
Keep Going

Morning Run

When the going gets tough you know just what to do.
Don’t give up. Laugh in the face of adversity.
Put one foot in front of the other. Keep Going.
How you feel about living life means everything
To inspired perseverance and high energy.
No one can overcome your resistance but you.

When you lose your smile you lose your way easily
In the chaos of life. You’re the master of your
Attitude. You can’t control what happens to you
But you can change you thoughts about it. When you do
Things will change. The feeling of good luck will endure.
Each step forward is a new opportunity.

When you have a strong purpose in life you need not
Be pushed into things. Your passion takes you right there.
Guard well your thoughts when you’re alone and your words when
You’re with others. When you realize your truth then
Your inner guidance will make you much more aware
Of the things about your life that matter a lot.

Nothing can disturb your peace of mind unless you
Allow it. You’re in charge of your own happiness.
Courage is feeling fear and not letting it be
A diminisher of creative energy.
You’re the one who evaluates you own progress.
Be accepting of all that’s exciting and new.

Follow Your Dreams


There are those of us who like to venture into
The unknown – the strange, the unexplored. The beauty
Of the journey is the awesome sense of wonder
As good ideas rip through the mind like thunder.
Magical is the risk of things coming to be.
Hold on tightly to those dreams no one sees but you.

Listen closely to what your inner voice tells you
In a whisper yet clear as a bell in the mind.
It tells you when to leave, where to go, when to stay,
And what’s right. Take delight in what it has to say.
Give yourself some uplifting and always be kind
To yourself and others in everything you do.

Some birds aren’t meant to be caged. Their feathers are just
Too magnificent and when they do fly away
The part of you that knows it was sinful to lock
Them up does rejoice. It shouldn’t come as a shock
That you are such a bird at the end of the day.
In your power to take to the air you must trust.

It’s not Shakespeare. Your inner voice gives it to you
Most directly but you have to pay attention
In your moments of silence when you’re more aware
Of its presence. It’s up to you to take good care
Of your point of attraction. You’re an extension
Of divine energy. Do believe this is true.

Be Unlimited

Touching Infinity

The belief factor has already done its work.
When something occurs that causes the launching of
Desire for something better but your beliefs are
Not aligned with receiving you’re terribly far
From fulfillment. You must keep your spirit above
Negativity. From this duty you can’t shirk.

Life causes you to want things. Your understanding
Of how the laws of the universe operate
Determines how much wellbeing you’re letting in.
Ignorance is the only mother of chagrin.
If you can keep yourself in a positive state
Then your influence will be always expanding.

Your inner being knows your power and value
And it knows the most pleasing path for you to take.
It is calling you constantly. Why don’t you go?
For whatever the reason it’s helpful to know
That old habits of believing though tough to break
Can be conquered. The power resides within you.

Life goes by rather quickly as if you’re skiing.
If you hit a tree going fast, damage is done
But if you hit it slowly then all is okay.
Watch where you’re going. Pay attention to the way
That you think and believe and of course have more fun
Being a happily ever after being.

Within You


Many look for fulfillment where it can’t be found
Like possessions, money, recognition, and such
Or perhaps it’s love and praise from others you know.
A ‘well done’ from the world can pump up the ego
But these things when accomplished don’t mean very much
To the spirit which can be in no way earthbound.

It can only be found within you. Happiness
Is the reason for wanting. You can be happy
Without having. Think back to when you were a child.
Any thought of lack was instantly reconciled
With a fun thought. You had every reason to be
Free and joyful without any hint of distress.

Your focus wasn’t on what was not there. It was
On what was there and there was always happiness.
If you choose to focus on finding it you will.
Be always reminded that you’re that person still.
At any moment you have absolute access
To that feeling according to natural laws.

Our society teaches us that the new car,
The new house, the new person, the perfect body,
The money, and the new job will satisfy you.
You don’t need this and that. All that you need to do
Is to determine that you want to be happy.
More blessings come to you the more childlike you are.

Don’t Give Up!


To give up is to fall by the wayside and die.
I’m not willing to do that right now or ever.
Even though there are many things I have done wrong
My commitment to making amends is still strong
But the thing is I must do it now or never
Unless my mental illness will not let me try.

I can’t run out of content. There always will be
Something for me to write about. I’m okay there.
Can I do it in my best conceivable way?
Is there some deep emotional price I must pay?
Seriously, the people I’ve harmed wouldn’t care
Much at all about anything concerning me.

I can give up the struggle, pity, and self-shame
Long enough in each moment to become aware
Of my spirit eternal wherein I find peace.
All my negative karma I’d love to release
In an instant but that in no way would be fair.
Is there not enough love in my heart to proclaim?

I can’t give up the chance to be motivated
Into being. From there I can reach anywhere
That I choose. I can’t give up the life that I’ve made
For myself. I no longer have to be afraid
To express my true feelings and give utmost care
To make it another work of art created.

Whatever It Takes

Alone At The Shore

What lies far in the distance is where I have been.
The old habits that I have I need to release
And today is the first day of eternity.
I need to choose the path that is the best for me
And I find it a challenge to find inner peace.
Am I doomed to go through it all over again?

