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You Attract By Your Attention

Personal Focus

Your life is created by the story you tell…
By the conversations that you have also by
Memories and past attitudes and about how
You feel about things in general yet right now
You can change it without even having to try.
You can learn to tell your new story very well.

You’re the attractor of things by your attention.
You create your own reality in this way.
You’ve the ability to think differently
Than you do at this moment which means you can be
In a pretty nice place throughout much of your day.
Happiness isn’t beyond your comprehension.

You’re a brilliant creator in this here and now.
Life on earth is the leading edge of creation.
Find something to focus upon. Feel your way to
Clearer, purer, less resistive thought. It helps you
To make stable your spiritual foundation.
Life gets so much better when you learn to allow.

It’s only about you personally wanting
Enough to feel good that you’re willing to reach for
Better feeling thoughts. Clear your mind and start anew.
Turning thoughts to things should come easily to you.
As you ask, it is given, and you’ll receive more
Than you could have imagined to make your heart sing.

What Are You Responding To?

Too Much Information

It’s a wonderful feeling when you finally
Come to know that the universe is responding
To you always according to your vibration
Yet you may think and feel with some hesitation
But don’t worry that it may end up becoming
In an instant a part of your reality.

Momentum and conscious attention are required
For your thoughts to become manifested so you
Have a time cushion where you can nip in the bud
The bad feeling ones such that they’ve no chance to flood
Your consciousness. The thing that you’re responding to
Is of value if from within you it’s inspired.

When the universe responds to your impatience
You get more of it. When it responds to your peace
Then more feelings of wellbeing and contentment
Will be yours and it’s all through your conscious intent
That you feel your best. It’s about time to release
The malignant mindset so that joy can commence.

What you’re giving the universe to respond to
Is your primary focus. Always you will be
Offering a vibration for the universe
To respond to. It happens for better or worse.
Being happy is your highest priority.
Be aware of the wellbeing coming to you.

Don’t Think About It


The contrast that you’re living causes you to know
What you don’t want and therefore what satisfies you.
It really is that simple. How you think and feel
Determines what you get. Your life may be ideal
Or a total disaster. Whichever is true
You’ve complete control over how your life should go.

You send out a vibration whenever you feel
Strong desire. It’s an energy field that combines
With all energies like it. Cooperative
Components are assembled so that you may live
Out your dream. You must be receptive to the signs
Shown to you by the universe which are quite real.

Even though you don’t see it yet it’s on its way
Just as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow.
It’s not tangible. It exists as vibration.
You must be ready for its manifestation.
Unto you the good things of life are meant to flow.
In alignment with your higher self you must stay.

If you can’t accept the beginning of something
That you can’t see then you can’t tell if you’re holding
Yourself in vibrational alignment with it
As it grows and matures. It’s to your benefit
To stay positive as your dream is unfolding.
Be receptive to all that the world wants to bring.

You Are The Universe

Alien Citizen

The world of human drama is nothing compared
To the whole of existence. The intelligence
That created the universe created us.
How it all happened would be something to discuss
But since nobody knows it wouldn’t make much sense.
Manifold are the scientific theories shared.

You can understand things like your intuition,
Synchronicity, happenstance, and harmony
Once you reach the state of God realization.
You’ll be truly amazed by all that you get done
When through the eyes of divinity you can see.
You become more compassionate with everyone.

What is that inner calling that tells you when you
Are off track – the one that you will often ignore?
It’s that divine, organizing intelligence
That created all things in the universe. Hence
You’re the same as this intellect. What could be more
Satisfying than adopting this point of view?

Subatomic particles don’t act like inert
Agent entities. They each seem to have a mind
Of their own. They respond to our thinking process
And our point of attraction. We are nothing less
Than the infinite universe and we’re inclined
To create. Each of us is a living expert.

Don’t Put People In Boxes

Moving Day

Boxes are an invention of society
And because human nature is fatally prone
To the drawing of lines and the taking of sides
In an instant the ignorant ego decides
Who someone is when nothing about them is known.
We put people into boxes too easily.

There’s us and there’s them. We can feel comfortable
With some people but with others we would prefer
To keep at a distance. There are those we can share
Something with but with others we don’t seem to care.
We must learn to not judge a book by its cover.
What’s to become of us if we’re just unable?

