Tag Archive | accomplish

Never Beg


Never Beg someone to be in your life. If you
Text, call, and visit and still you’re being ignored
Then it’s time that you moved on. It’s called self-respect.
From your higher self you don’t want to disconnect
Because by that self you’re most profoundly adored.
Walk away. It’s the honorable thing to do.

Love yourself for what you are instead of hating
Yourself for what you’re not. When you feel insecure
You can either let jealousy consume you or
Use it as motivation for you to do more
To better yourself so do your best to ensure
That you know the reality you’re creating.

Those who love you for who you are – not for what you
Can do for them are the best kinds of people in
Your life so honor them. Never cry for any
Relationship ending as there will always be
Another. You can play this game of life to win.
Don’t give up on the loving that you feel is true.

Never bargain with what you really want to do.
One with big dreams is more powerful than the one
With all the facts and figures. Those who can uplift
You in hard times are a most valuable gift.
Once you know who you are a new life has begun.
Find things to do in life that will satisfy you.

Deliberate Creation

Youthful Magic

The key to magic is that you have to feel good
Period and it’s the only ingredient
Necessary for Deliberate Creation.
Your thoughts do become matter. This is how it’s done:
Focus only on being extremely content
For no other reason than that you know you should.

Thoughts that feel good are many and you get to choose
From among an infinity or you can come
Up with thoughts of your own that make you feel happy.
Forget about specifics. Go generally
For a positive feeling and stay away from
Any thinking that causes you to sing the blues.

Come into vibrational alignment with the
Knowledge that the whole is achieved then find a way –
Any way to get happy. The specifics will
Fill in with more than enough detail to fulfill
Your desire for just having a wonderful day.
You have access to infinite Source energy.

The emotional manifestation is the
Most important. The power therein is immense.
Let it be what you’re reaching for and be aware
Of the magic that happens. Remember that there
Is no effort indeed there’s no kind of expense
For deliberately creating happily.

Momentum And Resistance

Atomic Level

The goal is to move up the emotional scale
Incrementally. It’s all about your control
Of each moment. If you’re in a state of despair
Then revenge feels much better but you can’t stay there
For a long time without doing harm to your soul.
Keep on climbing. To reach your goal you must prevail.

If you act when you’re in negative emotion
Things will only get worse yet there’s simple relief
In each piece of resistance that you let go of.
You want to be in a place somewhat far above
Satisfaction. Let not resistance be the thief
Of your spirit. To how you feel give devotion.

Between letting go of relief and having no
Resistance there’s a subtle and small difference.
It’s a bit of fine tuning but once you get there
You’ll find doors opening up for you everywhere.
The power you gain in your relief is immense.
You can feel the way you want by making it so.

When your in a state of constant satisfaction
Big things will start unfolding. You’ll slip right into
Feelings of passion and pure exhilaration.
Every step of the way is your own creation.
Just jump start the momentum. Your dreams will come true
As you take good care of your point of attraction.

Changing Into Sameness

Simple Boredom

Well, it’s always been like this. I cannot recall
When life wasn’t so boring. So is this the way
It will be for as long as I remain alive?
The sheer lack of excitement is enough to drive
Anyone quite bananas. I spend everyday
Of my life contemplating on nothing at all.

“But things are always changing,” I hear people say.
“It can be any way that you want it to be.
You do not have to keep on regurgitating
What amounts to the same old uninteresting
Things about ‘what is.’ You can think differently.”

It makes sense. Would it help if I thought in this way?

‘What Is’ is what’s not changing and I want it to
Change to something refreshingly pleasing to me.
Things are changing but they change into the same thing
Unless I do something differently to bring
On the change that I’m seeking so diligently.
I’m ready more than ever now for what is new.

If I look at life through the lens of a broader
Perspective – through the eyes of my inner being –
I’ll begin catching glimpses and receiving clues,
Inspiration, and insights, all of which I’ll use
To develop a much better way of seeing.
‘What Is’ can change to ‘What Is To Be,’ as it were.

Wanting Without Penalty

Earnestly Hoping

Be more high minded with your thoughts. Make sure that they
Are resistance free. This world has the wherewithal
To deliver to you everything you desire
If indeed it has the potential to inspire
The wanting within you. Let your wanting enthrall
And delight you. Let it do so throughout your day.

