Tag Archive | stop

Smatterings Of Wisdom

Owl On Book

Sometimes things that break your heart end up fixing your
Vision. Loneliness is the price you pay when you
Start to improve yourself. People will come and go.
Focus on your goal and don’t let anyone know
What you plans are. Some people won’t like what you do.
Such is life, but in your worthiness do be sure.

Don’t compare your life to others’ because you’ve no
Idea what their life’s journeys are all about.
Don’t underestimate the power of stupid
People in your life. Have the courage to forbid
Their intrusions. You haven’t a reason to doubt
That things are well and will be better tomorrow.

Sometimes you win; sometimes you learn. Envy is a
Waste of time. You already have all that you need.
Don’t pretend to be better than you are. Live at
Your own pace. Don’t feel guilty for doing all that
Is best for you. The will within you to succeed
Is the driving life force that gets you through your day.

Expect nothing. Appreciate everything. Be
Grateful for the little things in your life to find
Inner peace. If people don’t appreciate you
Then they don’t deserve you. To thine own self be true.
Nothing is more valuable than peace of mind.
Your aloneness is better than bad company.

Let Go And Move On

Serious Business

If you’re lucky enough to get a second chance
At something don’t waste it. Don’t look for happiness
In the same place you lost it. Real strength is letting
People lose you so you don’t end up regretting
Not having been chosen by them. Through the process
Of rejection you’re put in a tough circumstance.

The journey of your success will always begin
With the small step of taking the chance that will move
You out of your inaction. Sometimes people don’t
Want to hear the truth because they honestly won’t
Give up on their illusions so it’s hard to prove
Things to them. In an argument you will not win.

If you can’t take care of yourself you can’t take care
Of others. Your own health is the most important.
Putting off until tomorrow is your weakness.
Taking care of it right now leads to your success.
You’re the only one who can tell yourself you can’t
Find your place of alignment and keep yourself there.

Be careful who you share your weaknesses with. Some
People can’t wait for the opportunity to
Up and use them against you. It’s time to move on
When the feeling of hope for renewing is gone
But be grateful. Doing so will benefit you
In the long run. Stay focused on what is to come.

Along The Journey

Peaceful Path

Don’t cling to yesterday. It was beautiful, but
It was yesterday. Keep your focus on today.
Forgive people in silence and never speak to
Them again. This is self-care. It benefits you
To be mindful of all that may get in the way
Of your peace. To it all you must keep your mind shut.

There comes a time in your life when you have to choose
To turn the page, write another book, or simply
Close the book altogether. When that time arrives
Remember that the passion within you survives
Momentary depression and anxiety.
Make an offer to yourself that you can’t refuse.

Never jump in with both feet when all you want to
Do is depth check the water. Don’t be pushed around
By the fears in your mind. Instead be led by the
Dreams in your heart. Whoever you want you can be.
Let the voice of the spirit within you resound.
Problems indicate progress in all that you do.

If you expect the world to be fair with you just
Because you’re fair, that’s like expecting the lion
Not to eat you because you did not eat it. Be
Cognizant of the nature of reality.
You have but your amazing mind to rely on.
In your own guidance system you can learn to trust.

Stop Your Mind’s Chatter

Mental Confusion

“That concert was exciting. Did I feed the dog?
This weather is depressingly cloudy today.
Has my daughter reached school safely? I really care
About who wins the election. I don’t know where
I put my driver’s license. That was a nice play
By the quarterback. Why is there such a dense fog?”

Many people experience the monkey mind.
It chatters on endlessly. Not even for one
Second can it remain silent. Out of control
It appears to be because you’re not feeling whole
But you can get a handle on how thoughts are spun
In your mind when with ultimate truth you’re aligned.

Here’s a technique that will put your mind well at ease.
Close your eyes. Watch your thoughts as they constantly flow
Through you mind but do not try to stop them and don’t
Get involved with them. Trust in your heart that you won’t
Think about your thoughts. Just think them then let them go.
They’re not worthy of your conscious analyses.

