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A Big Pile Of Money

Sea Of Cash

A Big Pile Of Money would do me very well.
I can see myself having a wonderful time
Spending and sharing it with everyone I know.
Into my bank account I want millions to flow.
The feeling of freedom it gives me is sublime.
I’m getting very close as far as I can tell.

There are things that I know by now. Money that flows
Is just the evidence of the vibrational
Currency I’ve got going on. Lack of money
Is what I had been practicing unconsciously.
My vibration was not all that sensational
Therefore many issues about money arose.

Money is about energy so it’s about
Satisfaction. I want to be rich with passion,
Happiness, good ideas, and vitality.
As I practice good feeling thoughts what comes to me
Is spectacular and of elegant fashion.
I know now that I’m worthy of it beyond doubt.

If I don’t have A Big Pile Of Money it means
That I’m not really ready vibrationally.
I can get there by being appreciative
And thankful for the wonderful life that I live.
It’s my firmest intention to live happily.
Being happy is my best of daily routines.

It Gets Better

Mental Torment

No matter how it looks everything is always
Working out for you. Everything that’s happening
To you is temporary so take it in stride.
Know that the universe is always on your side
If you can but allow it. It’s not a big thing.
Don’t beat up on yourself for your current malaise.

You can contour your vibration all day every
Day into precisely that which will fulfill you.
This cooperative universe is showing
You always that wellbeing is overflowing.
Everyone on earth goes through what you’re going through.
It’s a blessing though that it’s not necessary.

There’s no chance, fate, assertion, or lack of control.
Absolute control you have over how you feel.
You’ve the ability to think, feel, and behold
What takes place. You can cause want you want to unfold
Once you take your circumstance not as an ordeal
But as an exercise that will strengthen your soul.

Think and feel then observe what goes on around you.
Watch the universe gather cooperative
Components that match up with your own vibration.
You’re a master of deliberate creation.
In a world of contentment you’re able to live.
It Gets Better. Believe it is all you need do.

Be Your Best Self

Good Morning

“Doubling down is too risky. You’d better triple
Down to be safe.”
You can listen to others and

What the universe tells you but you’ll never be
Great if you do both. You want to live happily
Ever after as if you were in lala land
As your life becomes a dangling participle.

The truth isn’t the problem. Your fear of it though
Is the thing that prevents you from moving ahead.
Watch what you look at. You can’t unsee certain things.
Be aware of what a fresh new attitude brings
To the table. Rely on your knowing instead
Of the consummate ignorance that others show.

Death is part of life. Make sure you live life first then
Die. Yes, it’s possible to do it in reverse.
Never speak ill of anyone. Better yet don’t
Even think about it because your conscience won’t
Let you get away with it. It makes you feel worse
Than you do when you do it again and again.

Don’t listen to anyone who tells you to be
Yourself. Be Your Best Self. It will benefit you
Right now and in the long run. Relax and have fun.
Once you make the decision you will have begun
And exceptional journey. There’s nothing to do
But to find more ways of living life happily.

Love Even When It Hurts

Flood Of Tears

Love is always in season. It’s not just a dream
Of the troubled and weary who live with the hope
Of things someday improving. Love can make you cry
As you feel the hope within you wither and die.
Love implies that a person is willing to cope
With heartbreak and adversity in the extreme.

Love is always in season because nothing but
Love exists. We get caught up in the illusion
That it doesn’t. It’s like disbelieving in air
When you know for a fact it exists everywhere.
It’s no wonder the word evokes such confusion.
Often the remedy is to keep the heart shut.

Love should be shown to everyone even if they
Don’t deserve it. This reflects who you truly are.
Show love when times are difficult especially
Regardless of who people may happen to be.
Be nice to someone and make them feel like a star.
You feel good when you brighten someone else’s day.

Love does not mean that you must accept the abuse
Of someone disconnected from reality
But you can show compassion then send them away.
You can do this without having harsh words to say.
Hurt as long as you choose but eventually
You’ll return to that one from whom love does effuse.

Gravity’s Twin

Stage Magic

Gravity is the force that attracts a body
Toward the center of the earth or anything
Having mass. It’s a weak force, the scientist’s say
Yet a fall from a cliff is a cause for dismay.
Overcoming it can sometimes be challenging.
Those who have fallen would wholeheartedly agree.

One of the most powerful forces that exists
Surrounds and affects us. If approached consciously
And intentionally it can be used to change
Our future for the better. It’s not all that strange
That, like gravity, this force can turn out to be
Rather difficult on the person who resists.

It’s the Law of Attraction I’m talking about.
Gravity is the contrast we experience
As extreme seriousness and heightened alarm
And the fear that people are out to do one harm.
Often one doesn’t know that they’re not making sense
In their thinking. There are issues to be worked out.

Decide what you want and focus only on it.
How will it feel when you finally reach your goal?
You can feel that way right now to speed things along.
Once you feel what you’re wanting nothing can go wrong.
Of your point of attraction you must take control.
To your ultimate happiness you must commit.

Be Impeccable With Your Word

Being Out Loud

When you say that you’ll do something for someone, you
Ought to do it no matter what and graciously.
Any kind of behavior contrary to this
Leads the soul down a corridor to an abyss
Of darkness due to conscious impropriety.
Treat people with proper respect in what you do.

You may be far more impeccable with others
Than you are with yourself. For example, when you
Tell yourself that you’re going to work out today
And you don’t then you might feel some bit of dismay
Because to your own promise you haven’t been true.
You have done what the lesser part of you prefers.

It means much more than doing what you say you’ll do.
Being impeccable with your word means to be
Perpetually truthful in thought, word, and deed.
Living this way, emotional poison is freed
From the depths of the impressionable psyche.
Being truthful will bring many blessings to you.

Be Impeccable With Your Word. It’s the correct
Use of your energy. The intention alone
To be truthful will trigger a change in your heart.
In your own transformation you play a huge part.
To you only that which is truthful will be shown.
It truly elevates your sense of self-respect.

Benefits Of Distraction

Relaxation At Dusk

“How do I want and just kind of leave it alone
So that what I want happens?”
By feeling worthy

You can do it. When you want it and expect it
Then things will come together for your benefit.
The perfect solution comes to you easily
And quickly if you’re not negativity prone.