There are those of us with many chapters and those
Just starting our own stories. There’s the well to do
And those doing what they can do just to survive.
There are those with the goods and they want to deprive
Everyone else of theirs. There are those who are true
To their higher selves and through their actions it shows.

The continuing drama of human affairs
Is unending. The time that we take to sort out
Everyone on the planet can be better used
For reflection. The ego is always confused
About others and itself. It’s fettered in doubt.
Stay in touch with the spirit within you who cares.


Believe It, It Will Be


It’s a different orientation when you
Begin to understand that you create your own
Life experience and that you’re an attractor
And the universe is your kind benefactor.
To it all of your aspirations are well known.
You attract whatever you give attention to.

Your life is created by the story you tell –
By the memories and all the conversations
That you have and by the way you feel about things
Generally. You know that your feeling good brings
Many blessings. You see all the indications
Of alignment with your true self. You’re doing well.

You’ve the ability to feel differently
Than you do if you want to – just not all at once
Because Law of Attraction, while it’s your best friend,
Will give you what you believe – not what you pretend
To believe. Do believe in receiving your bunce
Not all at once but let it come gradually.

As you find something that you can focus upon
And as you feel your way to less resistant thought
You’ll be joyful, productive, and perfectly clear.
You’ll spend time on the things that to you are most dear.
You do best simply when the good feeling is sought.
Do whatever delights you and then carry on.

Ten Seconds Equals Two Years

Master Clock

A vibrational reality that is real
Is what you’ve been creating in your everyday
Mode of living. It’s full of all that you’ve become
And it’s calling you to it. Don’t turn away from
All the good things you’ve put there. Find some kind of way
To line up with it. Notice the way that you feel.

There’s a nonphysical sense called inspiration.
You feel it when you’re doing something creative
Which is just about anything. Thoughts constantly
Turn to things and they mimic most accurately
Your vibration. You’re always appreciative
Of receiving help to support your creation.

Inspiration then is a manifestation.
Getting out ahead of it means caring about
How you feel. When you decide to feel good you can
Create what you want a whole lot easier than
When you choose to feel lousy and fettered in doubt.
How you feel directly affects your creation.

Be good to yourself. Do what you think needs to be
Taken care of but don’t think that hard work gets you
Any lasting fulfillment. Ten seconds of your
Feeling good equals two years struggle. The more
You relax then the less efforting there’s to do.
Life is meant for you to get through it easily.

Ten Thousand Within Days?

Cash On Green

Here’s a wonderful story. It may reinforce
Your belief in your own power to manifest
Anything within days. How terrific is that?
How Law of Attraction works is worth looking at.
So this story is a helpful one to digest.
It puts you in touch with your spiritual source.

Once a guy up and wanted ten thousand dollars
Within days so he used visualization
To study carefully a one hundred dollar
Bill in every detail. He even went so far
As to magnify it just for the sensation.
It was never like he was reaching for the stars.

What he did next was feel it. He turned it around,
Upside down, inside out, and around once again.
Then he smelt it. The freshness of print he took in
To allow limbic brain functioning to begin.
He had gathered enough information to then
Visualize. The perfect technique he had found.

His vision included sorting all the money
Into piles of one hundred’s. He had the feeling
Of its ownership and within just a few days
He was offered an opportunity that pays
The amount he envisioned. It’s most appealing
To have something you imagined then come to be.

The Power Of Intention

Speeding Fireball

Nothing happens on this earth without intention.
Not one single thing has ever be accomplished
Without intention. Intention is everything.
Using it properly, it cannot help but bring
About what you want. Everything you ever wished
For can be had simply by focused attention.

Spirituality is about relieving
The pain and suffering of others. You’re aligned
With your purpose when you feel extremely lucky
To be a part of this human community.
Your intention may be that all of humankind
Be a lot more truthful and much less deceiving.

You intended to be here in this time and space.
Everything happening in this moment is your
Single manifestation. It’s all within you.
You’re the consciousness that makes my existence true.
Your intention, now stronger than ever before,
Is a virtual magnet for infinite grace.

Do enjoy what your doing and don’t even care
If it’s meaningful to anyone else but you
Because you’re all that matters. Intend to be free
To be the creative master you’re meant to be.
Be aware of the healing in all that you do.
You have done much already so take comfort there.

Who You Really Are

A Big Question

Do you know Who You Really Are? You’re a machine
With a spirit created by God. You’re the light
That shines through you. Both essences are intertwined
In a way that whatever comes into your mind
Will become manifested. You don’t have to fight
For the process to work and results to be seen.