Now ask yourself one important question. “What will
My next thought be?”
Then wait for the next thought to come.

Keep on waiting. You may ask the question again.
“What will be my next thought?” Thoughtlessness happens when
You keep waiting. You will have gotten away from
All the chatter. Indeed your mind has to sit still.

Listen With Your Heart

Social Conflict

Everything that we know we must know in a way
That upsets and causes people to congregate
And wreak havoc in public. No one can deny
That the world is in trouble and no one knows why
Because it’s complicated. What can be our fate
If in a state of peace we’re unable to stay?

The cause of human suffering is in the mind.
We process information as symbology
That we treat as the truth which is a huge mistake.
Be discerning of all the agreements you make
With yourself and with others continually.
Be grateful for the smidgen of peace that you find.

Learn to be skeptical but Listen With Your Heart.
It’s were truth resides but it can be distorted
By your words and symbols. They turn out to be lies
When within you there’s a tendency to despise
And the peace that you want remains unsupported.
With oneself is where one must be willing to start.

Use the power of doubt to challenge everything
Offered to you but listen to what’s being said.
Mastery of the human mind requires complete
Attention to your inner truth. It’s when you meet
Up with your heart and try to stay out of your head
That you’ll come to some kind of an understanding.

It’s Ready

Daily Bread

Life is a well-stocked kitchen that has every kind
Of ingredient anyone could imagine.
You can pluck from the shelves and make your loaf of bread
Or you may decide that you want a cake instead
But there’s no way you would put tabasco sauce in
What you’re baking. The thought never enters your mind.

You may not like tabasco sauce but do not try
To have it thrown out of the kitchen. If you do
You’ll find that it has gotten baked into your cake.
When you push against something it only will make
Things a lot worse. It can get the better of you.
The rights of tabasco sauce you cannot deny.

Just don’t give the tabasco sauce your attention.
It exists on the shelf somewhere. Leave it right there.
Don’t join groups. Don’t protest. It only creates more
Of the thing you don’t want and as ever before
It will haunt you to the point of utter despair.
You can’t establish tabasco sauce prevention.

Keep your consciousness focused on what you’re baking.
In your imagination it’s already done
So just go through the motions and let life evolve
As it should. Not a problem there is to resolve
In this wonderful kitchen that serves everyone.
Be at one with the masterpiece that you’re making.

A Newfound Resolution

Outdoor Life

You’re a leading edge creator here to explore
The contrast that life offers. Without it you would
Not be able to draw any good conclusions
About your journey. You harbor no illusions
Regarding your effectiveness and as you should
You stay focused upon only things you adore.

That which is like unto itself is drawn you know
And that there’s a vibrational reality.
When you see what you don’t want you make what you do
A vibrational reality that’s as true
As the physical thing that it will come to be.
You have the power within you to make it so.

You have access to infinite intelligence.
Your vortex of creation is identified
By this provident consciousness who is aware
Of every single wish you have and who takes care
Of your needs. The whole universe is on your side.
This wonderful assurance comes at no expense.

Everything has been lined up – the people, places,
And perfect situations. The question is where
Are you in this big picture. Your answer must be
That you always seek ways to live life happily.
In this way you will be taking maximum care
Of yourself and of all that you heart embraces.

Living In The Now

Momentary Midday Pleasure

Make it your highest priority to live more
In the present if you want to live happily.
You don’t need lots of money and all the nice things
It can buy. What’s found in the present moment brings
You the insight to experience ecstasy.
Within you is all that you ever have need for.

All unhappiness is formed when you get away
From what is most important – this present moment.
Disappointment and anger come from focusing
On the past. Fixation on the future will bring
Worry, stress, and anxiety. Conscious intent
Is required so that you in the present will stay.

Use this moment to appreciate anything
You can think of – the breath of abundant fresh air
That you’re taking in – the energy inside you –
How the cells of your body know just what to do
To keep you in the best of health. Just be aware
Of the goodness and wellbeing that’s happening.