Don’t keep asking the question repeatedly so
Because it holds you in a place of the absence
Of what you want. It’s a different frequency
Than the very thing that you want to come to be.
Keep yourself in a state of expectant suspense
Then into your life many a blessing will flow.

You’ve already asked for it. Allow it to come
By taking your mind off of it. Find something to
Distract you from its absence. You could meditate
For a while until you get yourself feeling great
Once again then find something fulfilling to do.
Negativity you want to stay away from.

Going general is also an excellent
Tool to use to distract yourself. “Things are always
Working out for me. I’m in a wonderful place
And I’m worthy of being here. Infinite grace
Rains upon me.”
An attitude such as this pays

Exponentially. Your life is one huge event.

Just Let Things Be


Of the guilt and shame you may have you can let go
As well as all the negative feelings that you
Have been nursing. Although it will be difficult
When you let go then peace of mind is the result.
In your heart you know that there’s nothing you can do
To prevent what has happened to your tomorrow.

Let the momentum play out and then start anew.
So now how do you make the world a better place?
It’s by your asking for things to be different
Than they are now which means that you cannot lament
What is past. You deserve a bit of divine grace.
Let go of thinking of what you’ve put people through.

Do you focus on what you want or let things be?
You do both in that order. As long as you’re not
Focusing in opposition to your desire
You’re okay. What you want you’re able to acquire.
How you feel about yourself matters quite a lot.
Above all else you must see yourself as worthy.

Every good feeling notion that you have comes from
Deep within you and the universe supports it
Completely. The only thing that you need to do
Is to maintain alignment between you and you.
Of your internal guidance take full benefit
And expect there to be a successful outcome.

Talk About What You Want

Verbal Bubbles

Talk only about what you want – not what you don’t.
That’s a given but many people fall into
The self-undoing habit of talking about
What they don’t want. Be more conscious of what comes out
Of your mouth about what you want. It’s up to you
To speak loudly your passion because others won’t.

They’re all lined up. It’s all about many engines
On the track pulling in opposite directions.
You get nowhere and you’re wasting your energy.
Speak only of the way that you want things to be.
Let it resonate throughout the mind’s reflections.
See the world and your life through a positive lens.

You will never ever really be satisfied
With something less than what you want so let it be
What you want then line up with it. Watch what happens
When you do so. The most evolved part of you spends
All its time helping you to live more happily.
You can look upon it as your happiness guide.

You’ve released enough resistance. Let your desire
Gain momentum. Give undivided attention
To your purpose and how you feel along the way.
Be aware that there’s power in all that you say
To the universe. Not beyond comprehension
Is the notion that anything you can acquire.

Wanting Without Penalty

Earnestly Hoping

Be more high minded with your thoughts. Make sure that they
Are resistance free. This world has the wherewithal
To deliver to you everything you desire
If indeed it has the potential to inspire
The wanting within you. Let your wanting enthrall
And delight you. Let it do so throughout your day.

Once you have a desire you cannot take it back.
There’s no regression. Life has caused you to expand
And you either go with it or stay where you are.
If the latter you do then you’ll stay very far
From the things that you’re wanting. As you understand
More about how this works nothing seems out of whack.

When you think about what you want focus on why
You desire it. Feel the life giving qualities
Of imagining just how you want things to be.
Think thoughts that will help you out vibrationally.
Things will manifest for you with relative ease.
You know well which laws of the universe apply.

You can focus upon the aspects of which you’re
Doing that feel the best until you purify
Your vibration. When feeling good is dominant
Then just like a genie the universe will grant
You your wishes. Indeed it can be your ally.
The wellbeing in your life will grow and endure.

Don’t Think About It


The contrast that you’re living causes you to know
What you don’t want and therefore what satisfies you.
It really is that simple. How you think and feel
Determines what you get. Your life may be ideal
Or a total disaster. Whichever is true
You’ve complete control over how your life should go.

You send out a vibration whenever you feel
Strong desire. It’s an energy field that combines
With all energies like it. Cooperative
Components are assembled so that you may live
Out your dream. You must be receptive to the signs
Shown to you by the universe which are quite real.

Even though you don’t see it yet it’s on its way
Just as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow.
It’s not tangible. It exists as vibration.
You must be ready for its manifestation.
Unto you the good things of life are meant to flow.
In alignment with your higher self you must stay.

If you can’t accept the beginning of something
That you can’t see then you can’t tell if you’re holding
Yourself in vibrational alignment with it
As it grows and matures. It’s to your benefit
To stay positive as your dream is unfolding.
Be receptive to all that the world wants to bring.

Divine Intervention

Global Hope

To have one foot in one world and the other in
Relative clarity is to be alive now.
Does believing in evil cause it to become
Dominant and pervasive? Does beating the drum
Of defiance relieve the frustration somehow?
Can there be redemption of original sin?

Feeling like not enough of a price has been paid
For a sense of wellbeing and prosperity
People struggle to get their share of the big pie.
This mindset of lack is the only reason why
There are those who will always be in poverty.
One puts forth the effort but no progress is made.

We are vibrational beings. Things are always
Working out for us even when things appear bleak.
Most of us don’t believe in this kind of thing though.
It would be helpful if more people got to know
Their true selves. Then only harmony would they seek.
All we can do right now is to hope for those days.

A Divine Intervention perhaps is what needs
To take place. It can be a change in consciousness
And a shift in our vibrational energy.
Nothing on this earth is more powerful than We
The People
with serious issues to address.

As the world learns to grow each one of us succeeds.

Make An Impact

Ready For The Fight

This world has many problems, some very severe.
It also has wellbeing, love, and happiness.
It seems like a no brainer that you would want to
Do whatever you can to help people get through
Difficulties. Compassion you’d want to express
To the ones in need of it. Your purpose is clear.

It can be overwhelming. The information
Floods the mind and it penetrates into your soul.
Complicated it all seems but it’s just unfair.
The world would be much better if people would care
More about one another. You can play the role
Of the uplifter with your friendly vibration.

