Tag Archive | reading

All You Need To Know


Many things are worth knowing. Who wouldn’t agree
But then there comes the question of what one should know
And it gets complicated. It boggles the mind.
Among so many things to know how do I find
The perfect set of knowledge in order to grow?
It’s true that I create my own reality.

From this fundamental knowing that I create
By my thoughts and emotions I now realize
That my thoughts do the asking and the allowing.
How I feel right now is the most important thing
I can ponder and it comes as no big surprise
That life gets good when I’m in a positive state.

As I clean up my thinking and care more about
How I feel in each moment I gradually
Let go of more resistance which means I increase
My level of allowance. With each new release
Of resistance I’m closer to where I should be
Then how things happen for me leaves me without doubt.

I don’t face the reality that produces
Within me a vibration that prevents me from
My own wellbeing. That’s what it all comes down to.
What I want also wants me. All I have to do
Is prepare for the wonderful blessings to come.
I know now that I have no need for excuses.

Loosen Up!

Too Hard At Work

All good work is exciting when you first start out.
Then as time goes by life happens and frustration
Is experienced often. The work must go on
But it’s now an entrapment. Ambition is gone
And there’s not enough time left for recreation.
Your dreams for the future are now riddled with doubt.

Don’t Be Tense. To be tense is the surest way to
Fail in any undertaking great or not so.
Your success is a splendid thing but don’t pursue
It too tensely. It will suck the life out of you
If you do it, and you will have nothing to show
For the struggle in all of the work that you do.

There’s an attitude of mind which may be compared
To a clenched fist, a knitted brow, set teeth… and this
Kind of attitude cannot bring any success.
What it will do is make you ill because of stress.
If you play your life like a game then you won’t miss
Opportunities which with others can be shared.

Beyond your wildest expectations you’ll succeed
If you treat your work as fun. The difficulties
Are all part of the game. Laugh at annoyances.
The whole picture will change as your mood enhances
Your becoming. Eventually you’ll find ease
In your work as the tension within you is freed.

What Is Telepathy?

The Nature Of Mental Access

That the more unconditional love you emit
The more you can identify with other folk
Is a provable fact regarding everyone.
Generally there is a bit of confusion
As to what is occurring. We each are a spoke
In the Wheel of Creation. We are used to it.

And you are the only one in your universe.
There’s no one else to read but yourself. It is true
That the idea of other people is one
That is not of your universe. Nothing is done
That you are not a part of. The concept of you
Is your own. It is in it that you do immerse.

You are not reading anyone’s mind. You’re simply
Vibrating at the same frequency so you will
Have the same thoughts at the same time, so that you are
Independent of contact, which would be bizarre.
All it takes is some time to develop this skill.
Some are born with a ton of it naturally.

Using someone as a symbol to resonate,
What you do is ‘become’ them as much as you can
Through positive emotion. Like tuning forks we
Allow ourselves to vibrate at the frequency
Of the one we are focused on, woman or man.
You can make a practice of achieving this state.