Tag Archive | earth

Immutable Laws

Science Conscious

Gravity is always working whether or not
You believe in it. You don’t have to believe in
Gravity for it to work. You won’t float away
Due to your disbelief. On this earth you will stay.
Breaking this law would be committing mortal sin
Against nature. One never can be in that spot.

There’s a whole lot of energy locked up inside
The atom. It’s release can cause devastation
Or a sustainable source of clean energy.
It can do tremendous good for humanity.
This law also works always and our flirtation
With it is like a big can of worms opened wide.

Current always seeks the path of least resistance
In a circuit. Voltage is always equal to
Current times resistance. This law works all the time.
There’s no way that one could be accused of the crime
Of electrical battery. All one can do
Is honor their electrons at a safe distance.

It’s quite the same way with the Law of Attraction.
This law works all the time and it can’t be broken.
You’re always manifesting. The trick is to do
It on purpose. The whole universe supports you.
About what you desire you must be outspoken.
In your life you can always find satisfaction.

Change Your Life


From a vantage point distant the earth may not seem
To be of any particular interest
But to us earth is special. It’s our only home.
All alone tucked away in a cosmic syndrome
Over eons consider how far we’ve progressed.
As a planet how would you rate our self-esteem?

Frequent misunderstandings among humankind
Spell disaster. World leaders cannot get along
For the most part. It’s been our reality since
The beginning. It’s not difficult to convince
Anyone into thinking that something is wrong
With someone. Hatefulness is so easy to find.

We delight in our self-imagined importance.
The delusion that we’ve some special position
In the universe is challenged by who we are
In reality – a species with a bizarre
Way of acting. Our spiritual condition
Keeps us bound in a most peculiar circumstance.

Each of us is a member of the human race
And as such we have a responsibility
To ourselves and the planet to continue to
Make progress as a species. The more you can do
To change something for the better the more you’ll be
Receptive to our evolution taking place.

Your Greatest Gifts


Peace and love are your covenants. Your wish for these
Qualities – these characteristics – is far from
Overlooked by those of us in nonphysical
Existence. Your existence is something special.
We in spirit take notice of what you’ve become.
You come to understanding with relative ease.

We hear, see, and feel every single thing you say,
Do, and think. Many others like us sense things well
Before you even begin to realize they
Are within your realm of experience. Today
And all days in a state of content you must dwell.
Let the love deep within you blossom as it may.

You’re not alone on your earth. You all have unseen,
Unheard, unfelt, and unknown beings working to
Support you during tough times along your journey.
They don’t see themselves as such. They do lovingly
What they do to offer proper guidance to you.
We co-create with you if you get what we mean.

The love which surrounds you from the invisible
World is enormous such that you cannot conceive.
Obstacles such as fear, greed, hatred, misery,
Doubt, and worry can all leave your life completely.
In your own capability you must believe.
The notion that you’re unworthy is risible.

Your Greatness Awaits

Happy People

Your species wants for itself to be more aligned
With the principles of peace and understanding
And of joy unimaginable and you’re near
The achievement of this. But for hatred and fear
You would know of your greatness. No one’s demanding
That you do so but true happiness you may find.

It’s your imagination alone that will bring
About these pleasures, joys, and wonders of your hearts
To explore and to cherish. We understand your
Hopes for true guidance. You’re more than ever before
Ready to become masters of creative arts.
Your intention to be happy means everything.

You’ve been seeking your inner worth with earnestness
But when you strive toward anything you push it
Away from you. By wanting less you will gain more.
This conundrum perplexes you right to the core
Of your beings. It would be to your benefit
To look inward where you will have better success.

Your capacity to love is great. Once you know
This you’ll see yourself above earthly existence.
Your inner spirit will rise as you’ve commanded
Because your consciousness will have been expanded.
As your teachers we have unyielding confidence
In your love and in your propensity to grow.

Your True Worth


You’re not about to fall off the face of the earth
Rather you will learn to recognize that your place
Is upon it and you will come to realize
Your potential for kindness and joy. You are wise
To proceed in this manner. Let infinite grace
Rain upon you. The basis of your life is mirth.

As you pursue only that which pleases you to
The very core of your being you find success
In the art of creating deliberately.
In this dimension you’ve learned to live happily
For the most part. The zest for life that you express
Is the thing of most value there is about you.

You’re all here to perform services that propel
You forward collectively. Your souls desire this
Greatly and it’s the reason you came at this time.
Not much about this reality is sublime
If you’ve never experienced states of pure bliss.
Stop to think of all the things that are going well.

