Tag Archive | personality

Life’s Requirements

Book In Field

You’ll never change your life until you change something
You do daily. The secret of your true success
Will be found in the heart of your daily routine.
You attend well to your spiritual hygiene
When you feel more and try to figure things out less.
Pay attention to those things that make your heart sing.

The purpose of your life is to be happily
Successful – not just successful. You get to choose
What you tell yourself every day. It can uplift
You or tear you down. Your emotions are a gift
You can use as your guidance and you’re the one who’s
The best suited for making your reality.

Don’t let others bring you down. Don’t pay attention
To what people say. Be aware of what they do.
Be respectful of all people even when they
Don’t deserve it. Do know that your respect is a
Reflection of your character – not theirs. So you
Remain positive in purpose and intention.

Don’t mix bad words with your bad mood. You’ll have many
Opportunities to change your mood but never
Will you get the chance to replace all that you said.
Look upon your life not with a feeling of dread
But with anticipation of life’s endeavor.
Find something to appreciate and get happy.

Get Your Power Back

Right On

All the painful emotions like fear, vengefulness,
Anger, jealousy, and depression can rob you
Of your power. To external circumstances
It is wasted so very slim are the chances
Of having some left to do the things you want to.
You’ve tried to hide your feelings with little success.

You’ve come to know that when your personality
Is aligned with your soul’s purpose you then become
Authentically Empowered. This bottom line
Definition is provocative by design.
It’s a clue to where Authentic Power comes from.
Fully empowered is the way you want to be.

But most people don’t know what their soul wants so they
Let external circumstances and their mindset
Take control of them. The answer lies within you.
Your conscience lets you know which path for you is true.
You can meditate in order for you to get
Better insight to clear most of your doubt away.

Obstacles to aligning yourself with your soul
Are identified by noticing how you feel
In each moment. Be mindful of what your soul needs
To best serve you. You can be someone who succeeds
In connecting with your soul. Your life becomes real
As yourself becomes well integrated and whole.

Your Soul’s Greatest Potential

World Of Wonder

Everyone’s got gifts to give. We each are unique
In what we have to offer. Your sense of meaning
Is your inner compass which means that when you feel
Meaning in your life you can then live it with zeal.
Your potential is greatest when you are leaning
In your soul’s direction. It’s alignment you seek.

As meaning empties from your life you’re moving in
The opposite direction. Everything goes wrong
In your life. You start creating destructively
But with Authentic Power you’re able to be
More in touch with your meaning. You’re where you belong
When you absolve yourself of all your fear-based sin.

When you feel negative emotion be aware
That you can simply feel it and not react to
The cause of the injustice. While feeling the pain
You can act in love. This may sound weak and insane
But with practice you’ll find that good will come to you
In that you’ll be around those whose feelings you share.

You’re unique. You have gifts to give. What keeps you from
Giving them? It is fear. Don’t let others tell you
That you can’t do something. They’re not coming from love
But from fear. It’s not possible to get rid of
The ill feeling instantly but what you can do
Is observe and not contribute to the outcome.

Authentic Empowerment

Color Fist

Who are you? What do you want to do with who you
Truly are? You’re a treasure. Do not be afraid
Of your power to create your reality.
You have limited time here. Who you’re meant to be
You must be without shyness. Don’t let your dream fade
Into nothingness. Do what you’ve been born to do.

We live in a fame culture. Fame is the basis
For your being known in the world because people
Wouldn’t hear you unless you came with some swagger.
You do not want to be considered a lagger
In pursuit of your purpose so just be grateful
Having found in the desert your own oasis.

Ask the questions in life that really matter to
Get people thinking about what really matters
In their lives. You can tell if you’re on the right track
By internal knowing and external feedback.
Don’t listen to the busy mind as it chatters
Constantly. Give it something important to do.

You have access to Authentic Empowerment.
Everyone has a purpose. Yours is to figure
Out what yours is. Align your personality
With your soul’s purpose. You’ll create powerfully.
No one can touch you because your essence is pure.
You can do anything through your conscious intent.

Soul To Soul

Face To Face

What’s the soul? It’s that part of you that existed
Before you were born and that will exist after
You have died. It’s the highest most noble part of
Yourself that you can reach for. It is of pure love.
The almighty is known as the master crafter
Of all souls and it is all done unassisted.

Unlike things in this earth school the soul has no weight
Or volume. These are characteristics of this
Dimension of time, space, matter, duality,
And amnesia. The nature of reality
Is something that the physical body will miss
Unless it can be in a meditative state.

All souls have the capacity to be great souls
And our job while we’re here on earth is to align
Our personalities with our souls. We do that
By intention. It’s worth taking a good look at
That part of ourselves which is in essence divine.
We can all make it one of our primary goals.

