Tag Archive | understanding

Finding The Feeling Of Your Desire

Take It In

When you’re not getting what you want what do you do
About it when you think that you’ve done everything
Possible? Difficult it is when you believe
That  something must be done in order to achieve
What you’re wanting. Any action you take will bring
Only misfortune and disappointment to you.

How do you get to feel the way you think you will
Feel when you get what you want before you get it?
You do it by understanding that the process
Can be as good as getting it. Your happiness
On the way to it happening will benefit
You immensely. You can make of it all a thrill.

Find the feeling of satisfaction without the
Manifestation having happened. Be aware
Of the blessings in your life. Your satisfaction
Is more significant than your getting things done
To fulfill the same purpose. Take really good care
Of your mood by deciding to live happily.

If you’re not so tied up in ‘what is’ life will be
Much more fun and exciting. Your understanding
Of the laws of the universe is all you need
To transcend your ‘now’ reality and proceed
To success. Horizons are ever expanding.
Find the feeling of your ultimate ecstasy.

The Psychology Of Money


Behavior Over Knowledge… Financial success
Is more about how you behave with money than
What you know and your emotional discipline
Regarding money is truly where to begin
Reprogramming you mindset. First know that you can
Feel your way toward your financial happiness.

Some folks seem to effortlessly accumulate
Wealth while others struggle. Notice how folks behave
Who have much of it. They don’t apologize for
All the good that comes to them. Indeed they get more
The more they remain on the continuous wave
Of contentment. They know how to appreciate.

True wealth is about having the freedom to do
What you want when you want to. Your ultimate goal
Should be financial independence rather than
The accumulating of possessions. You can
Feel that freedom right now just by playing the role
Of a person of wealth. This must satisfy you.

Be most thankful for what you have and understand
All your financial boundaries. Take your advice
From those who have achieved wealth – not from someone who
Struggles constantly. This is of no help to you.
Feel yourself always to be worth the highest price.
Be respectful of all the wealth you have on hand.

The Law Of Resonance

Inner Contact

It’s been said that the Law of Attraction does not
Imply that the universe will bring you what you
Focus on. What’s been said is that what you attract
Is who you are. This notion turns out to be fact.
All the meditation and focus wheels you do
Help you to manifest so you do them a lot.

Who your are, then, must be accurately defined
In terms of what you want. Be absolutely clear
About it. Don’t let anything get in the way
Of your centering process. It’s easy to stay
In alignment when to your intent you adhere.
Keep thoughts of negativity out of your mind.

It’s not about your dominant thought. It’s about
Your dominant identity. Be more aware
Of who you are. Become the thing that you desire.
Only your state of resonance does it require
And it can become something you’re willing to share
With the world. You’ll want to give it a huge shout out.

Keep on visualizing. The universe gives
You who you are. Don’t try to bend reality.
Just keep focusing on it until you become
One with it. You get a lot of leverage from
Your determination to live life happily.
You want to live the way that your higher self lives.

Wellbeing Is At Your Door

Welcome Home

Highs and lows are a part of life. Everyone knows
That one can’t feel on top of the world all the time.
Life can sometimes bring one to the depths of despair.
Getting over it is a natural affair.
Focus only on what in life is most sublime
And then live it. Stop contemplating on life’s woes.

Sometimes people have to lose it all before they
Bounce back into wellbeing. Unnecessary
Is this process but anything that helps you to
Realize your true worthiness is good for you.
Your losses are the very things that set you free
From your struggles. Then you’ll find things going your way.

Struggle only perpetuates the momentum.
Give it up and allow yourself to surrender
All of it to the universe. Letting it go
Gives you power. The contrast in life helps you grow.
Just relax. The peace that you’ll find will engender
The feeling of allowing the favored outcome.

Give into the wellbeing that’s knocking loudly
At your door. Be more mindful of all the goodness
That surrounds you. Start looking for the evidence
Of wellbeing in your life. It is there from whence
You may prosper in many ways. Total access
You have to everything that you’d have come to be.

Preferred Parallel Realities

Fractal Universe

If you don’t have a clean enough definition
Of where you want to be at this moment then you
Will remain in this parallel reality
But in others you can exist quite easily
With the right definition. All you need to do
Is align with only your preferred condition.