When the things you do are infused with your presence
Everything you do is done with more quality,
More connection, and more love. There’s greater success
On all levels. The measure of your happiness
Is how connected to the present you can be.
Happily ever after you live your life hence.

Feel Your Best

Simple Happiness

Find just one simple thing that always makes you smile.
It can be something big or small or in-between
But your focus upon it must bring you delight.
That you can be joyful always only seems right.
Happiness is your own spiritual hygiene.
Every feeling and thought that you have is worthwhile.

Let the good feeling thought resonate within you.
Let it gather momentum. It’s most important
To stay with it and milk it for all that it’s got.
What comes true is what you do think about a lot.
There’s no law in the universe that says you can’t
Feel Your Best. It’s something easy for you to do.

We all have those things in our life experience
That can make us feel better as well as those things
That upset us. Which way to feel would you prefer?
If you want happiness in your life to occur
Then be receptive to the infinite wellsprings
Of wellbeing. The power you have is immense.

“I’ve asked and it’s been given. So won’t it be nice
When I rendezvous with it? I’m really going
To enjoy it and I’m gaining more clarity
About how I can live my life more happily
Ever after. I trust in my inner knowing.
I can count absolutely on its wise advice.”

Your Way

Green Luck

Yes you can have it Your Way! Don’t let anyone
Tell you otherwise. You absolutely control
Your own destiny by being fully aware
Of your thoughts and feelings. When you give proper care
To your attitude you’ll achieve any set goal
And your life will be accented with lots of fun.

You control your relationship with everything
That surrounds you. It’s vibrational at its core.
There are some things you cannot control with action
Because this universe is one of attraction.
From your place of alignment you can do much more
Without effort because of what you’re offering.

When you get into that place you stop trying to
Control anything but your vibrational stance
Of alignment. The Law of Attraction takes care
Of everything. You just have to be more aware
Of the good coming to you. It isn’t by chance
That the universe delivers good things to you.

So control the only thing you need to control
Which is how you feel, then you will have it Your Way.
Practice, maintain, and own a healthy vibration.
How you live your life is your most prized creation.
You can keep yourself in alignment come what may.
Your Way always will lead to your becoming whole.

Decide To Get Happy

It's To Laugh

Life is not complicated but we make it so
Because we don’t remember the promise we made
To ourselves before we were born to be happy.
It’s so simple yet we can’t do it easily.
For decades we’ve been on a survival crusade
And we’re weary due to all the pain and sorrow.

Many books have been written about feeling good
But there isn’t anything that you didn’t know
The day you were born. You’re just being reminded
Of what you have forgotten. We’ve all been blinded
By the bright light of reason that won’t let us grow
Into happiness as easily as we should.

Getting happy means making peace with where you are.
In most cases you need not take any action
But do whatever it takes to get yourself there.
About how you feel you must give your utmost care.
In this universe it’s all about attraction
And a state of contentment is never too far.

Being glad to wake up and being excited
About life is delicious. You were meant to be
Happily ever wandering this wonderland.
Simple happiness isn’t hard to understand.
Even in a most fragmented society
You can find a way to always be delighted.

Other People’s Approval

Happy Audience

Those who get the most approval in life are those
Who care the least about it and people who get
The least approval are those who go after it
With a passion perhaps because they feel unfit
Deep inside for approval. They often regret
Their decisions to go against what the heart knows.

Paradoxically if you want approval
Then you have to stop concerning yourself with it.
Think about those who get it. They couldn’t care less
About what others think of them. They have access
To the wisdom within them. They will not permit
Outside circumstances to affect their morale.

When you’re so busy being that you don’t have time
To notice what the neighbors are doing then you
Can concern yourself only with that which rings true
In your heart. Never mind what other people do.
One may think that this is a selfish point of view
And it is. It’s the only path to the sublime.

Put yourself before others. Stop people pleasing.
It’s important to compromise once in a while
But not always. Practicing saying ‘no’ kindly
Is essential to your being ultimately
In a place where you offer a genuine smile.
Your sense of self-worth is truly worth reseizing.

