Tag Archive | knowledge

The Psychology Of Money


Behavior Over Knowledge… Financial success
Is more about how you behave with money than
What you know and your emotional discipline
Regarding money is truly where to begin
Reprogramming you mindset. First know that you can
Feel your way toward your financial happiness.

Some folks seem to effortlessly accumulate
Wealth while others struggle. Notice how folks behave
Who have much of it. They don’t apologize for
All the good that comes to them. Indeed they get more
The more they remain on the continuous wave
Of contentment. They know how to appreciate.

True wealth is about having the freedom to do
What you want when you want to. Your ultimate goal
Should be financial independence rather than
The accumulating of possessions. You can
Feel that freedom right now just by playing the role
Of a person of wealth. This must satisfy you.

Be most thankful for what you have and understand
All your financial boundaries. Take your advice
From those who have achieved wealth – not from someone who
Struggles constantly. This is of no help to you.
Feel yourself always to be worth the highest price.
Be respectful of all the wealth you have on hand.

Make No Assumptions

Doubtful Moment

He loves you therefore he should know just how you feel
Regarding any subject. He can’t read your mind
Nor can he know your feelings without your sharing
Them with him. Don’t assume that because he’s caring
He knows everything. Don’t be selfish and unkind.
Don’t put someone you say you love through this ordeal.

Have the courage to ask questions if you don’t know
What is happening. Don’t assume everybody
Thinks the same way that you do because most do not.
How you think about things doesn’t matter a lot
To most people unless you just happen to be
Someone popular with an enormous ego.

All sadness and drama are rooted in making
Assumptions and in taking things personally.
We knew nothing when we were born then we became
Inundated with facts with the primary aim
Of indoctrinating us to reality
As we know it. So much of it is heartbreaking.

Allow yourself to hear people. Be more present
In the moment. Don’t take things where they need not go.
The mind operates like an assuming machine.
It can put you unfortunately in between
A rock and a hard place and unable to grow.
Keep yourself away from such a predicament.

Money Issues

Sitting In Money

What’s you philosophy about prosperity?
Why isn’t abundance raining down upon you?
What’s keeping you from having a lot of money?
You must have an opinion or else you would be
Nonexistent. What’s your personal point of view
About money? Does your inner being agree?

It may be because you haven’t found quite the way
To feel good when you think about money because
What you feel is its absence. There’s a tug of war
Between you and your inner being and the more
You indulge the bad feeling the more that the laws
Of the universe come into integral play.

So it’s a pretty big deal to find a way to
Think about money and feel good. It can be done
Gradually. The easy way is to feel it
As an energy pattern. This way you permit
The release of resistance. You’re the only one
Who can get that good energy working for you.

Everything is energy. It’s ever flowing
And when you’re elated, in love, or otherwise
Tuned in, tapped in, and turned on you’re most receptive
To the blessings that the universe wants to give
To us all. It’s important that you realize
What your inner being is forever knowing.



If you fear the unknown you fear that part of you
That knows nothing which means that you are the unknown.
Knowledge can make your life easier in some ways
But it also can complicate most of your days
On the planet. The more you know, the more you’re prone
To believe that you really do not have a clue.

But one thing that you do know is that your desire
Overwhelms you. It’s like breathing in energy
That creates worlds. You live to have your dreams come true.
You know that all the universe will support you
In whatever you’re focused on, so you can be
Confident that the things you want you will acquire.

With desire you can choose one of two directions.
You can go with obsession or passion. If you
Go with obsession it leads to self-destruction.
But with passion a wonderful quest has begun.
Inspiration and insights from out of the blue
Enter your life because of your good connections.

When you were a young child you knew nothing about
Who you were. Your mind was absolutely empty.
It was okay then and it can be so today.
You need not know who you are. It gets in the way
Of your God given purpose which is just To Be.
Back when you were a child you knew this without doubt.

Stop Trying To Read Other People’s Minds

Colorful Minds

Unless you’re truly psychic don’t take for granted
That what others are thinking are your thoughts as well.
Others don’t think the same way more often than not.
One who’s ill may believe there’s a sinister plot
To undo oneself and it’s the worst kind of hell
To go through. In the mind what’s not true is planted.

So I don’t make assumptions because it allows
Me to hear people, be more present, and not take
Things where they’re not supposed to go. I can be more
In the moment instead of in my head. Before
I jump to a conclusion, mostly for my sake,
To the purest of logic my heart must espouse.

All the sadness and drama that we manifest
In our lives is because of assumptions we’ve made
About others. We can’t read other people’s minds.
We come up with fantastic stories of all kinds
But they’re just that. We’re not on a foolish crusade
To gain knowledge of what people haven’t expressed.

