, even as they’re filled with despair.
There’s one place I need be. If I Just Get In There,
I can know my wellbeing without any doubt.
Any other way is to live life as a chore.

Feeling what’s coming up in there, I can release
Much of that which is negative and be complete.
The emotional spectrum with ease I ascend.
There is nothing more important than that I tend
To the treasure amassed that is not yet concrete.
I know that when I’m in there, my grace shall increase.

Something tells me that if I knew what I have stored
In vibrational escrow, no time would I spend
Complaining or attempting to right what is wrong.
My old ways I would lose, and I’d sing a new song.
If I just had an inkling, then I would transcend
Negativity and feel that I am adored.

Getting in there gets easier with each new day.
I get plenty of practice amid the contrast.
It causes me to try harder, and it’s worthwhile.
The fact that I can train myself does make me smile.
Defending my position is part of the past.
I’m the only one ever who gets in my way.