Tag Archive | enthusiasm

A Big Pile Of Money

Sea Of Cash

A Big Pile Of Money would do me very well.
I can see myself having a wonderful time
Spending and sharing it with everyone I know.
Into my bank account I want millions to flow.
The feeling of freedom it gives me is sublime.
I’m getting very close as far as I can tell.

There are things that I know by now. Money that flows
Is just the evidence of the vibrational
Currency I’ve got going on. Lack of money
Is what I had been practicing unconsciously.
My vibration was not all that sensational
Therefore many issues about money arose.

Money is about energy so it’s about
Satisfaction. I want to be rich with passion,
Happiness, good ideas, and vitality.
As I practice good feeling thoughts what comes to me
Is spectacular and of elegant fashion.
I know now that I’m worthy of it beyond doubt.

If I don’t have A Big Pile Of Money it means
That I’m not really ready vibrationally.
I can get there by being appreciative
And thankful for the wonderful life that I live.
It’s my firmest intention to live happily.
Being happy is my best of daily routines.

Worthy, Loved, And Blessed

Revealing Light

Sometimes heaven feels like a place of peacefulness
And sometimes it feels like sheer appreciation
That wells up inside. Often it’s like being in
Love with someone. It feels like you want to begin
A crusade in the service of world elation.
There’s so much pure enthusiasm to express.

As you hang around there in that positive range
Of emotions the more you’re able to maintain
Your vibrational frequency there and the more
Often you’ll reach that level. As ever before
Simply by knowing of your wellbeing you gain
And effective advantage for ultimate change.

That ‘on top of the world’ feeling comes easily
Then it goes but just feeling a deep sense of peace
Puts you in the vicinity of ecstasy.
You were meant to pursue your life passionately.
When you do you’re queued up for the steady release
Of resistance and all negative energy.

Know that you’re Worthy, Loved, And Blessed. You can sustain
That feeling in your heart from moment to moment
Then you’ll spike into moments of heavenly bliss
Fairly often. It doesn’t get better than this.
At your lowest point you’re simply feeling content.
The best part of it’s that nothing is done in vain.

Lots Of Money

Cool Cash

“Give me money – a ton of it – so I can be
Excited and fulfilled forever and a day.”

Within this fallacy of thought there’s a big clue
To my wanting. It has really nothing to do
With conditions. I can’t let them get in the way
Of the simple business of living happily.

Dollars that flow into my experience are
Just the evidence of the vibration that I
Have got going on. If I’m all wadded up in
How to get lots more of it I cannot begin
To receive it no matter how hard I may try.
I’d be reaching for a much too far distant star.

Cleaning up my vibration means stepping back from
Manifestations of money that are lacking
Then beginning to think in terms of energy
And of satisfaction. Passionate I must be
About life. The universe is always backing
Me as in tune with my higher self I become.

I cash in my vibrational chips by being
Ever appreciative and thankful for all
That I have going for me and then the money
Will begin flowing into my life easily.
What I have to offer to the world isn’t small.
I can go for an abundant way of seeing.

Your Vibrational Currency

Cradle Of Abundance

Step back from those manifestations of money
That cause you some discomfort. How well you perform
And the worth of your talent have little to do
With your true value – the energy within you.
You have it within you to break free from the norm
Placed on you by our unconscious society.

Don’t just keep looking at it, talking about it,
Measuring it, complaining, and asking for more
From the government or elsewhere. Take no action
Unless you can get from it some satisfaction.
Take a good look at your life and be thankful for
Everything you can think of. You will benefit.

The world is awash in money. Are you not bowled
Over by how much some people accumulate?
Don’t call them lucky bastards if you want to be
One of them. What you need to do is get happy
And look for all kinds of things to appreciate
Then in short order blessings begin to unfold.

You have to be happy without money to be
Receptive to its coming. You’ve got to cash in
Your vibrational chips by appreciating
Everything about your life thereby creating
A strong point of attraction. It comes from within.
Happiness is your measure of prosperity.

Tweak Your Energy And Control Your Vibration

Energy Ball

I feel like I’ve moved up the emotional scale
Quite a bit for the most part. I’m so happy for
The way I’ve been feeling. I’m on top of the world.
My desire flag by now is righteously unfurled.
My vibration is tuned to the things I adore.
Life for me is terrific in every detail.

