Tag Archive | long

Nothing Blooms All Year Long

Blossoming Fruit

When your heart loves someone unconditionally
Then your mind suffers most. Love a person who tries
Their best to understand you. Never make someone
Special in your life who has absolutely none
Of the qualities you value. Open your eyes
To the wonderful loving person you could be.

When a toxic person can no longer control
You they will try to control how others see you.
Let not that behavior cause you any distress.
Strong people don’t have many friends. Your happiness
Is of utmost importance in all that you do.
Get away from whatever’s not keeping you whole.

You bloom with others who understand you. Never
Walk, fight, smile, try, or cry alone. Stop looking back
With regret. Instead look forward with hope. Don’t lose
Your self-respect. It’s a form of self-care. Excuse
Not the bad one’s behavior yet don’t show a lack
Of compassion. It will stick with you forever.

Nothing Blooms All Year Long. Don’t expect yourself to
Nor the people around you. Give yourself a break
From yourself and others by regaining access
To your best self – the one you most want to express
To the world. It’s about time that you come awake
To the manifold blessings set aside for you.

No More Anger

Angry Teen

When becoming a spectacle of discontent
There’s no conscience to speak of. There’s only contempt
In the moment. You’re flustered. You don’t have control
Of yourself. You feel hate from the depths of your soul.
Not a human being on this earth is exempt
From this awful emotion of misalignment.

Whatever has you getting yourself so upset
That you fly off the handle has hooked onto you
Like a magnet and it’s a co-creative dance.
How do you get yourself out of this circumstance?
Step back from it. Do anything that you can do
To detach. Don’t do something that you will regret.

What do you do next? This is the question to ask
Of yourself. You don’t want to brood in it or talk
About it. Don’t use it as your excuse to be
Disconnected, uptight, and always ornery.
There’s no reason that you can’t learn to walk the walk
Of a different person. It’s not a huge task.

Talk yourself into knowing that it’s not okay
To deprive yourself of abundance, clarity,
Wellness, and all the things that you consider good
All to focus more on your injustice. You should
Count to ten. Breathe. Relax. There’s no reason to be
Reactive in a harmful or threatening way. 

Get Rid Of Anger?

Total Rage

What’s it like being hated for being hateful?
If discordant uncomfortable people are
Showing up in your life it means that you got hooked
Into that odd part of them that is overlooked
By your most evolved self who would rather be far
From the drama. For this you can be most grateful.

Feeling good is not the easiest thing to do
When you’ve got something bugging you incessantly
To the point where you can be perceived as a threat.
If you act out in anger then soon you’ll regret
Having done so. If this is your reality
Then the good news is that there is some hope for you.

It’s like touching a hot stove when suddenly you
Find yourself having a negative reaction
To someone or some circumstance. What you do next
Is important. Do you tell the world that you’re vexed?
Doing so gives you minimal satisfaction.
Do not sit and brood in it whatever you do.

Ask yourself how long you will keep yourself away
From abundance, wellbeing, joy, and clarity.
Are you willing to give up on life itself to
Focus on the injustice that was done to you?
You can’t be angry and also live happily.
In a state of alignment you were meant to stay.

Just Let Things Be


Of the guilt and shame you may have you can let go
As well as all the negative feelings that you
Have been nursing. Although it will be difficult
When you let go then peace of mind is the result.
In your heart you know that there’s nothing you can do
To prevent what has happened to your tomorrow.

Let the momentum play out and then start anew.
So now how do you make the world a better place?
It’s by your asking for things to be different
Than they are now which means that you cannot lament
What is past. You deserve a bit of divine grace.
Let go of thinking of what you’ve put people through.

Do you focus on what you want or let things be?
You do both in that order. As long as you’re not
Focusing in opposition to your desire
You’re okay. What you want you’re able to acquire.
How you feel about yourself matters quite a lot.
Above all else you must see yourself as worthy.

Every good feeling notion that you have comes from
Deep within you and the universe supports it
Completely. The only thing that you need to do
Is to maintain alignment between you and you.
Of your internal guidance take full benefit
And expect there to be a successful outcome.

Be Kind To Yourself

Righteous Heart

You can get to the  general vibrational
Reason behind what you want by just asking why
Your desire is important. Begin practicing
The vibration of creative manifesting.
Answering the question ‘why?’ keeps you flying high.
What you’ve asked for is coming. You know that it shall.

The only question to ask is, “How long are you
Going to keep yourself from it?”
It all depends

On how much in the mode of receiving you are.
Since you’re speaking about how you feel you’re not far
From achieving your wishes. Spirit recommends
That you keep yourself happy in all that you do.

What’s the feeling of having and living your dream?
When the experience finally comes to be
How will you feel exactly? Go into detail
Until only feelings just like it can prevail.
The feelings of homecoming and security
Give you power and confidence in the extreme.

Law of Attraction is showing you how you feel
In each moment so that you can make decisions.
It’s about being kinder to yourself always
And all others. Make sure that your consciousness stays
Free of clutter and honor your inner visions.
Talk about your dream as if it has become real.

