Tag Archive | dissatisfaction

Don’t Wait, Catch It!

Arms Open Wide

If you care really strongly about something, then
You focus on its opposite it feels awful.
Don’t wait until it begins to feel anything.
Catch the negative feeling as it’s happening.
When you’re mindful of how you feel then you can pull
Yourself out of the psychic ditch time and again.

It can get a bit tricky. Your satisfaction
Or the opposite already has momentum
So if you really want this thing you have to be
Lined up with your receiving it. Your energy
Must be free of resistance. What you want will come
When from not having it you find some distraction.

That nuanced control you don’t have when momentum
Is too strong. You can’t guide how you feel easily
About what you want not having manifested.
About how you feel be completely invested.
Take your mind off of it and let it come to be.
Don’t be beating any kind of negative drum.

Tune yourself every morning by meditating
For a few minutes. Find that place where everything
Feels just right. When you find yourself having a thought
Through the day that is off easily it is caught.
It gets better with practice. Indeed it can bring
About peace of mind which ought to make your heart sing.

Under The Influence

Pure Joy

So I woke up this morning and said, “What a day!”
I was filled with excitement about what’s to come
As I hang around people who think much like me.
What’s my goal? I’ve not figured that out exactly
But I do know that I want absolute freedom
To allow everything to turn out just my way.

There are things I’ve been wanting for quite a while now.
Some of them have already been manifested
And I’m satisfied that the rest are on their way.
In alignment for long periods I can stay
And I usually get what I’ve requested
From the universe. I’ve trained myself to allow.

Everyone is Under The Influence of one
Kind of thing or another in any moment.
If I’m under, “I want it but it costs too much”
Then my point of attraction is way out of touch
With what I want. There’s no way I can circumvent
The duality of my current vibration.

I must change it to, “I want it and it will come.”
When I’m Under The Influence of my desire
Then by law it is certain to happen for me.
I know that I create my own reality.
Blessings come when a good vibration I acquire.
I do well as I’m constantly beating this drum.

The Dissatisfied Mode

Near Boredom

The Dissatisfied Mode is a bouncing off place
If only you’ll allow it to be that for you.
You can jump to a place where it’s pleasant to be
Or you can choose to stay in utter misery.
What is needed is a positive point of view
There are answers to all of the issues you face.

Satisfaction is the indicator that you
Are flowing with the new and improved creation
In your mind of you’re here and now reality.
Many good things can happen for you easily.
Wellbeing must be your only expectation
Then every moment will be exciting and new.

By complaining about ‘what is’ you cannot come
Into proper alignment with what you desire.
You may wish things were different and think about
How the bulk of your life is just not working out
As you’d wished. Your satisfaction doesn’t require
Any effort. Your soul is where your joy comes from.

The best part of you says, “Alright now, here we go.”
But if you are dissatisfied then you cannot

Go along with that part of you then you remain
Unfulfilled. A positive mood you must maintain.
Remember what your truest self never forgot.
Satisfaction occurs when you go with the flow.

Speed Things Up

Great Speed

Anytime you think something in an asking way
What happens is there’s a natural momentum
That’s begun and cooperative components
Start assembling. You can delight in the suspense
As things happen. You understand how thoughts become
Things of value without a whole lot of delay.

So what you’ve asked for is already underway.
Things become clearer as momentum increases.
Go with the flow of that. Just don’t do that thing you
Do that keeps you from having your big dream come true.
As you feel your best the universe releases
What you’ve asked for. Your heart cannot lead you astray.

How can you Speed Things Up? It’s by taking the stick
From the wheel so it spins freely. Satisfaction
Speeds things up in an instant and what slows things down
Is your choosing to wear a perpetual frown.
If you do the universe has a reaction
That is certainly not what you’d call a picnic.

What you don’t want speeds up with dissatisfaction.
What you do want speeds up when you’re feeling at peace
With it not having happened yet. Be satisfied
And the floodgates of abundance will open wide
Then the speed at which you manifest will increase.
All because you’ve attuned your point of attraction.

Making Peace With Where I Am

Making Peace

Where I am is where I am but where am I now?
Have I time left to get to where I need to go?
Where I am now is troublesome. I’m in a place
Unbecoming of a person. Utter disgrace
Rains upon me. My memories are of sorrow.
Could I feel more remorse if I only knew how?

“All is well and it’s getting more well all the time.”
Not an appropriate mantra is this for me
At the moment but as I get things turned around
In my mind the more humanity can be found
In my nature. I know not how I came to be
Such a person susceptible to certain crime.

Have I the luxury to claim insanity
For all my past behavior? The things that I’ve done
Are atrocious and part of my reality.
Making Peace With Where I Am is how I break free
From my own psychic prison where I had begun
A sentence of self-undoing repentantly.