Parallel universes are not a new thing.
The concept is centered around the idea
That there are other realities that exist
Simultaneously and it’s hard to resist
Falling into a deep state of acedia
Contemplating something that can’t make your heat sing.

Fractals are mathematical structures that show
Signs of self-similarity so they’re used to
Create models. What’s beyond imagination
Is explored for the purpose of the creation
Of the ultimate scientific point of view.
We may be but a fractal for all that we know.

The reality that you prefer is the one
Most significant to you. When you recognize
Contradictory definitions you become
Enlightened and you’re able to get rid of some
Resistance in your thinking and you’ll become wise.
Take full advantage of your new journey begun.

No Worries

Panic Attack

Worrisome you may feel about what may come next.
You just let life come at you and then you respond
To whatever is happening. You’ve no control
Of your life and it takes a significant toll
On your spirit. Perhaps you cannot see beyond
What your powerful and practiced mindset expects.

One can tell you, “Don’t Worry,” but it’s hard to do
If it’s been made a habit. Your inner being
Always has a vibrational stake in the game.
The way you see your life is truly not the same
As your inner being sees it and by seeing
The way it sees – it can bring clarity to you.

You may feel that you know enough that you should be
Able to get around this. You can find a way
To do this by surrendering to wellbeing.
Things work out the best for you when you’re agreeing
With your higher self. Make it a part of your day
To relinquish all your negative energy.

Letting go of the issue at least for right now
Gives you time to get yourself into alignment
With your highest self then you don’t have to worry
About anything. Don’t be in such a hurry
To go south. It takes just a bit of refinement
In your attitude then all blessings you allow.

Don’t Worry


Many people let life come at them and they just
Respond to it so if it’s something wanted they
Are delighted but if it’s not wanted they feel
Indignation and sometimes it’s hard to conceal.
Nothing much can get done when you’re feeling this way.
That there is a way out of your mess you must trust.

You have no control over your experience
At the moment but you’re supposed to have control
All the time. You create your own reality.
There’s no reason to wallow in your misery.
You must first take the time to again become whole.
Do not act when you feel that your life makes no sense.

You have an inner being who’s fully aware
Of your situation but has a perspective
That’s much different from yours. You can get to see
Your inner being’s version of how things should be.
It knows everything it takes so that you can live
An ecstatic life – one that is beyond compare.

What you want in this moment is some clarity
And relief from self-torment. You get to decide
To receive it right now or to stay in dismay.
In the long run things do always turn out your way.
In this moment find something to be satisfied
Much about and stay focused on it intently.

The State Of Allowing

Artist At Home

I acknowledge the perfect place in which I stand
And I’m here to express it. Appreciation
I have much for my freedom to co-create here
In this time space reality. Things that are dear
To my heart give me so much gratification
That there’s nothing about life I need to demand.

I’m now in The State Of Allowing all the things
That I’ve been wanting to come into existence.
I’ve identified many things that I want and
I’ve received them. By now I can well understand
That I am a creator in the purest sense.
I appreciate life as my happy heart sings.

I know that allowing means basking, frolicking,
And acknowledging the positive aspects, so
I do it quite a bit and it yields unto me
Good results. In this world I’m delighted to be
In the way of the universe’s gracious flow
Of abundance, true happiness, and wellbeing.

It’s exhilarating to be physically
Focused here in this world. I’m appreciating
All the contrast. It leads me to what I believe
Would be better. I allow myself to receive
What I want by the idea I’m creating.
If I want it then it surely can come to be.


Joy Of Engagement

“There’s a price to pay for everything,” people say.
This mindset where people in their comparison
And tendency to see themselves as unworthy
Or subservient in some way happens to be
What’s keeping their desires from manifestation.
Energy cannot move if one thinks in this way.

Yet there is a price to pay – one of alignment
And the price of alignment is the absence of
Resistance. It’s the price of wellbeing and ease
And of doing pretty much what you damned well please
Without any ill feeling. It’s all about love
And of achieving spiritual refinement.

Surrounded by this nucleus of wellbeing
You may stand with your armor and not let it in
Because of ideas that you’ve picked up along
Your way through life most of which are completely wrong.
Sort them out and acknowledge them then you’ll begin
Seeing the way your inner being is seeing.

