Tag Archive | push

Sharing Happiness

Poised For Fun

We all want to live happy lives. But how do we
Go about it? Some say it’s just a decision
That we make with a certain determination.
This of course is true in any situation.
Anytime a state of joy one can envision
Then experience the feeling quite easily.

Yet to some, happiness remains hard to achieve
Due to well-practiced patterns. The strong momentum
Of our past negative habits gets in the way
Of choosing happiness over utter dismay.
Difficulty we have when we’re beating the drum
Of our limits. We’re not in the mode to receive.

Urgency to find happiness stops the quest dead
In its tracks. If you want happiness for an hour,
Take a nap. If you want happiness for a day,
Go fishing. If you want happiness all the way
Through the year, win the lottery. Feel the power
Of abundance but don’t let it go to your head.

If you want happiness for a lifetime you’ll find
It by helping others. When you light a lamp for
Someone else on the road not only do you light
Up their world but you’re also doing what feels right.
Bringing happiness to others brings a lot more
Right back to you. It’s beneficial to be kind.

Go With It!


You want to allow your dream to gestate within
Your Vortex of Creation. It is already
But you must be aware of it without distress
About what hasn’t happened. The joy you express
For its coming must be borderline ecstasy.
At this game of life be most determined to win.

Just ask yourself, “Does this thought feel satisfying?”
If it does then Go With It! Keep on thinking it.
Let thoughts like it occur to you naturally.
In a world of fulfillment you’re destined to be.
Be aware of the vibration that you transmit.
That you can think what you want there’s no denying.

When something negative happens you get to choose
Which direction you’ll take it. If you think about
How unkind an act it was ask yourself, “Does this
Thought fulfill me?”
The answer you surely can’t miss

So just leave that thought right there. You can’t figure out
How to deal with something that is meant to confuse.

Refocus long enough before the momentum
Of the moment increases or just get away
From the stress altogether. Go with what you know
About yourself. You’re someone who’s willing to go
To extreme lengths to be receptive and to stay
Always looking ahead to the good times to come.

Just Let Things Be


Of the guilt and shame you may have you can let go
As well as all the negative feelings that you
Have been nursing. Although it will be difficult
When you let go then peace of mind is the result.
In your heart you know that there’s nothing you can do
To prevent what has happened to your tomorrow.

Let the momentum play out and then start anew.
So now how do you make the world a better place?
It’s by your asking for things to be different
Than they are now which means that you cannot lament
What is past. You deserve a bit of divine grace.
Let go of thinking of what you’ve put people through.

Do you focus on what you want or let things be?
You do both in that order. As long as you’re not
Focusing in opposition to your desire
You’re okay. What you want you’re able to acquire.
How you feel about yourself matters quite a lot.
Above all else you must see yourself as worthy.

Every good feeling notion that you have comes from
Deep within you and the universe supports it
Completely. The only thing that you need to do
Is to maintain alignment between you and you.
Of your internal guidance take full benefit
And expect there to be a successful outcome.

Student Debt


Perhaps in the beginning it seemed quite okay
But by now the high interest rates are keeping
You in constant anxiety therefore it seems
That you may never get to fulfill your life’s dreams
Which is why thoughts of desperation keep creeping
Into your mind. You can’t get them to go away.

You’ve picked up a lot of evidence in life that
Supports your negative feelings regarding your
Situation. There are many others like you
But if you got together nothing you would do
But complain. You’re not capable of doing more
Because of where your sense of wellbeing is at.

Are big businesses taking advantage of you?
They should not but your pushing against them is why
You’re hung up on the notion of an enemy
Out to get you. Find some way to get yourself free
From such thinking. You’ve nothing to lose if you try.
Thinking better about it is all you can do.

There’s a ton of corruption but you took a bite
Of the apple of freedom to do as you please
In a nation that’s backwards in so many ways
But things do work out for any person who stays
In alignment. To see the way your spirit sees
Is your way of seeing that things will turn out right.

Own Where You Are

Braving The Storm

When you get that feeling that nothing is going
To keep you from going then go but until you
Get that feeling take your time and let it evolve
As it should. Do not make it a problem to solve.
If you feel negativity what can you do
To dissolve it? The answer is worth your knowing.

Where you are is where you are. Where you want to go
Is something that you ought to keep thinking about.
Keep on thinking those thoughts and savor how they feel
In your heart. The thoughtful universe will reveal
What you need to know to you. You’re never without
Your connection to that which will help you to grow.

You have your inner being to guide you along
Your journey through existence in this dimension
Of the physical. Chill more. Don’t act until you
Are aligned with your inner being. What you do
When you’re not is a reflection of your tension
Regarding what you’re doing as if it were wrong.

Your emotional guidance system will tell you
How you’re doing. It helps you to be more aware
Of your source of creation. It shows you the way
To wellbeing and it happens without delay.
How you’re feeling, if given the utmost of care,
Can propel you to places exciting and new.

Own Where You Are And Rise To The Top


I tend not to always jump on where my inner
Being wants me to go but what’s encouraging
Is that I can just go there. It’s my decision
To do so. When I do I have all kinds of fun.
With who I truly am it’s worth my engaging
And with this aspect of life I’m no beginner.

Sometimes I feel intensity. That’s because I
Have resistance regarding what I want to do.
It should feel exciting and invigorating.
If it doesn’t then it’s not worth activating
In my mind. I must pay better attention to
How I feel. It’s a thing that I try to live by.

I cannot push the noodle by making something
Happen when it’s not ready to. I need to chill
And allow all my asking to be answered then
Stay receptive. There’s no sense in asking again
And again. One succeeds when the mind is kept still.
I refocus on whatever makes my heart sing.

I know where I am on the emotional scale.
Moving up on it cannot be an indictment
Of my purpose. I’m at peace with where I am  now.
All I have to do is open up and allow
Life to offer me lots of fun and excitement.
It’s about telling myself a positive tale.

Stop Doubting Yourself

Moment Of Self-Doubt

If you want something out of life, if there’s some goal
That you want to reach, if you have some special dream,
Or if you want to overcome your bad habits,
It’s not easy. The most average person quits
Fairly quickly, which may relate to self-esteem
Where a lack of ambition frustrates the poor soul.

Most people go through life never discovering
What their talents are. The only thing that will make
One happy is to discover what one can do
And to feel incredible power pushing through
Whatever holds one back. One avoids the heartache
Of not trying. The fear is worth overcoming.

People are rewarded in public for what they
Practice for years in private. Become creative,
Resourceful, and relentless in bringing about
The change needed to get rid of nagging self-doubt.
You can live life better if you’re willing to give
More attention to how you feel throughout your day.

Power becomes available to you when you
Develop enough courage and passion to not
Be deterred by negative feedback from others.
Keep your focus on noticing all that occurs
In your favor. Give your cherished dream all you’ve got.
The universe is helping to make it come true.