Once you have a desire you cannot take it back.
There’s no regression. Life has caused you to expand
And you either go with it or stay where you are.
If the latter you do then you’ll stay very far
From the things that you’re wanting. As you understand
More about how this works nothing seems out of whack.

When you think about what you want focus on why
You desire it. Feel the life giving qualities
Of imagining just how you want things to be.
Think thoughts that will help you out vibrationally.
Things will manifest for you with relative ease.
You know well which laws of the universe apply.

You can focus upon the aspects of which you’re
Doing that feel the best until you purify
Your vibration. When feeling good is dominant
Then just like a genie the universe will grant
You your wishes. Indeed it can be your ally.
The wellbeing in your life will grow and endure.

The Vibration Of Abundance

Magnificent Sound

Everything in the universe vibrates at its
Own frequency. Colors, chairs, tables, ideas,
And people are in motion continuously.
Scientists have recorded the base frequency
Of most things. It’s believed that they do this because
The mere knowledge of this yields many benefits.

Abundance has a particular vibration.
It’s a signature energy field. One can learn
To resonate in harmony with it and be
Receptive to the blessings of prosperity.
What you want to happen is your only concern.
Keep your focus only on your own creation.

Resonance in electronics is adjusting
A circuit to allow the greatest current flow
At a certain frequency. If there’s impedance
In the circuit then one can’t give any credence
To the full flowing of current. It’s good to know
That analogies about life are worth trusting.

The feeling of abundance is the feeling of
Wellbeing, good attraction, and good creation
With yourself and others. It’s the feeling of ease
And the freedom to prosper and do as you please.
Why not let this be your cause for celebration?
You’re permitted to go for the things that you love.

Your Main Mantra

Relaxation Therapy

Every guru is governed by one simple phrase
Of their choosing. The words have specific intent.
Usually it’s used to keep oneself aligned
With one’s purpose. Most gurus just want to be kind
And of service. They’re experts at being content.
No matter what’s occurring they’re happy always.

Watch for the next opportunity and the next…
And the next to be happy. Your mantra should be,
“I’m to live happily ever after.” Make it
Your Main Mantra and use it to your benefit.
Your only work in life is to live happily.
Do what the best part of you sincerely expects.

The eternal symbol is what you’re reaching for.
You don’t need to accomplish some world changing feat
To be happy. Your recognition of success
Is in how many lives in this world you can bless
With your positive presence. Be willing to greet
Everyone with the love that is everyone’s core.

When you’re in that conscious intertwining with who
You are truly you are love, the world is a place
Of much beauty and wonder, and life is a breeze.
You can navigate any circumstance with ease.
The whole universe of which you are you embrace.
The power of happiness resides within you.

Permission To Be Lazy

Nap Time

If someone says you’re lazy it usually
Is because from a false premise is where they come
Which states that the more you do then the more you’re worth.
Nothing could be more wrong. There’s no reason on earth
To believe it therefore don’t be beating the drum
Of the mindset of an errant society.

An alternative premise is that the basis
Of the universe is that the better you feel
The more you allow. You could not be more worthy
Of a nice break from this time space reality.
Don’t wait until existing becomes an ordeal.
Your spiritual world becomes your oasis.

You may wish for everyone to know wellbeing
But it is necessary for you to tend to
Your own wealth of wellbeing then you can extend
It to others. More time by yourself you should spend.
If some friend asks a horrendous favor of you
Tell them with their request you are not agreeing.

Carve out more time to be nicer to yourself and
Spend more private time under the bridge where others
Are not telling you what to do. When you are there
It’s a whole lot easier for you to take care
Of the needs of your fellows as your life occurs.
Sometimes you need to take your own self by the hand.

Every Morning

Start Of The Day

Separate you are never from where you come from
Which is spirit. You always have that connection
And because you are a spiritual being
You’re aware that your spirit is overseeing
Everything that you’re doing. It overlooks none
Of your actions. To its nature you can succumb.

When you’re running with nature, your morning routine
Need not be all that structured. Your day can begin
As it does usually but being aware
Of the day’s doing is a different affair.
It’s like taking your brand new car out for a spin.
Consciously you’re creating your driving machine.