The effect that you have on others is for you
The most valuable currency you possess.
Everything you gain in life will wither away
But the kindness you offer is likely to stay
In the hearts of most people. Can this be success?
In the mirror of life your reflection is true.

Life gives us not what we want. It gives us who we
Truly are and that is who can Make An Impact
In our everyday lives by the peace that we make
Among ourselves. Every bit of time that we take
To uplift others uplifts us. This is a fact.
Live your life not in vain but compassionately.

Know That It’s Done


The one thing that you need to know is that It’s Done
On a vibrational level. You’ve asked for it
And It’s Done. There isn’t anything more to do
But to kick back and let the world cater to you.
Knowing that It’s Done is of extreme benefit
To your spirit. You’re much kinder to everyone.

Your abundance is there as is your clarity
In your creative vortex of pure vibration.
Your stability and your flexibility
Are all there as well as everything that you see
As helpful to your magnificent creation.
You’ve done all your work. Now it’s time to let things be.

Talk about what is done because it feels good to
Talk about it. It’s healthy to get excited
About what’s done already. It happens to be
The way to bring what’s done into reality
That you can have and hold. You can be delighted
In its physical absence. You know that it’s true.

The only reason that you want to talk about
Anything is because it feels good to do so.
Tell the stories that feel good because they feel good.
That It’s Done is now something that’s well understood.
You know more now than just a few verses ago.
Thank yourself for having chosen to check this out.

Why And How

Passionate Asking

“Why is it that there are things that I believe that
I am asking for that are not coming? How can
I get them to come faster?”
When you are aligned

With what you want – when you’re in the right state of mind
Then what you want will come within a short time span.
Why And How then are worth taking a good look at.

When you hold a desire but continually
Notice that it simply hasn’t yet been achieved
It will cause you frustration. To be happy where
You are now is to give yourself the best of care.
Prepare yourself for your heart’s dream to be received
By you. Just let what you want to come come to be.

Where you are now may suck especially if you
Have been there for a long time. You don’t anymore
Want to be there but don’t talk about it so much.
Talk about the thrill of your having it. There’s such
Power in that. Accent what your heart reaches for.
Take advantage of a positive point of view.

You have to give your attention to that which you
Are wanting. Tell the story of your having it.
If you want to be over there rather than here
Then your negative countenance must disappear.
Be aware of the energy that you transmit.
Speak only of your worthiness because it’s true.

Just Let Things Be


Can you focus on what you want and let things be
At the same time? The fact is that you can’t control
What’s outside you so you have no choice but to let
Things be as they are. If it hasn’t happened yet
And you feel that it’s keeping you from being whole
It’s because your focus isn’t resistance free.

You may not think that you’re here to Just Let Things Be.
After all, the world isn’t a very nice place
To get used to. You did not come here to repair
A world you think is broken. You’re here to take care
Of your own evolution. Since this is the case
You’re then able to create deliberately.

Once you’ve got that down so that you’re consistently
Focusing in the direction of your desire
Without any anxiety you’ll have achieved
A state where anything you want can be received
Easily in a short time. It doesn’t require
Any effort. Let go of the insanity.

If you simply don’t focus in opposition
To what you want then what you want will come to you
So you can focus and simultaneously
Make it your standing mantra to Just Let Things Be.
Trust in what your power of intention can do
All within the context of your having more fun.

You Need To Hear This

Listen Up!

It’s really inappropriate for anyone
To say ever that something indeed has gone wrong.
It’s easy to draw that conclusion when you see
Bad things happening. They can affect you deeply
But if you’re to contain yourself you must be strong.
Realignment with yourself is what must be done.

During the time you’re experiencing contrast
You are asking for everything to get better
And the provident universe responds in kind.
Nowhere else but with your inner being you’ll find
Reassurance that your fulfillment will occur.
It’s a foregone conclusion that life is a blast.

You can receive the benefit of ‘what is’ in
Any moment in time. Simply don’t talk about
Things that split up your energy. Tell a brand new
Story. Speak about it until you make it true.
There’s no place in your program for lingering doubt.
This very moment is the best time to begin.

It is right for you to choose what feels best to you.
You need not prove your worthiness. It’s a given.
Stop pinching yourself off from the things you adore.
There’s so much about your life you need to explore.
A magnificent world opens up for you when
You decide to take a positive point of view.

What Is Mindfulness

At One

It’s something that I know I had when I was young
Then I lost it for such a long time then regained
The awareness that I posses naturally.
It fits in well with my spirituality.
Mindfulness meditation can best be explained
As the song of the universe gracefully sung.

I need not get too spiritual about it
For it to be effective. My tapping into
The whole of who I am I’ve come to understand
As my getting into the zone. I can expand
My consciousness in this way. All that I need do
Is to focus intently and not just a bit.

Without interpretation or judgment I am
Well aware of what’s happening all around me.
Guided imagery and breathing methods help to
Relax my mind and body. There’s nothing to do
But exist. This is the definition of free.
About anything else I do not give a damn.

Pay attention to what you’re doing and allow
Your senses to absorb the whole experience.
Treat yourself as your own best friend. You can do this
Anytime that you choose. You’re a moment from bliss.
Mindfulness offers benefits that are immense.
Do embrace the fine art of observing your now.

Be Done With Doubt!

Doubt In Fashion

It’s so easy to feel doubt. The more that I try
To feel hopeful the more uncertain I become.
It’s because I’ve practiced that vibration a lot.
Contradictory energy is what I’ve got
Going on. It’s where all my doubt is coming from.
I have doubt but at least I know the reason why.

It’s when I have a difference of opinion
With the source within me that I feel ill at ease.
It’s my ill-practiced focus and sloppy thinking
That’s most harmful to me. It keeps me from linking
Up with things I’ve been wanting. My doubt guarantees
I’ll stay in this unfortunate situation.

How do I overcome doubt? It cannot be done
From my place of uncertainty. I’ll have to find
Things that feel good when I think about them. I can
Reach a state where I am much less resistant than
I am right now. I can get my thinking aligned
With my soul’s thoughts. I can be the fortunate one.

I can talk myself into believing that I
Can have, do, or be anything. I manifest
What I want with my focus. By my believing
In myself I replace doubt. By my perceiving
Differently my issue of doubt is addressed.
With the laws of the universe I do comply.