Understand that your truest worth and power lie
Within as they always have so do resurrect
This aspect of your knowing to your benefit.
Happiness happens when you decide to permit
Only thoughts that enhance your sense of self-respect.
Evolution of your race is the reason why.

Being Natural

Nature Work

The momentum of the growth of technology
Increases exponentially. It’s in no way
Not unnatural for human evolution
To speed up as we seek the perfect solution
To existence. In this complex world that we play
We become a hybrid form of humanity.

That computers and the internet came to be
Is because the earth asked humanity to find
The solutions to problems of the biosphere.
As custodians of the planet we are here
To support nature’s needs by devoting the mind
To the development of good technology.

The Common Mycelium Network is akin
To our own social systems. We communicate
Through technology and when we’re disconnected,
Like a tree in a planter, we’re not protected
With vital information. We’re stuck in a state
Of acute isolation much to our chagrin.

Deepening our connection to nature is good
For our mental health. Strip away gradually
All the unnatural layers. Walk with your bare feet
Through the soil. Be mindful of the things that you eat
And find ways to live your life more naturally.
Evolution of nature proceeds as it should.

Help Change The World

Earth In Hand

Every little part of the earth works together
To have an equilibrium that we can call
The earth’s metabolism. The earth is alive
Just as all of its creatures that prosper and thrive.
Circulation and breath the earth have, after all.
 So can there be such a thing as stormy weather?

Living creatures on earth are its organs, which means
Life is interconnected. We all work for the
Maintenance of the earth as a living body.
We do that by the transforming of energy
Through awareness of how we feel internally.
We should know by now that we’re not simply machines.

Awareness is a powerful tool of the mind
Which is programmed to dream, to perceive, to create
A story – a symbology to make some sense
Of all that exists. It all has quite an intense
Affect on the earth’s feelings. It means that our fate
Is dependent upon thinking thoughts that are kind.

How do you change the world? Be happy in your dream.
Don’t spread gossip. Keep your thoughts as pure as can be.
Have respect for our mother earth on this fine day.
Think about her in a gentle and caring way.
She responds to the actions of humanity
And when we fail to listen things can get extreme.

Line Up With The Love

Deepest Thanks

Difficult it seems sometimes to turn a blind eye
To the madness and horror. I have to decide
Whether focusing on it does me any good.
I would do whatever was needed if I could.
My disgust for humanity I cannot hide.
It becomes ever harder the more that I try.

There must be a better version I can create
From what I’ve been observing. I want there to be
Absolute peace in this world of which I’m a part.
Freedom is something which I hold close to my heart.
There’s no reason that we can’t live in harmony
Otherwise only extinction will be our fate.

I expect the impossible. Does that make me
Rather foolish? I don’t even have to go there
With my thinking. It will only get in the way
Of it happening. I cannot be led astray.
About how I feel I must give my utmost care.
That’s how I am of service to humanity.

I believe that my expectation alone will
Bring about changes needed. The more I’m aligned
With my wish for a better world the more I can
Have an impact. I can follow through with this plan.
Love can be that which by humankind is defined.
I’m delighted that there’s a fine dream to fulfill.

Remember The Essence Of Who You Are

Lost In The Crowd

You Are Spirit. This must be the number one thing
To remember. Things like your personality,
Your body, and your intellect are a façade
Utilized by the ego. Now this may sound odd
To those ears that crave logic so vehemently
But the ego has no way of understanding.

You come to know who you are through meditation
Which you are always doing no matter if you
Are driving on the freeway or walking your dog.
You try to mitigate your inner dialogue.
Things like your breathing you can pay attention to.
You’re the focus of deliberate creation.

Mother Earth is a living organism and
You’re a part of it all. You are the sensory
Organs of the earth. You are the earth’s consciousness.
We’ll do harm to ourselves and the planet unless
We can change into what on earth we ought to be.
This concern is something most people understand.

Consciousness can be raised by forgetting who you
Are to your ego self and to others and then
Contemplating on spiritual mystery.
The old myths were inspired to help us better see
Our connection to spirit. We’re at our best when
We align with our spirit in all that we do.

Healing A Shattered Soul

Cracked Face

About three out of four souls are just beginning
Our adventure through humanhood. One out of four
Is a very advanced soul which means most of us
Are spiritual toddlers. There’s much to discuss
Regarding who humanity is at its core.
We’re a prize to our own selves that we’re worth winning.