Far beyond where I am now is where I belong.
Something in the horizon is drawing nearer.
To prepare for its coming I surrender to
All that is most uplifting, exciting, and new.
What I need to do now becomes ever clearer.
It’s to punish myself for all that I’ve done wrong.

Carefully I can do this with inner guidance
And not fall into danger of self-undoing.
What of myself can I offer in sacrifice
For my not having been someone normal and nice?
There’s this fear that I have that I keep renewing
The old karma as if my soul’s in abidance.

Hard it is to look forward but that I must do.
The past can’t interfere with what’s happening now.
The insanity which is my humanity
Is a tool that I can use to help me to be
Only better if the time I have will allow.
There are many things that I can look forward to.

Today Is Yours

New Day

The odd thing about time is that it comes and goes.
Tomorrow makes today a distant memory
And as quickly as you got here you will be gone
So today is the day that you must look upon
As one filled with positive opportunity.
As your spirit seeks joy your happy heart follows.

You’ve the ability to create history –
A story that will live with you forever more.
Think back to all the days leading up to today.
All the pain and hard work and the utter dismay
Are the armor that you now wear. Never before
Has this moment occurred and it was meant to be.

Bless those long hours of training and preparation.
Turn them into the very best version of you.
It’s about being better than you ever dreamed
You could be. Until now all your effort had seemed
Unfulfilling but now everything that you do
Is a part of your magnificent creation.

Gone are the insecurities, doubts, and sorrows.
Disbelief in yourself has gone by the wayside.
And unstoppable force you are. Nothing can stand
In your way since you decided to take command
Of your life. The spirit within you is your guide
To a wonderful day and blessed tomorrows.

When Life Breaks You


No matter how good you are sometimes you will be
In a tough situation where all that you know
Doesn’t help you. The unexpected will occur
Then a chain reaction of things you would prefer
Not to happen will happen so deep in sorrow
You remain. You are damaged spiritually.

It could be that your business is falling apart
Or that your bank account is screaming that you’re broke.
It can break you mentally and physically
And it will leave its mark on you indelibly.
At this point you have but your own will to evoke
Because this thing you trusted has broken your heart.

Challenges lead to victory or to defeat.
Staying with the breaking produces the blessing.
It’s not what you go through that determines where you
Will end up. It’s the people who you listen to.
All the negative thought forms that they’re expressing
Does with you sense of worthiness harshly compete.

It’s your struggle. Stay with it. No one else needs to
Know about what you’re going through. Nurture your pain
With the knowing that this time of uncertainty
Will resolve itself fully eventually.
Only you have the wherewithal to break the chain
Of despair. Do not let it get the best of you.

Student Of Life

Life School

I struggled not with English or math as a child
Nor with getting along with others but I did
Have a problem with holding still. I always would
Tap my fingers and fidget. As hard as I could
I would try not to do it. I couldn’t get rid
Of my habit which many a teacher reviled.

I would do it unconsciously. Teachers would say,
“Stop your tapping, Clint. You’re disrupting the whole class.”
I got sent to the principal many times and
Because he wasn’t me he could not understand
My aberrant behavior. In those days my glass
Was near empty. To myself I wanted to stay.

I believe that a single moment in time can
Change a person’s life in a most positive way.
One day my teacher told me to stay after class
And I thought, “This is it for my fidgety ass.”
But it turned out that he had something kind to say
In our time spent together. He was a good man.

“Clint, have you ever thought about playing the drums?”
He asked me. I had never been asked this before.

Reaching into his desk he pulled out my first set
Of drumsticks. It’s a moment I shall not regret
For today I’m doing what I simply adore.
From the kind heart the blessing of upliftment comes.

When You Feel Like Quitting


My life is in the darkest of darkest valleys.
At the moment I search for a means of escape
From this grip of reality but for a while.
It’s been ages since I had a hint of a smile
On my face. My life is in deplorable shape.
Why is it that life has brought me to my damned knees?

Beautiful things can come from my broken pieces.
I can give those shards the chance to turn me around,
It’s okay to be scared and it’s okay to cry
But I can’t quit. I have to give it my best try
Until some powerful breaking point can be found
And my will to continue my quest increases.

Everything that I’m going through is preparing
Me for what I have asked for. It’s in the process
Of becoming. I need to get out of the way
Of it coming and put confidence on display
With my person and focus on my happiness.
My work is in the area of self-caring.

I may not see it now but on the other side
Of this current dilemma I’ll see exactly
Why it had to go this way. What I have is hope
Which is all I need in order for me to cope.
I can know that the process exists to help me
To be with this most fettered life more satisfied.

No Excuses

Cloudiness Of Mind

Many things you would like to do. Many you would
Like to put off forever. What’s keeping you from
Going after your dreams? Are you stuck in a cloud
Of excuses? To many of them may enshroud
Your perceptions. It would help if you had but some
Indication of movement as all people should.

What’s holding you back is you. Excuses sound best
To the one who’s excusing. Stop feeling sorry
For yourself. Stop your sob stories, pity parades,
And your well organized persecution crusades.
You can make your life the way you want it to be
When you give your complaining a permanent rest.

