Tag Archive | opposition

Just Let Things Be

Satisfied Alone

You simply have no choice but to Just Let Things Be.
You don’t control the world. Why not leave things alone?
You think you’re here to make the world a better place.
It’s a noble ambition where infinite grace
Would be needed to deal with a world that is prone
To viciousness regarding its humanity.

You make the world a better place by witnessing
What takes place, then asking for something different
And when billions of people start observing things
Then start asking, the combined power of it brings
About change in the world. By your conscious intent
And purpose you provide what the world is missing.

As a deliberate creator you need not
Push against what you don’t want. You know it’s a waste
Of your creative energy. No assertion
Exists in the universe – only attraction.
Energy that’s aggressive is truly misplaced.
Usually it will only thicken the plot.

As long as you’re not focused in opposition
To what you want, your fine, because you get to choose
Where to place your attention and how to become
Effective in a world that is different from
The ideal but one in which you cannot lose.
Troublesome things are surely worth your dismission.

Just Let Things Be


Of the guilt and shame you may have you can let go
As well as all the negative feelings that you
Have been nursing. Although it will be difficult
When you let go then peace of mind is the result.
In your heart you know that there’s nothing you can do
To prevent what has happened to your tomorrow.

Let the momentum play out and then start anew.
So now how do you make the world a better place?
It’s by your asking for things to be different
Than they are now which means that you cannot lament
What is past. You deserve a bit of divine grace.
Let go of thinking of what you’ve put people through.

Do you focus on what you want or let things be?
You do both in that order. As long as you’re not
Focusing in opposition to your desire
You’re okay. What you want you’re able to acquire.
How you feel about yourself matters quite a lot.
Above all else you must see yourself as worthy.

Every good feeling notion that you have comes from
Deep within you and the universe supports it
Completely. The only thing that you need to do
Is to maintain alignment between you and you.
Of your internal guidance take full benefit
And expect there to be a successful outcome.

Just Let Things Be


Can you focus on what you want and let things be
At the same time? The fact is that you can’t control
What’s outside you so you have no choice but to let
Things be as they are. If it hasn’t happened yet
And you feel that it’s keeping you from being whole
It’s because your focus isn’t resistance free.

You may not think that you’re here to Just Let Things Be.
After all, the world isn’t a very nice place
To get used to. You did not come here to repair
A world you think is broken. You’re here to take care
Of your own evolution. Since this is the case
You’re then able to create deliberately.

Once you’ve got that down so that you’re consistently
Focusing in the direction of your desire
Without any anxiety you’ll have achieved
A state where anything you want can be received
Easily in a short time. It doesn’t require
Any effort. Let go of the insanity.

If you simply don’t focus in opposition
To what you want then what you want will come to you
So you can focus and simultaneously
Make it your standing mantra to Just Let Things Be.
Trust in what your power of intention can do
All within the context of your having more fun.

Be Done With Fear

Scary Eyes

Am I all that irrational if I believe
That I’m no longer viable? Would this world find
Some relief in my passing? So wrong I have been
About most things in life and every now and then
For a brief moment I have the clearness of mind
To see that there’s no honor that I can achieve.

My fear is of continuing. I do want to
Face the music composed by the sick part of me
And I don’t want to leave before I get that done
Yet I feel I’ve become toxic to everyone
So perhaps I can do it spiritually.
I know that my true self has a different view.

It’s a strong thought – a heavy position to take
For someone who knows better. The source within me
Knows exactly the opposite of what I do
When I’m stuck in this moment. My source knows what’s true.
I was meant to expand and be joyful and free.
I’ve spent time sleeping rather than being awake.

Negative emotion means that what I’m thinking
Isn’t right according to the truth in my soul.
My fear is a good thing because it lets me know
That I’m not thinking rightly. It’s just there to show
Me the path that results in my becoming whole
As a being with all its parts interlinking.

How Well Am Doing?

With Question

Do I have to ask the question if I feel good
Generally? I feel best when I am alone
Which means I don’t have much spiritual warfare
Going on within me. It means that I don’t care
What the score is. That information, if it’s known,
Perhaps would not uplift me as it damned well should.

There are things about others that irritate me
To the point where I must get away from it all.
I don’t beat myself up about it because I
Can’t do that much about it. Indeed if I try
To correct myself the improvement will be small.
I can say that with that much I can be happy.

I know by the way that I feel the answer to
My own question. My guidance system is working
As it should. When I feel negative emotion
I can know for sure that some work needs to be done
On my vibration. There may be bad thoughts lurking
Somewhere in the heart but there are things I can do.

One is not to shun the negative emotion.
It’s my guidance system letting me know something
Is the matter. It is the best indicator
Of how I’m doing. I’m an expert creator
Of happiness, abundance, and true wellbeing
In my life, and this could be said of everyone.

Let Things Be

Reflection Of Earth

When you want something it’s hard to just Let Things Be.
You feel like you must be doing something to get
What you want, but of this world you have no control
Which means you have no choice but to make it your goal
To accept things as they are now without regret.
The universe knows what you have done already.

You may think that it’s not true that you shouldn’t care
About things that you want. After all, you are here
To make this world a better place. So how do you
Do that without assertion? All that you can do
Is to make sure you’re not operating from fear.
Of the good in all circumstances be aware.

There are things you’re observing that are causing you
To ask for something different. If you believe
In the laws of the universe, then things will change
For the better. Although people may find it strange
That inaction is the best way one can achieve
Getting what one is wanting, it still remains true.

