Tag Archive | sense

Your Vibration

Energy Profile

Electricity and magnetism are real.
They’re invisible forces yet we know that they
Do exist in the same way your own vibration
Emanates from you. Though it’s of your creation,
It’s intangible, and this is all just to say
That reality has to do with how you feel.

What you think, how you feel, and therefore what occurs
In your life is always a vibrational match.
If you’re beating the drum of something not wanted
You’re marching toward something that will have daunted
Your own sense of wellbeing. It’s better to latch
Onto that which your truest self strongly prefers.

Now if the drum you’re beating is one that feels good
Then you’re marching toward something that will surprise
And delight you every step along your journey.
Doesn’t it make good sense to live life happily?
Your whole life becomes better when you realize
How to tweak Your Vibration as everyone should.

First believe that you transmit a signal always
And that it tells the universe and the world how
To treat you. Then believe that you have access to
The higher, wiser, and more evolved part of you.
It guides you in the ever present here and now
And it remains with you throughout all of your days.

Dominance Of Wellbeing

Bright Horizon

Don’t you love knowing that you’ve the ability
To contour your vibration all day everyday
Into precisely that which will satisfy you?
Isn’t it nice to know that your dreams will come true
When you focus on them in a persistent way?
Isn’t this a perfect time space reality?

There’s no fate. There’s no chance. There’s not one single thing
Pushing itself into your life experience.
How you think and feel determines what comes to you.
No matter how it looks believe that this is true.
The wellbeing existent is rather immense.
It eclipses the wave of human suffering.

This cooperative universe is showing
You the very components that are equally
In the vibration that you’ve got activated.
This is how your reality is created.
You can have things the way you’d prefer them to be.
Abundance and wellbeing are overflowing.

You can think, feel, and then watch what happens to you.
A vibrational match they are, you’ll come to see.
Things are always working out for you and it’s time
You start living a life that is richly sublime.
Focus your attention more deliberately
Only on the wellbeing you have access to.

Responding To Negative Emotion

Anger Mob

When the natives get restless who should get uptight?
There’s no answer that makes any logical sense
Because it’s human nature. When we do something
That hurts us we keep doing it and it won’t bring
Any change in behavior so at great expense
We ignore any consensus on what is right.

I’m aware of my feelings. They’re moving toward
Something I don’t want happening. I’m asking for
Reassurance that I can get back to a place
Of alignment with who I am. I’m not my race.
I’m a spirit who should be giving a lot more
Attention to the fact that by God I’m adored.

I catch the feeling before it gains momentum
Then I can do something with it rather than let
It take me places that I would rather not go.
How I feel right now is all that I need to know.
Life cannot seem to me to be a constant threat.
My inner being is where all my strength comes from.

If I have an opinion about anything
And I don’t feel well as I’m thinking about it
It means that my inner being doesn’t agree
With what I’m thinking. It becomes then good for me
To be mindful of the vibration I transmit.
Negative emotion I find interesting.

Healing A Shattered Soul

Cracked Face

About three out of four souls are just beginning
Our adventure through humanhood. One out of four
Is a very advanced soul which means most of us
Are spiritual toddlers. There’s much to discuss
Regarding who humanity is at its core.
We’re a prize to our own selves that we’re worth winning.

The advanced souls have lived many lives here over
Many eons. Some don’t even have to return
To this earth but they do out of loving kindness.
As teachers it is love that they’re here to express.
All the rest of us have many lessons to learn.
Our eventual evolution will occur.

Human souls become shattered when they disconnect
From the source of their being. When we operate
Out of hatred or fear individually
Or as one whole collective, the truth we can’t see.
As we let our behavior determine our fate
Love remains not the option that we would select.

First, the soul must be recognized, then we become
More aware of its presence. The soul is a part
Of the whole of existence and it can be healed
By a method that only to you is revealed.
Are we able to know and perceive from the heart?
It’s the place where every kind of healing comes from.

What Is Authentic Power?

Triple Pairs Of Hands

When the personality comes fully to serve
The energy of the soul, that’s called Authentic
When you allow your soul to be your guide

Is when you’re your most powerful. When you decide
That it’s natural then life becomes a picnic.
Most of it is experienced in joyous verve.