Healing A Shattered Soul

Cracked Face

About three out of four souls are just beginning
Our adventure through humanhood. One out of four
Is a very advanced soul which means most of us
Are spiritual toddlers. There’s much to discuss
Regarding who humanity is at its core.
We’re a prize to our own selves that we’re worth winning.

The advanced souls have lived many lives here over
Many eons. Some don’t even have to return
To this earth but they do out of loving kindness.
As teachers it is love that they’re here to express.
All the rest of us have many lessons to learn.
Our eventual evolution will occur.

Human souls become shattered when they disconnect
From the source of their being. When we operate
Out of hatred or fear individually
Or as one whole collective, the truth we can’t see.
As we let our behavior determine our fate
Love remains not the option that we would select.

First, the soul must be recognized, then we become
More aware of its presence. The soul is a part
Of the whole of existence and it can be healed
By a method that only to you is revealed.
Are we able to know and perceive from the heart?
It’s the place where every kind of healing comes from.

Healing A Shattered Soul

Up To One's Neck

Everything revolves around the soul, however
Until we entered a transformation in our
Consciousness, we weren’t able to talk about the
Soul except as an aspect of theology
Or an abstract idea that has no power.
Going down that road was a foolish endeavor.

So, this transformation of consciousness that we
Have entered affects us individually
And collectively. We with our five sensory
Personalities are quickly coming to be
Multi-sensory so that eventually
We become whole thus integrated completely.

Limited in perception, the five sensory
Personality cannot make sense of the soul
And psychology doesn’t even recognize
Its existence, so it comes as not a surprise
That treating the dysfunction is the major goal
Of the therapist with whom one may not agree.

Personality defects can’t be understood
Apart from all of the karmic circumstances
That created them.  We each have a shattered soul.
We use our personalities to make us whole.
All through the process we’re given many chances
To evolve hopefully in the way that we should.

Why Do You Want It

Questioned Desire

It’s okay to want something. Some make the mistake
Of talking about where it’s going to come from,
How long it will take, and who will help to bring it
To fruition, but it’s not to one’s benefit
To ask questions one can’t answer. Beating the drum
Of self-doubt only gives one an awful headache.

Think about what you want but stay focused on Why
You want it, for example, it will make you feel
Good in the having of it. Don’t get specific
Unless you’re feeling somewhere between fantastic
And ecstatic, then the universe will reveal
Pertinent secrets to you. Do give it a try.

What’s the vibrational underlying reason
Why you want it? It’s because of the benefit
It will bring you because of what it will provide.
Once you get it, it will make you feel good inside.
But you can feel good right now if you will permit
It to happen. It’s always the happy season.

You want it because eventually you’ll know
Of your power to manifest and you’ll become
Better at it. The energy you radiate
Is your hands in the clay and you want to create
An incredible sculpture. Your power comes from
Focusing on the Why so that good things will flow.

Preparing For The Day

Morning Routine

I’m extremely pleased to be here. I’m eager for
What is coming next. I shall begin this new day
In alignment with all that I want to take place
Throughout it. I’ll rely on the infinite grace
Of the universe. Everything will go my way.
I’ll receive what I’m wanting as I ask for more.

Sometimes I feel like I’m being headed away
From the details of my dreams, but that’s not the case.
The details are important but generally
I know that they will fill in eventually.
It’s not like I’m preparing to run a big race
Yet I cannot just let things occur as they may.

I’ll get into the nitty gritty of what I’m
All about because it matters to me and to
Everyone I encounter. Moving energy
To my best advantage I can do easily.
Unequivocal knowledge of what I can do
I possess, and I’m making good use of this time.

I remember that it’s all about attraction.
My point of it is how I feel in the moment.
In sublime nonresistance I now can relax
And as this wonderful day reaches its climax
I’ll be the master of every single event.
I shall end this day in complete satisfaction.

Is Love The Ultimate Feeling?

Is It Real?

There’s no end to the momentum of connection.
Does it matter at what point you’ve entered into
An agreement with destiny? Your happiness
Is exploding. It’s something you want to express
To the universe. Your cherished dream has come true.
There’s nothing in your heart but love and affection.

It makes you feel invincible. You’ll find a way
To get through difficulties with relative ease.
You have the sudden courage to do things that you
Thought for some reason you were not able to do.
Your focus now is all about wanting to please
The object of your feelings all day every day.

A better version of yourself you have become.
You’re eternally grateful, more loving, and kind.
Things you used to fear you do not fear anymore,
Much unlike the uneasiness you felt before.
Since you’ve fallen in love you’re more able to find
Peace of mind. You know now where such blessings come from.

A hopeful romantic love will make out of you.
It gives you the hope that things will always work out
For the better. It opens the door to a new
Way to see life, and it is the ultimate view
One can have. It’s the best feeling beyond all doubt.
All the trouble to get there is worth going through.


Triple Treasure

What has happened to me that I now realize
All the sins I’ve committed? Perhaps it’s old age
Telling me that my time draws closer by the day.
Do I have enough time left to properly pay
My way out of existence? Of late I engage
In self-evaluation before my demise.

Words don’t teach. Life experience is the only
Way to know life. I’ve learned that I know not a thing
About living except that my own life has been
Cataclysmic. There are those who would shout, “Amen!”
To my honest admission. On slim hope I cling
That a way out of this dilemma there must be.

And there is a way. All that I’ve done in the past
Is the past. I can’t change it. So I have to choose
To look forward where there’s at least a chance that I
May turn into an innocent kindhearted guy.
That’s a bit of a stretch, but I’ve nothing to lose
In believing that I was never an outcast.

Then what was I? A bastard? A son of a bitch?
Or maybe just a troubled soul with some issues?
What matters now is that now is most important.
Dragging the past into it is something I can’t
Let myself keep on doing. Myself I abuse
When I do that. Besides, it will not make me rich.

How To Focus On Why

Moment Of Excitement

What’s the vibrational underlying reason
That you want something? It’s because you will feel good
In the having of it. So feel good even though
It’s not yet manifested. You don’t have to know
When things will come together. It’s well understood
That things come in their appropriated season.

