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Gravity’s Twin

Stage Magic

Gravity is the force that attracts a body
Toward the center of the earth or anything
Having mass. It’s a weak force, the scientist’s say
Yet a fall from a cliff is a cause for dismay.
Overcoming it can sometimes be challenging.
Those who have fallen would wholeheartedly agree.

One of the most powerful forces that exists
Surrounds and affects us. If approached consciously
And intentionally it can be used to change
Our future for the better. It’s not all that strange
That, like gravity, this force can turn out to be
Rather difficult on the person who resists.

It’s the Law of Attraction I’m talking about.
Gravity is the contrast we experience
As extreme seriousness and heightened alarm
And the fear that people are out to do one harm.
Often one doesn’t know that they’re not making sense
In their thinking. There are issues to be worked out.

Decide what you want and focus only on it.
How will it feel when you finally reach your goal?
You can feel that way right now to speed things along.
Once you feel what you’re wanting nothing can go wrong.
Of your point of attraction you must take control.
To your ultimate happiness you must commit.

Stop Your Mind’s Chatter

Mental Confusion

“That concert was exciting. Did I feed the dog?
This weather is depressingly cloudy today.
Has my daughter reached school safely? I really care
About who wins the election. I don’t know where
I put my driver’s license. That was a nice play
By the quarterback. Why is there such a dense fog?”

Many people experience the monkey mind.
It chatters on endlessly. Not even for one
Second can it remain silent. Out of control
It appears to be because you’re not feeling whole
But you can get a handle on how thoughts are spun
In your mind when with ultimate truth you’re aligned.

Here’s a technique that will put your mind well at ease.
Close your eyes. Watch your thoughts as they constantly flow
Through you mind but do not try to stop them and don’t
Get involved with them. Trust in your heart that you won’t
Think about your thoughts. Just think them then let them go.
They’re not worthy of your conscious analyses.

Now ask yourself one important question. “What will
My next thought be?”
Then wait for the next thought to come.

Keep on waiting. You may ask the question again.
“What will be my next thought?” Thoughtlessness happens when
You keep waiting. You will have gotten away from
All the chatter. Indeed your mind has to sit still.

Preferred Parallel Realities

Fractal Universe

If you don’t have a clean enough definition
Of where you want to be at this moment then you
Will remain in this parallel reality
But in others you can exist quite easily
With the right definition. All you need to do
Is align with only your preferred condition.

Parallel universes are not a new thing.
The concept is centered around the idea
That there are other realities that exist
Simultaneously and it’s hard to resist
Falling into a deep state of acedia
Contemplating something that can’t make your heat sing.

Fractals are mathematical structures that show
Signs of self-similarity so they’re used to
Create models. What’s beyond imagination
Is explored for the purpose of the creation
Of the ultimate scientific point of view.
We may be but a fractal for all that we know.

The reality that you prefer is the one
Most significant to you. When you recognize
Contradictory definitions you become
Enlightened and you’re able to get rid of some
Resistance in your thinking and you’ll become wise.
Take full advantage of your new journey begun.

The Dominance Of Wellbeing

Taking It In

You consist of vibration. When you’re up to speed
With who you truly are your whole world opens wide
To accept you. The larger part of you maintains
Your vibration. Relax as the good feeling gains
Momentum. Let the feeling that you have inside
Inundate you then at alignment you’ll succeed.

You can count on The Dominance Of Wellbeing
Despite all the insane chatter coming from those
Who insist that the whole world is falling apart.
Certainly there are those who are absent of heart
But the sheer perfection of the universe shows
That the divine is the essence of everything.

When you’re not up to speed you’re just not. It’s not an
Indictment of your worthiness. It’s a true guide
To help you to ascend the emotional scale.
When you feel this way don’t go into much detail.
Your goal in each moment is to be satisfied.
Emphasize what’s going well as much as you can.

Infinite Source is at your back now and always.
It’s so easy to let it in once you believe
That you’re made of vibration and that you can be
In a place where you’re living your life happily.
All you need do is allow yourself to receive
Your huge share of wellbeing throughout all your days.

Thy Will Be done

Eternal Flame

In my doing I want to be fully aligned
With the One who created me. I don’t want to
Be a slave to my ego. I want to transcend
Far beyond it. My spirit would most recommend
That I give up the struggle and alter the view
That I have of my life. Peace of mind I will find.

I can say that I’m almost there. I’m not waiting
To collect a huge fortune or net some outcome
In the world that shows favor to me in some way.
Things are going well. I’m close. I cannot betray
My wellbeing. I don’t want to drift away from
My alignment. I treasure what I’m creating.

I surrender my ego to that which made me.
The relief I find in this is truly profound.
It’s the safest prayer and it’s the only one
To be prayed. I pray that the will of God be done
Here on earth. May the peace of the Maker abound.
From the will of humanity let me be free.

When I pray, “Thy Will Be Done,” I alleviate
The angst in my intention. I leave it up to
God to handle. I’m headed in the direction
Of salvation and wholesome interconnection
With the world as my spirit guides all that I do.
May I be a tool that God uses to create.

