Tag Archive | desires

Seeking Inner Peace

Bright New Day

In the depths of the human soul there’s a profound
Battle raging against desires that can serve no
Purpose other than to enslave and weaken us.
World activity demonstrates the disastrous
Human tendency to live within the shadow
Of a troubled existence. To it we are bound.

Mindfulness meditation can alleviate
Much of your inner turmoil. You want to break free
From the world around you every once in a while.
Though the world is unthinkably cruel and hostile
You can get away from it temporarily.
Good happens when you’re in a meditative sate.

Be the master of yourself and you will be free.
True freedom lay not in indulging your desires
But in conquering them. If humanity will
Figure out ways to keep its collective mind still
Then world peace would occur but of course it requires
A unanimous effort where all must agree.

It’s not the things themselves that disturb people but
Their judgments about these things. Can we recognize
The illusions succumbed to? The impediment
To action advances action. None can prevent
Things from happening so it’s both helpful and wise
To keep yourself out of a most depressing rut.

The Emotional Journey

Sheer Bliss

What you want can be found wherever you are and
When you look where you are for it ‘til you begin
To show it to yourself, now you’ve the potential
To find it in other places. What you want shall
Happen for you. You’ll see your life as a big win.
Of your fantastic journey you’ll take full command.

Don’t take action before you’ve lined up energy.
Things will work out much harder for you if you do.
Take The Emotional Journey first and you will
Allow all that is necessary to fulfill
Your desire. The only thing that’s required of you
Is your intention to live your life happily.

How you feel indicates your point of attraction.
Focusing on it consciously helps you to be
More able to control it so visualize
What you want in much detail and it would be wise
To avoid any kind of negativity.
This will lead to your ultimate satisfaction.

You’ve so much leverage in the time that you spend
Meditating, daydreaming, and making lists of
Positive aspects about your life rather than
Bitching and complaining. You must know that you can
In any given moment get yourself above
Where and how you are now. On this you can depend.

Wanting Without Penalty

Earnestly Hoping

Be more high minded with your thoughts. Make sure that they
Are resistance free. This world has the wherewithal
To deliver to you everything you desire
If indeed it has the potential to inspire
The wanting within you. Let your wanting enthrall
And delight you. Let it do so throughout your day.

Once you have a desire you cannot take it back.
There’s no regression. Life has caused you to expand
And you either go with it or stay where you are.
If the latter you do then you’ll stay very far
From the things that you’re wanting. As you understand
More about how this works nothing seems out of whack.

When you think about what you want focus on why
You desire it. Feel the life giving qualities
Of imagining just how you want things to be.
Think thoughts that will help you out vibrationally.
Things will manifest for you with relative ease.
You know well which laws of the universe apply.

You can focus upon the aspects of which you’re
Doing that feel the best until you purify
Your vibration. When feeling good is dominant
Then just like a genie the universe will grant
You your wishes. Indeed it can be your ally.
The wellbeing in your life will grow and endure.

Financial Crisis?

Negative World News

At one point in our history we traded furs,
Sticks, and beads, and we foraged for nuggets of gold.
Things have changed over centuries and rapidly.
The phenomenal growth of our economy
Is a model for all of the world to behold.
We can be fascinated by all that occurs.

It’s a good thing when there’s a financial crisis.
A strong, loud, and clear asking lets the universe
Know what’s needed so it can respond in a way
That can change what appears to be certain decay
Of the system. No financial crisis is worse
Than confounding it with over analysis.

Before you can accept this you must understand
That our economy was once a vibration
Created in the minds of people, then it grew
Exponentially. If you take this point of view
You’re then a master of the art of creation.
You know what’s needed for consciousness to expand.

The state of the economy is evolving
Constantly into something more than it had been.
Join the ranks of the fearful and you will lose out.
Dealing with the economy is all about
Your vibration. Your enlightenment happens when
You know that there’s no problem that needs your solving.

What Is The Meaning Of Life?

Mixed Meanings

Maybe it’s just a dark phase or maybe it’s true
That the soul of humanity cannot be healed
Of its hatred, conceit, and insatiable greed.
If life has any meaning then why is there need?
Why is human behavior such a battlefield?
Life is twisted. We have a narrow point of view.

Everyone has a task that they came to complete.
Unempowered personalities aren’t aware
Of the soul and its calling. They take refuge in
Getting external power. They think they will win
The big prize. It’s a big challenge for them to care
About injustice as long as their life is sweet.