The advanced souls have lived many lives here over
Many eons. Some don’t even have to return
To this earth but they do out of loving kindness.
As teachers it is love that they’re here to express.
All the rest of us have many lessons to learn.
Our eventual evolution will occur.

Human souls become shattered when they disconnect
From the source of their being. When we operate
Out of hatred or fear individually
Or as one whole collective, the truth we can’t see.
As we let our behavior determine our fate
Love remains not the option that we would select.

First, the soul must be recognized, then we become
More aware of its presence. The soul is a part
Of the whole of existence and it can be healed
By a method that only to you is revealed.
Are we able to know and perceive from the heart?
It’s the place where every kind of healing comes from.

Healing A Shattered Soul

Up To One's Neck

Everything revolves around the soul, however
Until we entered a transformation in our
Consciousness, we weren’t able to talk about the
Soul except as an aspect of theology
Or an abstract idea that has no power.
Going down that road was a foolish endeavor.

So, this transformation of consciousness that we
Have entered affects us individually
And collectively. We with our five sensory
Personalities are quickly coming to be
Multi-sensory so that eventually
We become whole thus integrated completely.

Limited in perception, the five sensory
Personality cannot make sense of the soul
And psychology doesn’t even recognize
Its existence, so it comes as not a surprise
That treating the dysfunction is the major goal
Of the therapist with whom one may not agree.

Personality defects can’t be understood
Apart from all of the karmic circumstances
That created them.  We each have a shattered soul.
We use our personalities to make us whole.
All through the process we’re given many chances
To evolve hopefully in the way that we should.

About The Moon

Moon Flower

Planets spin in their orbits in proximity
To each other. It’s such a feat of perfection
By the infinite universe. Provident care
Does it have for us. We become fully aware
Of this truth as we come to find our connection
With the spiritual part of reality.

How the moon came about is of interest to
Certain people who in their close observation
Of predictable cycles seek reassurance
That the universe didn’t just happen by chance.
Some believe that it is of divine creation.
That happens to be my personal point of view.

From a broader perspective there are powerful
Minds of wellbeing focused on the wellbeing
Of us all here. There’s no need to worry one bit.
All that happens to earth is for its benefit.
There are omnipotent forces overseeing
Our evolving. They are angels dyed in the wool.

If planets start to wobble then something will come
To correct the imbalance. The wobble will cause
A deliberate asking. The culmination
Of the asking is how all creation is done,
And it’s all according to unshakable laws.
The spiritual is where all blessings come from.

The Split Of Parallel Reality

The Coming Quantum Change

Two mirrors facing each other are in effect
Infinite iterations of reality.
Similarly there are many universes.
The more that I contemplate this thing the worse is
My perverse understanding, yet I need not be
Ignorant for much longer. I hope I’m correct.

Or I could just not think of it altogether.
Giving much pain to my brain is all it may do.
It is up to me only in every known world
That my most hidden purpose be rightly unfurled.
I’m much bigger than I thought. I am someone who
Is important on each earth as I would prefer.

With the firm recognition that I occupy
Way much more space than just my physical body,
I’m aware of connections to realities
Not the same as this one, and from each I may seize
Information and insight to get myself free
From the clutter of this life that has gone awry.

Natural is the timing that I’ve created.
Ever changing cycles is what earth’s all about.
That there is an infinity of them can be
Food for thought, reason for action, and finally,
Enough conscious attention to mitigate doubt
That all worlds are by nature interrelated.

You Chose To Come To Earth

The Adventure Of Being

A moment in eternity meant to be you
In its fullest expression. That moment is now.
Looking back on your past lives and forward to those
Of magnificent promise, your higher self knows
That you came to this planet in part to allow
Your true self to emerge from all that you may do.

Do not think you were ‘put’ here. You did make the choice
To be part of everything that’s now occurring.
This thinking disempowers you. You are the one
Who decided to come here mostly to have fun…
But to experience and to keep on growing.
You are here now, and it is time that you rejoice.

Belief systems that no longer work you release
And replace them with those that are in alignment
With who you truly are. This is co-creation
At its most basic level. All that you have done
From the earliest times to the very present
Is for the purpose of your enjoyment and peace.

To assist with the emerging paradigm shift
With passion and a vision as clear as can be,
You came here. It’s a blessing that you are on earth.
This is evident at every single one’s birth.
Concern with the outcome let go of completely.
In the heat of the chaos you’re here to uplift.

