Tag Archive | positively

It Gets Better

Expressing Cheer

Look for more positive aspects. Be more aware
Of the blessings bestowed upon you every day.
Take notice of the good things that happen for you.
You will cultivate a positive point of view
In so doing. You’ll find that it is the best way
To move out of a state where you simply don’t care.

If you struggle with a negative attitude
Or if you’re haunted by feelings of guilt or shame
Then you must find a better feeling frequency.
Perhaps you think that you can’t do this easily
But you can and your sense of self you can reclaim
And your feeling of worthiness can be renewed.

Positive aspects may be difficult to find
At first try but it’s imperative that you start
Finding things to appreciate right here and now
About you and your life. In this way you allow
Divine purpose and meaning to enter your heart.
Blessed are those who finally learn to be kind.

It Gets Better once you decide that it will be.
When you find things about yourself you like then you
Will find more of those things in others and the world.
Mysteries of the universe will be unfurled
In your consciousness as you pay attention to
Your prime directive which is to live happily.

Positive Aspects

Thumbs Up

You may find that the world treats you better when you
Are your happiest and you know how to get there.
Look for Positive Aspects in all that you do.
Folks respond to an optimistic point of view
In a good way when you have your true self to share.
You may also find that most of your dreams come true.

If however you have a chip on your shoulder
And you’re usually ornery or upset
Then the world sucks and life is a constant nightmare.
You’re aware that no one in their right mind would dare
Get close to you. You come off as a lethal threat.
Confrontations with folks are likely to occur.

It gets better the better it gets and it gets
A lot worse the worse it gets. Which way do you find
More appealing? One cannot overemphasize
The importance of your coming to realize
That you can become more positively inclined.
Your true nature is one of your greatest assets.

Look for things about your life and the world that you
Can appreciate then you will find a lot more
In yourself to be thankful for. Look for the good
In all things and your life will work out as it should.
Take advantage of all that there is to explore
That uplifts you. Love what you give attention to.

The Power Of Now

Bright Horizon

Here you are in your now. Everything around you
Is infused with your vibrational energy.
You attract like a magnet the things you desire.
You know that your manifesting doesn’t require
Any struggle. Things come to you quite easily.
You have no trouble getting your dreams to come true.

How you’re feeling right now is very important.
It’s your point of attraction. It’s where your power
Emanates from. Right now you are free to decide
To let how you feel be your benevolent guide
To receiving. The universe wants to shower
Down upon you its blessings this very instant.

You’ve learned to stop making excuses about why
You don’t feel good and to do something about it.
You affect your tomorrow by how you feel now.
As you practice feeling good you learn to allow
Good to come. Be aware of the vibe you transmit.
It may sound airy fairy but give it a try.

You’ve shown yourself the power of positively
Improving your wellbeing. You well understand
That it flows swiftly and freely to everyone.
With your now, a new chapter in life has begun.
Of the way that you’re feeling you have full command.
To feel your very best is your reason to be.

Say It Out Loud

Good News To Tell

No matter where you’re standing, if it doesn’t please
You then just remind yourself that it isn’t done.
Then take the easy emotional journey and
Show yourself that you’re able to take full command
Of this moment called Now. You can tell everyone
How you can handle contrast with relative ease.

Now is your point of attraction. Now is where all
Of your power is. Here you are and everything
Is actualizing all around you right Now.
Speak your mind to the universe but then allow
It to answer you. Know that your asking will bring
All the good things – the big ones as well as the small.

So your future experience you’re attracting
At this moment. Responding to your vibration,
The universe gathers cooperative
Components that are like it. Be willing to give
More attention to your vibration. You’ve begun
A crusade of magnificent benefacting.

Over time, what you give out is what you get back.
Imagine the resources that you allow to
Line up when you take the time to feel good right Now.
Be receptive and let the universe endow
You with blessings which Now perhaps are overdue.
Now is worth all the trouble of keeping on track.

Everything In Your World Will Get Better

Bright Moment

It gets better, the better it gets when you seek
Out the positive aspects of what you’re giving
Your attention to. You tune yourself to receive
More good thoughts about everything when you perceive
But the best in all circumstances. You’re living
A life that people envy because you’re unique.

Many people may struggle in an attitude
Of self-criticism stemming from their childhood
Programming by parents, teachers, peers, and others.
Negative comparisons and all that occurs
Is held in the subconscious where it does no good.
It’s a monkey wrench in whatever is pursued.

By choosing a subject about which you’ve practiced
Fewer negative thoughts, you can tune yourself to
A better feeling frequency. Then from that place,
Redirect your thoughts to yourself. Fully embrace
All the things that you know are the best parts of you.
The whole world will in time be on your blessed list.

Look for positive aspects about everything
In your presence. Focus more on thoughts that uplift.
Be one who is deliberately looking for
Only good things. The universe will show you more
Than you could have imagined. Make yourself the gift
Of alignment and all of the good it will bring.