Where I am is an indicator of where I
Want to be and the gap between them I control.
Everything I’m living is an indication
Of downstream or upstream motion and I’m the one
To decide which direction will make me more whole.
That I feel somewhat hopeful I cannot deny.

Speed Things Up

Fast Movement

There’s a stick in the wheel. There’s a foot on the brake.
How can I Speed Things Up then? It makes perfect sense
To remove the foot from the brake or the stick from
The damned wheel. It’s your mind that you must overcome.
When you know what not to do then why the suspense?
To get things to speed up should be a piece of cake.

It can’t come any faster than you allow it.
Your desire you’ve already set into motion.
The momentum gets stronger as you attune to
What you want. It’s how things are attracted to you.
You could say that your inner being’s devotion
To your wishes is to your greatest benefit.

Speed Things Up by not slowing them down. Easier
Said than done you may say but that just isn’t true.
You Speed Things Up with satisfaction. You slow things
Down with dissatisfaction. Your vibration brings
Things to you so it matters a whole lot when you
Are contented as you would most likely prefer.

If you want something but you have lingering doubt
That you’ll get it you’re offering mixed signals to
The benevolent universe. Be more aware
Of when you feel resistance. Indeed you must care
About how you feel always. To thyself be true
And don’t be surprised about how things will turn out.

Anchoring Your Vibration

Celestial Heading

Is there some affirmation that I can use in
Anchoring my vibration to be uplifted
At any given moment? I know, “All is well”
Is a good one. But what if I’m feeling like hell?
How do I get my fettered vibration shifted
In the proper direction? Where do I begin?

All is well and is getting more well. It is true
But if you can’t believe that right now, what you can
Do is reach for the best feeling words you can find
That will soothe you and get you properly aligned
With your true self. You just want to feel better than
You do presently. It’s the only thing to do.

It’s going to be alright. You know this is so
Because things have been not right and then they got right
So they’ll be right again. Soothe yourself the same way
That you would a dear friend who’s caught up in dismay.
It’s true that one can’t jump from despair to delight
In an instant. You can feel a bit better though.

Make peace with where you are. It’s always a downstream
Kind of feeling. Where you are is where you are and
You’ve no choice but to be there, but where you are now
Is just an indicator if you can allow
It to be that. You will have taken full command
Of your vibration and you can go for your dream.


All Is As It Should Be

Harsh Reality

Things are as they are, and I am where I am now.
Finding peace with the circumstance is challenging
When I feel just as sick as the world I live in.
If I had to I wouldn’t know where to begin
Comprehending behavior. If it were my thing,
How much hatred and suffering would I allow?

What would be a good mantra or affirmation
I could use to anchor my vibration to be
Uplifted? “All is well and is getting better?”
If I’m not right, it’s not one that I would prefer,
But I can find the words that are just right for me.
“It was bad, but it got better.” That’s a good one!

I can soothe myself in the same way that I’d try
To soothe anyone under any condition.
From my perspective, things are nowhere near alright,
But it’s possible for me to gain some insight
That will put me in a much better position
To make peace with the here and now. My health is why.

Whatever I’m living isn’t more important
Than that fact that it’s only an indication
Like the gas gauge that tells me I’m almost empty.
I don’t cry and ask, “What the hell’s happened to me?”
Indicators tell me that things ought to be done.
In each moment I can learn to find the right chant.

Non-Resistant Desire

Hard At Hoping

A brand-new Maserati would really go well
With my free style of living but is that my goal?
All that I really want is to be satisfied.
The path to it may be my having a new ride,
But I can’t say that having it would make me whole.
Still, the idea of having one rings my bell.

I must find other paths to the satisfaction
That I’m seeking before the car can come to be.
If I’m already satisfied, I’m in a state
Where the kind universe will gladly demonstrate
My positive alignment almost instantly.
I believe in the idea of having fun.

I don’t need the car really. I only want it
Because it enhances the good life I deserve.
Under the influence of my inner being,
Who is always superlatively agreeing,
I can easily handle when I’m thrown a curve.
Of the true self within me I’ve full benefit.

If I’m worried about something, then I’m under
The influence of doubt. I’m not in the right place
To receive the abundance that surely awaits
My alignment. I’m in the most blissful of states
As I open myself to universal grace.
That I’m having a great life is not a wonder.

Speed Things Up

Increasing Momentum

When in any moment you’re feeling satisfied,
It’s a good indicator that you’ve closed the gap
And that you’re flowing with what is new and improved.
Even in its absence you remain far removed
From discouragement. You know that it is a trap.
It will only make the chasm ever so wide.

You are not introducing resistance, meaning
You are not in your own way. Dissatisfaction
Tempts you into complaining to others who will
Follow you because they get some kind of a thrill
From the hardships of others. Don’t be self-undone.
You know when your vibration requires some cleaning.