Don’t be jealous of people who’ve made a big change
In the world or in someone’s life. They’ve paid the price
To attain what they have. Recognize that you are
Valuable even though you may be quite far
From where you want to be. It will have to suffice
For right now. Keep your eyes off of what is down range.

Do not act out of your nervous anxiety.
Wait until you’ve recovered a bit then take care
Of what needs to get done. Your excuses are lies.
The truth is that you have what it takes, that you’re wise,
And that you have your special unique gifts to share
With yourself and with all human society.

Wisdom Of The Ants

Natural Balance

Go to the ant, you sluggard. Consider its way
And be wise. How long will you lie there on your ass
Doing nothing? When will you awaken from sleep?
Unlike the ant you’re lousy at earning your keep.

In this story there seems to be a wide crevasse
Between human and ant behavior one could say.

A little more slumber and the folding of hands
Will yield poverty, scarcity, and misery.
They come on like a bandit who’s heavily armed.
One who has not a commander cannot be harmed
By the self. It knows only what itself must be
And this is precisely how consciousness expands.

The ants must be industrious. They plan ahead.
They think winter does not last a long time so they
Store provisions constantly. They want to secure
More than they need so that they’re able to endure
A rough season. In a positive mood they stay.
They keep working with energy and without dread.

Ants won’t quit. They will always find some kind of way
To get to what they’re wanting. They change their approach.
If you block them they’ll find another way to go.
There’s not much about anything for them to know.
Their work ethic one can see is beyond reproach.
They adjust to any circumstance come what may.

Never Give Up

Natural Intention

If you want to be a politician, teacher,
Or a judge you’ll invariably become it.
It’s a punishment if you perceive it that way,
If your chosen path leads you to utter dismay.
When you feel that it would be easier to quit
Know that it’s the fate of every single creature.

Life provides all the contrast you ever could need.
If you don’t know what you want to be – if you live
The dynamic life of certain uncertainty
Then chaotic and unproductive life will be.
When you choose something give it all that you can give.
No one in the world can thwart your will to succeed.

Use your imagination. Find something that you
Love to do. Do it every day. Become obsessed.
Put pen to paper and declare your intentions.
Take time to explore the delightful dimensions
Of what you do. It helps you to give it your best.
You know what to give most of your attention to.

Push yourself to the limit. Never stop striving
For your goals until you reach them then set some more
And attain them. Each plateau becomes a springboard
To the next small achievement. You’re moving toward
Everything in life that you have come to adore.
At the place where you’re meant to be you’re arriving.

You Versus You

Self Awareness

You may have this recurring nightmare that there’s some
Force that’s holding you down and you cannot break free
From this thing. It’s a nightmare. It’s holding you back
From what you want. You may feel a deep sense of lack
About life yet there isn’t a reason to be
Up in arms because no one is beating your drum.

There are two fundamental attitudes toward
Life and its sorrows. There are those who want to blame
The world and there are those who ask what they can do
Differently. They have a more positive view
Of the world. The solution is their only aim.
You can make life easy or you can make it hard.

That thing that’s holding you back is you. Be aware
Of the feeling of your lack and powerlessness.
It may feel much more satisfying for you to
Blame others for all the things happening to you.
There’s no one else in this world you need to impress
Besides yourself. Do give yourself the best of care.

It’s always been You Versus You. You’re competing
With what you’re capable of – not with somebody
Outside of you. Give yourself permission to own
Where you are here and now. Also let it be known
To the universe how you want your life to be.
Rid yourself of feelings that are self-defeating.

I Will Succeed


My success is a certainty. One might ask how
Could I possibly be sure. I’ve no evidence
Nor a bright tale of victory yet I’m aware
Of the long winding stair and I climb it with care.
The intention I have to succeed is immense.
I remain totally at peace with here and now.

It’s a fool’s errand to look for certainty in
A world were none exists. I can’t predict how things
Will play out in the next several years or so
But I can be positioned to go with the flow
Of wellbeing. I find that this attitude brings
Satisfaction. I know in my heart that I’ll win.

I can’t look at the target and forget about
The intention – the arrow of my destiny.
It’s the seed bursting open to seek what it needs
From above and below ground therefore it succeeds
At being precisely what it was meant to be.
I know well that my purpose is never in doubt.

Preparation is what warrants my attention
Then the journey is just an opportunity
To be satisfied constantly along the way
To my purpose. I give myself a huge bouquet
For allowing wellbeing to sit well with me.
It’s my reason for living in this dimension.



The best choice you could ever make is not to care
What other people think of you. You want to be
The ‘cool’ kid – the one who gets all the attention
And your name is what you want people to mention
All the time, everywhere, but popularity
Is most often a shallow and fleeting affair.

You may think that you’re not enough just because you
Don’t fit in. It means only that you are unique.
A fake diamond ‘appears’ perfect but a real
One has flaws. You want always to be the real deal.
You’re Enough! All the constant approval you seek
Is preventing you from knowing all that is true.

It’s better to be hated for who you are than
To be liked for who you aren’t. Most people judge you
Based on someone’s opinion. You have to believe
In yourself. You have all that you want to receive
Already. Take a more positive point of view.
You can do more for yourself than anyone can.