We don’t have the courage to ask questions, so we
Make assumptions. We take things too personally.
We love people therefore we expect them to know
How we feel and think, so learning how to let go
Of our thoughts about it all is one way to free
Ourselves of our self-torment eventually.

Preparing For The Day

Morning Routine

I’m extremely pleased to be here. I’m eager for
What is coming next. I shall begin this new day
In alignment with all that I want to take place
Throughout it. I’ll rely on the infinite grace
Of the universe. Everything will go my way.
I’ll receive what I’m wanting as I ask for more.

Sometimes I feel like I’m being headed away
From the details of my dreams, but that’s not the case.
The details are important but generally
I know that they will fill in eventually.
It’s not like I’m preparing to run a big race
Yet I cannot just let things occur as they may.

I’ll get into the nitty gritty of what I’m
All about because it matters to me and to
Everyone I encounter. Moving energy
To my best advantage I can do easily.
Unequivocal knowledge of what I can do
I possess, and I’m making good use of this time.

I remember that it’s all about attraction.
My point of it is how I feel in the moment.
In sublime nonresistance I now can relax
And as this wonderful day reaches its climax
I’ll be the master of every single event.
I shall end this day in complete satisfaction.


Creative Readiness

Intuition is a sensing of the spirit.
It’s the ability to understand or know
Something instantly based on one’s feelings rather
Than the facts. It’s often described as an inner
Voice or a gut feeling. It is not like a flow
But a flash. Naturally it’s a benefit.

Intuition is an instinctual process
That gains clarity and accuracy the more
One advances spiritually. A knowing
Without knowing, it is the true spirit showing
What’s best for oneself. It is a warning before
Acting in such a way that will cause one distress.

It’s when you know instinctively that something you
Are doing is right or wrong, or when you feel that
Someone is lying to you, or that something just
Isn’t right. It’s a feeling you can learn to trust.
It’s beyond thinking in a logical format.
It’s directly connected to all that is true.

Intuition is a faculty of the mind
But beyond mental processes. You just know it.
Realizations are effortless and freeing.
Intuition is a core part of your being.
It’s a gift out of nowhere for your benefit.
With the spiritual it remains intertwined.


Prayer Of Asking

Faith is confidence or trust in a person, thing,
Or concept. In the context of religion, it
Is belief in a God, and doctrines and teachings.
It’s not blind. It’s intelligent because it brings
On a peace that is greatly to one’s benefit.
Even with no evidence it’s enlightening.

Conscious knowledge and practicing good deeds is part
Of the process for growing spiritually
In some religious contexts. One’s obedience
To the scriptures does not make a whole lot of sense
Without some understanding of what comes to be
The foundation of living and dear to the heart.

To know more about God and the infinite plan
For one’s finite existence is what one who seeks
True enlightenment cares about. Faith allows one
To discover that knowledge. Verification
Is achieved through employment of psychic techniques
People practice. It’s something that anyone can.

Nothing in this world should be dearer to the one
Seeking truth than the development of wisdom,
Which will lead to faith, which will lead to certainty.
Truth is found by those who seek it ultimately.
The omnipotent Source is where true faith comes from.
Faith is maintained only by sincere devotion.

Other People’s Minds

Minding Areas Of Avoidance

Other People’s Minds chatter and so does my own.
I cannot make assumptions about what goes on
In their heads. I cannot read Other People’s Minds.
I will only come up with mistruths of all kinds.
Then profusely misguided conclusions are drawn.
In a world of confusion I’ll find myself thrown.

In my head I am mostly. Drama I create.
Taking things where they should not go causes me grief.
I assume everybody thinks just as I do
Then end up traveling down the wrong avenue.
If I make no assumptions I will find relief
From the duty that carries emotional weight.

Do I make assumptions because I am afraid
To ask questions of others for more clarity?
Going deeper, I can find the place in between
 My thoughts and inner silence. All that must come clean
Will do so, then the right answer must come to me.
I can benefit from a no chatter crusade.

All the sadness and drama I experience
Is rooted in assuming or in my taking
Things personally. It is far better that I
Leave the unknown unfettered rather than to try
To construct my own story. That would be breaking
A spiritual rule and that of commonsense.


The Realm Of The Unseen

Spirituality is a cool waterfall
That refreshes the consciousness and the body.
One is one with oneself and the whole universe.
No one can deny that it is good to immerse
Oneself in sacred waters and be completely
Cleansed of bad energy which can affect us all.

Spirituality is the bright filament
Of the bulb of the body. Electricity
Is the current that flows in cycles unending
And gives movement and warmth to every living thing.
It’s the lock unto which only love is the key.
It is needed to live a life of contentment.

