Tag Archive | improvement

You Are A Creator

Home Business

Life has caused you to queue up for yourself a new
And improved version of your now reality.
The improvement that you’ve been asking for is in
The vibrational works. You’re prepared to begin
To receive your impressions of how things should be.
You become aligned with the evolved part of you.

The way you feel is your indicator of how
Near or far you are vibrationally from where
You would like to be. It lets you know just what you
Need to do if you’re feeling a little bit blue.
About how you feel you must give your utmost care.
Only then are you in the right mode to allow.

You don’t need others to cooperate with you.
If you think you do then you end up hindering
Your alignment. Stay focused on your creation.
Let the universe handle what needs to get done
Then the people will show up and their offering
Will be more than sufficient from your point of view.

Your attention to the uncooperative
Others won’t make them willing to cooperate.
Feeling good lines you up with cooperation.
You’re co-creative process is all about fun.
You create with perfection when you’re feeling great.
Take control of the wonderful life that you live.

Recipe For Receiving

Big Surprise

The basis of your life is your freedom to be
Who you are as a natural human being.
You quest is joy and the result is eternal
Expansion. By your keeping a feel good journal
You get to a point where you are only seeing
What you want which is happiness and harmony.

How can you find more clarity? Just get happy.
It’s the answer to anything you could ask for.
How do you solve a problem? Get happy and then
Things will work their way back to normalcy again.
After all, getting happy is not a huge chore.
You are here to be as happy as you can be.

How do you endure the injustice of the one
Who you live with? Now you have a big choice to make.
You cannot remain happy while looking where you
Are bombarded with instances of feeling blue.
It is up to you to become fully awake
To the issue that seems to have no solution.

Pet your cat. Take a walk. Do whatever it takes
To get happy. This is the best Recipe For
what you want. Improvement you will find

In your mood when you chill out and quiet you mind.
Keep your focus only on the things you adore.
You’ll be seen as someone who gets all of the breaks.

Speak What You Love

Elegant Joy

I love being alive. I love knowing the laws
Of the universe. I love going with the flow.
I love knowing how this all works. I love knowing
What I know and I love knowing where I’m going.
Bless my soul for this opportunity to grow.
I’m no longer so plagued by the way that I was.

I love knowing that I have an inner being
Who’s looking at everything and feeling delight
About all that takes place. Evil it doesn’t see.
This being who is the eternal part of me
Sees my life and my future as sunny and bright.
I endeavor to see the way it is seeing.

I love knowing that sometimes I’ll get out of whack
And it’s not such an issue because I can get
Back in harmony with my internal rampage.
The wellbeing is dominant. So why engage
With the thinking that I know that I will regret?
It takes just some fine tuning to get back on track.

I want everyone to be joyful. I want there
To be cooperation among humankind.
I know that it’s not my responsibility
To help others discover their reason to be.
Everyone deserves wellbeing and peace of mind.
I love that by my choice I become more aware.

Prepare For Receiving

Happy Bracelet

What’s the question? How can I find more clarity?
How can I get my body to be at its best?
How can I find a lover who’s just right for me?
I would like for things to come to me easily.
The answer is, Get Happy, succinctly expressed.
I know deep in my heart it’s my reason to be.

How do I endure the injustice of this one
Person or thing that I have no control over?
This world can’t be an awful place, although there are
Pockets of negativity, but it is far
From upsetting the balance. It is, as it were,
A problem that will work out its own solution.

I just can’t look at things that make me unhappy.
I can’t do the impossible. I must decide
To be happy above all else. No condition
Is required. I can keep my main focus on fun.
How I feel on my journey is my only guide.
I can’t focus on all of the world’s cruelty.

The more I can get happy, then the easier
It becomes, and the easier it gets, the more
Joy I’ll find. I am offering a vibration
To where only the things that I want have begun
To become my reality. What I ask for
I receive. It is the life that I most prefer.

A Magic Recipe

Conjured Panacea

The basis of your life is freedom, and your quest
Is to be happy. The result is expansion
Of who you are. The answer to any issue
Is, Get Happy. More than anything you can do,
How you feel has much to do with what you get done.
The most important thing is that you feel your best.

How do I find the love of my life? Get Happy!
What about my finances? The answer’s the same.
How do I deal with the injustice that exists
In a dangerous world where much hatred persists?
You must know that it is a small part of the game
That is played here. It’s not the way it has to be.

You’ve been trying the impossible for so long
By your looking at things that oppose who you are.
There will come a time when you will have to decide
Which is of more importance. Don’t take things in stride.
Stay away from those things that are not up to par
With you wishes. Your will, in this case, must be strong.

The more you practice looking in the direction
Of what you want, the easier it will become.
You’re offering a vibration where only good
Things can flow to you, and by all goodness, they should.
Recipes for alignment originate from
Being Happy. It is the only solution.

