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Allow The Nonphysical

The Intelligent Void

The fullness of who you are is not only you.
It includes many others who now are deceased
But who knew you. Your fullness may also include
Relatives now in spirit. Their infinitude
Of existence is lighter than the human beast.
Helping us with our lives is part of what they do.

Healers and teachers throughout the ages are part
Of the fullness of who you are focused right here
And right now on whatever you’ve got going on.
Your awareness of your fullness depends upon
Your belief in the nonphysical atmosphere.
Since they were human they know of the human heart.

The nonphysical is focused on you right now
So ask yourself these questions, “What am I doing
With this moment? Am I allowing the magic
To happen?”
Your not asking allows the tragic

To occur. Your happiness is worth pursuing.
The nonphysical can show you exactly how.

There’s power, grace, passion, and eagerness for you
From the spirit world. You’re a beloved being
Who is blessed beyond your ability to know.
You raise your vibration by simply letting go
Of resistance. You will find spirit agreeing
With your wildest most exciting dreams coming true.

Benefits Of Distraction

Relaxation At Dusk

“How do I want and just kind of leave it alone
So that what I want happens?”
By feeling worthy

You can do it. When you want it and expect it
Then things will come together for your benefit.
The perfect solution comes to you easily
And quickly if you’re not negativity prone.

Don’t keep asking the question repeatedly so
Because it holds you in a place of the absence
Of what you want. It’s a different frequency
Than the very thing that you want to come to be.
Keep yourself in a state of expectant suspense
Then into your life many a blessing will flow.

You’ve already asked for it. Allow it to come
By taking your mind off of it. Find something to
Distract you from its absence. You could meditate
For a while until you get yourself feeling great
Once again then find something fulfilling to do.
Negativity you want to stay away from.

Going general is also an excellent
Tool to use to distract yourself. “Things are always
Working out for me. I’m in a wonderful place
And I’m worthy of being here. Infinite grace
Rains upon me.”
An attitude such as this pays

Exponentially. Your life is one huge event.

Nonphysical Forces

Celestial Being

It’s been said that there’s nothing to worry about
As the earth spins in perfect proximity to
The sun and other planets. The physical world
Is an elegant mystery to be unfurled
And respected because it’s the right thing to do.
It’s a wonder how everything seems to work out.

Before time, space, and physical reality…
Or perhaps along with it, the spiritual
World existed. It gave birth to all that is known
To be physical. It means that we’re not alone
In this huge cosmic haystack though it’s natural
For a person to think that’s the way it must be.

Outside time and perception there’s no resistance
To the flow of thought energy so consciousness
Is complete and eternal. It has to take part
In creation. This notion is taken to heart
By all those who have nothing but love to express.
All of existence didn’t just happen by chance.

All those who’ve come before you who have passed away
Are still with you. They’re focused on your here and now.
Are you letting the magic happen or are you
Pinching it of by doing that thing that you do
That prevents it? It doesn’t take much to allow
Spiritual forces to take part in your day.

Never Alone


Those who’ve gone long before you are still with you now
In this moment along with all those who you know
In the present who you interact with each day.
What you need to know is never too far away
Nor are you ever disconnected from the flow
Of their consciousness. You need only to allow.

Although earth is a schoolhouse you’re not here to be
Tested or challenged. You’re here to be supported
And inspired. Once you make that adjustment you will
Be on top of the world. Every day is a thrill
To behold. Nothing about life is distorted.
Through the contrast you can learn to live life with glee.

Realize what kind of an emotional grid
There is for you then do your work which is to tune
Into it by deliberately reaching for
Thoughts that feel good so that you receive a lot more.
You can build your excitement for life just as soon
As you let go of what your spirit would forbid.

Let the vitality and the clarity come.
Let the provident infinite intelligent
Universe inundate you with passion and grace.
To create the reality you want to face
Is your purpose for being. Your being content
With your here and now is where all blessings come from.

Your Daily To Do List

Focus Moment

Since this morning you’ve had a chance to meditate,
Change your thinking, and get up to speed with who you
Really are. You know that quieting your mind will
Stop your resistant thinking. When your mind is still
You can come out of it knowing just what to do
With your day – one in which only you can create.

When you quiet your mind you stop resistant thought.
This will cause your vibration to rise. When you run
Or take walks or interact with those who you love
Your vibration increases. It’s way far above
What is normal for most folks. You can be the one
Whose true sense of wellbeing can never be bought.

Anything that will move you in the direction
Of who you truly are will put you in a place
Of receiving direction on how to proceed
With your day. Any method that you use will lead
To a day characterized by provident grace.
Your appreciation strengthens your connection.

So, get on rampages of appreciation.
Make lists of positive aspects. Quiet your mind
Several times throughout your day as you set goals,
Offer effort, and make plans. Be one of those souls
Who has found the best way to keep yourself aligned
With your higher self. It’s cause for celebration.