Tag Archive | years

Listen With Your Heart

Social Conflict

Everything that we know we must know in a way
That upsets and causes people to congregate
And wreak havoc in public. No one can deny
That the world is in trouble and no one knows why
Because it’s complicated. What can be our fate
If in a state of peace we’re unable to stay?

The cause of human suffering is in the mind.
We process information as symbology
That we treat as the truth which is a huge mistake.
Be discerning of all the agreements you make
With yourself and with others continually.
Be grateful for the smidgen of peace that you find.

Learn to be skeptical but Listen With Your Heart.
It’s were truth resides but it can be distorted
By your words and symbols. They turn out to be lies
When within you there’s a tendency to despise
And the peace that you want remains unsupported.
With oneself is where one must be willing to start.

Use the power of doubt to challenge everything
Offered to you but listen to what’s being said.
Mastery of the human mind requires complete
Attention to your inner truth. It’s when you meet
Up with your heart and try to stay out of your head
That you’ll come to some kind of an understanding.

Financial Crisis?

Negative World News

At one point in our history we traded furs,
Sticks, and beads, and we foraged for nuggets of gold.
Things have changed over centuries and rapidly.
The phenomenal growth of our economy
Is a model for all of the world to behold.
We can be fascinated by all that occurs.

It’s a good thing when there’s a financial crisis.
A strong, loud, and clear asking lets the universe
Know what’s needed so it can respond in a way
That can change what appears to be certain decay
Of the system. No financial crisis is worse
Than confounding it with over analysis.

Before you can accept this you must understand
That our economy was once a vibration
Created in the minds of people, then it grew
Exponentially. If you take this point of view
You’re then a master of the art of creation.
You know what’s needed for consciousness to expand.

The state of the economy is evolving
Constantly into something more than it had been.
Join the ranks of the fearful and you will lose out.
Dealing with the economy is all about
Your vibration. Your enlightenment happens when
You know that there’s no problem that needs your solving.

Emotional Healing

Colorful Mind

What happens when we start asking the question when
We’re with someone, “What’s it like to be this person?”
Children rarely will do this. Their stories are all
About themselves because their worlds are rather small
As they should be. If they thought that it would be fun
They would probably do it again and again.

Divisions among people are made sorely clear.
Growing pains are the conscience of humanity.
Somewhere locked in our DNA so it would seem
Is the tendency to take things to the extreme.
Perhaps people think that they are more than worthy
Of supremacy yet we still grapple with fear.

When we pause and just ask the questions we begin
To release some resistance. “What’s it like to be
This person? What does this person need? Who are they
Deep inside? Who is looking through those eyes?”
You may

Gain some insight you can depend on completely.
There’s no harm in doing so and it’s not a sin.

We live with separations and don’t understand
One another and it’s getting worse by the day.
We don’t understand what the experience of
Difference is. It keeps us from learning to love
One another. Diversity won’t go away.
To ask the question is both radical and grand.

I Am That

Pointing Downstream

What’s the purpose of living? It’s to recreate
Ourselves anew in each moment and the greatest
Version of you becomes your most perfect ideal.
“Who Am I?” The question has the definite feel
Of a yearning. A call for knowing is expressed
From the pit of the soul. The answer you await.

Who among us has not looked up at the night sky
At some point in our lives and asked, “Wow! What is this?”
What’s my relationship to it all? Who am I?”

We can spend a great deal of time wondering why
Things are the way they are. We just cannot dismiss
Our inquiries no matter how hard we may try.

“I Am that I Am,” saith the Lord. But is there
Someone who can tell me exactly what that means?
It’s one heck of a statement. If I understood
What it meant certainly it would do me some good
But right now it reminds me of Twilight Zone scenes
That I watched as a child. They gave me quite a scare.

But the fear is in my heart. I can understand
That if I simply see everything as a part
Of myself and all things a part of the grand whole
Of all that exists, it brings relief to my soul.
I Am That I Am, really. From deep in my heart
I Am everything from the minute to the grand.



If you fear the unknown you fear that part of you
That knows nothing which means that you are the unknown.
Knowledge can make your life easier in some ways
But it also can complicate most of your days
On the planet. The more you know, the more you’re prone
To believe that you really do not have a clue.

But one thing that you do know is that your desire
Overwhelms you. It’s like breathing in energy
That creates worlds. You live to have your dreams come true.
You know that all the universe will support you
In whatever you’re focused on, so you can be
Confident that the things you want you will acquire.

With desire you can choose one of two directions.
You can go with obsession or passion. If you
Go with obsession it leads to self-destruction.
But with passion a wonderful quest has begun.
Inspiration and insights from out of the blue
Enter your life because of your good connections.

When you were a young child you knew nothing about
Who you were. Your mind was absolutely empty.
It was okay then and it can be so today.
You need not know who you are. It gets in the way
Of your God given purpose which is just To Be.
Back when you were a child you knew this without doubt.

Talk About Your Desire


Do you think it’s a good year to start something new
By not dragging so much of the old on the way?
When you ask, it is given, every single time,
So don’t ask as if you are committing a crime.
Talk about what you want and believe what you say.
Letting in what is given is easy to do.

Negative human drama is in the forecast.
It cannot be a reason to pay attention
Lest the mind become poisoned. Your peace you deny.
You become somewhat brittle without knowing why.
Instead of believing that everything is done,
You may find yourself a prisoner of your past.

Turn the news off. Forget about humanity
For a moment and focus on what’s going well
In your circle immediate. Life will improve
With a shift in your consciousness. Then you can move
Into some satisfaction. Don’t sanctify hell.
What you ask for is supposed to come easily.

Universal energies want to flow through you
Toward what you desire, so do not block the flow
With beliefs and opinions. Let goodness happen
In your life. You can become like a child again…
In the best way, which is the only way to go.
Tell others who will listen of your point of view.

I Should Not Have Been Born


Can I blame mental illness for how I’ve behaved?
I would like to, but that would mean that I’m now sane.
In my old age, alone now, consumed in remorse,
I’m possessed by a grossly malevolent force.
My whole life was a mission to cause others pain
From this brutal life review I cannot be saved.

It’s injustice to worthiness. I don’t deserve
Satisfaction in living. In purgatory,
I remember my madness and all I have done
To create such calamity for everyone
I can think of. The reason that people hate me
Is because I’m an asshole with colossal nerve.

That’s why I flush the toilet every now and then
By moving to another place, leaving behind
A train wreck of existence to fuck up anew
Somewhere else. I’m amazed by the things that I do
That are downright disgusting. I had been unkind
For no apparent reason again and again.

Can I feel the embarrassment? Have I a soul?
As my lead solar plexus drains my energy,
I don’t want to remember the people I’ve known.
Knowing they have forgotten me, I can disown
That it ever had happened. In hell I should be.
Perhaps unconsciously that’s my ultimate goal.

But I’m here now and have been assigned to this role
For some God unknown reason. I am humbled by
My existence. I’m sorry for all that I’ve done
To hurt others. To hope that healing has begun
Is, I hope, not too arrogant. The day I die
Will be one of rejoicing for this troubled soul.