Don’t trade your dignity for popularity
And don’t dim your light so that others don’t have to
Squint or hide. You were meant to stand out in the crowd.
In a few years you’ll look back on this and feel proud
That you took the time to care enough about you
To allow yourself to live more confidently.

The Lion Mentality

Business King

If the lion is king of the jungle then how
Can he be that since he’s not the biggest creature
Nor the fastest or smartest? It’s all attitude.
Many people process other people as food.
Their mindsets have a truly disturbing feature.
Compassion is a feeling they will not allow.

When a lion sees an elephant he thinks lunch.
When an elephant sees a lion it will run.
The lion isn’t overcome by hyenas.
It’s important for lions to be as fee as
Possible so that all their hunting can get done.
About enlightenment they don’t care a whole bunch.

Real lions love to hunt. They love the process just
As much as they love getting the ultimate prize.
When you are a true hunter you don’t go by time.
You go by the gazelle and it isn’t a crime
To do so. It is one of the natural highs
Of the hunter. To get to that meat is a must.

Nothing impressive happens in the gazelle mode.
It’s when you want to give up and run away from
Other lions or the lion inside of you.
In the mode of the hunter you’re devoted to
Hunting and eating. It’s too aggressive for some
But to no one is your sense of wellbeing owed.

Own Where You Are And Rise To The Top


I tend not to always jump on where my inner
Being wants me to go but what’s encouraging
Is that I can just go there. It’s my decision
To do so. When I do I have all kinds of fun.
With who I truly am it’s worth my engaging
And with this aspect of life I’m no beginner.

Sometimes I feel intensity. That’s because I
Have resistance regarding what I want to do.
It should feel exciting and invigorating.
If it doesn’t then it’s not worth activating
In my mind. I must pay better attention to
How I feel. It’s a thing that I try to live by.

I cannot push the noodle by making something
Happen when it’s not ready to. I need to chill
And allow all my asking to be answered then
Stay receptive. There’s no sense in asking again
And again. One succeeds when the mind is kept still.
I refocus on whatever makes my heart sing.

I know where I am on the emotional scale.
Moving up on it cannot be an indictment
Of my purpose. I’m at peace with where I am  now.
All I have to do is open up and allow
Life to offer me lots of fun and excitement.
It’s about telling myself a positive tale.

One Day It Will Be Over

Final Platform

I wish I didn’t take life so seriously.
It has gotten me nowhere but sick and confused.
I wish I had lived more and had given more to
Family. I wish I had a healthier view
Of my life. Were it not real I would be amused.
If I died tomorrow who then would bury me?

I wish I hadn’t given up on my dream so
Easily. One day life will flash before my eyes.
To make sure it’s worth watching becomes my life’s goal.
Had my purpose been aligned with that of my soul
Then I’d have been empowered, I now realize.
I wish I’d given my soul the freedom to grow.

Did my life mean anything to this world? Was I
Love by others? Did I love? And does it matter?
When I’m on my death bed I will not be concerned
About money, status, or degrees that I’ve earned.
All the hopes, dreams, and wishes of life will shatter.
What can I do to serve this world before I die?

I can make my life matter. It isn’t empty
Of the passion I once had. I still have wonder
For this whole life experience. I cannot take
It for granted and by becoming more awake
To my purpose I shall not be cast asunder
By the frightened and limited aspects of me.

This Day Is Yours

Abreast Of Time

Congratulations! This is your day to let go
Of the past and the future and contemplate on
What right now has to offer. It’s such a fine day
For relaxing and letting the stress fade away
That’s built up over time. You can let it be gone.
You have much control over how this day will flow.

Review your expectations without memories
Of things that didn’t happen the way you preferred.
You will only bring them over into today.
Instead let inspiration guide you on your way
To wherever your heightened consciousness is stirred
To more clarity. This day you can take with ease.

Though you may or you may not be able to tell
How your expectations do materialize
You ought to take life easy and go with the flow
Of the provident universe. It wants to show
How much it can fulfill you so it is most wise
To line up with its purpose then you will do well.

It’s not anyone else’s. This day is for you
To do with as you wish. You may find true meaning
In your moments of solitude. You may become
An enlightened one. All of your power comes from
Your awareness of now. Forces are convening
For your welfare. There’s nothing much you need to do.

Trust Will Change Your Life

Open Hand

Trust comes unmistakably when you begin to
See that everything you do in this earth school serves
Perfectly the evolution of your soul. But
How can this be? You may feel you’re stuck in a rut
To where trusting is something that gets on your nerves
Because despicable things have happened to you.

Even when you’re in a power struggle, angry,
Resentful, jealous, or bitter you’re serving the
Evolution of your soul. Everything you do
Is worthy and perfect in your soul’s point of view
But into this dynamic you know there will be
Consequences for actions done unconsciously.

In a relationship trust allows people to
Feel safe and comfortable, being open and
Authentic and free to be vulnerable with
One another. Trust isn’t just an ideal myth.
The only way for your consciousness to expand
Is to trust that there are good forces guiding you.

If your trust has been shattered before, you may be
Apprehensive in trusting in you’re here and now.
Strong social connections with others can help you
To regain confidence in humanity. New
Horizons are available if you allow
The same trust you believe in spiritually.

