Tag Archive | engines

Speed Things Up

Great Speed

Anytime you think something in an asking way
What happens is there’s a natural momentum
That’s begun and cooperative components
Start assembling. You can delight in the suspense
As things happen. You understand how thoughts become
Things of value without a whole lot of delay.

So what you’ve asked for is already underway.
Things become clearer as momentum increases.
Go with the flow of that. Just don’t do that thing you
Do that keeps you from having your big dream come true.
As you feel your best the universe releases
What you’ve asked for. Your heart cannot lead you astray.

How can you Speed Things Up? It’s by taking the stick
From the wheel so it spins freely. Satisfaction
Speeds things up in an instant and what slows things down
Is your choosing to wear a perpetual frown.
If you do the universe has a reaction
That is certainly not what you’d call a picnic.

What you don’t want speeds up with dissatisfaction.
What you do want speeds up when you’re feeling at peace
With it not having happened yet. Be satisfied
And the floodgates of abundance will open wide
Then the speed at which you manifest will increase.
All because you’ve attuned your point of attraction.

Talk About What You Want

Verbal Bubbles

Talk only about what you want – not what you don’t.
That’s a given but many people fall into
The self-undoing habit of talking about
What they don’t want. Be more conscious of what comes out
Of your mouth about what you want. It’s up to you
To speak loudly your passion because others won’t.

They’re all lined up. It’s all about many engines
On the track pulling in opposite directions.
You get nowhere and you’re wasting your energy.
Speak only of the way that you want things to be.
Let it resonate throughout the mind’s reflections.
See the world and your life through a positive lens.

You will never ever really be satisfied
With something less than what you want so let it be
What you want then line up with it. Watch what happens
When you do so. The most evolved part of you spends
All its time helping you to live more happily.
You can look upon it as your happiness guide.

You’ve released enough resistance. Let your desire
Gain momentum. Give undivided attention
To your purpose and how you feel along the way.
Be aware that there’s power in all that you say
To the universe. Not beyond comprehension
Is the notion that anything you can acquire.

It’s About To Happen

Don't Give Up Hope

Your awareness of where you are can hold you back.
Strongly believable is your reality
Because it’s translated by physical senses.
You see things then believe them. The consequences
Are your strong dispositions. Yet if you could be
A being of perfection you’d still get some flack.

You are here to create your own reality –
Not to face someone else’s. Some folks recreate
What they’re facing already, again and again.
Powerful belief systems are reinforced, then
There are conflicting mindsets to coordinate
Along with others telling you how you should be.

Stop looking so much at what is, first and foremost.
How far you are away from the unfulfilled dream
Has not to do with distance nor time it may take.
It’s about vibration. Consciously while awake
You decide to get happy then on comes a stream
Of sustaining fulfillment of which you may boast.

When you sleep, all momentum stops. When you awake,
Your vibration is neutral. This time is the best
To find reasons to feel good – the more the better.
Then your day will unfold the way you would prefer.
Don’t worry or think things that will make you depressed.
Your doubting and complaining would be a mistake.