Student Of Life

Life School

I struggled not with English or math as a child
Nor with getting along with others but I did
Have a problem with holding still. I always would
Tap my fingers and fidget. As hard as I could
I would try not to do it. I couldn’t get rid
Of my habit which many a teacher reviled.

I would do it unconsciously. Teachers would say,
“Stop your tapping, Clint. You’re disrupting the whole class.”
I got sent to the principal many times and
Because he wasn’t me he could not understand
My aberrant behavior. In those days my glass
Was near empty. To myself I wanted to stay.

I believe that a single moment in time can
Change a person’s life in a most positive way.
One day my teacher told me to stay after class
And I thought, “This is it for my fidgety ass.”
But it turned out that he had something kind to say
In our time spent together. He was a good man.

“Clint, have you ever thought about playing the drums?”
He asked me. I had never been asked this before.

Reaching into his desk he pulled out my first set
Of drumsticks. It’s a moment I shall not regret
For today I’m doing what I simply adore.
From the kind heart the blessing of upliftment comes.

No Excuses

Cloudiness Of Mind

Many things you would like to do. Many you would
Like to put off forever. What’s keeping you from
Going after your dreams? Are you stuck in a cloud
Of excuses? To many of them may enshroud
Your perceptions. It would help if you had but some
Indication of movement as all people should.

What’s holding you back is you. Excuses sound best
To the one who’s excusing. Stop feeling sorry
For yourself. Stop your sob stories, pity parades,
And your well organized persecution crusades.
You can make your life the way you want it to be
When you give your complaining a permanent rest.

Don’t be jealous of people who’ve made a big change
In the world or in someone’s life. They’ve paid the price
To attain what they have. Recognize that you are
Valuable even though you may be quite far
From where you want to be. It will have to suffice
For right now. Keep your eyes off of what is down range.

Do not act out of your nervous anxiety.
Wait until you’ve recovered a bit then take care
Of what needs to get done. Your excuses are lies.
The truth is that you have what it takes, that you’re wise,
And that you have your special unique gifts to share
With yourself and with all human society.

Act As If You Already Have It

Sassy Rich

Your reality is a realization
Of vibration so everything is all about
Your own interpretation of the energy
Of vibration from which everything comes to be.
There’s no need for you to figure anything out.
You’ve become now a master of co-creation.

The path of least resistance or most abundance…
Most fulfillment… most freedom to be who you are
Is revealed to you constantly but sometimes you
Can’t perceive it so clearly so what can you do
To release the resistance that’s keeping you far
From your dreams? What can you do in such circumstance?

Be receptive to impulse and inspiration.
Now, you can’t do this when you’re upset or bummed out
Or feeling like a victim. The receptive mode
Is attained when you choose to get on the high road
Of existence. That there is one you mustn’t doubt.
You’re there when you decide to kick back and have fun.

If you want it but don’t have it, that part of you
Who’s aware of not having it is preventing
It from coming. You must act as if you have it
Already. You will gain maximum benefit
From the strength of intention you’re implementing.
In a short while you will see you dream coming true.

The Art Of Right Thinking

Bright Brain

When the vibration of a thought gains momentum
It gets bigger and its power is amplified.
Think about a thought that you already believe
Then a magnetic vibration you will achieve.
There’s nothing in the universe that you’re denied.
It is where most creations of genius come from.

Be a thinker. It’s what you do best after all
But use your thought to feel your way into a state
Of alignment with who you know yourself to be.
Thoughts that feel good are the ones that will set you free
Of the struggle that life has caused you to create.
There are many good feelings that you can recall.

Decide whether your tuning to the solution
Or the problem. If you care about how you feel
And if you want the good momentum to increase
Give yourself a break. The resistance you release
Puts you in a position that is most ideal.
The thought process is part of the evolution.

All that effort that you’ve been offering from a
Place of trying to make something right is the cause
Of increasing resistance. Try to relax more.
As you do then the things that you love and adore
Will flood into your life. When you apply the laws
Of the universe then only good comes your way.