Some have called it the sweet spot. We’re all meant to be
In that place where we feel confident and alive.
There has been a huge shift in human consciousness
For the better. We have some issues to address
But the hate isn’t nearly enough to deprive
Those who aren’t ill of happiness and liberty.

What’s the energy of the soul? It’s undefined
At the five sensory level. One can discern
What it is by engaging in meditation.
Once it’s found then a search for the truth is begun
And you’ll be more enlightened upon your return
To your normal state. You’ll have clarity of mind.

I am not I. I am this one walking beside
Me whom I do not see, who sometimes I manage
To visit and whom at other times I forget.
The one who remains silent while I talk is yet
The same one who forgives and who wants to engage
Me in laughter. My fulfillment can’t be denied.

Happiness Redefined

Love To The World

Many people have difficult conditionings
That create the illusion of being happy.
For example, by putting other people down
One prevents oneself from always wearing a frown
So it’s just a distraction that can easily
Be seen through unless one tries to complicate things.

In the workplace and at home the drama plays out.
“The way that I’m going to trust myself and feel
Good about myself is if I can just denounce
Someone else upon whom I’ll get others to pounce.”
Some scapegoating is required to block out what’s real.

Happiness isn’t even worth thinking about.

Compassion is a weakness to those who believe
That you’ll just lose your power and burn yourself out
If you care about others but it’s never true.
Happiness is a measure of how much you do
For others. Of its value there can be no doubt.
It’s the best trick in the world to have up your sleeve.

We can redefine happiness so that it’s not
Just going after pleasure. We have a deep sense
Of connection to something much bigger than we
Can imagine. It’s easy to live happily
With compassion without any hint of pretense.
How you feel about others should matter a lot.

Be Who You Were Made To Be

Happy To Be

What does it take to make life work? I remember
Sitting on the couch crying out into the night
“What do you want from me? What’s the reason I’m here?”
I received an answer that was perfectly clear.
My life is not about me. How can that be right?
Right off hand it’s not something with which I concur.

My life is about everyone whose life I touch.
It’s about universal me in the sense that
We’re all one. It’s not about individual
Localized me. I’m open to the rationale
That my life is for others. I need to look at
Things in life that to others matter very much.

I’ve been given everything I need; compassion,
Awareness, wisdom, intelligence, clarity,
Understanding, and generosity, but I
Haven’t used them enough which is the reason why
That I feel that I’m not who I was meant to be
Which is to be of kind service to everyone.

There are things that I must do to earn money and
Make relationships work, but all I need to do
Is just be who I am, the divine being who
Uses life’s events as opportunities to
Uplift others. I am on my way to a new
Way of living, and of life I make no demand.

The Value Of Daydreaming

Natural Splendor

Remember way back when you were just a young child
Lying in the grass daydreaming and looking up
At the lilac bushes and just feeling delight
In the moment. You knew everything was alright.
It was natural to drink from the loving cup
Of freedom. By nature you were clearly beguiled.

That’s who you can be right now. There’s nobody who
Is the boss of you other than as you perceive
Others to be. They may think that they have control
But they cannot buck the momentum of your soul.
You can daydream around whatever you believe
Is a nuisance and not beneficial to you.

In the privacy of your own mind you create
What you need to assist you in overcoming
The resistance you may face if you dream out loud.
You need not placate others so you can feel proud
Of having jumped through their hoops. It’s like you’re thumbing
Your nose to your own spirit which isn’t so great.

Let your mind go where it naturally will go
If you’re not holding it back, and revel in the
Understanding that you’ll receive information
Of a nature that will help you to get things done
At the spiritual level. Know that you’re free
To dream in any way that will help you to grow.

A Meditation Question

Spiritual Alignment

I find that when I meditate there are times when
My thoughts come and go. They are all over the place.
I see that as no problem. It must be okay
Because I can start over if ever I stray
From my focus on nothing to enter a space
Of alignment. I can get back on track again.

When I’m there in that sacred space everything makes
So much sense. I’ve a sense of infinite knowing.
When I come out of meditation I forget
Everything that had happened. I feel some regret
That the access to the knowledge that was flowing
Is no longer. Somehow am I making mistakes?

