Tag Archive | worrying

Let Go Of Your Past

New Direction

The harder your past was the more beautiful your
Future will be. At life’s darkest moments you’ll see
The most clearly. Good things do come to those who wait
And suffer. Realize that it’s never too late
To move on. It may take time but it’s completely
Worth it to you that your circumstance you endure.

You have things you can count on – you, your health, and your
Achievements. Let these things about you resonate
Through your consciousness. Try to look for positive
Aspects of your life. Bless all there is to forgive
Then decide that a better life you will create.
Take advantage of all that you’ve been asking for.

Worrying doesn’t take away tomorrow’s woes
Nor the sins of the past but it does take away
Today’s peace. The more time you spend clinging to the
Past, the less likely your future turns out to be
Satisfying. You can change how you feel today.
Be receptive to your wellbeing as it flows.

Respect yourself because other people can see
If you don’t and this knowledge may cause them to treat
You the same way you feel about yourself. Be kind
To yourself always. Go deep within where you’ll find
Peace and guidance. Attune to your inner drumbeat.
It’s never too late to live your life happily.

Preferred Parallel Realities

Fractal Universe

If you don’t have a clean enough definition
Of where you want to be at this moment then you
Will remain in this parallel reality
But in others you can exist quite easily
With the right definition. All you need to do
Is align with only your preferred condition.

Parallel universes are not a new thing.
The concept is centered around the idea
That there are other realities that exist
Simultaneously and it’s hard to resist
Falling into a deep state of acedia
Contemplating something that can’t make your heat sing.

Fractals are mathematical structures that show
Signs of self-similarity so they’re used to
Create models. What’s beyond imagination
Is explored for the purpose of the creation
Of the ultimate scientific point of view.
We may be but a fractal for all that we know.

The reality that you prefer is the one
Most significant to you. When you recognize
Contradictory definitions you become
Enlightened and you’re able to get rid of some
Resistance in your thinking and you’ll become wise.
Take full advantage of your new journey begun.

The State Of Constant Receiving

Joy To Receive

There’s a fun game called virtual reality.
Its purpose is to set your vibrational tone
Apart from something that may be happening in
The moment that keeps you in a state of chagrin.
It’s a mind exercise you can do on your own.
You conjure the world the way you want it to be.

The vibration that you’re offering is because
Of whatever you’re focused upon and so the
Universe responds to it. Whether or not it
Is the truth or a fantasy you benefit
From the focus. Whatever thoughts make you happy
Keep on thinking them and give yourself some applause.

Just imagine being in your favorite space
For a brief moment to give yourself some relief
From your beating the drum of not having enough.
You can banish the notion that you must hang tough
Through your struggle. Get rid of that kind of belief.
Only thoughts of wellbeing you ought to embrace.

It’s simply a game where you distract yourself from
What may be bothering you long enough that you
Let the universe yield to you what it’s already
Attempting to yield to you. Your work is truly
To relax and give your attention only to
Your alignment. There’s nothing else to overcome.

Play This Game

Having Fun

There are people who today are offering a
Vibration based on something that happened a long
Time ago. They may not even remember it
Consciously. Only if it’s of some benefit
To the person it cannot be considered wrong
To create from the past in a positive way.

Whether it’s something that you’re focused upon in
Your reality or something you’re conjuring
In your mind the universe responds to the two
Just the same so it doesn’t matter much if you
Are imagining. How you feel is the main thing
To be keenly aware of before you begin.

The game of virtual reality is one
That’s worth playing if you have any resistance
To receiving. Stop talking about not enough
And about all the things that are making life tough.
Either forget about them or give them the chance
To enter the cleared mind for the best solution.

You don’t have to take some issue, wrestle it to
The ground, and kill it because you’ve done the asking.
Let the universe answer. Relax and allow
The wellbeing to flow into your life right now.
Through imagining you can receive anything.
It’s a game that will bring satisfaction to you.

There Is No Tomorrow

Alone On The Horizon

Tomorrow is the carrot attached to the horse.
As the horse moves, the carrot moves. So tomorrow
Never comes because when it does it’s called today
Which can’t be quite the same. It’s difficult to stay
In the present if you’re focused on some sorrow
Of the past or the future. It steers you off course.

Life itself I have. I have no philosophy
About life. I simply become quiet then I
Am in tune with existence and love arises
Within me and a part of me realizes
That There Is No Tomorrow. I don’t have to try
To be there. In the present is where I should be.

Life becomes abundant. Outbursts of laughter for
No reason will occur just because this whole thing
Of existence is in so many ways funny.
There are those who know much about philosophy
But they lack life. The practice of silence will bring
About inner peace, good health, abundance, and more.

It’s a process of worrying. Neither is there
Any yesterday. All that exists is right now.
Be present in this moment and see what happens
In your life. You’re now able to see through the lens
Of existence with clarity and to allow
Blessings to rain upon you of which you can share.

Helicopter Parenting

Watchful Eyes

It’s a loving obsession. Those who want to be
Protective of their children are known to be too
Overbearing. The hovering is the result
Of past worrying, so it becomes difficult
For some to not have their children always in view.
Does it work well as far as all parties can see?

Forget talking about how it all got started.
It’s of no value whatsoever to place blame
On the parents. That only causes that movie
To play longer. The ones that are the most scarry
Are the ones where the plot always remains the same.
The approach to parenting must be wholehearted.

Might children have been better off with parents who
Were much less domineering? They would have found more
Resources a lot faster for getting along
In the real world. No one has done anything wrong.
It’s just that your hardship stories do nothing for
The ones who are open and who look up to you.

You can watch your own movies – create them as well.
Connect to your own resources. Care about how
You are feeling. Let your beliefs morph into the
Direction of what you really want. You are free
To create your reality and to allow
Peace of mind to consume you wherein you will dwell.

Non-Resistant Desire

Hard At Hoping

A brand-new Maserati would really go well
With my free style of living but is that my goal?
All that I really want is to be satisfied.
The path to it may be my having a new ride,
But I can’t say that having it would make me whole.
Still, the idea of having one rings my bell.

I must find other paths to the satisfaction
That I’m seeking before the car can come to be.
If I’m already satisfied, I’m in a state
Where the kind universe will gladly demonstrate
My positive alignment almost instantly.
I believe in the idea of having fun.

I don’t need the car really. I only want it
Because it enhances the good life I deserve.
Under the influence of my inner being,
Who is always superlatively agreeing,
I can easily handle when I’m thrown a curve.
Of the true self within me I’ve full benefit.

If I’m worried about something, then I’m under
The influence of doubt. I’m not in the right place
To receive the abundance that surely awaits
My alignment. I’m in the most blissful of states
As I open myself to universal grace.
That I’m having a great life is not a wonder.