The meek shall inherit the earth. They’re the ones who
Are lighthearted, allowing, and resistance free.
Anger, determination, and struggle are not
The best ways to receive so it matters a lot
That you keep yourself meek and be willing to be
Receptive to the wellbeing coming to you.

Divine Intervention

Global Hope

To have one foot in one world and the other in
Relative clarity is to be alive now.
Does believing in evil cause it to become
Dominant and pervasive? Does beating the drum
Of defiance relieve the frustration somehow?
Can there be redemption of original sin?

Feeling like not enough of a price has been paid
For a sense of wellbeing and prosperity
People struggle to get their share of the big pie.
This mindset of lack is the only reason why
There are those who will always be in poverty.
One puts forth the effort but no progress is made.

We are vibrational beings. Things are always
Working out for us even when things appear bleak.
Most of us don’t believe in this kind of thing though.
It would be helpful if more people got to know
Their true selves. Then only harmony would they seek.
All we can do right now is to hope for those days.

A Divine Intervention perhaps is what needs
To take place. It can be a change in consciousness
And a shift in our vibrational energy.
Nothing on this earth is more powerful than We
The People
with serious issues to address.

As the world learns to grow each one of us succeeds.

Everything Is An Opportunity

Open Doors

Many doors are before you. Each one is a brand
New adventure. The choices you have keep you well
Motivated. You put you life in your own hands.
Any path that you choose your consciousness expands.
In the heat of the moment your spirit must dwell.
Life is an opportunity from where you stand.

Being the kind of person that you choose to be
Is of utmost importance. Your understanding
That everything that comes your way is a blessing
Is your mindset of armor. No second guessing
Do you have about joy in your life expanding.
You transcend any situation easily.

Everything given to us by God is perfect.
No one can deny that the mountains, the valleys,
The rivers, and wildlife are all masterpieces
Of divinity. Observation increases
Our belief in perfection. No one holds rallies
Against absolute beauty as one would expect.

Everything else that we have has come about by
Our own thinking which too often leads us into
An acute misperception of reality.
As you see your life as an opportunity
You’ll find that there isn’t anything you can’t do.
Your own wellbeing you can no longer deny.

Don’t Worry


“Why on earth should I worry? The earth that I know
May not even exist in a short time from now.
Do my crises reflect those of society?
If so then don’t I have every reason to be
Petrified? I’m a victim of myself somehow.
How can I be relieved of my incessant woe?”

Many people just let life come at them and they
Just respond to it so if it’s something wanted
They respond positively. The reverse also
Is significant. Tough situations can throw
One into negativity. It could be said
That to just respond to life leads to one’s dismay.

You’re supposed to have control. You’re the creator
Of your own life experience. The condition
Of the world is not something to worry about
And you’re not here to figure that kind of thing out.
Concentrate on whatever on earth can be done
To uplift you. You’re an energy translator.

Do your living deliberately. Take control
Of you moment by moment. The more that you care
About just feeling better the better you feel.
You can make of the real world one that is ideal
Simply by your being more consciously aware
Of the spirit within you which can make you whole.

Why Aren’t I A Millionaire Yet?

Genuine Wondering

If you’re asking yourself this you’re introducing
Resistance into the equation. Just step back
Away from the specifics and go general.
Get yourself to believe that the universe shall
Give it to you. You may have some feelings of lack
In your current vibration and in your asking.

“I have the potential to receive anything
That I want.”
There’s no resistance in that statement.

“I’m getting better at this. I’m getting closer
To where I want to be and all that I prefer.”

The key to your receiving is feeling content
And trusting in all that the universe will bring.

“I know that others who are now billionaires were
At one time standing right where I’m standing right now.
I look for abundance everywhere that I go
And I’m thankful for all of the blessings that flow
Presently into my life. I’ve learned to allow
My thinking to be on the things I most prefer.”

This productive self-talk can be done easily.
Just acknowledge the things that you can acknowledge.
Feed the appetite of your realization.
Be content in the knowledge that you are someone
Who can navigate well out on this leading edge
Of creation where anything can come to be.

Abundance Unlimited

Visible Currency

What I love about living is all the freedom
To be, do, or have anything. This universe
Is abundant. Those who are now wealthy once were
Just like me so I can live the life I’d prefer
And it’s time now for all that exists to disburse
Unto me a way of getting lots of income.