Ceremony and ritual help to create
Mindfulness. In silence you can do as you please.
Simple things that you do at the start of your day
Can be done with emotion. It will pave the way
To a day most fulfilling with relative ease.
Take the time you need to get yourself feeling great.

Like a life review when the soul leaves the body,
You can have your own day review as it begins.
You intend things to go well. You want to be kind
To yourself and all others. You want peace of mind
At the day’s end and just as this lovely earth spins
Perfectly in its orbit, yourself you must be.

About The Moon

Moon Flower

Planets spin in their orbits in proximity
To each other. It’s such a feat of perfection
By the infinite universe. Provident care
Does it have for us. We become fully aware
Of this truth as we come to find our connection
With the spiritual part of reality.

How the moon came about is of interest to
Certain people who in their close observation
Of predictable cycles seek reassurance
That the universe didn’t just happen by chance.
Some believe that it is of divine creation.
That happens to be my personal point of view.

From a broader perspective there are powerful
Minds of wellbeing focused on the wellbeing
Of us all here. There’s no need to worry one bit.
All that happens to earth is for its benefit.
There are omnipotent forces overseeing
Our evolving. They are angels dyed in the wool.

If planets start to wobble then something will come
To correct the imbalance. The wobble will cause
A deliberate asking. The culmination
Of the asking is how all creation is done,
And it’s all according to unshakable laws.
The spiritual is where all blessings come from.

How You Treat People Is Who You Are

Warm Embrace

Imagine what seven billion human beings
Could accomplish if we cared for one another.
If there were no comparisons, hatred, or greed,
Everyone would run their own race without the need
For unhealthy attention. All that would occur
Would be absent of utterly negative things.

Such a world may not happen in our lifetime but
We can start with ourselves by choosing to uplift
And show kind understanding, love, and compassion.
You will succeed in life if you treat everyone
As you would like to be treated. Be a true gift
To the ones you encounter. Embrace from the gut.

No matter how educated, talented, cool,
Or rich you believe you are, how you treat people
Tells the story ultimately. Integrity
Is everything about who you happen to be.
You, your words, and your presence are truly helpful.
Treat others in accordance with the golden rule.

Be the reason someone believes in the goodness
Of humanity. Be the change you want to see
Happening in the world. Always do what is right –
Not what’s easy in the moment and take delight
In knowing that the infinite powers that be
Are supporting you in all the love you express.

Attract What You Want

Matter Becoming

“As you think, so shall you be.” There are many ways
To acquire things that you want, but basically,
It begins with how you choose to think about things.
Ultimately, only positive thinking brings
What you want to be part of your reality.
How do you get more happiness into your days?

You become what you think about throughout the day.
Thoughts expand. Then they become a magnetic force
That attracts situations that match their nature.
It’s important to make sure you’re thinking is pure.
Thinking unconsciously causes certain remorse
Because there is nothing turning out quite your way.

You can’t give away what you don’t have. So you know
That you can’t give away love if there’s none to give.
If what you have inside you is contempt and fear,
It’s difficult to consider anyone dear.
It is up to you to decide how you will live.
You must have love within you or it cannot show.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you
Look at change.”
It’s because of your powerful mind

That you are where you are now. It’s the beginning
Of developing an attitude of winning.
You can leave all the negative feelings behind
So that you can discover a life that is new.

A Joyful Intertwining


Since I’m here to live happily ever after,
I watch out for the next opportunity and
The next one, and the next, to feel the best I can.
That is basically all there is to my plan.
I embrace my heart firmly that it may expand
With the universe. This is what I’d most prefer.

I’m not here to accomplish things. The only goal
That I’m reaching for is the eternal symbol
Or recognition of success which is pure bliss.
I know it doesn’t get any better than this
And that I have become an astute and nimble
Sifter of my reality and of my soul.

I want the intertwining of myself with who
I am truly. This accomplishment will suffice.
A joyful rendezvousing of myself and me
I witness. It’s not hard at all for me to see
Many things about my life that are truly nice.
Every moment of my life becomes fresh and new.

That part of me who is pure love is consciously
Sending me bright impulses and inspiration
To keep me on the right track. Don’t sweat the small stuff,
And it’s all small. My intention is quite enough
To keep me focused in a state of elation.
I am thankful for being alive and carefree.