Where you are here and now is the bouncing off place
To something more appealing. Endure the contrast
Of the present. Your inner being takes the bounce,
But if you don’t, the gap widens by huge amounts.
So, the way that you can get things to happen fast
Is to be in that positive, satisfied space.

Sometimes your bouncing off place is not as pleasant
As you’d like it, if fact, it can be an ordeal
To go on functioning. Keep the bounce in your heart.
Every moment of your life can be a fresh start.
You are free to create in your life what is real.
Satisfaction you can find within the present.

Catch It!

Bad Mood

I’ll erupt into anger at the slightest thing,
And it gets me in trouble. When I lose control,
Things that are already hopeless only get worse.
I cannot keep on going with such an adverse
Disposition. Don’t touch me with a ten-foot pole
While onto the most negative feelings I cling.

Do I like feeling this way? It seems that I do.
It’s a much better feeling than utter despair.
No where near satisfaction am I with where I
Am in my life. I keep on asking myself why
Things are not getting better. Does anyone care
About the pain and suffering I’m going through?

The degree of my satisfaction has to do
With the power and momentum of my desire.
The degree of my dissatisfaction, therefore,
Is my moving away from or closing the door
To my wishes. Some relief is what I require
And perhaps a more open-hearted point of view.

I don’t have to wait until it really gets bad
To where I become someone I’m not meant to be.
I can catch it before things get way out of hand.
Of my thoughts and feelings I must take full command.
If I tune myself each morning, the best of me
Is available. Peace is what I will have had.


Good Speed

How do I speed things up? By not slowing them down.
It means that I must take the stick out of the wheel.
There’s a natural momentum created by
My asking, and my inner being does comply
With my wishes. It’s all in the way that I feel.
Things cannot move faster if I’m wearing a frown.

I can go with what is already underway.
The cooperative components are being
Assembled. It is by the Law of Attraction
That I’m able to manifest. What has begun
Will continue until it is what I’m seeing
Come together before me each and every day.

That thing that I keep doing that doesn’t let me
Move as quickly as I want toward my desire,
I must be aware of, and just stop doing it.
Easier said than done it seems, I may admit,
But I must remember that I have the entire
Universe to support me. What fun this can be!

I speed up things I want by being satisfied.
I speed up what I don’t want with discontentment
And frustration. If I suspend my resistance
For a moment, then things work out as if by chance.
Momentum increases through my conscious intent
To be happy. There’s nothing that can be denied.

Speed Up Manifestation

Instant Creation

You have closed the gap, when you’re feeling satisfied,
Between you and all that you want. Your attitude
Plays a big part – the whole part in what you receive.
You know what you have up your spiritual sleeve
As well as others who are aware of your mood.
How you feel deep inside is something hard to hide.

You are flowing with the new and improved desire
Even though it has not manifested quite yet.
It may take some time because momentum is slow.
There’s one thing that you can do to get it to go
A bit faster, and that is to just simply let
Satisfaction for right now take you much higher.

When you’re satisfied, you are not in your own way.
Complaining about what has happened in the past
And explaining it to others who then agree
And from groups is not conducive to being free
Of resistance. If you want things to happen fast,
In a strong state of satisfaction you must stay.

Where you are, here and now, is a bouncing off place
To more of an alignment with your perfect dream.
Justify not to others what you choose to do.
Each moment can be one that’s exciting and new.
You’re caught in the current of a fast moving stream.
It will take you to all the things that you embrace.

Speed Things Up

Make Things Happen Faster

Everyone wants the same thing… to be happily
Ever after in living. Everything we do
Is for that simple reason. When sorting things out,
We know happiness when we feel it without doubt.
I would venture to guess that I’m the same as you
With regard to the dreams that are coming to be.

How do I Speed Things Up? Impatience, I do know,
Is a problem. It seems that time wants to stand still.
There’s a natural momentum already set.
My concern that what I want has not happened yet
Makes time seem like forever. My attitude will
Affect how I perceive it. That’s why it seems slow.

I have asked for it, therefore the wheel is turning.
I Speed Things Up by taking the stick out of it
So that it can spin freely. Cooperative
are assembled and ready to give

Everything that I ask for. I just have to quit
Focusing on the scope and depth of my yearning.

Genuine satisfaction will get things moving
Rather quickly. I can cease my arguing for
Limitations. I speed things by not slowing them
With self-doubt and my propensity to condemn
The process that’s unfolding. It’s best to ignore
The temptation to think things are not improving.

Break The Cycle

Stop The Madness

The more things that are asked for the more you are called
By your inner self to move in the direction
Of your wishes. You also become more aware
Of things in the way that you don’t want to be there.
The resistance life offers is by selection.
When it is minimized you will be more enthralled.