Test The Universe!

Celestial View

Show yourself that there’s no end to your wellbeing.
You will never run out of the blessings that come
From the universe. Be sensitive to the way
That you feel. You know when you’re not feeling okay
And you know pretty much where those feelings come from.
Test The Universe! Know that it’s most agreeing.

The only way that you can eliminate doubt
Is by somehow experiencing clarity.
They can’t both exist inside you at the same time.
Your doubt may tell you that there’s a mountain to climb.
Ask the question, “Do you know what is best for me?”
Testing the universe is what it’s all about.

Some of what you want can show up right here and now.
Follow your impulse and watch how much of what you
Want is revealed to you within just a short while.
Co-creating you will be in elegant style.
Test The Universe! Prove to yourself that it’s true
That the only thing you have to do is allow.

You won’t know where you are until you focus and
See how it works out. There are only two ways to
Know whether you’re on your path. One is how you feel
And the other is what has for you become real
In your life. Don’t wait ‘til your path challenges you.
Teach yourself that you have power at your command.

What Is Real?

Alternate Reality

What’s it like to hallucinate? I’d imagine
That it’s much like reality, which is a dream
That all beings are having. What I know as real
Is due to my perspective which is a big deal
To my conscious awareness. But why does it seem
Such an issue? I do not know where to begin.

From the stuff that things are made of, my perspective
Is what calls them together into what I know
To be real. It’s in response to my vibration
That things take on physical manifestation.
My perspective can be my best friend or my foe.
I’m fully in touch with the human collective.

There’s nothing outside of my perspective. There’s no
Kind of reality beyond my perception.
I can tweak myself into alignment with my
Inner being. My perspective can remain high
Above folly unless I’m in the mood for fun.
The more real the excitement the more real the show.

Everything that is physical is much the same
As the nonphysical. The only difference
Is that what’s physical is exaggerated
So it feels real. The sense organs have created
A reality that must make absolute sense
To the psyche. Indeed all of life is a game.


Manifest Happiness

What is in your Vortex that you’d like to define?
Find some simple thing that you know is over there
Such as a state of clarity and fulfillment.
What is there that you want? Are you in alignment
With its coming? All you need to do is to care
How you feel in each moment. Each one you design.

What is there that is missing? What is there that you
Cannot find yet in your daily experience?
Your Vortex of Creation contains everything
That you have ever wanted. It’s ready to bring
Them all to you. The volume of it is immense.
The more that you are wanting, the more you accrue.

What do you want that you don’t have? Pick something close
To your heart, but do not concern yourself with how
It will happen. The best question to ask is, “Why?”
This speeds up your momentum. The more that you try
To make things happen, the less blessing you allow.
In the reason ‘why’ you want it, you may engross.

The ’how’ will almost every time cause you to lose
Your connection to who you are, and you may stray
From the path, but the ‘why’ gives you more energy
To explore possibilities. Thus, you are free
Of the struggle of making things turn out your way.
Why you want to have something is always good news.

Embodying Stillness

Meditation By The Sea

If you go to visit a Zen monastery,
Where they call meditation ‘sitting,’ one may ask
“How long you have been sitting? I’ve been sitting for
A few decades or so.” “Doesn’t you butt get sore?”,

May be one’s response who is not up to the task
Of doing the work that is most necessary.

Sitting in meditation, one is familiar
With a method, but don’t confuse it with the state
You are in while you’re doing it. Meditation
Is a state of pure presence. You can be at one
With the universe, and you do not have to wait
To become more aware of who you really are.

The method is designed to facilitate the
State of consciousness, but at some point every one
Must be dropped so that you can be right in that place
Of immaculate presence. Its welcome embrace
Is available to you through meditation.
Method is simply the way of coming to be.

One evolves to the point where no method at all
Becomes necessary to be in alignment.
If you get too attached to your method, then you
Will defeat your intention. What you may go through
To get there may be subject to some refinement.
It cannot be for you an impossible call.

Cats As Vibrational Healers

The Feline Element

They can help us be spiritual, people say
About cats because of their keen sense of the Tao.
They see things that are invisible to our eyes.
Vibrating on their level one can become wise
In the ways of relaxing. They can teach one how
To keep balanced the functions of sleep, work, and play.

You may learn to peer into other dimensions
By communicating on a psychic level
With the fine furry guru who has chosen you
As a viable student. They can help you through
Situations of stress that often bedevil
Your wellbeing and spirit with bad intentions.

Throughout history cats have been seen as creatures
With connection to spirit. Used in rituals
For achieving enlightenment, cats were revered.
Nowadays the idea is still not too weird.
When you feel that life has gotten you by the balls
Energy of the life force of your cat endures.

At a frequency close to the earth’s they vibrate.
Their connection to this world and that of spirit
Can be seen, for example, in that they can purr.
Tidiness and good exercise they most prefer
To the everyday hustle. They’re the perfect fit
For the soul wanting friendship and the alpha state.