Fulfilling Your Purpose

Zenith Point

There are so many people who I look up to
Who have done or are doing exceedingly well
In the world. They remind me that life can be one
Of accomplishment or one where not much gets done
That is wanted. It’s good that I’m able to tell
Which is better. I’m cool with the thing that I do.

How do they stay so balanced? How can they maintain
Such a powerful presence? Could it be because
They have found their true purpose? If this is the case
Then will I see success with this thing I embrace?
I know that there are certain spiritual laws
That apply. I can use them for maximum gain.

While I do what I’m doing without knowing why
I should do it I can easily get off track.
Knowing why is the key here because the answer
Is my driving force and a good mood enhancer.
I do this because it’s my way of giving back
To the universe something before my goodbye.

What I do gives me meaning. I love the process
Of it coming together. It’s an exercise
Of the mind, heart, and spirit. It satisfies me
That I’m becoming the person I’m meant to be.
Authentic is the power I actualize
In pursuit of my purpose of true happiness.

Find Your Purpose

Intense Focus

It’s not something you look for by magnifying
What’s in front of you or anywhere else for that
Matter. Your purpose can only be found within
You. It can be found easily when you begin
To use your inner guidance. You’ll get better at
Finding what to do that is most satisfying.

You know that what you resist only shows up more
In your life so the difference between knowing
When to let go and do nothing and to push on
Is the guidance within you. When all hope is gone
You can rely on what your guidance is showing
To you clearly as ever it has done before.

The intuitive voice within you tells you when
You’re not honest with yourself so it’s your conscience
Telling you that you shouldn’t have done this or that.
You cannot turn it off so what you’re looking at
Is what keeps your wheel turning yet at the expense
Of your ego but you can make it whole again.

It’s the voice that you don’t want to hear but you must
Listen to it and do what it tells you to do.
Give it your best shot and let go of the outcome.
Anything that you want to do has to come from
Deep within you. When you access that part of you
You’ll find your purpose. In the process you must trust.

Remembering Why You Started

The Journey Begun

Why did I even start this thing? I can’t recall
Exactly what the motive was. It had something
To do with self-expression. It had been my dream
To become something of an artist. It would seem
That there’s much competition, so what could I bring
To the table? My contribution would be small.

Yet I know that this attitude gets me nowhere
If I nurse it. I must shift my focus somehow
To something more befitting this now troubled soul.
This adventure I’m on I think can make me whole
As a person. My purpose here is to allow
My words to take on meaning that people can share.

It’s not like I am running some kind of a race
To a finish line. I don’t see this as a sport
To be played as if I were a verbal athlete.
If I got people to read this, that would be sweet
But it’s not necessary. I get my support
From within. To me that is a most sacred space.

I know that in this real world of uncertainty
People struggle before they see any progress.
My story is unwritten yet. This is a start
Of an eternal venture. I speak from the heart
To myself and the universe and my success
Is assured. I remember now who I’m to be.

Be Who You Were Made To Be

Happy To Be

What does it take to make life work? I remember
Sitting on the couch crying out into the night
“What do you want from me? What’s the reason I’m here?”
I received an answer that was perfectly clear.
My life is not about me. How can that be right?
Right off hand it’s not something with which I concur.

My life is about everyone whose life I touch.
It’s about universal me in the sense that
We’re all one. It’s not about individual
Localized me. I’m open to the rationale
That my life is for others. I need to look at
Things in life that to others matter very much.

I’ve been given everything I need; compassion,
Awareness, wisdom, intelligence, clarity,
Understanding, and generosity, but I
Haven’t used them enough which is the reason why
That I feel that I’m not who I was meant to be
Which is to be of kind service to everyone.

There are things that I must do to earn money and
Make relationships work, but all I need to do
Is just be who I am, the divine being who
Uses life’s events as opportunities to
Uplift others. I am on my way to a new
Way of living, and of life I make no demand.

Looking Forward

Through Mirthful Eyes

Beneficial it is not to look at the past
Generally because it contains memories
That I don’t want intruding on my here and now.
Even though there are good ones somehow I allow
The bad ones to upset me. I cannot with ease
Sort them out. The ill feelings I don’t want to last.

It’s like when you go back home for a holiday.
You feel yourself reverting to how you felt when
You lived there in your childhood. You’re suddenly there
In the past. You become more consciously aware
Of the issues you had then. To go there again
Isn’t helpful because the present you betray.

You vibrate where you look. If you look at something
That’s unpleasant and stay there, then you’ll vibrate to
That very situation. More bad thoughts will come.
Pretty soon you will feel like you’re under the thumb
Of the devil. Yet you are the only one who
Can deliver your freedom from what’s happening.

Pull yourself back to the present. Looking Forward
From the present will anchor you. Vibrating there
By daydreaming for example puts you where you
Can do anything that you set your mind to do.
For the future is what you’re wanting to prepare.
Be more interested in what’s to be explored.

Don’t Look Back

The Look Ahead

Your greatest work comes from your blending with the whole
Of who you are. It’s constantly forward looking.
You’re a teacher. The burgeoning message within
Needs an outlet. Let clarification begin
To free you. You will benefit from unhooking
From the past and the darkness it’s placed on your soul.

