Tag Archive | easily

Past Trauma And Your Body

Troubled Solitude

Are you easily startled by sudden loud sounds?
Do you feel on edge constantly? These could be signs
That past trauma your body is holding onto.
Trauma deregulates everything about you.
You may have something medical science defines
In provocative terms that may be out of bounds.

Your deregulated nervous system throws you
Into a constant state of hyper vigilance
Or hyper arousal. Every situation
Is a possible threat. The perpetuation
Of unease enters into every circumstance.
That your safety is somehow threatened isn’t true.

Trauma not only changes the shape of your brain.
It interrupts the natural development
Of reflexes by sending you from fight or flight
To dissociative episodes and it’s quite
Difficult on the body. How can one prevent
This from happening? Does this mean we’re all insane?

You can heal your nervous system. Time it will take
And patience. Deep breathing and proper nutrition
Release tension and stimulate the vagus nerve.
The best care of your nervous system you deserve.
By rewriting your brain you can recondition
Its performance. Just think of how much is at stake.

Under The Influence

Pure Joy

So I woke up this morning and said, “What a day!”
I was filled with excitement about what’s to come
As I hang around people who think much like me.
What’s my goal? I’ve not figured that out exactly
But I do know that I want absolute freedom
To allow everything to turn out just my way.

There are things I’ve been wanting for quite a while now.
Some of them have already been manifested
And I’m satisfied that the rest are on their way.
In alignment for long periods I can stay
And I usually get what I’ve requested
From the universe. I’ve trained myself to allow.

Everyone is Under The Influence of one
Kind of thing or another in any moment.
If I’m under, “I want it but it costs too much”
Then my point of attraction is way out of touch
With what I want. There’s no way I can circumvent
The duality of my current vibration.

I must change it to, “I want it and it will come.”
When I’m Under The Influence of my desire
Then by law it is certain to happen for me.
I know that I create my own reality.
Blessings come when a good vibration I acquire.
I do well as I’m constantly beating this drum.

Get Off The Subject

Higher Education

“Am I ready for my new relationship?” No!
If you were you’d be living it. Something prevents
It from coming. It’s on the way. You deserve it.
When it comes right down to it you just have to quit
That thing that you keep doing that doesn’t make sense
If you want in your life many blessings to flow.

You’ve collected enough data. You’ve put enough
Energy into your vortex of creation
But you’ve been facing way too much reality
Instead of creating it vibrationally.
You must make peace with your current situation
Otherwise any journey you take will be rough.

Reach for more satisfying thoughts. You can do this.
You’ve practiced the subject of not having what you
Want to happen and not being sure you’re ready.
Whenever you think about it, naturally
You feel stressed but the only thing you need to do
Is to Get Off The Subject. Nothing will you miss.

Find something that you feel satisfied about and
Think about it mostly then everything else takes
Care of itself. There isn’t a huge price to pay
To have things in your life turning out just the way
You’d prefer. Life is one of many lucky breaks.
The fulfillment of your cherished dreams is at hand.

The Nonphysical Connection

Threshold Of Spirit

Most people rely on others for their advice.
We depend on our parents for security
When we’re young. We seek guidance and leadership from
Our elected officials. We want it to come
With insight into our current reality.
Often one who’s a leader must pay a high price.

Almost everyone looks for their connection where
They won’t find it. It isn’t with society
Nor with other people who you happen to know
And respect. They are human and don’t always show
Their best side to the public. They don’t clearly see
The big picture. It’s not always that they don’t care.

Until you begin looking for your connection
Where it really is, you’ll not be able to find
The comfort and security you most desire.
It’s amazingly simple. It doesn’t require
Any effort. Your aim is to quiet the mind
So that you enter a state of deep reflection.

The Nonphysical Connection naturally
Is available to everyone. We are one
With all that is nonphysical. It is the Source
Of all guidance. It is the omnipotent force
Of creation. You are there when you have begun
To receive information nonphysically.

Talk About Your Desire


Do you think it’s a good year to start something new
By not dragging so much of the old on the way?
When you ask, it is given, every single time,
So don’t ask as if you are committing a crime.
Talk about what you want and believe what you say.
Letting in what is given is easy to do.

Negative human drama is in the forecast.
It cannot be a reason to pay attention
Lest the mind become poisoned. Your peace you deny.
You become somewhat brittle without knowing why.
Instead of believing that everything is done,
You may find yourself a prisoner of your past.

Turn the news off. Forget about humanity
For a moment and focus on what’s going well
In your circle immediate. Life will improve
With a shift in your consciousness. Then you can move
Into some satisfaction. Don’t sanctify hell.
What you ask for is supposed to come easily.