But it cannot compensate for the lingering
Sense of inner emptiness. Something is always
Missing in life. Be at one with what you’re doing.
Your soul lets you know what you should be pursuing.
In your bliss you do not have to deal with this phase
Of extreme darkness. Continue to do your thing.

When you’re aligned with your soul then you’re empowered.
You feel energized and alive doing what you
Love to do. It doesn’t have to be some big thing
Like curing cancer. It can be simply learning
Something new and exciting. So keep your hart true
To your soul’s calling. Passion within you is stirred.

Just Enjoy The Process

Toward Solution

What can I do to step back from the sponsoring
Negative thoughts and get a more clear message from
My inner being or higher self? How can I
Be assured that there is some technique I can try
To relieve my anxiety? From where I come
Is a place of humility and wondering.

The question and the answer are two different
Points of view and vibration. I can’t receive when
The question becomes dominant I must chill out
And know that things are working out beyond all doubt.
The pulsating question I must let go of, then
I’m able to receive absent my self-torment.

The answer is to let some time pass and to be
Receptive to the answer. My inner being
Is revealing it to me constantly. I must
Be free of negativity, and I must trust
That my inner being is always far seeing.
I would like to say that it’s the best part of me.

The point of meditation is to clear the mind
Of its negative clutter and all resistance.
Let it do that. There’s no other reason to be
In alignment than to be absolutely free
Of resistance no matter what the circumstance.
Just Enjoy The Process as it is well defined.

Expect Miracles


Attraction is about life, and life is about
Attraction. Your inner being is the one who
Is attracting. It gathers Cooperative
for creating the life that you live.

So, let’s call it momentum. It has all to do
With the way circumstances in your life work out.

Momentum isn’t something you do. It’s something
That you learn to allow. The Law of Attraction
Is the momentum maker. You’re the focuser
Of all things that would make your life as you’d prefer.
You get momentum going when you have begun
To attend to the vibration you’re offering.

The delicious part of the creative process
Is that you have created for yourself a gap
Between you and what you want, but this is okay.
Your desires become more specified in this way.
Into infinite intelligence you can tap.
At any moment you have absolute access.

People expect only what they’ve seen already,
So they don’t Expect Miracles naturally.
Incremental releasing of your resistance
Day by day on your journey will greatly enhance
Your attraction vibration. Just be thrilled to be
Part of all of life’s magical reality.


Peaceful Alignment

You will have an awareness that lets you see things
That were kept hidden from you. You still will chop wood,
Carry water, and meditate. You will enhance
The meaning of coincidence. Life is not chance
 When the laws of the universe are understood.
You become tolerant of the mind’s wanderings.

You won’t entertain doubts about your worthiness.
You will feel loved and nourished spiritually.
Both your inner and outer experiences
Have new meaning. You’ll find no need for defenses.
You are the universal source of energy.
When you know this you have unlimited access.

Fear that immobilizes you will go away
As you feel the presence of the divine in you.
All weakness and falsehood come from the refusal
To accept divine guidance. You can’t play it small
By your not realizing what you know is true.
The evolved self within you is on full display.

You’ll know the power and ecstasy of silence.
It’s the only voice of our God. All profound things
And emotions are preceded and attended
By omnipotent silence. It’s rather splendid.
You become more conscious of divine offerings.
Becoming is a wonderful experience.

Instant Treasure

Quick Jackpot Jubilation

Knowing has less resistance than belief, and doubt
Has a lot of resistance. You’re on a journey
Endless in its duration. You’re somewhere between
Your belief and your knowing what has not been seen
As of yet. You remain as happy as can be.
There’s no need for you to figure anything out.

Knowing has no resistance. Belief has a bit
In that in your believing, you are noticing
The absence of what you want. This must be okay
Since there’s no way around it. You cannot betray
Laws of physics or spirit. When you are knowing,
Then belief is of no functional benefit.

What will it really feel like when your dream comes true?
Grab a hold of that feeling, in fact, fantasize
And milk it for all its worth. Get into a state
Of excitement. In essence, you don’t have to wait
For the thing that you want to materialize
To feel good in this moment. What else can you do?

Talk about the prosperity in your life now.
Things you have already you can appreciate.
Feel as happy on your way as you will be when
You get there. You can feel good again and again.
It’s the wonderful journey you want to create
In each moment. In this way, you learn to allow.