Questions you cannot answer, like how, when, and where
Things will happen will only lead to frustration.
Whereas, if you ask why, then you’re well on the way
To fulfillment. Don’t listen to what others say
If it doesn’t support the manifestation
Of what you want. It is a personal affair.

Why do you want this thing? “I want it because I
Will feel better in having it. The creator
I am of my reality. I want to see
The magnificent creative power of me.
I deserve to receive the things I want and more.”

This is how you begin focusing on the why.

First, go general, and then get more specific.
You want the fun of getting your hands in the clay
And molding your creation. You were meant to be
Having things coming to you perpetually.
It’s easy for you to manifest in this way.
Answer why you want something. This will do the trick.

The Clogged Pipe Analogy

Directing The Flow

There’s this pond on a property fed by many
Little rapids that feed into another pond
That’s much larger. For years the owners enjoyed it.
It was beautiful and they had the benefit
Of a landscaping marvel that is far beyond
Ordinary. It is really something to see.

The water became cloudy after many years.
They thought it was the filter. They replaced it, but
The water was still cloudy, so they checked the pipes
With rods, plumbing snakes, and devices of all types.
They were clogged severely, and they didn’t know what
They could do, yet it wasn’t the worst of their fears.

They laid new pipes on top of the ground to make sure
That the problem was found. It was definitely.
The water became clear and the issue resolved.
It is interesting how the process evolved
In the way of relating an analogy.
It is hoped that the message implied will endure.

You may have beliefs that you have been carrying
For a long time. They may have you clogged up inside.
Think in terms of just laying some new pipes, and then
Things will start to flow, and you’ll see clearly again.
Fresh new ways of thinking open your mind up wide.
When you change your beliefs you have changed everything.

Make It Come

Inspirational Wear

Of this whole darned deliberate creation thing
I don’t have an understanding. I’m on the brink
Of a wonderful thing coming my way, but I
Can’t not notice its absence. The harder I try
To ignore it, the more negative thoughts I think.
What I’m going through is rather interesting.

What I want and its absence are joined at the hip.
So, how am I going to stop noticing that
What I want isn’t here yet? Think about something
Other than what I want? What on earth can that bring
But frustration? Engaging in mortal combat
With oneself is in no way a positive trip.

Give more airtime to other things that uplift you –
Not to things that upset you. You can’t keep doing
What you’re doing and get something different than
What you’re getting. You can manifest a new plan.
Anything that’s delightful is worth pursuing.
Don’t be tempted to feel bad whatever you do.

Make an end run around your negative feeling.
Understand the emotional scale and that you
Are the creator of your own reality.
Keep your focus upon that which is already
Going well. Then the chance of your dream coming true
Is made much better. Now isn’t this appealing?

No Matter How It Looks

Man In Tears

When I look at my troubled past, all I can see
Is someone who has taken too many wrong turns.
I’d call myself a loser, were it not a sin
To agree with most others. How can I begin
To make peace? This is the biggest of my concerns.
Does the universe find disappointment in me?

I’m not well and have never been. I can accept
That I may be dangerous to society,
But my inner being doesn’t see me that way.
It helps me to put up with myself through the day.
How I’ve been in the past matters so much to me
That at functioning here and now I am inept.

Things are always working out for me No Matter
How It Looks
at any point in time, and if I

Can accept this as truth and feel myself worthy
Of releasing my past, much better off I’ll be.
It makes no sense for me to keep wondering why
I evolved as I did. Screw the mental chatter.

I can think and feel, therefore, I can be aware
Of what happens because of it. I have control
Of my own thoughts and feelings. Things will be alright.
I am worthy of the good things in life despite
The perceived severe toxicity of my soul.
The relief is like taking a breath of fresh air.

Instant Treasure

Quick Jackpot Jubilation

Knowing has less resistance than belief, and doubt
Has a lot of resistance. You’re on a journey
Endless in its duration. You’re somewhere between
Your belief and your knowing what has not been seen
As of yet. You remain as happy as can be.
There’s no need for you to figure anything out.

Knowing has no resistance. Belief has a bit
In that in your believing, you are noticing
The absence of what you want. This must be okay
Since there’s no way around it. You cannot betray
Laws of physics or spirit. When you are knowing,
Then belief is of no functional benefit.

What will it really feel like when your dream comes true?
Grab a hold of that feeling, in fact, fantasize
And milk it for all its worth. Get into a state
Of excitement. In essence, you don’t have to wait
For the thing that you want to materialize
To feel good in this moment. What else can you do?

Talk about the prosperity in your life now.
Things you have already you can appreciate.
Feel as happy on your way as you will be when
You get there. You can feel good again and again.
It’s the wonderful journey you want to create
In each moment. In this way, you learn to allow.

Talk About Your Desire


Do you think it’s a good year to start something new
By not dragging so much of the old on the way?
When you ask, it is given, every single time,
So don’t ask as if you are committing a crime.
Talk about what you want and believe what you say.
Letting in what is given is easy to do.

Negative human drama is in the forecast.
It cannot be a reason to pay attention
Lest the mind become poisoned. Your peace you deny.
You become somewhat brittle without knowing why.
Instead of believing that everything is done,
You may find yourself a prisoner of your past.

Turn the news off. Forget about humanity
For a moment and focus on what’s going well
In your circle immediate. Life will improve
With a shift in your consciousness. Then you can move
Into some satisfaction. Don’t sanctify hell.
What you ask for is supposed to come easily.

Universal energies want to flow through you
Toward what you desire, so do not block the flow
With beliefs and opinions. Let goodness happen
In your life. You can become like a child again…
In the best way, which is the only way to go.
Tell others who will listen of your point of view.

I Should Not Have Been Born


Can I blame mental illness for how I’ve behaved?
I would like to, but that would mean that I’m now sane.
In my old age, alone now, consumed in remorse,
I’m possessed by a grossly malevolent force.
My whole life was a mission to cause others pain
From this brutal life review I cannot be saved.

It’s injustice to worthiness. I don’t deserve
Satisfaction in living. In purgatory,
I remember my madness and all I have done
To create such calamity for everyone
I can think of. The reason that people hate me
Is because I’m an asshole with colossal nerve.