You’re connected to your inner being always.
You feel much satisfaction when the link is strong.
When it’s weak, you feel hopeless. You are in control
Of the thoughts and emotions that can make you whole.
In that place of alignment is where you belong.
Sensitive you are to what your true self conveys.

You can stay off the subject that’s not letting you
Be receptive to inspiration and guidance.
Close the gap between your true self and your ego.
Break the evil spell that is not letting you grow.
You achieve your contentment not by happenstance.
Your dissatisfaction with life you can get through.

“Isn’t that a beautiful tree? And isn’t that
A beautiful bird? This meal is so delicious.
Isn’t this a nice day? Look at that butterfly!”

This winning attitude makes the spirit soar high.
Take notice of the things you’re willing to discuss.
It is okay to be okay with where you’re at.

What The Universe Asks

...Before All Is Given

I would like a nice boat… maybe even a yacht.
I enjoy being free and having lots of fun.
But is it satisfaction I mostly desire?
If it is, then the boat and all things will transpire.
Everything is available under the sun
But the feeling of needing defeats me a lot.

I can find other pathways to satisfaction
Before things become manifest. Then they enhance
The contentment I find in the things I control,
Like my mood and my attitude. My only goal
Is to feel satisfaction. My now circumstance
Is the bouncing off place where creation is done.

I’m under the influence of something always…
Either my inner being who knows everything
Or some confounding problem I’m worried about.
If I act out of need I will introduce doubt.
If desire is the driving force then it will bring
On a freshness of feeling that will my mood raise.

All the universe asks is that my desire be
Nonresistant – unfettered by feelings of need.
If I try to consider all of the details
Only miscalculation and error prevails.
In releasing the neediness spirit is freed
To attract and create most magnificently.

The Road To Excellence

The Rewards Of Blissful Effort

First of all, it’s a journey, and that is profound.
I will never be best at the work that I do.
It means not satisfaction or complacency
With a job with which my true self doesn’t agree
But a free burst of spirit that connects me to
The appropriate forces that are all around.

I’ll commit myself to becoming excellent.
It is in the commitment that my path is made
And the path is significant more than the goal
I will not see its culmination ‘til my soul
Takes its leave from this earth realm. I’ll not be dismayed
By the ills of my being perversely content.

Excellence is a journey that I can test out.
How many times do I fee productive and whole
Through the day
is the question. The answer can guide

Me to just the right hookup. I can’t be denied
What I need to survive if there’s bliss in my soul.
What I have backing me is universal clout.

If I’m not feeling feedback from the world at large
Then the universe is telling me something clear.
If I don’t love my work enough to want to be
The best at it, then I should drop it completely.
There are certain standards to which I must adhere.
The first step in the whole process is to take charge.

Catch It!

Volitile Grasp

The degree of the agony or ecstasy
That is felt has to do with my own momentum
Or the power of my true heart’s burning desire.
If I really want something, then not to acquire
It would really feel awful. I fear the outcome
If I have lost control of it but completely.

But because the momentum is strong just right now
I do not have that nuanced control that I need.
I have no way of guiding it. It then guides me.
There must be some procedure to help me break free.
May the forces angelic come and intercede.
I am open to all that my God may allow.

Yet, if I’m in the habit of daily tuning
With morning meditation and finding that place
Where everything feels right, then off thoughts I can catch
Way before they can take root and dare to outmatch
What is strong of the body kept in avid grace.
What I care about mostly is one simple thing.

And the more that I Catch It the less I will move
Into those kinds of thoughts. I will find true relief
From the confounding struggles that haunt through the day.
I so much want a life filled with laughter and play
Rather than one of fearfulness, heartbreak, and grief.
On this day I am destined to quickly improve.

Speed Things Up

Overcoming Resistance To Acceleration

Have I not heard enough about how to move on
Happily ever after above the thick clouds
From the tons of self-help books and through my asking?
The resistance I feel prevents me from basking
In all that I am living. My yearning enshrouds
All the grace I am given which is never gone.

“How do I speed things up then?” this novice may ask
While not feeling momentum in life day to day.
“…By not slowing them down.” Is the answer I hear.
Though it does twist my noodle, it’s perfectly clear.
Clear the twigs from the wheel’s spokes, then I surely may
Move more swiftly than ever. I’m up to the task.

There’s a natural momentum to everything
That is dreamt of or wished for. It starts by asking.
Then cooperative components fall into place.
The adventure is nice, but let’s quicken the pace.
I have gotten nowhere with my multitasking.
Can I know what the laws of the universe bring?

I speed things up with satisfaction. That’s for sure,
And I slow them down greatly with doubt, pain, and fear.
This law works in the opposite way just as well.
I have taken that route. It’s a roadway to hell.
I can remove the struggle from my atmosphere
And proceed with a spirit empowered and pure.