The Awesome Power Of Focus

The Magnificent Mind

Life has caused you to queue up for yourself all kinds
Of improvement. The things you have been asking for
Are attended to by the Law of Attraction.
Things are coming together as you become one
With who you really are at your ultimate core.
We are creatures of magnificently made minds.

The way you feel is the indicator of how
Near or far away you are from your cherished dream.
You do not have to get other people involved
To succeed. Any issues of doubt are resolved
Through your own guidance system. You’re headed downstream
In the wellbeing river, if you will allow.

Your attention to the uncooperative
Components in creating will offer you more
Of the same. Others can be a part of your plan.
If the Law brings them to you. Believe, if you can,
That you can feel better than the moment before.
Be open to what the universe has to give.

You are powerful enough in your creation.
The cooperative others will assemble
According to good feelings. You have that control.
Happiness is your very most important goal.
Feeling ecstasy that makes your body tremble
Is always beneficial to most everyone.

The Best Is Yet To Come

Enjoying Life

Your job is to feel as good as you possibly
Can feel and be as happy as anyone could.
You have the wind of divinity at your back.
You’ve defined where you want it to go. Keeping track
Of the moments of wonder feels just as it should.
You have now got a handle on prosperity.

But you have seen nothing like what is before you.
You’re on the verge of deliberate alignment,
Which means that more specifics begin happening.
Your clarity and eagerness for life will bring
You the blessings. They come by your conscious intent
To stay positive in everything that you do.

Your appreciation for others will improve,
And the management of the Law of Attraction
Now has palpable meaning. The crevasse between
Clarity and confusion is easily seen
So that you are aware of what needs to be done.
You are reminded of this with your every move.

You’re a world citizen with a unique worldview
Who most singularly has the ability
To access unseen powers that do worlds create.
There’s no looking back now that you have reached that state
Of complete alignment with all that you can be.
The path of least resistance is made clear for you.

Tell A New Story

Close The Old Book

Change my thoughts about money and life as a whole?
Is that hard to do? It depends on the story
I’ve been telling to myself and others I know.
For all that I have done, what do I have to show?
This question doesn’t lead me to any glory.
It will cause my thoughts to spin way out of control.

What then is the solution? I know that money
Is as available as the air I take in
And breathe out. I like thinking about the freedom
That it gives me. I know that the money will come
In good time as soon as I decide to begin
Focusing only on the place I want to be.

I can imagine a lot of money flowing
Into my life experience. I can see how
My feeling about money affects how much comes.
If I want it to flow in uncountable sums
I must Tell A New Story and learn to allow
The abundance that this world to me is showing.

I do get the essence of what I think about.
I can tell by the way I’m feeling whether I
Am focused on money or the gross lack of it.
Positive thoughts about money I must transmit
To the universe. I know that it will comply
With my best wishes. Of this I have not a doubt.

The Recipe For Receiving

The Process Of Allowing

People have been trying the impossible task
For so long. It opposes who we truly are.
We will look at something that we clearly don’t want
And then try to be happy. This can only daunt
Anyone and deplete their life force reservoir.
The issue is resolved by learning how to ask.

The basis of your life is freedom, and your quest
Is pure joy which leads to eternal expansion.
So the answer to everything is: Get Happy.
We can’t look and injustice and hatred and be
In the receiving mode. Again, the solution
Is to focus only on the things that feel best.

What is going on right with the world is greater
By a billionfold than what’s perceived to be wrong.
Concentrating on good things that are happening
And doing things that feel good in essence will bring
Everything that is wanted. Magnetic and strong
One becomes… and a most powerful creator.

Look only in the direction of your desire.
All else is a distraction, so leave it alone.
Don’t fix things that are broken, and do have more fun.
This vibration, when practiced, is the only one
That will lead to receiving. Thus you have your own
Recipe for the things that you want to acquire.

The Recipe

The Way Of Good Living

All good things that are sought, created, and received
Are contained in The Recipe for wellbeing.
The basis of all life is freedom, and our quest
Is to seek out and find new joy and feel our best.
The command to get happy is worth obeying.
It’s the one best solution for all ills conceived.

How do I find my lover, or land that big job…
Or live happily ever after? Get Happy!
To get what I want, I have to get happy first,

Then all things that I’ve dreamed of are fully disbursed.
Staring down what I hate looking at too closely
Leads to failure, and self-confidence does it rob.

I can’t look at things that make me unhappy, then
Try to make myself joyful. That doesn’t work well.
Looking in the direction of what I prefer
Is the best way to get momentum to occur.
In a world of abundance my spirit must dwell.
I do not have to fix what I see as broken.

Practicing feeling wonderful narrows the gap
Between me and my wishes. They all can come true.
Anything I can do to distract myself from
The apparent dilemma can help overcome
The resistance I harbor. My fortune is due.
Universal forces I am willing to tap.