That’s why I flush the toilet every now and then
By moving to another place, leaving behind
A train wreck of existence to fuck up anew
Somewhere else. I’m amazed by the things that I do
That are downright disgusting. I had been unkind
For no apparent reason again and again.

Can I feel the embarrassment? Have I a soul?
As my lead solar plexus drains my energy,
I don’t want to remember the people I’ve known.
Knowing they have forgotten me, I can disown
That it ever had happened. In hell I should be.
Perhaps unconsciously that’s my ultimate goal.

But I’m here now and have been assigned to this role
For some God unknown reason. I am humbled by
My existence. I’m sorry for all that I’ve done
To hurt others. To hope that healing has begun
Is, I hope, not too arrogant. The day I die
Will be one of rejoicing for this troubled soul.

Magical Words

Happily Being

I have asked for it, and it’s done! There’s nothing more
I can do. It is all done vibrationally.
My stability, vitality, and good health,
Clarity, flexibility, and certain wealth,
And my lover are all there in what is to me
A Vortex of Creation – an apt metaphor.

I feel good. I’m relieved that it’s done. It’s okay
To be filled with excitement for what is to come.
Good feelings are my treasures. They overcome me
As I appreciate them. I don’t have to see
Physical manifestations. My faith comes from
Deep within me. It comforts me along the way.

I can talk about it. It feels good when I do.
It gets my juices flowing. The only reason
To do it is because it feels good to do so –
Not to make something happen because that would go
Against laws universal. Through every season
I will broadcast my wishes to not just a few.

When something wonderful happens along the way
I will milk it for everything I can find there.
When it’s done, there’s no worry – only contentment
With my here and now. I’ve made peace with the present.
With the world I have an ongoing love affair.
In a state of fulfillment I always shall stay.

Just Let Things Be!


I’ve released enough resistance. I’ve lots of fun.
I know that things are always working out for me.
If I am here to make this world a better place,
Then I need to know which purpose I must embrace.
Should I focus on what I want or let things be?
Do I need to do something to get something done?

I do not have control over this world, so I
Might as well let things be because I have no choice.
Life causes me to ask for something different,
Then the universe will pick up on my intent.
Among billions, there’s enough reason to rejoice.
So, if change isn’t happening, we should know why.

As long as I don’t focus in opposition
To what I want, I’m okay. There’s no resistance
To my better ideas. The universe will
Do its best to fulfill me. I live for the thrill
Of observing things happen. I know at first glance
That I’m the creator of each and every one.

Giving up the resistance means letting things be.
In so doing, wonderful things start happening.
Line up with every good feeling notion that you
Can give birth to. Life can be exciting and new.
You can be, do, or have, in this world, anything.
Know that the universe supports you eagerly.

Why Isn’t It Coming?

Unnecessary Worry

“Why is it that there are things that I believe that
Are not coming?”
When you’re a vibrational match

Perfectly with what you want, it will come to be.
So, your wanting cannot be done desperately.
When you want something strongly you have to detach
From its absence. Forget all about where you’re at.

There’s no contradiction within you when you feel
The desire to its fullest despite the absence
In the physical of what you’ve been asking for.
Quickly and easily the universe can pour
Its blessings all upon you. What it can dispense
Is enormous. There couldn’t be a better deal.

You’re continually noticing that your dream
Is nowhere near fulfillment. This gets in the way
Of its manifestation. You want to be there
And not here, yet abundance is found everywhere.
This world remains a magnificent place to play.
Head in the direction of the abundance stream.

Talk more about what’s over there and less about
What is over here. Give your attention to that
Which you want. Nothing else must be of your concern
Except happiness. It’s something you need not learn.
The world is not a thing that you have to combat.
Do continue believing that things will work out.

Non-Resistant Desire

Hard At Hoping

A brand-new Maserati would really go well
With my free style of living but is that my goal?
All that I really want is to be satisfied.
The path to it may be my having a new ride,
But I can’t say that having it would make me whole.
Still, the idea of having one rings my bell.

I must find other paths to the satisfaction
That I’m seeking before the car can come to be.
If I’m already satisfied, I’m in a state
Where the kind universe will gladly demonstrate
My positive alignment almost instantly.
I believe in the idea of having fun.

I don’t need the car really. I only want it
Because it enhances the good life I deserve.
Under the influence of my inner being,
Who is always superlatively agreeing,
I can easily handle when I’m thrown a curve.
Of the true self within me I’ve full benefit.

If I’m worried about something, then I’m under
The influence of doubt. I’m not in the right place
To receive the abundance that surely awaits
My alignment. I’m in the most blissful of states
As I open myself to universal grace.
That I’m having a great life is not a wonder.

So Close

Put Rut

There’s nothing more frustrating than being so close
To what you have been after, yet you are not there.
There is nothing more important than feeling good.
Reaching for the best feeling thought is understood
To be the best activity. That’s if you care
About how you feel. When it’s good, then be verbose.

Sharpen your signal just a bit, and you will find
Manifestations happening that are ideal.
Talking in opposition to them keeps them from
Coming to you. As long as you’re beating the drum
Of their absence, they never become for you real.
With its absolute presence you must be aligned.

There’s a mountain of money lined up for you now.
Throughout life, your vibrational escrow has grown
In its value to you. You’re not that far away
From your dream. Make it a special part of your day
To nurture your fulfillment. This practice alone
Yields to you satisfaction. You need but allow.

Find vibrational alliance with who you are
By virtue of your wishes. Rockets of desire
That you send to the universe are tended to.
Stop complaining. You cloud the water when you do.
Clear and bright is your signal when your heart’s on fire.
Again, what you’ve got coming is not very far.

All That I Want

Touching Tranquility

I’ve decided to be happy just for a while.
It’s much easier if, at the start of the day,
I spend time meditating to clear my mind of
Anything that is not a reflection of love.
It’s more difficult when there’s clutter in the way
Of my reason for finding a reason to smile.

Can I just pull it out of thin air – the feeling
Of excitement for living? Is it that easy?
That’s not likely to happen if I speak this way.
The universe listens to all that I say.
All That I Want in my life is to simply be
In a state, with each moment, that is appealing.