In my own life experience I look for the
Abundance – not just money but clarity and
Physical energy and wellbeing. I know
That I will come across more by my doing so.
That I can have it all is what I understand.
I am thankful for what so far has come to me.

I know that it won’t all come immediately.
I would not want it that way. A nice steady stream
Flowing to me is what I want. I don’t have to
Figure it all out at once. Indeed what is true
Is that unseen forces are aware of my dream
In explicit detail. What a joy to be free!

I love the interest I have on so many
Different subjects. I’m the creator of my
Own reality. I know intuitively
What to do. My abundance is absolutely
Guaranteed all without my not having to try.
All I need to do is live my life happily.

Laws And Tools

Mystical Contact

Many laws of the universe there are and they
Are consistent. The physics of gravity and
Inertia are examples of laws that apply
To all physical objects. No thing can defy
The power of such laws. All one can understand
Is that they are a big part of everyone’s day.

There’s one which has been called the Law of Attraction.
There’s not all that much to it. It’s not a huge deal
For the one who is ready to take full command
Of one’s life. First and foremost one must understand
That attracting is all about feeling with zeal
One’s desires until they’ve reached manifestation.

The law of deliberate creation is not
A law. It’s an activity. It’s a focus
And a tool for fulfillment of one’s heart’s desire.
It takes no effort at all for one to acquire
The mindset that is needed for a glorious
Transformation which can never cost one a lot.

The law of allowing is not actually
A law. It’s the accomplishment of something called
A vibration which is one’s point of attraction.
If it’s done well it leads to one’s satisfaction.
Life is awesome when one is completely enthralled
And consumed with creating their reality.


Acceptance Of Grace

Virtue is behavior that displays in someone
A high ethical standard. It’s a quality
Or character trait considered morally good
And desirable in a person, so it should
Come as no surprise that among society
It’s seen as a wholesomely healthy condition.

Virtues are valued as they promote collective
And individual greatness. There are many
Virtues and classifications of them, but they all
Are positive. No kind act is ever too small.
It is taught in some branches of philosophy.
Those who are virtuous have a love perspective.

Virtues are positive actions or traits that aid
In undoing or purifying negative
Karma or sin. They can be practiced outwardly
Or inwardly. One progresses ultimately
To enlightenment. No one tells one how to live,
And the words spoken here are not meant to persuade.

Establishing a higher guiding principle
Or mindset such as right view, right concentration,
Or right mindfulness is the quest of the one who
Seeks the truth of one’s being. Ultimate value
There is in being virtuous. The creation
Of virtue in your life is to all meaningful.


Colorful Time

One of the most virtuous qualities of pure
Being is patience. It is the capacity
To accept or to tolerate trouble, delay,
Or suffering without getting stuck in dismay.
Fortitude, composure, and equanimity
Are the attributes of patience that will endure.

Patient people are much better able to cope
With negative situations and folks without
Complaining, getting angry, or acting rashly.
One’s capacity for patience naturally
Will increase as one begins to know without doubt
It’s true nature and essence with regard to hope.

Understanding one’s true self is understanding
Others’ also. Instead of becoming upset
With yourself, others, or a screwed-up circumstance,
One can realize that there’s a much better chance
Of recovery if one is willing to let
Go of what keeps one’s consciousness from expanding.

We need to eliminate anger from our minds.
The lower levels of consciousness we transcend
As we open our hearts to higher truth. Patience
Becomes a dynamic and fun experience.
Energized by intention one can comprehend
Spiritual alignment and joy of all kinds.


Brain Activity

So, the intellect is the ego’s faculty
Of reasoning and objective understanding.
It is the power of the mind by which one knows,
Comprehends, and assimilates. One may suppose
That it is helpful in consciousness expanding,
And it can be if looked at spiritually.

It is the refinement and sophistication
Of the conceptual dualistic thinking
Mind that can be easily manipulated
To make any position adversely fated
To the consciousness not having a true linking
To reality due to justification.

The intellectual aspect of the ego
Tends to be prideful. It sees itself as the peak
Of all earth’s evolution. It claims credit for
All actions and achievements. It knows nothing more
Than its level of consciousness, and it will seek
Recognition for all that it happens to know.