How Can I Be My Best Self?

Sheer Joy

What can I do to sync up more fully and more
Consistently with the source within me – with the
Vortex version of me? How can I move forward
With my life when some aspects of it are so hard
To cope with? How can I be who I’m meant to be?
How can I focus more on the things I adore?

Many times throughout my day I find myself there.
Something happens where my absence of resistance
Allows me to feel absolute satisfaction
In the moment. It happens when I’m having fun.
I’m distracted from my difficult circumstance
Long enough that my attitude I can repair.

It may not last a long time but clearly by now
I know how to get myself in vibrational
Sync with who I am truly. I just have to care
More about how I feel and be much less aware
Of the difficult issue. I trust that it shall
Work itself out. I need not worry about how.

I’ll do all of my efforting and affirming
When I’m feeling my best. Then it’s most effective.
Every person, place, and thing will shift because I
Took the time to feel better. The world will comply
With whatever I’m offering. I want to give
It my best self. A feeling of joy does it bring.

Feel As If It Is

Extreme Satisfaction

Find the vibration that is within the desire.
Ask yourself why you want it and let the feeling
Of the answers flow through you. Be fully aware
Of your sense of alignment and try to stay there
For as long as you can because it’s appealing
To your spirit. No efforting does it require.

When you act as if something is when you clearly
Don’t believe it you’re basically pretending
That it is without feeling it. That’s not the way
To receive what you want. In the same place you’d stay.
Mixed signals to the universe you’d be sending.
Feel As If It Is and it has to come to be.

You have to find a piece of belief in what you
Want to happen. When you find the feeling of it
Your belief strengthens. You become more energized.
Manifestations will occur. You’ll be surprised
And you’ll get to the point where you’ll have to admit
That this Law of Attraction stuff is really true.

You don’t need the condition to be happy now.
No matter what’s occurring you’ve complete control
Of your thoughts and emotions. Show yourself that you
Can create through your focus a world that is new
And exciting. Let life be the soup for your soul.
Your emotional guidance system tells you how.

Never Be Angry


Like rats in a cage subjected to electric
Shock at erratic intervals, humanity
Is electrified constantly by negative
Emotion. It’s not the healthiest way to live.
If I’m angry what can anything offer me?
Being ornery all the time is no picnic.

When you’ve got a strong energy flowing through you
And something seems to be standing right in the way
Of your getting way past it you can’t help but be
Somewhat hateful but it robs you of energy.
In alignment with your Source is where you must stay.
You may find that getting there is easy to do.

Look at someone who you have extreme anger for
And tell them not directly but in the mind’s eye
That you haven’t decided yet how long you will
Allow them to prevent you from having the thrill
Of alignment and goodness. Then ask yourself why
You’ve allowed this vibration that you most deplore.

We all need to express anger but how long do
You hold onto it? How long do you want to stay
Cut off from clarity, abundance, and wellness?
You can answer these without your having to guess.
You can focus negative emotion away
By remembering what brings happiness to you.

A Powerful Manifestation Tool

Pure Magic

After seventeen seconds your thought has become
A vibrational magnet. Other thoughts like it
Coalesce and gain momentum. After a while
Something will manifest according to your style
Of creating. Thinking is to your benefit
When a place of alignment is where it comes from.

When you slumber thought ceases so in the morning
Before you start to think about things you must do –
Before reading your email and remembering
The injustices of yesterday do one thing:
Simply milk the good feeling. It will help you to
Start your day off correctly. It means everything.

Feel that sense of wellbeing and just sustain it
For a little while. Thoughts of appreciation
Put you in a place where you are most receptive
To the Law of Attraction. It can only give
You what you’re feeling and thinking. You are the one
Who must tweak the vibration you want to transmit.

Gravity doesn’t ‘give’ you attachment to the
Planet earth. It just happens. And in the same way
The Law of Attraction doesn’t ‘give’ wellbeing.
It just happens. This revelation is freeing
To the soul who may be trapped in utter dismay.
Manifesting is one of your reasons to be.

Permission To Be Lazy

Nap Time

If someone says you’re lazy it usually
Is because from a false premise is where they come
Which states that the more you do then the more you’re worth.
Nothing could be more wrong. There’s no reason on earth
To believe it therefore don’t be beating the drum
Of the mindset of an errant society.

An alternative premise is that the basis
Of the universe is that the better you feel
The more you allow. You could not be more worthy
Of a nice break from this time space reality.
Don’t wait until existing becomes an ordeal.
Your spiritual world becomes your oasis.

You may wish for everyone to know wellbeing
But it is necessary for you to tend to
Your own wealth of wellbeing then you can extend
It to others. More time by yourself you should spend.
If some friend asks a horrendous favor of you
Tell them with their request you are not agreeing.

Carve out more time to be nicer to yourself and
Spend more private time under the bridge where others
Are not telling you what to do. When you are there
It’s a whole lot easier for you to take care
Of the needs of your fellows as your life occurs.
Sometimes you need to take your own self by the hand.

