Tag Archive | explain

The Law Of Resonance

Inner Contact

It’s been said that the Law of Attraction does not
Imply that the universe will bring you what you
Focus on. What’s been said is that what you attract
Is who you are. This notion turns out to be fact.
All the meditation and focus wheels you do
Help you to manifest so you do them a lot.

Who your are, then, must be accurately defined
In terms of what you want. Be absolutely clear
About it. Don’t let anything get in the way
Of your centering process. It’s easy to stay
In alignment when to your intent you adhere.
Keep thoughts of negativity out of your mind.

It’s not about your dominant thought. It’s about
Your dominant identity. Be more aware
Of who you are. Become the thing that you desire.
Only your state of resonance does it require
And it can become something you’re willing to share
With the world. You’ll want to give it a huge shout out.

Keep on visualizing. The universe gives
You who you are. Don’t try to bend reality.
Just keep focusing on it until you become
One with it. You get a lot of leverage from
Your determination to live life happily.
You want to live the way that your higher self lives.

Joy In Every Moment

Joy Of Business

In your life there are wonderful things happening
And as you count your blessings you can count on more
Of them coming. You’re in just the right place to be
In a state of alignment perpetually.
Here and now you have everything you’re looking for.
It’s easy to find something that makes your heart sing.

When your asking is powerful, powerful too
Must be your understanding of the solution
To your asking. Every question has an answer.
Every new issue becomes a mood enhancer.
Strong momentum accounts for the evolution
Of your point of attracting all that comes to you.

You came into this life experience to be
Where you are here and now. You came here to create
With the much larger nonphysical part of you.
It always has the most positive point of view.
You know to get into the meditative state
When something is keeping you from being happy.

You need not explain anything to anyone
About why you’re so happy. If they’d like to know
Why you are you can tell them that you’ve found the way
To get happy when you’re not therefore you can stay
Satisfied on your journey wherever you go.
Take some pride in the spiritual work you’ve done.

Your Only Work

Huge Wish

Figure out how to enjoy the fresh breath of air
That a new desire gives you. Your work is to be
Receptive to the constant flow of abundance
And you can do this under any circumstance.
Get connected to universal energy.
It’s available to you from out of nowhere.

Resist the temptation to face reality
Just for a little while. Lean in the direction
Of optimism rather than pessimism.
Of the light of God you’re a most worthy prism.
The universe is of absolute perfection.
You feel that when you’re living your life happily.

The only thing that keeps you from moving to where
You want to be is talking about where you are.
Talk about where you’re going – not where you are now
And have been for a long time. Forget about how
Things are going because they’re exceedingly far
From where you want to be. Of yourself take good care.

Letting go of ‘what is’ is a tough thing to do
Because it’s so much in your face but it’s not good
To make ‘what is’ a strong habit. Talk more about
What’s becoming but only if you have no doubt
That it’s coming. Your resistance is understood
By the most expanded and evolved part of you.

The Power Of Your Example

Making It Clear

When someone is thriving it can make you feel more
Secure even though you’re detached from it a bit
Because it’s them and not you. When someone’s failing
It can shake you up. The vibration prevailing
Affects people, so it’s to one’s own benefit
To know what to attend to and what to ignore.

You can positively affect people by your
Example, but you cannot get well enough to
Make a sick person better. You’re not the center
Of the universe. All you can do is enter
A state of absolute wellbeing, and if you
Can do that much you’ll get what you’ve been aiming for.

Your attention to whether someone is thriving
Or not is what is causing it to affect you.
By the same token you have the ability
To hook up with pure positive Source Energy
And your focus can be of tremendous value.
Your healing powers people will be high fiving.

How can you be of greatest value to others?
Be of greatest value to yourself and be kind
In presenting yourself to the people you meet.
Your connection to your Source defines how you treat
Yourself and other people. Therein you will find
Wellbeing and contentment in all that occurs.

Create The Life That You Want

Enjoyment Of Life

Since my last birthday, people have been telling me
That it’s too late for me now – that my time has passed.
I don’t want to believe that. It doesn’t feel right.
No one can tell me that my future can’t be bright.
I’ve the freedom to do what I want at long last.
I can make my life the way I want it to be.

It may be ‘too late’ for those who say that it’s so
Because if you desire something but it’s ‘too late,’
It will never show up. There’s contradictory
Energy operating within the psyche.
It will affect your ability to create
What you want in your life. It’s a good thing to know.

I really want it, and it is well on its way.
That’s a healthier way of stating my intent
To be open to all that life has to offer
And to not let the judgements of others deter
Me from my path. I must exercise discernment
In my interactions with others through the day.

If I try to explain things, people may not be
On the same page as I am. I’ll just understand
And not try to re-litigate or to defend
My thinking to others who cannot comprehend.
It’s not my duty to lead others by the hand.
I’m free to look at life optimistically.

Because You Believe

Love In Hands

You were born with a strong sense of your wellbeing
But not with practiced control of your vibration.
So, you practice. As you explore enough contrast,
You launch brand new desires. Your horizons are vast.
You want to become a master of creation,
So you think only those thoughts that are heart freeing.

When you want something and it does not come to be,
You may think that some outside force is preventing
It from coming. Believing yields more evidence
That it just may not happen. It doesn’t make sense.
To believe what you want won’t come is tormenting.
It remains a big part of your reality.

A belief is just a thought that you continue
To keep thinking. Your observation of something
Holds it in your vibration, then you attract more
Of the same. If it is something that you adore,
Then your focus upon it can be fulfilling.
But if it’s not, is there something that you can do?

You can stop thinking it. You can cease offering
The vibration of your current situation.
Don’t deny what you’re feeling. Just feel something new.
By focusing in another direction, you
Can change your belief into a much better one.
By your believing, you can create anything.