Tag Archive | bother

Benefits Of Distraction

Relaxation At Dusk

“How do I want and just kind of leave it alone
So that what I want happens?”
By feeling worthy

You can do it. When you want it and expect it
Then things will come together for your benefit.
The perfect solution comes to you easily
And quickly if you’re not negativity prone.

Don’t keep asking the question repeatedly so
Because it holds you in a place of the absence
Of what you want. It’s a different frequency
Than the very thing that you want to come to be.
Keep yourself in a state of expectant suspense
Then into your life many a blessing will flow.

You’ve already asked for it. Allow it to come
By taking your mind off of it. Find something to
Distract you from its absence. You could meditate
For a while until you get yourself feeling great
Once again then find something fulfilling to do.
Negativity you want to stay away from.

Going general is also an excellent
Tool to use to distract yourself. “Things are always
Working out for me. I’m in a wonderful place
And I’m worthy of being here. Infinite grace
Rains upon me.”
An attitude such as this pays

Exponentially. Your life is one huge event.

Stop Negative Vibrations Instantly

Energetic Stress

It’s not that big a crisis but still your distressed.
Bordering on psychosis you think way too much
About things that you cannot resolve right away.
It feels like your whole life’s in total disarray.
At the moment you seem to be far out of touch
With your true self which now is severely suppressed.

You’re not out of touch nor are you disconnected
From your true self because it’s the main part of you.
Temporary is your circumstance. Be aware
Of the logic that can lead you out of despair
And right into a situation that is new.
Negative emotion should not be expected.

If a spark from the fireplace lands on your sweater
And you brush it off quickly not much harm is done
But if you say, “My goodness!”, by that time you will
Be on fire. By the same token you can’t sit still
With a problem that seems to have no solution.
You can always find a way of feeling better.

You can render inactive your disappointment
With yourself for whatever by remembering
That your true self has a different opinion
Than you do about most things. You can be someone
Who can be happy no matter what’s happening.
Any state you can reach through your conscious intent.