Everyone gets to choose. Everyone is choosing
And to some degree all are allowing what they
Have chosen. Strong desire leads to inspiration
To be fulfilled without the manifestation.
The secret to things changing is just that you stay
In a state that’s perpetually enthusing.

Just Let Things Be!


I’ve released enough resistance. I’ve lots of fun.
I know that things are always working out for me.
If I am here to make this world a better place,
Then I need to know which purpose I must embrace.
Should I focus on what I want or let things be?
Do I need to do something to get something done?

I do not have control over this world, so I
Might as well let things be because I have no choice.
Life causes me to ask for something different,
Then the universe will pick up on my intent.
Among billions, there’s enough reason to rejoice.
So, if change isn’t happening, we should know why.

As long as I don’t focus in opposition
To what I want, I’m okay. There’s no resistance
To my better ideas. The universe will
Do its best to fulfill me. I live for the thrill
Of observing things happen. I know at first glance
That I’m the creator of each and every one.

Giving up the resistance means letting things be.
In so doing, wonderful things start happening.
Line up with every good feeling notion that you
Can give birth to. Life can be exciting and new.
You can be, do, or have, in this world, anything.
Know that the universe supports you eagerly.

Just Let Things Be?

Release Compulsivity

It was sung by The Beatles a long time ago.
Let It Be and an answer will be on its way.
We’ve no choice in the matter. We might as well be
In a place of acceptance. The world that we see
Causes us to want better that our asking may
Bring about proper changes albeit quite slow.

How do we make those changes if we don’t grab hold
Of the horns of the bull work? Is asking enough?
It’s such a democratic way of doing things
And the ways of republicans too often brings
Tyranny to the people. Our lives become tough.
Is it best to just ask and let nature unfold?

Focusing on what I want or letting things be
Is the choice made available. Both can be done
As long as I’m not in opposition to what
I would like to have happen. I’ll keep my mouth shut
About what the heck’s wrong with things and just have fun.
I can be quite effective by being carefree.

The universe is designed to stand on its head
In response to our asking. Demand we cannot
That the path of another creator be changed
To suit anyone’s wishes. Be thou not deranged
But indulge in the positiveness of your thought.
Each of us gets to choose either freedom or dread.

Earth Trinity

Harmonious Form And Structure

Lofty dreams and ideas turn into real things
Only when Earth is present in any event.
Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are the Earth signs.
As the planets pass through them, their movement defines
Certain Aspects determined by their alignment.
When they form a Triangle, good fortune it brings.

Unlike the Opposition which splits energies,
The Grand Trine is an easy continuous flow.
In the Earth signs, the meaning of form and structure
Is as clear as the work bell. It is known for sure
That the joy found in doing can make the soul glow.
The Grand Trine is an opportunity to seize.

Health and wealth should concern us. Survival depends
On sustaining life substance and feeling our best
All the world, as a person, has needs to be met.
For a brief march of days, is it time we forget
Our focus on our bloody war? Surely I jest.
On a personal level, the true self transcends.

Pluto, Mars, and Uranus, the planets involved,
Form a perfect triangle for just a while more.
Pluto is transformation, and Mars, the ego.
Sudden change is Uranus. The more one can know
That is to one’s advantage is worth working for.
In this window of time some things may get resolved.

The Recipe

The Way Of Good Living

All good things that are sought, created, and received
Are contained in The Recipe for wellbeing.
The basis of all life is freedom, and our quest
Is to seek out and find new joy and feel our best.
The command to get happy is worth obeying.
It’s the one best solution for all ills conceived.

How do I find my lover, or land that big job…
Or live happily ever after? Get Happy!
To get what I want, I have to get happy first,

Then all things that I’ve dreamed of are fully disbursed.
Staring down what I hate looking at too closely
Leads to failure, and self-confidence does it rob.

I can’t look at things that make me unhappy, then
Try to make myself joyful. That doesn’t work well.
Looking in the direction of what I prefer
Is the best way to get momentum to occur.
In a world of abundance my spirit must dwell.
I do not have to fix what I see as broken.

Practicing feeling wonderful narrows the gap
Between me and my wishes. They all can come true.
Anything I can do to distract myself from
The apparent dilemma can help overcome
The resistance I harbor. My fortune is due.
Universal forces I am willing to tap.

Fresh Advice For The Times

Cooperative Forces

Tough as nails is the business of staying alive
In a world that keeps changing, for better or worse.
At this point in time, the fate of humanity,
Operating from instinct still, brash and beastly,
May see its own extinction. Its self-contained curse
Focuses on the frictions that we all contrive.

Friction is but a blessing seen in its pure light.
Resistance is required for our survival,
For without it, too much ease in life will occur.
Opposition dealt with yields the growth we prefer.
Without fear we must welcome its kind arrival.
Seeing things in a new way makes living alright.

Knowing why there’s a problem with myself is key
To better understanding of what I create.
If I know not what ails me I cannot move past
The unknown thing that festers perversely steadfast.
I’m aware that my world is of evil and hate.
It must be a sight issue. That’s how I must see.

Loving myself I always will, even through hell.
I’ll believe I’m in heaven and up the ante
Loving myself so damned much that nothing matters.
Once I reach that awareness I can love others
Without needing theirs back. It can surely free me
From chronic people pleasing. For now, I am well.