Many levels upon levels upon levels
Of compassion and wisdom beyond our knowing
Has the universe which is sacred and holy.
Reverence for life, loving, sharing, harmony,
And cooperation are all overflowing
In the one who in every circumstance revels.

Spiritual Growth Requires Relationships

Matching Pieces

The substance of your interactions with others
Forms the basis of your spiritual growth. You
Need relationships that will help you to become
More emotionally evolved. When you come from
A place of love you have no problem getting through
Difficulties as your own life story occurs.

As you interact with others you activate
Loving and frightened parts of them. They do the same
To your loving and frightened parts. Between the two
You must distinguish and it will benefit you
To choose consciously. You have but yourself to blame
For relinquishing power and not thinking straight.

When you consciously choose love while you’re feeling fear
That’s creating authentic power. It may be
Difficult in the beginning but with practice
You will be in a perpetual state of bliss
And the angry part of your personality
Will diminish and in a short time disappear.

The part of you that’s grateful, appreciative,
Content, caring, and patient is who you want to
Give attention to. Relationships are the key
To spiritual growth and living happily.
People benefit greatly from this part of you
And for you this can be the only way to live.

Addiction And Spiritual Growth

Drug Therapy

There’s no logical reason for me to have turned
Out this way. My upbringing was loving and kind
Yet I have an addiction. I have to admit
To myself that I have no intention to quit
Because in it there’s some semblance of peace of mind.
About life and my living it I’m unconcerned.

What’s the reason I do it? To cover the pain
Of my feeling inadequate to be around
Other people. I feel that I’m not capable
Of loving. I perceive that I’m unlovable.
There are no redeeming qualities to be found
In this sorry self. My whole life I’ve lived in vain.

Well, that’s it in a nutshell. I could say that I
Lost my job or a loved one but deep down inside
I feel ugly and socially not up to par.
I am powerless over conditions that are
Of myself too revealing. I have much to hide.
I don’t want you to know me. Please don’t ask me why.

Powerlessness becomes me. I fear that I will
Be discovered. I don’t want to have anything
To do with anyone. Kindly leave me alone
As I fade into the unwelcoming unknown.
Each of us is addicted to our wellbeing
Ultimately. It’s everyone’s wish to fulfill.

Healing A Shattered Soul

Cracked Face

About three out of four souls are just beginning
Our adventure through humanhood. One out of four
Is a very advanced soul which means most of us
Are spiritual toddlers. There’s much to discuss
Regarding who humanity is at its core.
We’re a prize to our own selves that we’re worth winning.

The advanced souls have lived many lives here over
Many eons. Some don’t even have to return
To this earth but they do out of loving kindness.
As teachers it is love that they’re here to express.
All the rest of us have many lessons to learn.
Our eventual evolution will occur.

Human souls become shattered when they disconnect
From the source of their being. When we operate
Out of hatred or fear individually
Or as one whole collective, the truth we can’t see.
As we let our behavior determine our fate
Love remains not the option that we would select.

First, the soul must be recognized, then we become
More aware of its presence. The soul is a part
Of the whole of existence and it can be healed
By a method that only to you is revealed.
Are we able to know and perceive from the heart?
It’s the place where every kind of healing comes from.

A Perfect Illusion

Faces Of Ages

Whenever you interact with anyone or
Whenever you encounter a circumstance you
Enter an illusion – a learning dynamic.
The curriculum offered is one that you pick
As your soul recommends, and from its point of view
Everything that you do gets a positive score.

The illusion creates for you like a movie
All the experiences and circumstances
That your soul needs in order for it to evolve.
It gives you situations and problems to solve.
You may feel that in life you are taking chances
But your lessons are planned automatically.

It’s alive at each moment as it continues
To instruct, and the content of your illusion
Is created by your intentions and shaped by
Your past karma which may be the sole reason why
To certain things about life you have confusion.
To your soul it matters not what lessons you choose.

All that exists between souls is love. This is true.
The illusion is that you have an enemy
Or that you’re being put upon or you’re depressed.
The illusion gets stronger when you become stressed.
One engages the illusion effectively
In acceptance of what the soul wants one to do.

What Is Authentic Power?

Triple Pairs Of Hands

When the personality comes fully to serve
The energy of the soul, that’s called Authentic
When you allow your soul to be your guide

Is when you’re your most powerful. When you decide
That it’s natural then life becomes a picnic.
Most of it is experienced in joyous verve.

Some have called it the sweet spot. We’re all meant to be
In that place where we feel confident and alive.
There has been a huge shift in human consciousness
For the better. We have some issues to address
But the hate isn’t nearly enough to deprive
Those who aren’t ill of happiness and liberty.