I’ve been out of work since about ten months ago
And I panic occasionally about my
Fruitless job searching. Otherwise I’m doing fine.
If I forget about it then I can align
With my higher vibration. There’s no reason why
That the path of least resistance I can’t follow.

But is the negative emotion that I feel
Caused by my lack of work? It may be that I fear
That I may lose control over my emotions.
It may be that I’m prone to swim in the oceans
Where the waters appear not to be crystal clear
So I have difficulty in keeping it real.

Shortage consciousness has not a place anywhere
Near the mind or the spirit. Never return to
Where you were if it causes you unhappiness.
Don’t give up the wellbeing that you now possess
And have worked hard and long for. What benefits you
Is the positive outlook that you want to share.

Find The Meaning Of Life

Life Scape

In your life what have you always wanted to do?
Are you doing it now? Or are you on the way
To fulfilling your purpose? There’s nothing to fear
But fear itself. The path before you is made clear
In your heart and you cannot afford to betray
That which generates passion from deep within you.

You cannot live your life in your mind. You must go
Out and seek your life’s destiny. Fear of the past
Or the future is useless. The present is where
You should focus. It’s important for you to care
About now and it helps if you remain steadfast
In your quest. There is nothing else you need to know.

And it’s not trial and error. It’s simply getting
Off your ass to do something indeed anything
That moves you in the proper direction. It will
Help you more than if you decided to sit still
In your comfort zone. On it you don’t want to cling
Lest the loss of what you want you’d be regretting.

Often times people will start fulfilling their dreams
But when they near the end the journey becomes more
Difficult and they stop seeing the light at the
End of the tunnel as a sign of hope. They see
A milestone hard to overcome. What you ask for
You receive. It’s not just the way everything seems.

A Magnificent Story

Abundant surprise

Whatever you are living at any moment
Is an indicator of what you’re offering
By vibration. The feeling is temporary.
Have you been telling yourself the same old story?
Telling it like it is doesn’t yield you a thing
But a difficult life and extreme discontent.

There are two kinds of drumbeats that people follow.
One is that of frustration. “I don’t have enough.
I hate them. I don’t like what they’re doing to me.
I don’t like what is happening with my country.
Ever since I was little, my life has been tough.”

Beating this drum takes you where you don’t want to go.

But the other drumbeat is a lot different.
“There is plenty. I have enough, and what I need
Is lined up for me. Circumstances and events
Come together for me, and it makes perfect sense
That there is nothing wrong. I have planted the seed
Of desire. I have faith in its full fulfillment.”

The way you feel is everything. This is because
It is The indicator of whether you are
Closing or widening the gap between who you
Really are and the troubled self. All you can do
To beat the drum of happiness carries you far.
This is all according to spiritual laws.

Know Your Worthiness

You Are A Champion

Your vortex of creation existed before
You arrived here, and since then, you’ve added to it
A lifetime of experience. When you feel love,
Peacefulness, or appreciation, these kinds of
Emotions match your vortex, and they will permit
Access to what you’ve put there and even much more.

Many times, throughout your day, you’re in the vortex.
It’s that place where you feel as happy as can be.
It’s a sort of a brief spiking of energy.
In the moment, you’re in touch with divinity.
You cannot stay there all the time, but hopefully,
Getting there doesn’t have to be all that complex.

As you hang around in that range of emotions
The more you are able to maintain it, and you
Can do that rather easily. Feeling worthy,
Blessed, and loved is sustainable naturally.
You need not hype the vortex whatever you do.
How you feel is immune to fantastic notions.

Sometimes just sitting quietly contemplating
With a feeling of utter wellbeing can be
A way into your vortex. Anytime you’re not
Feeling negative emotion, you have a lot
Going for you. Simply because you are worthy,
There is magic in everything you’re creating.

Vibrational Readiness

Frequency Magic

Dollars flowing to you is just the evidence
Of the vibrational currency going on
In your life. How you feel about money reflects
How much of it you have. It’s not all that complex
A concept. It is but a conclusion foregone,
Therefore it should be easy to make it make sense.

Practiced thoughts about lack of dollars will prevent
Inspiration and insights toward abundance.
Measuring money with action and worrying
Will not bring you fulfillment. Instead it will bring
But more impediment to your world of finance.
Your vibrational currency hasn’t been spent.

Just step back from the picture. You can speak about
Energy, which means, talk about satisfaction.
Filthy rich in enthusiasm you can be.
You have ample abundance of vitality.
Cash in your vibrational chips of attraction.
Let the universe know what you want without doubt.