As the water, the bulb, and the lock represent
But the physical essence of what can be known,
The truth is that we are also the energy…
Every drop of the water, and the sacred key
Known as love. Knowing that you are never alone
Is of spirit. You are not here by accident.

You don’t have to improve yourself. You can accept
Who you are in this moment with all your failings.
Comparing yourself with others isn’t the way
Of the spiritual path. Don’t be led astray
By the essence of toxic social happenings.
Spirit has not a secret that must be well kept.

Be Silent!

Keep Psychically Still

Many times throughout life it’s best not to express
Verbally. There are obvious circumstances
Where silence is the answer. If you feel no one
Understands your feelings, speech is no solution.
If you have doubts about your thoughts then the chances
Of your making sense are significantly less.

Remain quiet when others are judging someone
Negatively. You will get sucked into a mess.
When someone screams and yells in anger and hatred
Being silent will calm this person. If instead
You respond with words you will accomplish much less.
Petty and useless dialog now has begun.

Try to keep quiet when someone else is sharing
Some event in their life quite emotionally.
Interrupting shows them that you really don’t care
Being silent shows them that at least you’re aware
As they are providing you their testimony.
What you think about it is not worth declaring.

A smart person solves a problem, but the wise one
Avoids it altogether. As much as you know
That you don’t know that you don’t know you become more
Than you were in the moment you were just before.
Being silent is often the best way to go.
What you don’t say cannot enter the equation.

These Exact Words

Words Of Enlightenment

There’s a message from heaven inscribed on a scroll
In the soul of each person. It needs to be read
Silently and in private. It must be well known.
There are no excuses for why I haven’t grown
To my fullest potential and why I am led
Down the path of confusion? My Life Can Be Whole.

If it came as a person, this message from high,
He or she would be telling me that I am great
And that I am accomplished more so than I know.
It may seem at the moment there’s nothing to show
For the good that I’ve gathered. I’m here to create
A most blessed experience before I die.

Our vibrational credentials are powerful.
With them, we can do magic, and it’s expected
That we practice ‘til perfect the feeling of bliss.
We belong nowhere near an imagined abyss.
All in heaven insist that this message be spread
As a gentle reminder to cut through the bull.

“If it is so bad, then make it better somehow.”
This reply back to heaven is not quite the one
That will garner attention. “If I am so good,
Then bring wonderful things.”
This is well understood

By the provident forces who do get things done.
Knowing this, the allowing is up to me now.

Before The Mind Rushes In

Peaceful Prelude To Illusion

The First Moments of noticing anything new
Flash within, yet, unnoticed, they then fade away.
Just as quickly, the ego mind wants to rush in
Because it needs to know things so it can begin
To adopt a conception. That is its forte.
Now, well shrouded, these first moments one cannot view.

If one is a professional, use of the mind
Is of immense importance throughout the workday.
If relied on completely though, one may become
Cold to others because the feelings have grown numb.
Circumvent well one can this and still not betray
All the skill and experience which is defined.

The paths of the spiritual healers are such
That their minds are no issue. They have them controlled
So that they reach the person and not the symptom…
Nor a patient or client. The healing comes from
Their connection with spirit. The power they hold
Is one most universal. We all are in touch.

Many times we’re not thinking. The moment we see
Something new, for a brief while, we take it all in.
There’s that space unattended and free of judgement.
Being more conscious of this awareness event
Intertwined with the ego is where to begin
Deepening of the person who I’m meant to be.

The Meaning Of Knowledge

Nurturing Wisdom

The true Meaning Of Knowledge, for thousands of years,
Has evolved with precision in every detail
Of rhetorical acts we perform every day.
It provides us a framework in all that we say.
Brief descriptions of certain terms at your avail
Form this informal treatise of logic frontiers.

There are Beliefs and Knowledge. They are not the same.
Belief is a Propositional Attitude.
True or false it can be, or completely unknown.

Assertions have Truth Value that stands on its own.
Propositions are Assertions, but they include
‘Substance’ for the Assertion that’s easy to name.

Propositional Attitude is mental state
Of the speaker or writer regarding what’s said.
One can be energetic yet quite deceptive.
So some judgement one takes if one is perceptive.
That’s why Justification is the binding thread
Of the fabric of Knowledge. Now don’t that sound great?

Justification is simply good evidence
To support one’s belief as submitted as proof
That the person has true knowledge. Testimony
Is a most common form of proof, definitely.
Those who speak without Knowledge are strange and aloof.
They love hearing themselves speak at others’ expense.

Justified True Belief is what Knowledge became
Until some dude from Germany sixty years back
Turned this definition upside down by proving,
Using off the wall logic, that true it can’t ring.
But we live in the real world where folks don’t know jack.
So the hell if it matters. It’s all just a game.