Universal energies want to flow through you
Toward what you desire, so do not block the flow
With beliefs and opinions. Let goodness happen
In your life. You can become like a child again…
In the best way, which is the only way to go.
Tell others who will listen of your point of view.

I Should Not Have Been Born


Can I blame mental illness for how I’ve behaved?
I would like to, but that would mean that I’m now sane.
In my old age, alone now, consumed in remorse,
I’m possessed by a grossly malevolent force.
My whole life was a mission to cause others pain
From this brutal life review I cannot be saved.

It’s injustice to worthiness. I don’t deserve
Satisfaction in living. In purgatory,
I remember my madness and all I have done
To create such calamity for everyone
I can think of. The reason that people hate me
Is because I’m an asshole with colossal nerve.

That’s why I flush the toilet every now and then
By moving to another place, leaving behind
A train wreck of existence to fuck up anew
Somewhere else. I’m amazed by the things that I do
That are downright disgusting. I had been unkind
For no apparent reason again and again.

Can I feel the embarrassment? Have I a soul?
As my lead solar plexus drains my energy,
I don’t want to remember the people I’ve known.
Knowing they have forgotten me, I can disown
That it ever had happened. In hell I should be.
Perhaps unconsciously that’s my ultimate goal.

But I’m here now and have been assigned to this role
For some God unknown reason. I am humbled by
My existence. I’m sorry for all that I’ve done
To hurt others. To hope that healing has begun
Is, I hope, not too arrogant. The day I die
Will be one of rejoicing for this troubled soul.

Think Of Something Else

The Art Of Daydreaming

Am I ready for my new relationship? No!
If you were, you’d be living it. Something keeps you
In a place of resistance. Do you deserve it?
Then it’s lined up for you. It’s to your benefit
To distract yourself from it. Do what you can do
To remain optimistic in how things will go.

You face too much reality. In doing so,
You’re looking where it isn’t. You have collected
Enough data. Let the universe analyze
And produce something that will delight and surprise
You completely. Prepare for the unexpected
To happen. Be respectful of what you don’t know.

Think Of Something Else. If the issue is money,
You could withdraw your focus and find a lover.
Any subject that feels good to you will allow
Another thing to happen. How you feel right now
Is your guidance toward what you will discover
To be most satisfying just as it should be.

It’s too easy. Most people don’t let it happen
Because they have formulated a belief that
There’s some price to pay and that it is difficult.
Things not working out for you will be the result
Of your negative thinking. Embrace where you’re at.
Take control of what you manifest once again.

Messages From Spirit

Continuous Connection

Spirit and feathered creatures work well together.
My grandmother transitioned a few days ago.
Since then I’ve been seeing cardinals everywhere.
Does this have some significance, and should I care?
They do have my attention, yet all that they know
Is that it’s a fine day. Other creatures concur.

They are not my grandmother, but what can they mean?
Is it coincidental, or am I addressed
With a message from spirit directly from her?
Could I be much the wiser in this if I were
More attentive… or something? To give it my best
Is my intent. I must keep my vibration clean.

These birds are brightly colored, and they are around
Where I live, so the mystery is lessened some
But the birds are susceptible, meaning they are
Easily influenced by those energies far
From the realm of the physical. Messages from
The nonphysical quarters are real and profound.

Birds are excellent at what they do to maintain
Connection with the spirit world. They are willing
To do what e’er it takes to get our attention.
It remains beyond all human comprehension
How the integration can be most fulfilling.
The work of these creatures is never done in vain.

Feel Good Now!

Instant Satisfaction

I cannot disallow the wellbeing to come
While allowing it. This law is spiritual.
I can make up my mind which one that it will be.
My set point of attraction is vital to me.
I shall give it more attention than usual.
My good feeling is where all good tidings come from.

What is is but a snapshot of patterns of old
And it matters not one bit to how I feel now.
But how I feel about what is matters a lot.
My emotional state has more power than thought.
It is good that I know how to feel and allow.
Life is filled with wonderful things I may behold.

It must be all that matters, for life is in vain
If I don’t make it paramount that I feel good.
I can do something about the way that I feel
In any given moment. This has great appeal
To my true self excited. It is understood
By my heart and my mind. There is wisdom to gain.

Since there’s so much to choose from about what is now
And I have the freedom enjoyed by everyone
I can pick something critical and give it hell
Or something to appreciate wherein I dwell
In the state of good fortune. I’m having much fun
Now that I’ve made the right decision to allow.