Tag Archive | bowled

Lots Of Money

Cool Cash

“Give me money – a ton of it – so I can be
Excited and fulfilled forever and a day.”

Within this fallacy of thought there’s a big clue
To my wanting. It has really nothing to do
With conditions. I can’t let them get in the way
Of the simple business of living happily.

Dollars that flow into my experience are
Just the evidence of the vibration that I
Have got going on. If I’m all wadded up in
How to get lots more of it I cannot begin
To receive it no matter how hard I may try.
I’d be reaching for a much too far distant star.

Cleaning up my vibration means stepping back from
Manifestations of money that are lacking
Then beginning to think in terms of energy
And of satisfaction. Passionate I must be
About life. The universe is always backing
Me as in tune with my higher self I become.

I cash in my vibrational chips by being
Ever appreciative and thankful for all
That I have going for me and then the money
Will begin flowing into my life easily.
What I have to offer to the world isn’t small.
I can go for an abundant way of seeing.

Try Less

Momentary Defeat

You’ve identified something that you want so you
Think that you have to figure out how to get it
Into your life experience. You need to chill!
You cannot manifest by the strength of your will.
It would help if you tweaked you vibration a bit.
If you’re anxious there’s not a whole lot you can do.

So relax. Don’t get yourself tied up in a knot
Over your not possessing it. Try to be more
Accepting of the process. Let everything be
As it will. It all happens vibrationally
To begin with. Do know that it takes place before
Anything else. Can you give this notion a shot?

What you want is done already. You don’t need to
Keep on asking. This kind universe has your back.
It does not matter what it is that you desire
It can manifest if you’re able to acquire
The mindset of receiving and not one of lack.
Simply accepting this is all you need to do.

When something is done you want to move toward it
So you know that negative emotion moves you
Away from what you want. Positive emotion
You must cultivate. Give your utmost devotion
To your feeling your best. Pay more attention to
Your thoughts and emotions. It’s to your benefit.

Try Less


Like a soft whisper your conscience will let you know
When it’s time to relax. You may choose to ignore
What it’s telling you due to your obligations.
You attract uncomfortable situations
In so doing until you can’t do any more
But surrender and go with your natural flow.

Your work is not to try to think about it. Your
Work is to get into a state of allowing
Which means you can’t keep regurgitating how things
Are at present. Your vibrational offerings
To the magnificent and ever endowing
Universe you want to be absolutely pure.

All the cooperative components have been
Gathered already an the Law of Attraction
Orchestrates them and makes them available to
You always. Your belief in this stuff must be true.
What your spirit needs is a lethal distraction
From reality. Fulfillment will happen then.

Everything is completed vibrationally.
Take a break from goal setting and trust the process.
Do your efforting only when you’re at your best.
When you’re not then it’s best to just give it a rest.
You are much less productive when you’re under stress.
Things will manifest for you eventually.

Try Less – Trust The Process

Life Struggle

Is there some way that I can keep myself aligned
With who I truly am? How do I stabilize
And maintain my alignment? How do I allow
Life to happen especially right here and now?
Is there some kind of spiritual exercise
I can practice? The peace I want is hard to find.

Well, without sounding flippant what you need to do
Is to try less and trust more. Relax and let go
Of the struggle. The process is working just fine.
Your level of confusion is by your design.
Try not to think so hard. All that you need to know
Is that what you have been wanting will come to you.

Your work is to focus yourself into a state
Of allowing it into your experience
Which means you can’t keep regurgitating how things
Are right now. Your awareness of it only brings
Disappointment which can become very intense.
Pay close attention to what you want to create.

Let it be. Let it come to you. Don’t try so hard
To direct it. It only puts things in your way.
Don’t get out ahead of yourself. Your work is to
Find the best thought in this moment that pleases you.
Noticing how you feel is the best way to stay
In alignment. You’re fortunate in that regard.