If you don’t have the money, then you’re not ready.
It’s that simple. You must be happy without it.
Your thanking and appreciating are the keys
To success on your journey and relative ease
In attaining all that is to your benefit.
Your guidance will keep you reassured and steady.

Tell It The Way You Want It Told

Your Story Your Way

What you’re living is only a temporary,
In the moment indicator of what you are
Offering by vibration. Your feeling creates
A magnetic transmission. Your positive states
Bring about blessings that border on the bizarre,
Yet, this moment, as all, at some point, cease to be.

Tell a different story than the one that you
Were provided by others because it does not
Measure up to the real you, nor does it suffice
As one which includes things that you consider nice.
You are authorized by God to write your own plot.
You’re the star, the director, and the staging crew.

The old story contains things that are best to lose.
When you’re beating the drum of, “I don’t have enough,”
Then you draw others like you and give power to

The notion of not having. What you’re free to do
Is to tell the new story where life isn’t tough.
The best thing about it all is you get to choose.

Listen to the call of your source, and follow through
With the impulse to do something and change the way
You approach life and others. Your story can be
One in which everything works out successfully.
We are all acting with other forces at play.
Be open to what is more refreshing and new.

Life Is No Brief Candle

The Focal Length Of Existence

Do Mondays excite you? Do you anticipate
Getting back to work? Do you look forward instead
To the weekend approaching? Are you unfulfilled
In you life and dissatisfied instead of thrilled?
Do you stick with it because it’s stuck in your head
That security means do something that you hate?

Life is not a brief candle but a splendid torch
That you have gotten hold of. You were not sent here
To wander aimlessly. Your time and energy
Are wasted by your wallowing in self-pity
Obstacles come and go, so don’t hold on to fear.
The fire of your passion is one that will not scorch.

It’s not necessary to be a great leader
Or the head honcho of a big corporation
To consider yourself powerful and mighty.
The street sweeper, plumber, and poet can all be
The creator magnificent in the long run
As long as they are doing what they would prefer.

If you’re stuck at a job that’s not your cup of tea
Then perhaps it is time to put your fear aside.
People may call you foolish for quitting without
A ‘back up plan.’ They will try to introduce doubt
Into your equation. People are not your guide.
Your reward will include happiness and safety.

Problems In Paradise

The Balancing of Apparent Extremes

Sometimes off the wall enthusiasm is mine.
I am so effervescent I scare folks away.
In all things I see beauty. I gush everywhere.
I have reached the point finally where I don’t care
How the world outside operates from day to day.
Yet there is some fear that everything isn’t fine.

The emotional spectrum has high and low ends.
The former is the vortex. It’s hard to stay there.
I can’t milk a good feeling for minutes or days
So, mindful I should be of the various ways
I am tricked into hyping. I must be aware
Of when it feels not authentic to my dear friends.

Often out of the vortex moments can toss me
Into it, and with practice, I’ll stay longer yet
In that place that is peacefully energetic.
There’s some resident boredom when it comes not quick.
It cannot be a big effort for me to get
In the mood of contentment. It’s where I must be.

It is just a brief spiking frequently throughout
A day planned with expecting the best to occur.
I must learn to acknowledge these moments, and then
I can reach that state at will again and again.
It is easy to focus on what I’d prefer.
Staying high in vibration is what it’s about.

Optimism And Buoyancy

Light On One’s Feet

Nothing can put me down. I be flying so high
Anyone who would catch me would be up here too
So they’d soon lose the interest and fly along.
At this wonderful altitude nothing is wrong.
I see overall patterns at this upper view.
This I would recommend. Why not give it a try?

I get special attention as I play the part
As my own one and only abundant with pride.
Luck is always a friend who I’m willing to trust.
Sometimes blues can defeat me. To go on I must!
On the whole, there’s a bundle of joy deep inside
Where the innermost selfhood connects to the heart.

Optimism And Buoyancy are but a clue
And a crisp observation of high energy.
How does one get excited simply for its sake?
Any way that one has to, just so it ain’t fake.
We’re not just human doings; we came here To Be.
Always feel the excitement and look for what’s new.

Inner growth and expansiveness are my defense
Against would be attackers. I know not of harm.
I am safe in this village where all must belong.
When divided, we’re weak; when united, we’re strong.
All it takes is a miracle of an alarm
To awaken the artist to high moral sense.