What gets me there is anything pleasing to do.
Focus wheels, meditation, and music distract
My attention from ‘what is’ the matter with me,
But my own expression of creativity,
To my vibration, has a tremendous impact.
Doing pleasurable things can get me there too.

My predominant work for this day is to stay
Satisfied and delighted, moment by moment.
I can gather momentum toward feeling good
Any time. My intention is well understood
By the universe. My job is being content.
It’s unlikely that my joy will lead me astray.

Divine Intervention Requires No Effort

Stop Struggling

Do I feel like I’m paying enough of a price
To get somewhere in life? Two worlds there seems to be –
One that says I must struggle my way to success.
The other is one in which I can work far less
And achieve more by tuning spiritually.
There is no physical substance to sacrifice.

Still believing in struggle, hard work, and action
To get things done, I am exhausted and empty.
Through my determination, sometimes I succeed.
I can’t understand how my effort can impede
My progress. Can someone explain it all to me?
I am in dire need of some sort of solution.

This economic pie that we all have to share
Is not finite. It grows in response to our dreams,
Hopes, and wishes, and it just keeps on expanding
According to our enlightened understanding.
I believe that abundance comes to me in streams.
About how I am feeling I truly must care.

The only limitation that I have is my
Inattention to impulse and inspiration.
The power that creates worlds wants to assist me.
I find that divine intervention is easy.
The fairies of the universe are having fun
As my wishes they most gleefully gratify.

Let It In

Bright Beginning

The sunshine is delicious as I Let It In.
This day has been a miracle. I’m grateful for
How the laws of the universe train me to be
In alignment with what I call Source Energy.
Opportunities I have to learn a lot more
About this Source and my life. Where do I begin?

When I say that it’s possible, what I’m saying
Is that I know it could be, but it’s not right now.
Therein lies some resistance. If I say, “It’s Done!”
Then I am in alignment with the vibration
That will let the thing happen. I need but allow
Its becoming. My doubting causes delaying.

The larger part of me has already become
What I’m after. The feeling is different from
That of being uncertain. It’s done already.
When it’s done, I have freedom to just let it be
So that more quickly the things that I want will come.
I can’t let anything in if I’m feeling glum.

If I feel that it’s not done, then what do I do?
Who do I need to talk to? I don’t have to go
Through this mental gymnastic when I know It’s Done.
I don’t have to try harder, and I can have fun
On the way to fulfillment. Relief I can know
In accepting the doneness that I’ve access to.

So Close…

Simplify The Complicated Path

Nothing is more important than that you feel good.
Make this your major mantra throughout every day.
Do not try to find the best feeling thought that you
Ever thought and then hold it. This no one can do.
Just reach for the best feeling thought and stay away
From the thoughts that don’t make you feel the way you should.

You’re So Close to receiving the things you desire.
On subject after subject you can find pure bliss
If you sharpen you signal a bit. You’ve become
Clear and bright, but resistance is keeping you from
Seeing clearly. You can learn to get around this
By thinking all the good thoughts your mind can acquire.

You say you want more money. The wealth you’ve amassed
In vibrational escrow you wouldn’t believe.
You’ve been putting it there since the day you were born.
It is ready when you are, and it will adorn
You in untold abundance. Open to receive
What is due you. You have found your treasure at last.

When you give birth to something, powerful forces
Then become it. Complaining that it’s not here yet
Is the way to prevent it from coming to be.
Let yourself go with what you want, and only see
What you want. All your past failures you must forget.
Think exclusively the thoughts your heart endorses.

The Power Of Attitude

Kingly Posture

There are only two animals on the planet
That have kingly attributes. One is the eagle.
The other is the lion. They both are leaders
Of their respective domains. They both are eaters
Of the flesh of all others. They both are regal.
If one encounters either, one will not forget.

The eagle is the king of all the bird kingdom
As the lion is of animals on the land.
They’ve the spirit of leadership. Their attitude
Is such that they achieve whatever is pursued.
Fearlessness in the face of danger they command.
They are eager for obstacles to overcome.

Not the tallest, or largest, or heaviest beast,
The lion is also not the smartest of all
The creatures in the jungle, yet they all respect
The presence of the lion. They would genuflect
Had they knees. (Never Mind. That was right off the wall.)
Lions are lethal when their anger is released.

You cannot have an attitude that is beyond
Your belief. Attitude is a product of what
Your belief system dictates. Do not lead by fear,
But remember your purpose which is more than clear.
Be aware of the feeling you have in your gut
About life and your propensity to respond.

Allowing Divine Intervention

Receiving Grace

Still believing in struggle, most human beings
Don’t feel like they are paying enough of a price.
No one plays their way through life and achieves success.
We must work long and hard for it, that is unless
We are fortunate where the bird of paradise
Makes its way into our lives and brings us nice things.

This is true in the real world because this mindset
Has evolved over eons where there’s a finite
Economic pie that all are wanting to share.
We have to make things happen. We seem not aware
That we are of vibration, and all is alright.
This is how the world functions much to our regret.

There’s an infinite ‘amount’ of economy.
To be shared among everyone. Those who believe
That there’s only so much wealth do not hear the call
Of their spirit. Their perspective is rather small.
Effort is not needed in order to receive
If we get ourselves to thinking differently.

The power of the universe is within you.
It creates worlds. It can manifest anything.
One cannot have it both ways. One has to decide
For oneself which is better. Let your spirit guide
You to what feels in your life to be fulfilling.
Know in your heart the best thing that you ought to do.

If You Can Dream It, You Can Have It

Create Your Desire

There is nothing that you cannot have, do, or be.
You live in a cooperative universe
Which includes you physical body and whatever
Else that meets you approval. All that you prefer
You can have if you dream it. Nothing could be worse
Than to not dream. It would be a catastrophe.

You alone form the image, and if you do not
Defy it with reality, expectation,
Or the knowledge of experts, you cooperate
With the forces that make everything turn out great.
What you dream about is an adventure begun.
It’s no wonder that so many do it a lot.

You can be a cooperative component.
Everything that you’ve wanted has been assembled,
But to see the manifestation of it, you
Have to be in alignment. Your attention to
How you feel is important. It is resembled
In what shows up in your life to a large extent.