Don’t Look Back at the heartache, guilt, desperation,
And unworthiness. It won’t do you any good
To stay focused there. Put your attention instead
On what’s coming. Recover by looking ahead
To the possible future. It’s well understood
That you’re responsible for your own creation.

All day every day, you want to find resonance
With the vibrational version of who you are.
Satisfaction comes from having an intention
Come to life, and it’s not beyond comprehension
That by your own creating you’ve made it thus far.
You can transform any negative circumstance.

You want to be so tuned that you’re ready to hear
The message, even if it goes contrary to
What you thought you wanted to hear. Be receptive
To the guidance within you. Be willing to live
Free of past interference. Prepare for a new
Way of seeing. The future is your new frontier.

Quick Warm-Up

Leaping High

Energy cannot be created or destroyed;
It can only be converted from one form to
Another. Yet, it must move. It cannot be still.
It expands and contracts in order to fulfill
Every act of intention. What good it can do
To know this is tremendous and should be enjoyed.

Your vibrational alignment, which can occur
With objects and people in the world around you,
Happens naturally when you’re ‘in tune’ with them.
You can use you emotional guidance system
In the process. It helps if you are able to
Remain focused intently on what you prefer.

When you enjoy a beautiful, bright sunny day,
For example, your brain begins to harmonize
With the frequency of the earth. The alpha state
Of relaxation can make the body feel great.
The new day is just that. You need not analyze
Its significance. You reconnect in this way.

Be reminded that you are made of energy
As well as everything in existence, therefore
You were never created nor will you ever
Cease to be. There will be an energy transfer
Into spirit, but right now you’re here to explore
Life on earth as a human temporarily.

From Obligation To Enthusiasm

Righteously Excited

Overwhelmed by excitement I am when I dream
Of what’s coming. I have tremendous ambition
But sometimes I feel that it’s an onerous chore
To continue. My energy depletes before
I get going, then I can’t get anything done.
I become frustrated to the bitter extreme.

Maybe there’s a thin line between obligation
And excitement that I must cross over to be
Free of resistance so I can follow my plan.
It’s my sole intention to do all that I can
To ensure that my efforts will satisfy me.
There’s nothing more important than my creation.

Ambition is the attitude that my inner
Being has about what I’ve assembled so far
In the way of vibration. It’s eager about
What I’m doing even when I may have some doubt.
It reminds me that universal forces are
Working for me so only goodness can occur.

I want to feel engaged – to have the energy
To get on with my purpose. In every moment
Of existence I have the opportunity
To be as enthusiastic as I can be.
Everything comes to be by my conscious intent.
I can stay this excited perpetually.

Running On Empty


It all starts with a thought that you didn’t ask for
And that you never wanted, but now that it’s here,
The game has changed because the thought isn’t your friend.
It’s not telling you what your heart would recommend
To uplift you. Instead an unspeakable fear
Overcomes you. It’s something that’s hard to ignore.

The thought grows as it festers. It takes on a voice
That tells you that you’re finished because you’re too weak
To go on. It reminds you of what you have been
In the past. You don’t need to go back there again.
From an empty well does the voice within you speak.
You can listen to it or not. It is your choice.

Softly at first, then a little louder it gets
Gradually increasing in volume until
It’s become a strong point of attraction for you.
You know in your gut that what it says isn’t true.
What you want to do is to remember the thrill
That you had once. It’s one of your greatest assets.

When you meet some resistance, your limits have not
Even been tested. Obstacles don’t make the goal
Any more or less real. They’re an indication
That simply some adjustment will need to be done,
So just do it and know that it will make you whole.
You’re not running on empty – just in the same spot.

Remember Why You Started

Incremental Growth

At the intersection of what is and what can
Be, our stories are written. It’s where decisions
Are made and where lives are ultimately defined.
What is possible is constantly on the mind
Of the person whose most extravagant visions
Are their driving force. There is a definite plan.

There may be growth in comfort. There’s little upside
Or downside. It’s just simply the easier way,
But it may yield regret because one cannot know
What one could have achieved had they chose to follow
Their true spirit. It’s too much of a price to pay
For some of us. Within delusion we may hide.

 There may be comfort in growth. The difficulty
Causes one to get stronger with eyes fixated
On the goal. One becomes well accustomed to pain
And transforms it. No effort is ever in vain,
And there’s tremendous pride in what’s been created.
The dream chaser can deal with the uncertainty.

Can you see the big picture when the sky appears
To be falling down around you? When you’re in pain,
It becomes very easy to forget why you
Started out. Don’t give up on what you’re here to do.
If you really want to, it’s not hard to maintain
Your alignment in all negative atmospheres.


Clarity Of Mind

The beginning of the rest of your life is right
At this moment. A new world can be frightening
And exciting all at once, and you’re protected
By divinity – the force that has directed
You thus far. You find life to be enlightening
For the most part. It seems that your future is bright.

Think outside the box. Don’t be afraid to explore
Your ideas with passion. Don’t be afraid to
Take chances and to fail in a very big way.
You have only one life. It has to be okay
To climb every mountain. The spirit within you
Keeps experiencing life and asking for more.