Happiness Helps

Life Is Fun

What you want can be found wherever you are, and
When you look where you are for it until it shows
Itself to you, your potential for finding it
In other places will be increased quite a bit.
Happiness brings one money. This everyone knows,
And there is really nothing else to understand.

Unhappy in the bondage of work people are.
Freeing themselves, they only will find it elsewhere.
One must shift one’s vibration before moving on.
When resentments and feelings such as that are gone,
One can act with the feeling of floating on air
While fulfillment of one’s dream is not very far.

When you act before you’ve lined up the energy,
There’s some downtime and struggle. To get up to speed
Take the emotional journey first. Be aware
Of the positive aspects. Above all else care
About how you feel. Consciousness is all you need
Of the goodness of your life and all it could be.

The stakes keep getting higher as you persevere
In a tough situation, but your desire grows
Directly in proportion to your discontent.
Happiness is the way to complete fulfillment.
On the way, you need not remain in the shadows.
Your passion for life is your concurrent career.

Ask Questions That You Can Answer

So Many Answers

When will I win the jackpot? How long must I wait?
Where is all that I’ve asked for? Who all can I blame?
These questions have no answers. It is of no use
To evoke them. So doing will sadly produce
Confusion, and my circumstance will stay the same.
I must be aware always of what I create.

To accomplish a budget, I have to earn more
Or spend less. This translates to beliefs and desires.
If I want something and I believe it can be,
I’ll feel good, and it’s likely to happen to me.
Being in the receptive mode only requires
That I focus on something that I’m grateful for.

Wanting something, but doubting that it can become
A reality is a despicable place
To be in. When beliefs and desires are aligned,
Powerful insights begin to enter the mind.
Pulling back is impossible. I can’t erase
Having wanted. I continue beating that drum.

I can ask why I want something. I can answer
That question easily and without any doubt.
I can imagine being there and doing it.
The feeling of expectation I can transmit
To the universe. It figures everything out.
I’ll not be surprised by the blessings that occur.

My True Self

My Calm And Passionate Inner Being

Unattached from my wanting, My True Self and I
Are related by feeling. There cannot be one
Single thing that I must have to be happy now.
As I listen to My True Self I can allow
Everything to fulfill me while I’m having fun.
If things go well for me I need not wonder why.

So, do I have to let go of all my desires
To experience happiness? Does it make sense
To my ego to not want? Can it come to know
The wholeness of its being? Can wellbeing flow
To the self somewhat conscious and caught in suspense?
Can the conscious part do what my spirit requires?

To let go of attachments is to become free
Of the ego’s addiction to dreams coming true
In the physical quickly. They are full of fear
That they won’t. To my fulfillment I must adhere.
My True Self knows exactly the things I should do
In the blissful meantime of things coming to be.

Life is wonderful even with all the contrast.
The adhesive and tricky stuff keeps me aware
Of my need to remain focused on how I feel
In relation to My True Self who is more real
Than I am. My ego needs to learn how to care
For the feeling that matters and will ever last.

Allow Infinite Abundance

Let The Magic Happen

How can I find a way to be comfortable
Spending money on myself? It is traumatic.
I want things, but I feel paralyzed to allow
Myself to have them. It would be nice to know how
To spend lavishly and to remain ecstatic.
How do I become wealthy, serene, and stable?

It’s one hell of an issue. It’s probably mine
Along with many others’. I bear to make do
With the basics, when it’s luxury and beauty
That I want in my life. Am I destined to be
Ever wanting the freedom to live what is true
To my wishes? Is my circumstance by design?

Many of us have been taught shortage consciousness
By people who we lived with who had influence
In our upbringing, so there is never enough.
Waste not, want not. We must save for when times get tough.
This mindset in itself is of heavy expense.
It leaves no room for the pursuit of happiness.

There is not a finite amount of abundance.
It expands in direct proportion to our dreams.
I can justify it with hard work if I may,
But my appreciation is all I need pay.
I am worthy regardless of how it all seems.
There is no limit to what my soul can finance.

Wake Up Happy

A Fine Day Awaits

One eliminates false starts by being prepared
With the intention of having an awesome day.
While asleep you were in the non-resistant mode.
Now awake, you’re a clean slate. You’ve released the load
That existed before sleeping, and you can stay
In that space. By you it need only be declared.

It’s another day on planet earth. This is why
It’s a great day. No other reason needs to be.
You have no idea what’s going to happen.
Feeling good once can certainly happen again.
Do not carry anything forward that really
With your spiritual program cannot comply.