What’s the energy of the soul? It’s undefined
At the five sensory level. One can discern
What it is by engaging in meditation.
Once it’s found then a search for the truth is begun
And you’ll be more enlightened upon your return
To your normal state. You’ll have clarity of mind.

I am not I. I am this one walking beside
Me whom I do not see, who sometimes I manage
To visit and whom at other times I forget.
The one who remains silent while I talk is yet
The same one who forgives and who wants to engage
Me in laughter. My fulfillment can’t be denied.




It’s been years now but it still seems like yesterday.
Sometimes I feel his presence. I want to believe
That his soul lives on and that I can contact him
Yet the light in my soul has become weak and dim
So the messages from him I cannot receive.
That I can come to some resolution I pray.

As I feel him right now I know that everyone
Who’s aware of my sorrow is also aware
Of his presence. Is my knowing reality?
Is my sorrow getting the better part of me?
I know better. There’s no use in my going there.
I’ll enter the abyss of darkest emotion.

Everyone has multi-sensory perception.
It’s not only about everything we can see,
Hear, taste, touch, and smell. We perceive in many ways
Besides those. It’s good that my consciousness obeys
What is in essence spirit. In tune I can be
With that world. I am feeling now what has begun.

I don’t want to diminish the power and scope
Of the presence who came into form for a while
To be with me. The soul is a great deal more than
The finite personality. Indeed it can
Guide me out of depression and put back the smile
That I once had. I’m always receptive to hope.

Healing A Shattered Soul

Up To One's Neck

Everything revolves around the soul, however
Until we entered a transformation in our
Consciousness, we weren’t able to talk about the
Soul except as an aspect of theology
Or an abstract idea that has no power.
Going down that road was a foolish endeavor.

So, this transformation of consciousness that we
Have entered affects us individually
And collectively. We with our five sensory
Personalities are quickly coming to be
Multi-sensory so that eventually
We become whole thus integrated completely.

Limited in perception, the five sensory
Personality cannot make sense of the soul
And psychology doesn’t even recognize
Its existence, so it comes as not a surprise
That treating the dysfunction is the major goal
Of the therapist with whom one may not agree.

Personality defects can’t be understood
Apart from all of the karmic circumstances
That created them.  We each have a shattered soul.
We use our personalities to make us whole.
All through the process we’re given many chances
To evolve hopefully in the way that we should.


Expression Of Diversity

A complex combination of qualities and
Characteristics is called personality.
It forms an individual’s own character.
It’s unique, and people treat it as if it were
The true self. It’s presented to society
As a person of which one has total command.

This aspect of the ego is influenced and
Developed in direct relation to patterns
Integrated in childhood. They are reinforced
And become habit until they’re fully endorsed
By the ego. Truth is the least of its concerns.
It’s too simple for it to fully understand.

It’s an intricate system of learned responses.
Whether one is agreeable, honest, and kind,
Or angry and resentful depends on many
Factors including karma, but definitely
One’s prevailing level of consciousness and mind.
Its behavior is subject to consequences.

Spiritual work and understanding leads to
The realization that one is not the thing
That’s called mind and that thinks things. One is the pristine
Awareness beyond mind. Everything can be seen
To be nameless and simply a conscious being.
Be open to discovering the one most true.


Personal Enlightenment

Self-Realization is the ultimate goal
Of a human being. It’s the liberating
Knowledge of the true self beyond both illusion
And identification with the confusion
That the physical world continues creating.
Reaching this state, a person is said to be whole.

It’s direct knowledge of God. It’s pure awareness,
Pure consciousness, pure being, non-duality,
And pure love. As it happens, changes will occur
In behavior and attitude. Those who defer
Its attainment cling to a false reality
Where life stays punctuated with struggle and stress.

Self-Realization is the greatest service
One can offer the world. It’s the spiritual
Awakening from the illusory ego’s
Self-identity. It becomes wise to dispose
Of all negative behaviors habitual.
Doing so leads one to a constant state of bliss.

An identification from the perception
Of form as objective to one’s coming to know
The purely subjective, it’s always found within.
Life will change as a consequence as you begin
Looking inward. You cannot help but to let go
Of the ego’s distractions until there are none.

Change Your Life

The Most Fundamental Decision

Disconnect from your busy world. Shut off your phone.
Power down your computer. Turn off the TV.
Sit your body down for a while, and close your eyes.
This is done regularly by people most wise.
Take a break from the routine so that you can be
Properly replenished. You must spend time alone.

Take some deep breaths and center yourself in right now.
Put you attention into the present moment.
You will have more energy with which to create.
After doing this little bit you will feel great.
When the mind wanders, as it will, do not lament.
Just return to the now. By now, you should know how.