Dream big dreams but remember that dreams without goals
Are just dreams which if not acted on will decay
And fuel disappointment. Goals you can achieve
With consistency if in your heart you believe
That you’re worthy of having things work out your way.
You are living a life that no one else controls.

To achieve your goals discipline you must apply
Which you’re already doing. We don’t plan to fail,
But we fail to plan. What is your motivation
For continuing with this new life you’ve begun?
Ask yourself ‘why’ and answer in vivid detail
And your purpose the universe will satisfy.

Make An Impact

Moral Machinery

On your deathbed you won’t be worried much about
How much money you made or the power you had.
You are going to see that it was all a game –
And illusion. The obstacles you overcame
Had no meaning. You don’t want to end feeling sad
About how you lived your life. There can be no doubt.

The only thing that’s going to matter is the
Impact you had on others’ lives. No one will care
That you struggled. They won’t talk about your success.
They will speak about all the love and happiness
That you shared, so it’s best that you become aware
Of what matters most right now that you clearly see.

Success is really important, but even more
Important than success is having an impact.
It’s knowing you have not walked the planet in vain.
Everything in your life that you happen to gain
Will rot and fall apart, but how you interact
With others earns you a high spiritual score.

The most valuable currency that exists
Is the effect you have on others. As you live,
Be the best that you can be to everyone you
Encounter. Let the spirit within you shine through.
You can give to this world all that you have to give.
Spirit knows very well what the ego resists.

Whatever It Takes

Focused On Success

Greatness has its cost. It can take you to the brink
Of a breakdown. It puts your friends and family
On the back burner. It will reschedule your plans,
And at times your promoting won’t win any fans.
It makes you feel misunderstood to the degree
That you learn not to care about what others think.

Greatness demands everything from your mind, body,
Spirit, and your soul. Many will talk about how
They hate losing, but they do nothing about it.
Greatness means that you’re ever willing to commit
To doing Whatever It Takes and to allow
The free flowing of your positive energy.

Winners will show up early, stay late every day,
And talk to anybody that will help them to
Get ahead with their project. They have confidence
In themselves and what they’re doing, so it makes sense
That success is the outcome. The more that they do
To support their agenda has to be okay.

Some would say life’s a dog fight. With that point of view
One may win certain battles through much grief and pain.
Focus on what your doing. Do not be concerned
With a fighting world wherein nothing can be learned.
In the long run the fruits of your effort you’ll gain.
The only fight to win is the one within you.

When You Feel Like Quitting

Moment Of Desperation

The extreme desperation is making you feel
Like you shouldn’t have started. You feel you cannot
Follow through with your program. In deep depression
You remain, and your constant facial expression
Is one of misery. You give it all you’ve got,
  But so far, things have not been the cherished ideal.

In the darkest of darkest valleys you reside.
What you need is hope. Beautiful things can come from
Your conundrum and all of its broken pieces.
Push on through until the moment’s torment ceases.
Keeping your thoughts on track will alleviate some
Of the negative self-talk which doesn’t help you.

It’s okay to be scared or to cry, but it’s not
To give up. This is not the end. It matters how
You are going to finish. You can completely
Mess your life up, then turn it around easily,
But you have to keep going. You must not allow
The present to keep you in a terrible spot.

Your great life is ahead of you. It’s not behind.
Everything that you’re going through is preparing
You for what you have asked for. A work in progress
Is you life, and the key to your true happiness
Is to trust in the process and be more caring
About how you are feeling and your state of mind.

Life Is What You Make It

Open Highway

There are a lot of things we miss that we pass by
That if we could just make a point to see them would
Add tremendous value to our lives. Your problem
Is your gift. Any disappointments you have stem
From the notion that life is hard. That’s a falsehood
Life will always be what you make it. That’s no lie.

All the situations that push us back or knock
The wind out of us are the same situations
That have all the potential to move us forward.
What you can do about life cannot be ignored.
You can do much with positive affirmations.
When the blessings occur it should come as no shock.

No one is positive all the time, but it’s not
Impossible to see the value in every
Situation – to take what the world throws at you
And with your creative prowess turn it into
Your advantage. You are positive energy.
Your journey to fulfillment can be a straight shot.

Life’s greatest accomplishments were not always on
Some grand pedestal always cherished and admired.
They were built on the back of doubt, difficulty,
And hardship. You can transform negativity
Into strong expectation of what is desired.
You have your guidance system to rely upon.

I Will Do It

The Perpetual Mile

Success is often not a loud event. It’s those
Silent walks to the gym or the lonely commutes
To and from work, the early mornings and late nights
You put in that will guarantee you will reach heights
Undreamed of. It is one of your major pursuits
To be someone who in your world everyone knows.

You’re creating yourself which is a masterpiece
Like a rock with rough edges. Every morning you
Fight the urge to stay in bed. You’re chipping away
At the roughness as you continue through your day
In alignment with your positive point of view.
Faithfully your confidence will greatly increase.

Over a period of time, you begin to
Form that masterpiece. Those who succeed are lucky
Because they’ve become driven to create what they
Know they can. In a world of ambition they stay.
The harder they work, the luckier they will be.
There’s no doubt that their most cherished dreams will come true.