Meditation is a process which allows your
Vibration to rise. When it does, you have access
To infinite intelligence. When you are there
Just take notice of how you feel and be aware
Of it all happening. Recognize your progress
In the process and in time it will reveal more.

Meditation is the gateway to alignment,
And alignment is when you’re open to receive
Information. You can get to a point where you
Can record your experience. You don’t have to
Get all bothered about it. What you can achieve
Through alignment will bring you enormous content.


The Physical Senses

Perception is the ability to become
Aware of something through the senses which include
Tasting, touching, smelling, hearing, and seeing. They
Along with the mind itself are fixed in the way
Of experiencing truth. The way life is viewed
Keeps us locked in a perceptual conundrum.

From a single point of observation, there seems
To be a here or there, this or that, now or then,
And a space with dimensions where time elapses,
But it is all the result of brain synapses
That consciousness is prone to again and again
Keep itself occupied in a world of extremes.

How one perceives the world is dependent on one’s
Level of consciousness, which is the result of
Past karmic influences, beliefs, and ego
Dominance. There’s a limit to what one can know
Through the ego mind. One can learn to rise above
Its agenda and all of its misperceptions.

The content of the ego mind is a product
Of perception. No independent existence
Can it have. It and all of its activities,
Including its preoccupation with disease,
Depends on one’s indwelling divine effulgence.
Our perceptions are only a mental construct.


The Part Each Plays

Positionality refers to how social
Position and power shape identities and
Access within society. Dualistic
Mental structures within the ego mind can trick
Itself into believing that it’s in command
By virtue of position and its rationale.

Positionalities include cherished values,
Beliefs, attitudes, and judgments. They are ingrained
During childhood. Reinforced by society,
They become an illusion of reality.
In order to function well, they must be maintained.
One becomes manipulated by social cues.

Positionalities provide all the juice the
Ego needs to maintain its hold and dominance
Of the mind. Race, religion, nationality,
Gender, or how one postures politically
Are examples of position and they enhance
The ego’s own agenda of needing to be.

Phenomena are not either fair or unfair,
Good or bad, right or wrong, or somewhere in-between.
We become judgmental and opinionated
Over things that can’t possibly be related
To enlightenment where the big picture is seen.
Of the ego we can only be more aware.

The Better You Feel

Emotional Balance

Do you know? Can you accept? Do you get the sense
That this is a vibrational universe? Can
You believe you create your own reality?
Your thoughts project vibration, and what comes to be
Is so by your projections, indeed more so than
Anything else. They can be a major expense.

Your thoughts do both the asking and the allowing.
When you think about what you want, you create it.
But sometimes you will think about things you have not.
Then you can’t let it in, so it matters a lot
To not think against your dreams. The vibe you transmit
Is responded to. Your thoughts are self-endowing.

You can reduce the level of your resistance
By increasing allowing. Your thoughts can come clean
If you are selfish enough to care how you feel.
The better that you feel, the more life is ideal.
Your emotions can run like a well-tuned machine.
Life is no longer an uncertain game of chance.

Better timing, ideas, and impulses come
As you learn to feel better. Those friends of yours who
Bring you down must be minimized. Reality,
If it evokes a deep sense of anxiety…
Ignore it because there is nothing you can do.
Be aware of good feelings and where they come from.

Life Is No Brief Candle

The Focal Length Of Existence

Do Mondays excite you? Do you anticipate
Getting back to work? Do you look forward instead
To the weekend approaching? Are you unfulfilled
In you life and dissatisfied instead of thrilled?
Do you stick with it because it’s stuck in your head
That security means do something that you hate?

Life is not a brief candle but a splendid torch
That you have gotten hold of. You were not sent here
To wander aimlessly. Your time and energy
Are wasted by your wallowing in self-pity
Obstacles come and go, so don’t hold on to fear.
The fire of your passion is one that will not scorch.

It’s not necessary to be a great leader
Or the head honcho of a big corporation
To consider yourself powerful and mighty.
The street sweeper, plumber, and poet can all be
The creator magnificent in the long run
As long as they are doing what they would prefer.