An anomaly you are to those who believe
That to dream is to waste time. As you prove them wrong,
New sciences develop, which could take some time.
Until then, the feeling that you have is sublime.
Here and now, you are right where you feel you belong.
Through the process of dreaming, you get to receive.

Profound Words

Wisdom Speake

Space is not just nothing. It contains everything.
Mystery is its essence. A darkness profound
Fully blankets the consciousness in the unknown.
It is by our human nature that we are prone
To consider space travel because we’re earthbound.
More than anything else, space is interesting.

Whether pondered mentally or actually,
Rather than just a mystery, space is perceived
As a function of whatever solids it holds.
Within it every kind of occurrence unfolds.
This enveloping enigma must be believed
To be real as it’s known scientifically.

Intervals there are of space. It is connective.
You are not a flash of consciousness that occurs
Between two eternal periods of darkness.
You’re an integral part of the cosmic process.
To each thing that exists everything else refers.
The deepest realm of space is that in which we live.

Earth is not a big rock infested with living
Organisms any more than your skeleton
Is bones infested with cells. You are a symptom
Of the earth. It’s not necessary to become
What we are already. Our full integration
With existence is one wholesome awakening.

Make It Happen In A Day

Twenty-Four Hours To Pleasure

If I can feel it then in time I will see it.
I’ve just got to find some way of soothing the beast
That keeps me from receiving. My feelings of doubt
Bring me no satisfaction. I can do without
The emotional drama. May it be the least
Of my issues. To trust in myself I commit.

I can feel it, therefore, it must certainly be,
And it is. Everyone is receiving something
From the higher self or from the news of the day.
What we have in our lives must reflect in this way.
Always in the receptive mode, there is nothing
That I can’t choose for myself. I’m in this way free.

Momentum is another special puzzle piece.
Ever moving cooperative components
Are aligning themselves according to how I
Let it all happen… or not. The question is why
Do I want what I’m wanting. It has to make sense
To my truest self. My ego I must release.

Give your attention to something, and something will
Manifest in a short while – perhaps in a day.
Don’t be oblivious to the way that you feel.
Unseen forces that make worlds to you will reveal
Things that are most appealing. There is no delay
In its coming. Your wishes they want to fulfill.

Be Impeccable With Your Word

You Speak As You Live

More important is your word than most anything
Because your word is your ultimate destiny.
It paints for you a portrait specific and true
That the world gets to see more than all that you do.
Be as deliberate as you know you can be
And thoughtful in what you are speaking or writing.

Have a keen sense of what to say. With your intent
You deliver your message to all who may hear.
Your impeccability is all about you.
If you intend well, then wellness will follow through.
Use your energy for truth. Whatever you fear
Can be sensed in your message. This you can’t prevent.

The emotional poison that festers within
Can be cleaned out completely – almost like magic
If with yourself you’re sincere in all that you say.
Even something as simple as, “Have a nice day”
You can say with conviction. There’s no special trick.

Now is always a good time for you to begin.

Watch the world change around you as you begin to
Speak with substance and honor to all that you know
To be true. There is no reason ever to lie
If to yourself this gem of spirit you apply.
Your words do represent you wherever you go.
It is always refreshing to learn something new.

One Minute Away

Fast Manifestation

It takes less than a minute to be filled with rage
Or wonder. Our emotions quickly come on strong.
Should we try to control them or leave them alone?
When they are overwhelming some people are prone
To let loose with their feelings. It is only wrong
When the ignorant ego escapes from its cage.

Our work is to remain on the high flying disk.
It’s the path of least resistance to everything
That we want. We can’t just pull things out of thin air
Unless we’re in alignment and fully aware
Of the energy with which we are aligning.
The process is a simple one devoid of risk.

Things that make us feel better increase momentum
Toward things that we want and decrease resistance
That keeps us from receiving them. Things like music
Elevate the mood greatly and pretty damned quick.
Novel things that distract us indeed will enhance
Our ability to get the good stuff to come.

The first thing in the morning is the best time to
Get into alignment before old thoughts invade
Our clean slated consciousness. If we meditate
Upon waking, the chances of our feeling great
Through the day are improved. No blessing is delayed.
Stop and think for a minute is all we need do.

How To Leave It Alone

Resisting Temptation

Where is it? Why does it not come quickly to me?
I’ve been wanting my butt off with no damned result
To my efforts and wishing and hoping things will
Finally work to my good. How do I fulfill
My magnificent dream outside of the occult?
It is by my relaxing and feeling worthy.

To keep asking the questions is no solution
To my feeling uncomfortable in the wait.
I’m standing in the place of the utter absence
Of the things that I want. It makes much better sense
To dispense with my asking and then concentrate
On some other things that will raise my vibration.

Meditation is helpful. It quiets the mind
Of resistance and chatter. Any distraction
That can occupy the mind and is fulfilling
And making lists of all the things that are working
In my life is of great benefit lest I run
The risk of becoming negatively inclined.

Going general is another handy tool.
I can talk myself into a positive state
By letting myself know that things always work out.
It is only my focus on worry and doubt
That keeps me from the things that I appreciate.
It’s by my choice that I keep on acting the fool.

The Unspeakable World

Silent Beingness

If you talk all the time then you will never hear
What anybody else has to say. And the same
Goes for thinking. If you think too much of the time
You will not know what life’s about, and that’s a crime.
Does this mean that such people should be put to shame?
I resemble such folks just to be somewhat clear.

Subvocal conversations, the constant chit chat,
Symbols, images, talk, and words rob consciousness
Of its essence. The real world is unspeakable.
We tend to give everything some kind of label,
But in doing so we interrupt the process
Of perceiving things fully. Can we deal with that?

Several colors we can see, yet we are blind,
And with all the notes in the scale, we cannot hear.
Leaves are not green and flat. These are tags we assign
To something that is nameless. We are by design
Objectivity leaning and fettered with fear
Of a world without order of the human kind.

If we stop fixing conceptions and learn to see
Everything as it truly is – magnificent,
The infinity of sound and color will be
Our experience. It will come naturally
With some practice. It’s definitely time well spent.
The world that is unspeakable is clutter free.