You can get into the habit of giving more
Than you’re paid. You can set standards that others will
Be measured by. Do not go where the path may lead.
Go where there’s no path and leave a trail. You’ll succeed
At whatever you’re after. Don’t let up until
You’ve achieved what you have been working so hard for.

Be Yourself


It’s easier than ever to look around on
Social media and see everyone living
Their best life, and you can become inundated
With reminders of what you have not created
In your own life. The public is unforgiving
Of those who don’t shine brightly as the sun at dawn.

When you open up your Instagram or Facebook,
There’s that awesome mom who has enough energy
To move mountains, the couple who just bought their dream
House, or your friend who has won in the most extreme
Of competitive challenges. Despondently
You become obsessed with how your profile must look.

We all know how fake social media can be,
But despite that we still end up feeling less than
We’re supposed to. Our time here is quite limited.
Do not waste it on getting more thumbs up. Instead
Be Yourself.  There is no one else on earth who can
Do that job better than you. You’d have to agree.

External validation is nothing to earn.
Volatile in its nature, it’s taken away
As quickly as it’s given. Do something for you
That no one can take from you. To thyself be true.
Where you are in life right now has to be okay.
What goes on in the fake world is not your concern.

Believe In Yourself


From a textbook you can’t learn everything that you
Need to know to be healthy and happy. Some say
That when you’re in the trenches of life, you will know
That this world is a tough place. Is this really so?
It may be true for those programmed in such a way
That they can’t escape from what they believe is true.

Getting what you want and making the most of the
Time you have here requires that you put yourself in
The position to succeed. It means you see a
Finish line before one exists. If you can stay
Focused on your fulfillment, then you will begin
To see proof that what you want is coming to be.

You either accomplish something or you do not
In a binary system. Results people see –
Not the hard work and long hours you’ve dedicated.
If you’re satisfied with what you have created,
Then you are living your life most successfully.
Your belief in yourself really matters a lot.

True ambition means that you’re cloaked in confidence.
When you look in the mirror, you believe in who
Stares back at you. You see the unseen. You’re willing
To choose for yourself a life that is fulfilling.
Life has failures and setbacks, but you make it through
By the power that guides your very existence.

Be You

Pure Hilarity

Would you do the world a favor and just be you?
Because everyone else is already taken.
This world needs you. God would not have created you
If it didn’t. You are of tremendous value
As you are. It’s time for you to reawaken
Your awareness of who you are and what is true.

Stop trying to be someone else. Stop letting the
Culture define what’s beautiful. God says you are
Wonderfully and fearfully made. So believe
What God says. There’s no image that you must achieve
To be brilliant because you are a shining star.
Don’t let magazine covers tell you you’re ugly.

The divine changes us from glory to glory.
You may not like who you are because you’re not where
You would like to be. Everyone has these issues.
You can get through yours more easily if you choose
Not to focus on your weaknesses. Be aware
Of the blessings in your life. Tell a new story.

You’re a divine work in progress. You are the clay
God is molding. Feel good about who you are now.
God’s breastplate of approval you can wear with pride.
Keep your flaws in perspective and be satisfied
With who you are. It’s about time that you allow
Your true self to evolve in a wonderful way.

Grow Through It

Troubling Situation

We all go through things that are uncomfortable.
There’s that troubling coworker who gets on your nerves.
There’s a dream that has taken longer than you thought
To come true. Generally, it feels like you’re caught
In a trap of frustration. No person deserves
Such a thing, but it seems it’s not preventable.

You can’t pray away everything that bothers you.
God uses inconveniences, difficulties,
And delays to see if you choose to Grow Through It
Rather than getting bitter. If you can submit
To the test you’ve been given, then you will with ease
Get the insight and strength needed to follow through.

Our faith is tested in the fire of affliction.
We don’t grow so much in the good times. We grow in
Difficult situations. It’s not a mistake
When someone does you wrong or you get a bad break.
If you choose not to hold a grudge, you will begin
To live life with a little less contradiction.

Grow Through It! Go the extra mile. Take the high road
And forgive. This is how to use God’s loving grace.
Build your spiritual muscles. Don’t get upset
Over struggles that haven’t even happened yet.
Do not be afraid to look challenge in the face.
Grace comes to you when you’re in the receptive mode.

Stop Doubting Yourself

Moment Of Self-Doubt

If you want something out of life, if there’s some goal
That you want to reach, if you have some special dream,
Or if you want to overcome your bad habits,
It’s not easy. The most average person quits
Fairly quickly, which may relate to self-esteem
Where a lack of ambition frustrates the poor soul.

Most people go through life never discovering
What their talents are. The only thing that will make
One happy is to discover what one can do
And to feel incredible power pushing through
Whatever holds one back. One avoids the heartache
Of not trying. The fear is worth overcoming.

People are rewarded in public for what they
Practice for years in private. Become creative,
Resourceful, and relentless in bringing about
The change needed to get rid of nagging self-doubt.
You can live life better if you’re willing to give
More attention to how you feel throughout your day.

Power becomes available to you when you
Develop enough courage and passion to not
Be deterred by negative feedback from others.
Keep your focus on noticing all that occurs
In your favor. Give your cherished dream all you’ve got.
The universe is helping to make it come true.