If you’re stuck at a job that’s not your cup of tea
Then perhaps it is time to put your fear aside.
People may call you foolish for quitting without
A ‘back up plan.’ They will try to introduce doubt
Into your equation. People are not your guide.
Your reward will include happiness and safety.

What Is Consciousness?

Definition Of Being

Existence, as is known, is one unbroken thing.
All That Is contains everything that can be known
And unknown. There is another version of it.
That knows not itself at all. It has not a bit
Of consciousness. The feeling of being alone
Is all that this region of existence can bring.

What exactly is consciousness? It’s awareness
Of oneself by knowing what is not of the same
Awareness that oneself is or has. Existence
Contains all that there is. It needs no self-defense.
Consciousness is awareness by another name
Whether or not it has the desire to express.

All That Is creates within itself otherness.
It’s aware of itself through all that it creates.
It’s a kind of reflective energy pattern.
Consciousness means that one is able to discern
Individual selfhood and how it relates
To the otherness. It’s an eternal process.

Everything reflects consciousness. It is the way
That all of creation can become self-aware.
 Every creature is seeing through the eyes of God.
The mechanics of it all is nothing slipshod.
Infinite are the points of view one can compare
To oneself. All existence evolves as it may.

Outside The Box

Try Something New

Each one of us on earth is a facet of the
Multidimensional Crystal Of Creation.
Consciousness we are given to make us aware

That we are that, but some folks are caught in the snare
Of a box of beliefs that could well weigh a ton.
It allows not the creative mind to be free.

Thinking Outside The Box means thinking in a way
That expands creativity and consciousness.
It is a permission slip to experience
Getting close to the higher mind in present tense.
Balance and connectivity one can access
Any moment. One gets better with each new day.

Move your consciousness so that it exists halfway
Between your higher mind and your physical one.
From this vantage point you’re in a specific state
That allows understanding. From there you create
Brilliantly without effort and with lots of fun.
The Crystal you’re part of is a psychic bouquet.

Our belief systems are needed to reinforce
What we call our reality. Nothing exists.
In the physical universe. It’s all spirit.
Hold only those that are to your benefit.
One is trapped by what one’s belief system insists.
Take a really good look at those that you endorse.

After Death

Continuing Consciouness

Consciousness is eternal. It’s all one can say
Without clarity suffering a severe blow.
From my limited perspective I cannot see
Past the game and illusion that happens to be
Something that I agreed to. I’m not meant to know
But a tiny bit – enough to get through the day.

Timelessness is a concept. It is also real.
The idea is for me. The reality
Is of infinite intelligence. When I die
I’ll awaken from time and space. Never will I
Not have worlds of experience. I am To Be
Here and now with my true self only to reveal.

But in order for existence to continue
There has to be some semblance of the illusion.
It’s more flexible and less rigid after death.
Yet this game I will play ‘til I take my last breath.
I do not favor Thanatos. I just have fun
Delving into odd places to entertain you.

Time and space do have meaning on the other side.
Life here is made of billions of frames per second.
Only one at a time I am meant to act out
Even though I’m projected in all without doubt.
It will be a new game when my soul is beckoned
By the force that begot me. I am satisfied.


The Zest In Life

On a rock unimportant that circles a star
Insignificant on the outer edges of
A small galaxy nestled away in deep space
Is a petri dish species called the human race.
It’s a feeling of Wonder. We happen to love
This bizarre circumstance no matter who we are.

…At least, that’s how I think other folk would respond
To the weird situation consciousness is in.
I know some people tune that right out of their minds
And rely on fake thrills and rubbish of all kinds.
Insignificance blossoms until I begin
Noticing everything to which all have a bond.

This rock produces people as the apple tree
Generates tons of apples throughout its life span.
Alien life would find us most significant.
All that remains peculiar is also brilliant.
Can my eyes of a child make me a better man?
They were given to me so that I choose to see.

Between faith and belief, there’s a wide difference.
To believe is to wish. It’s a kind of a creed
Or a fervent hope that a certain thing is so.
But faith means there are things that I don’t have to know.
Hanging on to the rigidity at light speed,
The sensation of floating describes my suspense.