Tag Archive | multi-sensory

Authentic Power

Deflation Of Self

The change is happening. We don’t have to make it
Happen. It’s an expansion of our perception
Beyond the limitations of the five senses.
We know now that our actions have consequences
And that we can tune ourselves for the reception
Of nonphysical knowledge for our benefit.

We’re becoming aware of ourselves as more than
Bodies and minds. We have another sensory
System of which our intuition is a part
As well as the warm feelings that come from the heart.
Feeling that you’re living your life meaningfully
Is a clue that your doing everything you can.

We’ve used external power to manipulate
And control things but that doesn’t work anymore.
It’s now counterproductive. Authentic Power
Is accessed from within. One could ask, “Just how were
We able to make it this far, and what’s in store?”.

A future of harmony we’re here to create.

The highest part of yourself that you can reach for
Is your soul so align your personality
With your soul’s mission. Then you will experience
Your Authentic Power. Your new life you’ll commence
With excitement and passion. You want to be free
Of your false sense of power so you can do more.

Shift Your Attention Inward For Answers

Inward Looking Head

Instead of looking outward look inward to find
The answers to your questions. When you look outside
Of yourself then control and manipulation
Enter the picture. How is looking inward done?
Is there some kind of process that can be applied
To look inward? What if one is not so inclined?

What you want to create is authentic power.
Looking inward accomplishes that easily.
It’s not difficult and there’s no special technique
To follow. If it’s answers to questions you seek
Then just go there. Your focus is necessary
For ideas planted to begin to flower.

There are two worlds – the outer world and the inner.
What happens on the inside is more important
Than the external drama. The world you perceive
With you physical senses will make you believe
In its absolute reality and you can’t
Shake that notion. The mind must completely concur.

Multi-sensory beings we’re all becoming.
The soul wants harmony and cooperation.
In a world ruled by external power we can
Find the time to look inward. This is the best plan
To be focused on for your soul’s evolution.
Shifting your attention inward means everything.

Healing A Shattered Soul

Cracked Face

About three out of four souls are just beginning
Our adventure through humanhood. One out of four
Is a very advanced soul which means most of us
Are spiritual toddlers. There’s much to discuss
Regarding who humanity is at its core.
We’re a prize to our own selves that we’re worth winning.

The advanced souls have lived many lives here over
Many eons. Some don’t even have to return
To this earth but they do out of loving kindness.
As teachers it is love that they’re here to express.
All the rest of us have many lessons to learn.
Our eventual evolution will occur.

Human souls become shattered when they disconnect
From the source of their being. When we operate
Out of hatred or fear individually
Or as one whole collective, the truth we can’t see.
As we let our behavior determine our fate
Love remains not the option that we would select.

First, the soul must be recognized, then we become
More aware of its presence. The soul is a part
Of the whole of existence and it can be healed
By a method that only to you is revealed.
Are we able to know and perceive from the heart?
It’s the place where every kind of healing comes from.

What Is Authentic Power?

Triple Pairs Of Hands

When the personality comes fully to serve
The energy of the soul, that’s called Authentic
When you allow your soul to be your guide

Is when you’re your most powerful. When you decide
That it’s natural then life becomes a picnic.
Most of it is experienced in joyous verve.

Some have called it the sweet spot. We’re all meant to be
In that place where we feel confident and alive.
There has been a huge shift in human consciousness
For the better. We have some issues to address
But the hate isn’t nearly enough to deprive
Those who aren’t ill of happiness and liberty.

What’s the energy of the soul? It’s undefined
At the five sensory level. One can discern
What it is by engaging in meditation.
Once it’s found then a search for the truth is begun
And you’ll be more enlightened upon your return
To your normal state. You’ll have clarity of mind.

I am not I. I am this one walking beside
Me whom I do not see, who sometimes I manage
To visit and whom at other times I forget.
The one who remains silent while I talk is yet
The same one who forgives and who wants to engage
Me in laughter. My fulfillment can’t be denied.

Healing A Shattered Soul

Up To One's Neck

Everything revolves around the soul, however
Until we entered a transformation in our
Consciousness, we weren’t able to talk about the
Soul except as an aspect of theology
Or an abstract idea that has no power.
Going down that road was a foolish endeavor.

So, this transformation of consciousness that we
Have entered affects us individually
And collectively. We with our five sensory
Personalities are quickly coming to be
Multi-sensory so that eventually
We become whole thus integrated completely.

Limited in perception, the five sensory
Personality cannot make sense of the soul
And psychology doesn’t even recognize
Its existence, so it comes as not a surprise
That treating the dysfunction is the major goal
Of the therapist with whom one may not agree.

Personality defects can’t be understood
Apart from all of the karmic circumstances
That created them.  We each have a shattered soul.
We use our personalities to make us whole.
All through the process we’re given many chances
To evolve hopefully in the way that we should.