Tag Archive | permission

Windows And Doors

Paths Cluster

Many paths there are in spirituality
So many that it can be difficult to choose
Which one is the best for you but you can explore
Any teaching that helps you to open the door
To enlightenment. Don’t let anything confuse
You about finding purpose and reason to be.

Any path that fuels the spirit of selflessness
Is appropriate. When you learn to surrender
To something that you know is far greater than you
Then you always will know the proper thing to do
In any situation. The path you prefer
Is the one that leads to ultimate happiness.

It’s the path of devotion that opens the heart
To feeling divine presence. Experiencing
The joy of devotion ignites the flame of love.
Once illuminated, you put noting above
Your devotion. Your ministry means everything
As it gives to your life a much needed kick start.

Understanding the universe and yourself are
The highest truths to work toward ultimately.
Spiritual enlightenment is all about
Harmonizing with all that is and there’s no doubt
You’ll rid yourself of much negative energy.
From a life of fulfillment you’re never too far.

Negative Energy


Sometimes I’m in the presence of people who are
Not quite so positive thinking and sometimes I
Can’t even come up with something helpful to say.
Should I say nothing, turn around, and walk away?
That would be nasty of me. Perhaps I should try
To accept where they’re coming from though it’s quite far.

If negative people are driving you nuts it’s
Because you’re wobbly. Unsure of your vibration,
You may look for positive energy in those
Around you but you must remain in the shadows
If you’re the one who’s causing the aggravation.
Be thankful for your silence and its benefits.

Stand in the midst of something that’s not positive
And look for the nugget in it. You might receive
An answer to the question or issue at hand.
You’re the one in the long run who must understand
That a state of immunity you can achieve
By deciding that happily you want to live.

People who are annoying are just going through
Something all of us go through from time to time, so
Accept it as a fact of human behavior.
Let the positive within you be your savior.
Do what it takes to allow your spirit to grow.
You control ultimately what happens with you.


Angry And Loud

When you ask, it is given, but you must allow
It to come by being in the receptive mode
And your asking must be from a positive state.
If you operate from a position of hate
Then upon you nothing but dismay is bestowed.
Your Negativity must be dealt with somehow.

Negative emotion is a way of asking
For what you want but what you will get in return
Is the same messed up energy. You become more
Ornery. Everything will be just as before.
Give yourself permission not to be so concerned
With conditions because they don’t mean anything.

You just want to feel good. Who can’t understand that?
Negative emotion is a blessing to you.
It tells you that you’re nowhere near being happy
But from there you can get to where you want to be
By reaching for a better thought. This you can do
No matter the situation or where you’re at.

If you’re stuck in the asking mode get yourself free
By shifting your attention away from the thing
That causes you to forget who you really are.
Your true essence is that of a bright shining star.
Get your mind off of whatever is happening
Long enough to recover your humanity.

Avoid Negative Energy

Mind Attack

Like a virus it’s caught. It affects everyone
On the planet. To have negative energy
Is the human condition. Like the common cold
Negative energy has a lethal stronghold
On humanity. Is this the way it should be?
Should one worry about what on earth could be done?

What does one say when having a conversation
With someone with an attitude? You don’t want to
Agree with them or fight them so you say nothing
For a while because there’s nothing you want to bring
To that table but there is something you can do
And that is be aware of your own vibration.

Negative people are driving you nuts because
Your vibration is wobbly. You’re not sure about
Where you are in the moment. You need them to be
Positive so that you feel good basically
And when that doesn’t happen the more you will doubt
That the universe is governed by certain laws.

In the midst of something that’s not positive you
Can stand easily when you are in alignment.
Find the gold nugget in it. Give folks permission
To be negative. You can disarm anyone
With compassion. Your spiritual refinement
Is the upper edge people mostly respond to.


Are You Worthy?

Pretty Please

Good things can come to you easily if you’re not
So hung up on not having them. Feeling worthy
Of receiving them may be the issue at hand.
The forces that deliver only understand
How you’re feeling. They respond to the energy
You’re emitting. Your attitude matters a lot.

If you’ve struggled then failed many times to achieve
What you want then you may feel you’re not good enough
To receive it. As negative stories begin
To flow into your psyche you’re skating on thin
Ice in terms of fulfillment, and you’ll have a rough
Time of getting back into the mode to receive.

Change your focus completely. When you redirect
Your attention to things that are working out well
In your life, you release your attachment to the
Outcome and its timeline. You want to become free
Of the angst which has cast such an ominous spell
Over you. With your higher self you must connect.

So just feel good. Your focusing on the outcome
Leads you far from what you want. Look at what’s thriving
In your life instead of what you don’t have right now.
It’s the only way on earth that you can allow
What you want to come to you. Be only striving
To feel better. We hope that this will help you some.


Difficult Encounter

Negative situations scare the heck out of
Timid people and those overly sensitive
To contrasting environments. Then there are those
Who get off on the drama. Conflict among foes
Provides sound entertainment. They don’t seem to give
A rat’s ass about anything centered in love.

People can be annoying when they lose control
Of their tempers, yet one cannot practice disdain
For disgusting behavior. We all have been there.
One who never gets angry is someone quite rare.
Show some love and compassion and you will attain
Peace of mind. Know that you can play no major role.

Give people permission to feel their negative
Emotion, then yourself you will be kinder to.
Try to look for the nugget and appreciate
Its existence. Your reality you create
From the contrast that living often puts you through.
Do not concern yourself with the lives others live.

Embrace and revel in the variety here.
Allow people the sense that all of it makes sense.
The less you focus on it, the less active it
Will be in your vibration. The more you permit
Understanding, the less you’ll require a defense.
Things are not as negative as they may appear.

The Meditative State

The Peace Of Total Alignment

Should I meditate more often than I do now?
My business I have time for but also for me.
If I’m not happy all the time I must conclude
That I must meditate more to heighten my mood.
I can be much more consistent if I need be
In knowing what I’m doing – also knowing how.

I’m not trying to receive a message before
I am ready. I just want to quiet the mind
Of its clutter filled chatter and engineering.
My intent is my letting go and allowing
My vibration to rise until I am aligned
With my innermost being who can but adore.

Meditation is the way that I can let my
Innermost being teach me about alignment.
It is always there. When I am not, it’s okay.
Reconnecting is easy enough. I can’t stay
In that state forever, but I can find content
In how my life unfolds, and I need not know why.

Letting go of thought is my only intention.
In the absence of resistance I can allow
My vibration to raise. Resonance will happen
With my innermost being. Enlightenment then
Is the logical outcome. I need not know how
The whole process works. My life cannot be undone.

Negative People

Out Of Alignment?

One could claim the excuse, “Everyone is this way.
All the world is uptight. More things get on our nerves
Than we can safely handle. So, why not complain?”

When in fact they’re just negative, though not insane.
Every step in the process of living deserves
Its own way of expressing its acquired dismay.

If I find myself caught in the midst of a few
Who are ‘not in alignment’ with all that they should,
It could only mean I’ve got a wobble in mine.
If I need them to act right so I can feel fine,
Misery will be with me, and that is not good.
All it means is that there is some work I must do.

They’re still in the hard asking mode, so they may ask
Really good questions. And I’ll receive the answers
A lot better. I know that I’m stable enough
That I don’t need conditions. The heck with that stuff.
It would be like relying on mood enhancers
That wear off without notice. One’s life is a task.

Giving folks the permission to feel what they must
Gives me also the ok to be negative.
All of it makes the world go round. All is a part
Of the whole of existence. Magnificent art
Is where one is more able to bless and forgive.
One need not endure torment. One need only trust.