Ask yourself, “Can I be defined by a vision
Of the future instead of perverse memories?
What do I want in my life?”
Answer truthfully.

Your are changing brain patterns most assuredly.
Decide on which emotions you would gladly seize
For your life moving forward into the long run.

Rehearse in your mind who you are going to be
When you open your eyes after meditation
Or when first waking up. What choices will you make?
You will be better focused while you are awake.
More efficiently you will be getting things done.
Keep this up and your life will change noticeably.

Change Your Life

Life Despite Contrast

There’s a life that needs changing. Perhaps it’s my own.
There are no others near me. It suits me just fine
For the moment because I’m at step number one.
The main part of my journey is now just begun.
To invest in a future, I must make one mine
And ignore the small detail that I’m way past grown.

There must be disconnection from all that I know
Throughout each day for some time to be connected
To myself and the present. Devices need be
Put into silent mode. Noting can disturb me
While I make it my goal to be redirected
To the self who wants nothing better than to grow.

Ask myself if I can be defined by something
Of a possible future or of the dark past.
What would I want to change in my life if I could?
Contemplate in a way that is best understood
To come up with a vision I know that will last
As the subtle brain tissues now start firing.

Personality is composed of these three things:
How I think, how I act, and the way that I feel.
I can change who I am just by changing one thing.
Clarity and conviction in life it would bring.
I believe that my future can be most ideal.
Much control I can have over what my life brings.

Do I Really Exist?

Questioning Consciousness

Can I transform myself? Can I make myself sane…
Or more loving or unselfish? Is that my wish?
It would seem necessary to be these fine ways
If I am to be nurtured by other folks’ praise.
When I feel I can’t do it, I’m rather sluggish
In pursuit of direction, so I act in vain.

So much says I can’t do it, but I say I can.
Gravity is an odd consequence of time/space.
This aspect makes it seem alien of nature
But indeed how can that be? Earth can but assure
That itself and I are one. I fully embrace
What this is that I’m part of as one humbled man.

Within time and space equal, all that I can do
Can’t be done because I don’t exist in that way –
An ego-separated personality.
An idea based on a fake feeling of me
Is what passes for presence each and every day.
Putting things right is futile in absence of clue.

Things exist that I can and cannot do. That’s fine.
I would pay due respect, here, knowing I’ve no choice.
All that goes on of itself is all part of me…
Which includes all of this earth most naturally.
It and I are a mutually passive voice
With no message specific. Such Being Is Mine.

The Hidden Truth About Politics

We The People Are Blind

Black and White it boils down to… The splitting of hairs
With complex interaction is the only way
To address governmental issues as they come.
It is hard to come up with the best rule of thumb.
Everyone has their duty and role they must play
In the health of the nation’s domestic affairs.

Personalities differ in so many ways
That it’s hard for mere humans to sort it all out.
So people by the thousands were asked to answer
Many hundreds of questions by a computer.
It came up with a model to mitigate doubt
About human behavior that’s worthy of praise.

A Table Periodic for how we behave,
This enlightening Personality Model
Created thirty years ago is what’s behind
Evolution of politics. Two frames of mind
Interact but with tension. They often repel
Each other when solution is what each should crave.

Liberals are holistic. They’re entrepreneurs –
Creative innovators of freedom and flow
Across borders and mindsets. Conservatives are
Conscientious, pragmatic, and not so bizarre
As to stray too dangerously from what they know.
Discussion is the only solution that cures.

That solution’s not easy, as history shows.
But it’s not like we have a choice. Our survival
Depends on evolution as one human race.
No one way is the rightest way in every case.
Each has its unique value to benefit all.
Interdependence is how a good nation grows.

Ego Death

Melting The Mortal Idea

Predetermined is the exact moment of death.
I can’t leave this earth one single moment before
Nor an instant beyond the time I’m allotted.
What is not set how that I will end up dead.
I must know my surrender is the open door
Through which ego is deprived of its dying breath.

That which I know as myself and separate from
All else that must exist must be nonexistent.
It is only then that knowingness can come through.
To give up my person is a hard thing to do.
I survive by the providence of blind consent
Of forces of divinity. I must succumb.

My persona is not the essence and the source
Of affirmative consciousness given as me.
Rather it’s a well-constructed survival tool.
It behaves well mostly, but it can act the fool –
Something my true self tolerates to some degree,
For it knows not of judgment or will to enforce.

Ego death is the only death that can occur
Since the true self is selfless in every respect.
When it dies, the ego’s agony is but brief.
What is left after grieving is profound relief
From the weight of existence – the need to protect
My assumed personality and saboteur.