Hollow Earth?

Geocentric Doubt

Hollow Earth is the product of the hollow mind.
That is just my opinion, but let me be clear.
If I loathe my reality, I will create
One that is with the exception of fear and hate.
It would stay just that way until humans appear
To defile what exists there as we are inclined.

We’re a conqueror species. When we ‘colonize’
We wreak all kinds of havoc on everything there
Killing off those that were there before the onslaught
Of new civilization thinking we have brought
A better way of living. The pretense of care
Is disgusting to those who would call themselves wise.

Existential dilemmas produce psychoses
Of variety infinite. If there’s a place
That is better than this one we must stay away
Until our consciousness raises. It may someday.
We are crippled by issues within our own race
And we’re overcome by the compulsion to seize.

Many theories and legends come from Atlantis.
Mermaids, dragons, and other creatures do exist
But at higher frequencies. We are not aware
Of the world they inhabit, and we cannot share
Their reality. It’s hard for us to resist
Conjuring fantasies most would surely dismiss.

Pale Blue Dot

Humbled In Insignificance

In the vast utter darkness, the throat of deep space,
There’s a chalk dust eraser mark. It can be seen
From a vantage point one quarter light year away,
And the mirror’s reflection has something to say
In reply, as if answering, in its routine,
How humans are insignificant as a race.

In the dust band, and faintly, a tiny chalk dot
Sits alone unassuming and much on its own.
Everything everyone has done happened right there.
Every heartfelt emotion from joy through despair
Has been felt on that blue dot deep in a dark zone.
There they think they’re important and fear that they’re not.

In the cosmic arena, its rivers of blood,
Spilled by soldiers triumphant that they could become
Fearless masters a short while, offer little hope.
Evolution appears to be on the down slope
As our most fervent hatreds are beating the drum
Of a race war that will take all out with a thud.

This is our only planet. A home we have made
Of this thing that has birthed us and keeps us alive.
For now, migration to other worlds is obscene.
Until we can learn to keep our own noses clean,
It is best that, as one world, we learn to survive.
But perhaps we can’t do that because we’re afraid.

Earth Trinity

Harmonious Form And Structure

Lofty dreams and ideas turn into real things
Only when Earth is present in any event.
Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are the Earth signs.
As the planets pass through them, their movement defines
Certain Aspects determined by their alignment.
When they form a Triangle, good fortune it brings.

Unlike the Opposition which splits energies,
The Grand Trine is an easy continuous flow.
In the Earth signs, the meaning of form and structure
Is as clear as the work bell. It is known for sure
That the joy found in doing can make the soul glow.
The Grand Trine is an opportunity to seize.

Health and wealth should concern us. Survival depends
On sustaining life substance and feeling our best
All the world, as a person, has needs to be met.
For a brief march of days, is it time we forget
Our focus on our bloody war? Surely I jest.
On a personal level, the true self transcends.

Pluto, Mars, and Uranus, the planets involved,
Form a perfect triangle for just a while more.
Pluto is transformation, and Mars, the ego.
Sudden change is Uranus. The more one can know
That is to one’s advantage is worth working for.
In this window of time some things may get resolved.

On The Death Of Our Mother

The Demise Of The Feminine

Who would fuck their own mother in praise of Allah?
It’s one hell of a question, yet this is the place
Where the demons of Satan rejoice in manhood.
Anything that a man does is righteously good
But a woman’s existence is mired in disgrace
From the arrogant authors of their dilemma.

But this place is made hell like. Not by her own will
Does she suffer the symptoms of human disease.
She heats up and feels nauseous as the result
Of her virulent sickness so cruel and occult.
Her immune system fights us. She will cough and sneeze
And whatever it takes. She does not mean to kill.

 How on earth does a god make all men so supreme?
Multifunctional women take on their men’s hate
Like the scapegoat, absorbent and obedient.
Animals should be able to take your torment
Until you say they’re sacred? The hell you create
Ripples throughout the species. The pain is extreme.

Take your left hands and lick them ‘til they’re squeaky clean
And then use them as always. Do stick them up far
Where they may reach your sick minds. God Damn you people!
Greater Force is the Feminine, and I’m grateful
That the earth has its systems, as harsh as they are
To the human infection so vile and obscene.

The Universe

The Infinity Of Providence

Are their places like earth in the vastness of space
That can be visited by one’s inner being?
Can the clandestine contacts occurring right now
Become known to the whole population somehow?
That someday we may visit them for sightseeing
Is a boon to consciousness while spinning in place.