In this world there are no victims, villains, or those
Who cast shadows upon you. That’s an illusion
Of the ego. There’s no one doing things to you.
It makes sense to take the logical point of view.
You choose what you’ve created and all that you’ve done
You own up to. You can know what your spirit knows.

When you can say, “I did this,” you find the power
To change things for the better. And in so doing
Tremendous satisfaction is what you will feel.
All in good timing the universe will reveal
Exactly the best path you should be pursuing.
Be open to having wonderful things occur.

Seek then to create change not because something’s wrong
But because it no longer makes an accurate
Statement of who you are now. As soon as today
You can change your life circumstance in a big way.
Go ahead with the life you were meant to create.
Get accustomed to living your life like a song.

Choosing The People Around Us

Mutual Suspicion

I create my own reality. Does this mean
That I choose those around me like friends, family,
And acquaintances? Their vibrational essence
Is what I choose, and if I should take great offense
To their being in my life, then it’s hard to be
In alignment because my vibration isn’t clean.

I’m creating a vibrational version of
Everything in each moment. The universe fills
In the details. Cooperative components
Are assembled along with the kinds of events
That are like my vibration. The thought gives me chills.
Somewhere in this equation there has to be love.

Love is like getting hungry again long after
A most satisfying meal. I think I’ll never
Be hungry again, but I will. I don’t freak out
When I’m hungry. I don’t keep my mouth shut and pout
Like I used to. I’m open to the endeavor
Of living a life of abundance and laughter.

Contrast is like the next meal and eternally
I will hunger. There’s always going to be more
Right along with more choices. I get to decide
Who I take along on this continuous ride
Through existence. Respect for myself is called for.
To attract what I want is my reason to be.

What Is Real?

Alternate Reality

What’s it like to hallucinate? I’d imagine
That it’s much like reality, which is a dream
That all beings are having. What I know as real
Is due to my perspective which is a big deal
To my conscious awareness. But why does it seem
Such an issue? I do not know where to begin.

From the stuff that things are made of, my perspective
Is what calls them together into what I know
To be real. It’s in response to my vibration
That things take on physical manifestation.
My perspective can be my best friend or my foe.
I’m fully in touch with the human collective.

There’s nothing outside of my perspective. There’s no
Kind of reality beyond my perception.
I can tweak myself into alignment with my
Inner being. My perspective can remain high
Above folly unless I’m in the mood for fun.
The more real the excitement the more real the show.

Everything that is physical is much the same
As the nonphysical. The only difference
Is that what’s physical is exaggerated
So it feels real. The sense organs have created
A reality that must make absolute sense
To the psyche. Indeed all of life is a game.

Control What Comes To You

Easily Manifesting

The universe is responding to you. What are
You responding to? The things you’ve been practicing
That feel good to you are not very far away
As the universe acts on them without delay.
It responds to the vibration you’re offering.
Neither is this unheard of nor is it bizarre.

If you’re responding to shopping for furniture
And you’re feeling good, then the universe gives you
More of that nice experience. But the reverse
Is true also. If you feel bad, it’s like a curse
Cast upon you. No matter what you try to do
Things screw up and you end up feeling insecure.

How are you feeling? What’s your point of attraction?
If you’re worried or impatient, the universe
Will respond with more stuckness and catastrophe.
Your feelings can guide you to where you want to be.
If you don’t listen to them, things get a lot worse.
In fact, you will have started a chain reaction.

You Control What Comes To You by being aware
Of how you feel in each moment. Find simple things
To feel good about, and without difficulty
You will be in a place that is resistance free.
The world is your oyster when your happy heart sings.
Manifesting is a vibrational affair.

Defining Who God Is

Changing Sky

In the present moment you have total access
To the power of life itself. Need you define
What it is that keeps energy flowing through you?
People need to have some kind of rational clue
To deal with the ineffable, so we align
With a standard that represents our righteousness.

We spend God awful time defining the divine
When we could be experiencing it always.
‘It’ becomes a real consciousness that is within
And without. When your mind is quiet you begin
To experience ‘It’ in ways that will amaze
And fulfill you because you are of ‘Its’ design.

This continuum of life, from our perspective,
Is a bit screwy. We believe that we come here,
Live our lives, and then pass over into spirit.
But we’re always in spirit. Our lives we don’t quit.
After ‘death’ we are focused on what is most dear
To the heart. We are all a spirit collective.

