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Be Impeccable With Your Word

Being Out Loud

When you say that you’ll do something for someone, you
Ought to do it no matter what and graciously.
Any kind of behavior contrary to this
Leads the soul down a corridor to an abyss
Of darkness due to conscious impropriety.
Treat people with proper respect in what you do.

You may be far more impeccable with others
Than you are with yourself. For example, when you
Tell yourself that you’re going to work out today
And you don’t then you might feel some bit of dismay
Because to your own promise you haven’t been true.
You have done what the lesser part of you prefers.

It means much more than doing what you say you’ll do.
Being impeccable with your word means to be
Perpetually truthful in thought, word, and deed.
Living this way, emotional poison is freed
From the depths of the impressionable psyche.
Being truthful will bring many blessings to you.

Be Impeccable With Your Word. It’s the correct
Use of your energy. The intention alone
To be truthful will trigger a change in your heart.
In your own transformation you play a huge part.
To you only that which is truthful will be shown.
It truly elevates your sense of self-respect.

Can I Trust My Feelings?

Totally Satisfied

That I have an emotional guidance system
Is apparent, but how do I know that I can
Trust my feelings? Indeed they may be under the
Influence of hypnosis, voodoo, sorcery,
Or illness. It could be something much bigger than
My awareness. It could be something I’d condemn.

Trial and error leads to a keener awareness
But it takes longer and there’s unnecessary
Resistance to contend with. When I meditate
I feel much better able to cooperate
With spiritual forces that influence me.
To the world it’s my best self I want to express.

Streams of pleasant thoughts and guidance come on the heels
Of having quieted the mind. When I follow
That guidance there is always a payoff for me.
As I rid myself of resistance completely
Many blessings of the universe start to flow
Into my life. I can get used to how that feels.

If I’m not under the influence of my Source
Then what I do feels difficult. Passion I feel
When I’m lined up with my Source. I notice when I
Am aligned or not. I need not ask myself why
What I’m doing feels healthy or like an ordeal.
I am guided by a most benevolent force.