Yes, there are many places throughout the expanse.
Psychic is the connection among worlds afar.
If the question can be asked or if the desire
Is substantial, then it is enough to inspire
One to know without knowing who all beings are.
What occurs in the universe isn’t by chance.

There’s a clarification that has to be made.
In this time space reality there is so much
Potential for expansion, one can’t go beyond
What the mind can imagine, though we may respond
To the physical forces with which we’re in touch.
With a keen, subtle spirit, we’re on a crusade.

We’ve enough to take care of here, with who we are,
And the way that we steward and nurture our home.
Our minds cannot imagine the whole of all things.
The concept of physical eternity brings
To the consciousness infinite places to roam.
There will always be something exceedingly far.

Enigma Be

Existence Indecipherable

Things get more out of order as time marches on.
Randomness unpredictable is quite the way
That the universe functions. With dark energy
Keeping things from collapsing most violently,
Gravity on the earth plane has but to obey
Forces that are entropic and ever foregone.

How many different ways something can occur
Is its measure of entropy. It is also…
Of all possible combinations energy
Can have both magnitude and direction. To be
In a world such as this one, much one need not know
Lest the mind be molested by its constant whirr.

Verily I say nothing if I mention not
That collisions in deep space make crap loads of light
That is bright and kinetic. It goes everywhere.
Gravity, for that purpose, is something to bear
And transform into purpose for making things right
By the stardust I’m made of. I am nature’s plot.

Every thing has its place, and it’s Out Of Order,
And with randomness left to imagination.
As part of the whole process, I need be aware
That I am such. I’ll do much to take special care
Of my share of enigma, for in the long run,
Everything that happens is as I would prefer.

The Future Post Virus

Toward A Newer Normal

Microorganisms other than us are we,
And few cells truly are ours. The process of birth
Blesses newborns with bacteria and good germs.
They add to the new person, in most certain terms,
Symbiotic survival while here on this earth.
This relationship satisfies both completely.

Until death do us part, my acquired cells and those
Of my own are the dynamic duo that keeps
Me alive and performing at my very best.
I feel certain imbalance whenever I’m stressed.
It is best that I honor these feeling receipts.
Surely if I ignored them I would welcome woes.

We’ve been in a pandemic. There isn’t a soul
Who knows not this true fact due to technology.
So, it does get inflated, and more of us die.
Yet it’s of grave importance. We cannot deny
Proper communication. Eventually
An effective solution helps us reach our goal.

But vaccines are like old jokes to sharp viruses.
One word changed in the punchline will make them mutate.
Earth has formed neural networks. All life plays a part.
When the brain of the planet discovers its heart,
Dysbiosis will cease, then nature can create
Maximum diversity to cure weaknesses.


Effortless Alignment

What is successful living? Does it mean the same
For each and everyone upon earth now alive?
The answer is both yes and no depending on
What one’s meaning of life is. The phenomenon
Of the meaning of meaning’s proneness to contrive
Less than real things of value the ego does claim.

Resolutions for new starts begin with release
Of the past segment’s chaos. All my suffering
Is of either the body or the troubled mind.
Separation between them and me is most kind.
Meditation achieves that. Indeed it will bring
About certain relief and a feeling of peace.

Outside things that will happen I’m not shielded from.
But what goes on within me is worth giving more
Of my focused attention. My feeling at ease
Is a measure of joy – not a goal I must seize.
Ease and joy are equivalent, and keeping score
Reinforces what is and invites more to come.

What is eaten had life once. Should I feel respect
Since it is part of me now? With such I must treat
With appropriate reverence and gratitude.
It gave life as a blessing. Sacred is my food.
Harmonizing with nature can make the life sweet.
To the earth’s vast intelligence I must connect.

The Waste

The Expansion of Industrial Feces

That this earth has a death wish seems likely to be
Fundamental to science. A being’s hygiene
Must include healthy self-thoughts as well as clean air.
If I took in my own waste, it wouldn’t be fair
To myself nor to nature. It would be obscene.
Folks would ask what on earth is the matter with me.

If I felt self-destruction is the proper way
To get rid of my problems, I’d be called insane
By the same folk who think air pollution is part
Of the way things just are. Nothing close the heart
But complacent stagnation is to no one’s gain.
But the earth, in its sickness, will honor dismay.