You Need To Hear This

Listen Up!

It’s really inappropriate for anyone
To say ever that something indeed has gone wrong.
It’s easy to draw that conclusion when you see
Bad things happening. They can affect you deeply
But if you’re to contain yourself you must be strong.
Realignment with yourself is what must be done.

During the time you’re experiencing contrast
You are asking for everything to get better
And the provident universe responds in kind.
Nowhere else but with your inner being you’ll find
Reassurance that your fulfillment will occur.
It’s a foregone conclusion that life is a blast.

You can receive the benefit of ‘what is’ in
Any moment in time. Simply don’t talk about
Things that split up your energy. Tell a brand new
Story. Speak about it until you make it true.
There’s no place in your program for lingering doubt.
This very moment is the best time to begin.

It is right for you to choose what feels best to you.
You need not prove your worthiness. It’s a given.
Stop pinching yourself off from the things you adore.
There’s so much about your life you need to explore.
A magnificent world opens up for you when
You decide to take a positive point of view.

What You Want Also Wants You

Moment Of Consideration

What you don’t want is something that’s clear in your mind
Because of what you do want. Relativity
Is the issue because there’s no way you can know
What you want otherwise. You just have to let go
Of your wanting and let everything come to be.
To the universe your desire has been assigned.

What you want has momentum – its own energy.
It becomes your desire and takes on consciousness.
Its purpose in life is to be manifested
In your life. It becomes totally invested
In your full satisfaction and through the process
Of creation it becomes something you can see.

You may feel that if you don’t put forth some effort
That the world and the universe will deny you
Of what you want. Put forth your effort only when
You’re aligned with your spirit. You will succeed then
In your work. It helps if you pay attention to
How you feel. You have much spiritual support.

Don’t ask things of yourself until you’re hooked into
Your true power – the leverage of alignment.
Energy that creates worlds is at your avail.
Manifesting is done on a really large scale
When you find it within yourself to be content
In your knowing that all of your dreams will come true.

What The Masters Know

Threshold Of Eternity

What if noticing how you feel wasn’t something
That you wanted or strived for because you live in
A world that wants you to be tough and care much less
About your feelings? It’s not healthy to suppress
The emotions. It’s like committing mortal sin
To the spirit. Nothing good can this practice bring.

In every moment that you are encouraging
Negative momentum through your thoughts, the other
Side of the coin is gaining momentum also.
There is only one certain way for you to know
What your point of attraction is. That’s to confer
With the part of you that does all of the feeling.

“Nobody gets to just do what they want to do,”
Says society. We lack the motivation
To feel better just for the sake of doing so.
You know what is needed for your spirit to grow
And it has much to do with your having more fun.
Don’t look outside yourself for a positive clue.

Negative manifestations are a good thing
Because they bring more clarity. Don’t be upset
With yourself for not being where you want to be.
Where you are is where you are temporarily.
Be prepared for the good things that haven’t come yet.
Stay connected to whatever makes your heart sing.

Your Daily To Do List

Focus Moment

Since this morning you’ve had a chance to meditate,
Change your thinking, and get up to speed with who you
Really are. You know that quieting your mind will
Stop your resistant thinking. When your mind is still
You can come out of it knowing just what to do
With your day – one in which only you can create.

When you quiet your mind you stop resistant thought.
This will cause your vibration to rise. When you run
Or take walks or interact with those who you love
Your vibration increases. It’s way far above
What is normal for most folks. You can be the one
Whose true sense of wellbeing can never be bought.

Anything that will move you in the direction
Of who you truly are will put you in a place
Of receiving direction on how to proceed
With your day. Any method that you use will lead
To a day characterized by provident grace.
Your appreciation strengthens your connection.

So, get on rampages of appreciation.
Make lists of positive aspects. Quiet your mind
Several times throughout your day as you set goals,
Offer effort, and make plans. Be one of those souls
Who has found the best way to keep yourself aligned
With your higher self. It’s cause for celebration.

