Tag Archive | responds

Have A Talk With Your Cells

Raw Blood

It’s an inaccurate assumption that the brain
Is the center of all thinking ability.
It’s not just the brain that transmits and receives thought.
Every cell of the body does this but we’re caught
In the mindset that the mind controls the body.
It’s a concept that you wouldn’t want to maintain.

If you don’t make decisions about what you want
Then the cells of your body receive influence
And direction from whatever mass consciousness
Is speaking. If they’re hearing nothing but distress
Then they’ll feel bad. You know that this makes common sense
Yet the propensity is to be nonchalant.

After climbing a mountain the body may be
In the morning sore and stiff from the exercise.
Speak this way to your body before the next climb,
“Listen up, cells. Indeed I’ve decided that I’m
Up for climbing this mountain. I pray that you guys
Get the perfect amount of blood and energy.”

“Tomorrow when I wake up I want to feel fine
And well rested.”
When you speak to your cells this way

They respond positively. You can override
Old beliefs. Remember that you get to decide
How you feel. In the best of health you want to stay.
You are meant to be healthy by nature’s design.

Blessings Of The Universe

Spatial Horizon

Do you know how much wellbeing is waiting to
Come to you? All you have to do is open the
Crack a little bit and some evidence of it
Will begin to flow in much to your benefit
But so often people have this strange tendency
To resist the wellbeing that wants to get through.

You may be aware of where you are strongly so
And it may not be pretty but if you could just
Change slightly your perception then things would begin
To turn for you. Things will take a positive spin
When in your worthiness to be happy you trust.
Much of this stuff you probably already know.

There is nothing that you cannot have, do, or be.
There’s no reason that you’re not constantly thriving
In measures extraordinary on all subjects.
You were meant to be successful in all respects.
It will happen for you when you’re not depriving
Yourself of the goodness that flows naturally.

You are not here to prove something to anyone.
Rid yourself of the reason to go it alone.
Feel the power of who your are and rejoice in
The creator that you are and you will begin
A new life – one in which you are happiness prone.
Keep yourself occupied mostly by having fun.

Responding To Negative Emotion

Anger Mob

When the natives get restless who should get uptight?
There’s no answer that makes any logical sense
Because it’s human nature. When we do something
That hurts us we keep doing it and it won’t bring
Any change in behavior so at great expense
We ignore any consensus on what is right.

I’m aware of my feelings. They’re moving toward
Something I don’t want happening. I’m asking for
Reassurance that I can get back to a place
Of alignment with who I am. I’m not my race.
I’m a spirit who should be giving a lot more
Attention to the fact that by God I’m adored.

I catch the feeling before it gains momentum
Then I can do something with it rather than let
It take me places that I would rather not go.
How I feel right now is all that I need to know.
Life cannot seem to me to be a constant threat.
My inner being is where all my strength comes from.

If I have an opinion about anything
And I don’t feel well as I’m thinking about it
It means that my inner being doesn’t agree
With what I’m thinking. It becomes then good for me
To be mindful of the vibration I transmit.
Negative emotion I find interesting.

Soothe Yourself

Pleasant Rest

Somehow I’ve managed to activate within me
Something I really didn’t want. Now I’m stuck in
A conundrum of thought that cannot serve me well.
In a state of great dissatisfaction I dwell.
I’m not feeling comfortable in my own skin.
In a much different place I was meant to be.

Through life experience I and most everyone
Vibrate sloppily. We are all over the place
With our focus and we pay too much attention
To what we don’t want. It’s not worthwhile to mention
What’s not working. What is working we should embrace.
There’s plenty of work to do with my vibration.

I know that my emotions are my true guidance.
They help me to determine whether or not I
Am lined up with my energy or foolishly
With the wishes of others. By now I can see
That I don’t have to struggle and ask myself why
Things occur in my life as if by happenstance.

When I can trust the process I trust the goodness
Of who I am. I must do anything I can
To distract myself until I can find a way
To soothe myself. More attention I need to pay
To my own wellbeing. This is one righteous plan.
How I feel is my way to ultimate success.

What Is The Law Of Attraction?

Within The Matrix

Do you kind of get the idea of how the
Law Of Attraction works? When you focus upon
Something, you offer a vibration, and the Law
Of Attraction
responds to it. If there’s a flaw

In your feeling don’t worry that all hope is gone.
Be aware of where you are vibrationally.

You do get what you think about whether or not
You want it. Know that you get what you’re offering
By vibration. You could be saying that you’re sure
Of yourself when you’re not. If you feel insecure
Then you will attract circumstances that will bring
Evidence proving that you are of a bad lot.

So you can’t fool the Law. It responds to how you
Are feeling. Pretending will do you little good.
Instead feel the power of what you’re offering
By your vibration. Indeed it means everything
When attracting. When this Law is well understood
There’s no limit to what your vibration can do.

Sometimes you feel worthy and loved. Sometimes you feel
Useless and insignificant. The universe
Responds only according to your vibration.
Your life can be a magnificent creation.
Your negative emotion only makes things worse.
You know what in your life you want to become real.

A Tale Of Two Wolves

Color Burst Wolves

In my heart there are two wolves. They live together
But in conflict. One wolf is loving, generous,
Truthful, peaceful, and compassionate. The other
Is fearful and deceitful. It is, as it were,
Quite the opposite, and what we’re here to discuss
Is which one wins as the issues of life occur.

Which wolf gets more attention? Which one do I feed?
If it’s the loving wolf does it mean I deny
The mean wolf or get rid of it? That would only
Cause a long drawn out battle and hostility
Would be seen in my attitude. So this is why
It’s much better to not do what I have no need.

What I can do is calmly give my attention
To the angry wolf and let go of believing
That it has anything of value to offer.
If I can do that then what will have to occur
Is a long lasting peace. What I’d be achieving
Is a balance way beyond my comprehension.

Restful or chaotic, enjoyable or not…
Experiences may come and go but I can
Get accustomed to mindfulness. It can help me
To take care of my loving wolf and finally
Be relieved of the mean wolf’s malevolent plan.
That I keep my wolves separate matters a lot.