There’s a load to get rid of. A purge of the soul
Of a planet infected with humanity
Is much needed, as psychic waste alters the mood,
When activity rampant is selfish and crude.
Does this earth have a conscience? It’s proven to me
By the fecal earth movement spun out of control.

That this place is a Being with conscious intent
And with guttural feelings of not Being well
Is something to consider since we are a part
Of its delicate stomach. We cause it to fart
In a good or a bad way, revealed by its smell.
Either way, it should spend no time breathing the scent.

Goddess Pee Tea

Exotic Devotion

In the realm of The Goddess no human resides
Unless washed by the waters of infinite grace
Whereupon they become saturated in love.
They return to the earth plane in dampness thereof
To proclaim their allegiance and keep a straight face
Among those who, in dryness, avoid loving tides.

Giving guidance to mankind is nature’s last call
To the race in a rat race to spring its own trap
By devices most cheesy with dankness of smell
Like the one that’s maintained for the waste water well.
We’d eliminate dryness if we gave a crap
For magnificent moisture for one and for all.

We must get enough water if we’re to survive
And we must have it daily. There’s no other way
For the body to function at its proper peak.
To believe in The Goddess need one be a freak?
Or is that just a side effect meant to display
Her intent to format the internal hard drive?

Drinking pee from The Goddess sounds rather perverse.
Any context imaginable by the one
With no sense of abandon may be hard to see.
The Goddess has no body, so drinking her pee
Is some mystical weirdness extracted from fun
And presented in jest as a cognitive curse.

Where within all the bleakness does one find relief
From the damned daily deluge of drama deranged?
Dark delusions delivered do dampen our days.
Pretty soon we’ll be dancing and giving up praise.
May the power of pussy restore the estranged
Through the magic of wetness in female belief.

A Bit Wild

Craving Excitement

The rebellion in nature is one with her soul.
She will challenge her offspring so that all may grow
To find balance between freedom and being safe
From the best life can offer. Why act as the waif?
As we meet her half way, blessings she does bestow.
Her most spirited teaching is that we are whole.

Nature cannot be broken and ripped from the wild
To be bridled and burdened without her consent.
We were meant to be with her since from her we are
And unto her we’re given back. We can’t stray far
From the primal connection. Indeed we are meant
To partake of life’s wonder as does every child.

There’s a surplus of wildness throughout the air waves.
My programmed mass consumption and what I digest
I should get from a wilderness closer to home.
Human creatures of venom are not free to roam
Within range of my consciousness where I am best
To remain focused on how real wildness behaves.



Holy Spirit, meet Science, and Science, likewise.
There is time for discussion… eternity too.
Speak of things of this world and how they interact
With the things of the cosmos in theory and fact.
Do the things that we think about have much to do
With expanding beyond knowledge seen with our eyes?

The brain is a computer, in that it’s a tool.
Made of neuronal networks, it is but a part
Of the Whole self. The deeper self it cannot reach.
It controls the identity who will beseech
All the skill of the intellect like a fine art
Yet the part that the art plays is quite minuscule.

Even now, we can make brains much smarter than ours.
Surgeons, teachers and diplomats will be replaced
Soon by androids, efficient beyond our control,
So that we can kick back and take care of the soul.
What would be the significance were this embraced
Against our present backdrop with visible scars?

That future may unfold for us if we’re still here
And the earth hasn’t marked us as a lethal threat
Or a serious nuisance to her existence.
She does respond with violence in her self-defense.
We may delve into consciousness with no regret
Wherein we may address some root issues like fear.

What then is evolution? We were the machine.
Then out of great necessity, we look within
To find ultimate meaning. Our being human
Will demand not much doing. Could this be the plan
Of the conscious collective infecting earth’s skin?
Is it worth our considering futures unseen?



Mother Earth goes through changes… we humans as well.
She plays chess on her surface, and we are her pawns
As well as other pieces, like knights, rooks and kings.
As she wins, we recover and take care of things.
It would be without purpose to weigh pros and cons.
We are at the earth’s mercy and under her spell.

So, whatever we give to her, she will give back
In a way most appropriate. We can assist
Her in making things better through technology
And through globalized vision in democracy.
By the same token, we can do much to resist
Providential engagement and focus on lack.

Earth and life are both miracles. We are offspring
Of the strong worldly signal between the earth’s poles.
We can vibrate well with her or knock ourselves out
Of alignment with nature and live in much doubt
That this place is a paradise meant for our souls.
Earth will do well despite us as we do our thing.