Our belief is only a poor substitute for
The reality itself. No mental concept
Can compare to the feeling of divinity.
We are meant to experience ‘It’ consciously.
In the heart is where much of our knowing is kept.
Our intention is what always opens the door.

Never Think About It

Don't Try To Figure It Out

The contrast of your life causes you to know what
You don’t want therefore you know the things that you do.
All your thoughts and vibrations are being received
By the universe. When alignment is achieved,
Things will manifest as if from out of the blue.
Things come a lot faster when you feel from the gut.

It’s not tangible yet to where you can see it,
And it bothers you. It can be irritating
To hear people speak of a damned reality
That in reality has not yet come to be.
Resistance to the truth you may be creating
By discounting this reality’s benefit.

So, accept the reality of the unseen.
To give birth to something, first it must be conceived.
Though it’s hard to accept this, the fact is, you must!
There is so much to gain by your learning to trust
That your dream is as real as it’s strongly believed.
One who is happy is one whose senses are keen.

Be a vibrational match to what you ask for,
Then stop thinking about it. Feel it like it’s done!
Talk about what you want – more importantly, Why.
You will feel more excited – certainly not shy
About broadcasting your wishes to everyone.
Gratitude for what you have will lead you to more.

Just Get In There

Vortex Of Creation

Think of it as a circle of pure energy.
Your Vortex of Creation contains every dream
You have had since arriving here on planet earth.
Your existence here is your engaging with mirth
All its pleasures and contrast. The energy stream
Of your wishes increases cumulatively.

It’s nonphysical. It consists of vibration.
What’s in there is magnificent because it’s you.
It seems like it’s not enough like reality,
So attention to it you may not pay. Maybe
You have some trouble accepting this point of view,
But remember it’s your focus of creation.

You’re addicted to reality. You spend more
Of the time documenting the way that things are.
Feeling for what is coming, you are more aware
Of the more subtle forces that tend to and care
For all that you have wanted. It’s not very far
From becoming. It’s what you have been waiting for.

If you had but an inkling of what is in there,
You’d put up with no negative conversation.
You’d clean up your vibration fast and not complain
Or defend you position. There’s much more to gain
With a sincere token of appreciation.
Just Get In There, and then live a life without care.

Ask, Believe… Receive

Open Treasure

All you need is desire, but you hardly ever
Have a wanting for something without a belief
That opposes it. That’s why things have stayed the same,
Which makes you not believe in the attraction game.
Your desire then becomes something that gives you grief.
Your wanting is a spiritual endeavor.

If you could just have a pure desire, it would be
Such a blessing, because without the resistance,
It would manifest easily. If you believe
It can happen, then it’s likely you will achieve
Fulfillment of your wishes. It isn’t by chance
That this happens. Your heart must be resistance free.

Your desire will gain power if you can let go
Of the asking and line up with the energy
That creates worlds and keeps them suspended in space.
That power is your point of attraction and grace.
You do not have to prove or get others to see
The reason for your passion, for they cannot know.

When desires and beliefs match, things fall into place
Without effort, like magic. But when they do not,
Things are difficult. Yet negative emotion
Is your guidance toward a better solution.
As you’re living you life, give it all that you’ve got.
Take advantage of the power that you embrace.

Just Get In There

Don't Waste Time

I’m addicted to reality. I spend more
Time than anyone should be when talking about
Things as they are, even as they’re filled with despair.
There’s one place I need be. If I Just Get In There,
I can know my wellbeing without any doubt.
Any other way is to live life as a chore.

Feeling what’s coming up in there, I can release
Much of that which is negative and be complete.
The emotional spectrum with ease I ascend.
There is nothing more important than that I tend
To the treasure amassed that is not yet concrete.
I know that when I’m in there, my grace shall increase.

Something tells me that if I knew what I have stored
In vibrational escrow, no time would I spend
Complaining or attempting to right what is wrong.
My old ways I would lose, and I’d sing a new song.
If I just had an inkling, then I would transcend
Negativity and feel that I am adored.

Getting in there gets easier with each new day.
I get plenty of practice amid the contrast.
It causes me to try harder, and it’s worthwhile.
The fact that I can train myself does make me smile.
Defending my position is part of the past.
I’m the only one ever who gets in my way.