Just Feel Good

Ease Of Happiness

If what is has your undivided attention
Then you are not a deliberate creator.
You’re a knee jerk reactor, regurgitator,
And a default observer. You want nothing more
Than to be free of what is – a celebrator
Of a good life beyond any comprehension.

You can choose an emotion that is apart from
The reality that you’re currently living.
You’ve the ability to deliberately
Alter everything about your reality.
Nothing about life is truly unforgiving.
Keep your mind on the wonderful blessings to come.

Find a way to stop offering a vibration
That holds you apart from all that you’ve created.
Stop the struggle. Surrender. Give up the battle.
Put your attention only on the things that’ll
Make your heart sing. What can get you activated
To be joyful? It’s the clearest indication.

Stop looking at the evidence that supports why
You’re standing in a place where you don’t want to stand.
Stop keeping what is active then everything will
Work out magnificently. You just need to chill
An let your inner being take you by the hand.
Simply find some way to keep yourself flying high.

Addiction And Spiritual Growth

Drug Therapy

There’s no logical reason for me to have turned
Out this way. My upbringing was loving and kind
Yet I have an addiction. I have to admit
To myself that I have no intention to quit
Because in it there’s some semblance of peace of mind.
About life and my living it I’m unconcerned.

What’s the reason I do it? To cover the pain
Of my feeling inadequate to be around
Other people. I feel that I’m not capable
Of loving. I perceive that I’m unlovable.
There are no redeeming qualities to be found
In this sorry self. My whole life I’ve lived in vain.

Well, that’s it in a nutshell. I could say that I
Lost my job or a loved one but deep down inside
I feel ugly and socially not up to par.
I am powerless over conditions that are
Of myself too revealing. I have much to hide.
I don’t want you to know me. Please don’t ask me why.

Powerlessness becomes me. I fear that I will
Be discovered. I don’t want to have anything
To do with anyone. Kindly leave me alone
As I fade into the unwelcoming unknown.
Each of us is addicted to our wellbeing
Ultimately. It’s everyone’s wish to fulfill.

Stop Doubting Yourself

Moment Of Self-Doubt

If you want something out of life, if there’s some goal
That you want to reach, if you have some special dream,
Or if you want to overcome your bad habits,
It’s not easy. The most average person quits
Fairly quickly, which may relate to self-esteem
Where a lack of ambition frustrates the poor soul.

Most people go through life never discovering
What their talents are. The only thing that will make
One happy is to discover what one can do
And to feel incredible power pushing through
Whatever holds one back. One avoids the heartache
Of not trying. The fear is worth overcoming.

People are rewarded in public for what they
Practice for years in private. Become creative,
Resourceful, and relentless in bringing about
The change needed to get rid of nagging self-doubt.
You can live life better if you’re willing to give
More attention to how you feel throughout your day.

Power becomes available to you when you
Develop enough courage and passion to not
Be deterred by negative feedback from others.
Keep your focus on noticing all that occurs
In your favor. Give your cherished dream all you’ve got.
The universe is helping to make it come true.

Act As If You Have It

Lavish Living

Everything that’s perceived is a realization
Of vibrations. Your senses translate them into
Your reality, so your interpretation
Is something that’s experienced by everyone,
And to see what’s always being revealed to you
Requires readiness to receive information.

Your path of least resistance is now and always
Projected with such clarity, but sometimes you
Are not in the receptive mode. If you’re bummed out
Or you feel somehow unworthy, then there’s no doubt
That you won’t see what’s coming from out of the blue
To assist you in ways that delight and amaze.

Your receptive mode does vary from day to day
And from moment to moment within each, and you
Can notice when you have moments of clarity.
Your emotions will indicate accurately
How receptive you are. It has nothing to do
With the people and things you think get in your way.

Find the feeling place of what you want and believe
That you already have it. You can conjure it
By pretending and acting as if it’s all done
And by ignoring the advice of anyone
Who does not share your vision. You will benefit
From the altered vibration that you will achieve.