Break the conventional patterns holding you back
From becoming the person you are deep inside.
Social structures and mannerisms are a toll
On your creative energy. You become whole
Only when your true self is not being denied.
You can know that you’re totally free from attack.

Let the subconscious programming that you create
Redirect you to the place where you want to be.
There’s a moment while you are playing the program
Where you will ask yourself if your work’s worth a damn.
In that moment there’s power because you are free
To choose whether or not to remain in that state.

Your Only Work

Be Happy!

What you want can be found wherever you may be.
As you look where you are for it you will begin
To find it in other places. Your potential
For finding it is increased. It’s most essential
While at work not to let your vibration wear thin.
Any downtime use to line up your energy.

What you do for a living is dull and mundane
To your physical senses that are part of you.
Unhappy with the bondage you must find a way
To work on your vibration all throughout the day.
You can find happiness in the work that you do
Through your innermost being. There is much to gain.

The vibrational journey is emotional.
Take that one first before acting on anything.
The path will keep unfolding while you attend to
Your acquired income maker. You can remain true
To your positive dream. Your alignment will bring
You results that you will see as sensational.

Visualizations and dreaming that you do
Are your primary focus. Your leverage lies
In the positive aspects found while on the way
To the dream of a lifetime. You just have to stay
At the top of your main game. You will realize
That the universe totally agrees with you.

Things Will Fall Into Place

Let Divine Forces Do Their Work

You alone get to create your reality.
If it has the wherewithal to stir within you
A desire then it does have the ability
To deliver it so that your own eyes can see
That the Law of Attraction is probably true.
In a state of alignment may you always be.

Be more high minded in your thoughts. Don’t gravitate
To the lower vibrations that come with your day.
Feeling good can compare to keeping a budget.
If desires and beliefs balance there is no debt
To your overall feeling, and if you can stay
Well ahead of your wanting you’ll be doing great.

You cannot stop your wanting. Once life has caused you
To find passion for something you cannot go back.
So don’t try not to want it if it causes stress
Thinking more about why you want it and much less
About how it will happen puts you right on track.
Keeping up your vibration is all you need do.

There is no regression. There’s only expansion.
You can only move forward. Go with what you know
Increases the momentum of who you become.
Things Will Fall Into Place from where all things come from.
Take advantage of your full access to the flow
Of blessings from the universe, and have more fun.

Everything Else Will Fall Into Place

Work Behind The Scenes

If this reality has the wherewithal to
Inspire something within you then you can be sure
That it can well deliver it, and it is you
Who creates your reality in all you do.
It behooves you to make sure that your thoughts are pure
And that you maintain mostly a positive view.

Your desires and beliefs translate into real things.
When they match up completely you feel at your best.
But if you think you can’t have something that you want
Then this lack of belief is the thing that will haunt
All your hopes of its coming. Life isn’t a test.
It’s a service to you that the universe brings.

You cannot just forget the thing that you desire.
It may seem logical to stop the momentum,
But you cannot pull back from the new expansion
That is caused by your wanting. In fact, it is done
In the eyes of the universe. Just relax some.
Be surprised and delighted by what you acquire.

You can only move forward. Forget about where
Or how things come together. Just focus on why
That you want what you’re wanting. Imagine being
And feeling how it will be. The art of seeing
Everything in its best light is well worth a try.
All else will fall into place when given such care.

The Dream Of Life

...Yet It Seems Almost Real

Awaken from illusion? Which one would that be?
Just as black implies white, self implies the other.
Death brings meaning to life. This is fundamental.
Not a stranger am I in this place where I dwell.
Believing my existence was meant to occur,
Nothing short of a death wish can awaken me.

People are going crazy as far as I see
Or perhaps it’s been ongoing since time began.
We were all meant to be here. If this isn’t true
Then we might as well give up. The grand party zoo
Is far off the deep end and akin to the klan.
Colors true are most vibrant when one is dream free.

Nine eleven was done by the Arabs, so we
Came together as one nation, yet what happened
On the sixth of the first month is nothing to fear.
Perpetrated by white men, it’s perfectly clear
That one chunk of the nation cannot comprehend
What it means to be human most regrettably.

If I dreamed many lifetimes, each of many years,
And I could author all of them as I desire,
I would want for surprise after so many nights.
I would ask for a gamble so sometimes life bites.
God comes into each person that growth may transpire.
If that presence is ignored I nurture my fears.