Stop Negative Vibrations Instantly

Energetic Stress

It’s not that big a crisis but still your distressed.
Bordering on psychosis you think way too much
About things that you cannot resolve right away.
It feels like your whole life’s in total disarray.
At the moment you seem to be far out of touch
With your true self which now is severely suppressed.

You’re not out of touch nor are you disconnected
From your true self because it’s the main part of you.
Temporary is your circumstance. Be aware
Of the logic that can lead you out of despair
And right into a situation that is new.
Negative emotion should not be expected.

If a spark from the fireplace lands on your sweater
And you brush it off quickly not much harm is done
But if you say, “My goodness!”, by that time you will
Be on fire. By the same token you can’t sit still
With a problem that seems to have no solution.
You can always find a way of feeling better.

You can render inactive your disappointment
With yourself for whatever by remembering
That your true self has a different opinion
Than you do about most things. You can be someone
Who can be happy no matter what’s happening.
Any state you can reach through your conscious intent.

Your World Will Change Today

World In Hands

What can I do to sync up more fully and much
More consistently with the larger part of me?
How might I feel right now to move as quickly as
Possible to enlightenment? Everything has
Its own place in the universe. How can I be
Who I truly am? How can I be more in touch?

Many times through the day I can feel that I’m there
In that place of alignment where I have no doubt
Of my purpose and who I am. It doesn’t last
For a long time in fact it can fade away fast.
What can I do to keep myself from falling out
Of alignment? About how I feel I must care.

I’ll do all my affirming and efforting from
My alignment space. Things will be much easier
To deal with. My entire world I can change today.
My alignment is just one good feeling away
From this moment. I think about what I prefer
Rather than what I don’t, then I’ll meditate some.

When I notice that I’m happy I can stay there
Long enough to establish a strong vibration.
Just by milking the moment I can reach a state
Where a world of complete fulfillment I create.
A change in my point of attraction has begun.
Of who I truly am I’ve become more aware.

Invisible Friends

Ethereal Guidance

I have friends who aren’t visible. Does that make me
An odd person perhaps because only children
Are allowed such a pleasure? Am I of ill mind
To believe that there are spirit beings assigned
To my life? Do these questions deserve an amen?
Does it matter that my friends are out of body?

These playmates of mine enrich my life immensely.
They’ve a great sense of humor and they take delight
When I take my life not so damned seriously.
They remind me of who I came to earth to be.
They alert me when everything isn’t alright.
These beings some consider imaginary.

“What’s my work while I’m here on earth?,” often I ask
And I’m told, “Being Human.” I get to define
What that is for myself. My personality
Is a tool and the most minuscule part of me.
I learn much from these invisible friends of mine.
Personality, they remind me, is a mask.

About death I have asked them every now and then.
They say it’s absolutely safe. It’s like taking
Off a tight shoe. Now how would they know such a thing?
It’s because they were human and they’re offering
What they can out of kindness. The wisdom they bring
To my life gives me comfort again and again.

Let Things Be

Reflection Of Earth

When you want something it’s hard to just Let Things Be.
You feel like you must be doing something to get
What you want, but of this world you have no control
Which means you have no choice but to make it your goal
To accept things as they are now without regret.
The universe knows what you have done already.

You may think that it’s not true that you shouldn’t care
About things that you want. After all, you are here
To make this world a better place. So how do you
Do that without assertion? All that you can do
Is to make sure you’re not operating from fear.
Of the good in all circumstances be aware.

There are things you’re observing that are causing you
To ask for something different. If you believe
In the laws of the universe, then things will change
For the better. Although people may find it strange
That inaction is the best way one can achieve
Getting what one is wanting, it still remains true.

Everyone gets to choose. Everyone is choosing
And to some degree all are allowing what they
Have chosen. Strong desire leads to inspiration
To be fulfilled without the manifestation.
The secret to things changing is just that you stay
In a state that’s perpetually enthusing.


The Cycle Eternal

Time can be of the essence of what can be known
To be real in the oddest sense. Time is a slice
Of eternity of which one can’t understand
With the physical mind. Its haphazard command
Of the laws of the universe doesn’t suffice.
It would be nice if to us a big clue is shown.

Time is slow when you’re waiting. Patience is required
To put up with the interval. It’s an ordeal
For the consciousness. Time is fast when you are late.
Hurriedly as you scurry you enter a state
Of confusion. Unsettled is all you can feel.
Neither one is an experience that’s desired.

Time is deadly when your are sad. When you’re happy
It is short. And enigma it ever remains.
It is an inconvenience when there’s not enough.
Times can be of abundance, or they can be rough.
Time is endless when your pain effectively drains
Much of your physical and psychic energy.

Every time, time is determined by your feelings
And psychological conditions – not by clocks.
Have a nice time always in whatever you do.
May this moment become one that’s special to you.
You can get to a point where you can say, “Time Rocks!”
It is the recorder of your inner dealings.