Beyond the dualistic intellectual
Thinking mind lies the realm of conscious awareness.
Spiritual teachings must be comprehended
And accepted to be fully integrated.
Resistance from the ego becomes a lot less
In the wake of a spiritual rationale.


Mental Contents

A concept is a name or a label that’s used
To identify objects. It’s an idea
Or a mental picture that is agreed upon
By society. Then its elite echelon
Makes it part of the whole verbal diarrhea.
It’s no wonder there is such a word as ‘confused.’

Concepts are produced by the ego thinking mind
That is limited to its perceptually
Created abstractions, language, labels, and names.
To describe and explain things is one of the aims
Of the ego’s agenda. In reality,
Nothing is close to being the name it’s assigned.

It’s true for all phenomena in existence,
Whether physical objects or intangible
Ideas, like spirit, being, or consciousness.
Yet the ego cannot fully function unless
It creates its abstractions. It can be helpful
If one realizes the ego’s concept sense.

Concepts are important and are necessary
For people to communicate and get along
In a world everchanging. Our understanding
That nothing can be as we describe it will bring
Clarity of consciousness. One cannot go wrong
In accepting the ego as illusory.

Momentum In Every Thought

Thought Under Construction

Long division is simple, that is if you know
Your times tables. If you don’t, it can be a bear.
Any third grader knows this and that it’s required
To get through mathematics. They often get tired
Of the memorization aspect. They don’t care
For the work involved. Progress may be rather slow.

This is similar to the Law off Attraction.
There are fundamental concepts one must master
To allow things to work themselves out correctly.
You can manifest anything if you can be
In the state of receiving. It can come faster
If you stop treating it like a complex fraction.

Your emotional guidance system helps you to
Sift through contrast. You’re in a situation where
There’s a shift in the current. As it picks up speed,
Know that you have everything in the world you need
To live life to its fullest. The more that you care
About how you feel, the more good things come to you.

Negative emotion means you’re not connected
To your higher self and to all that you desire.
Recognize when you’re there. Do something about it.
The creative process is for your benefit.
Manifest the next thought that will take you higher
Than you are now. Your whole life will be affected.

Shift Your Vibration

Vortex Focus

Where you are is where you are, and what you do now,
Whether you worry, are hopeful, or you complain,
Determines the direction of you in the stream.
If you’re fighting against it, everything may seem
To get screwy too often. It helps to abstain
From your battles so that happiness you allow.

You can view where you are optimistically.
Talk yourself back into remembering who you
Really are, which is pure positive energy.
You don’t have to justify your reason to be.
Let your heart be the only voice you listen to.
You know that you’ll find your place eventually.

While you can’t change your circumstance right now, you can
Change what’s happening three days or three weeks from now.
If you don’t change it for then, then right now will be
Carried forward into the same reality.
Just get happy because you already know how
To do that. It’s always a magnificent plan.

To where you are now you pay too much attention
So that you keep projecting ‘what is’ everywhere.
You have to change your most dominant vibration
To the one that will lead you to the creation
Of a wonderful life that is beyond compare.
Keep your focus upon the higher dimension.


Perfect Cut

Like a huge uncut diamond is your true essence.
Do you need to be perfect in anyone’s eyes
But your own? Be aware of the God within you.
Don’t accept anyone’s negative point of view.
You live life as you want to when you realize
That you are of perfection way beyond expense.

You sift through the variety that life offers,
And you come up with personal preferences
About what you want. These preferences are heard
By the universe. It hears every single word
That you utter or think. There are no pretenses
Regarding your vibration to which all refers.

If you had not expanded to a new place, you
Would not feel the discord of your not going there.
All of the negative emotion that you feel
Is a lovely indicator that can reveal
What you may have forgotten due to lack of care
For the way you’ve been feeling. Your joy is come due.

Where you are is just perfect. You’re on a journey
That does not have an ending. There’s always going
To be a new perspective, and with it, contrast.
Let go of all the negative stuff from the past.
It’s no challenge for you to continue growing
In perfection throughout all of eternity.

Create The Life That You Want

Enjoyment Of Life

Since my last birthday, people have been telling me
That it’s too late for me now – that my time has passed.
I don’t want to believe that. It doesn’t feel right.
No one can tell me that my future can’t be bright.
I’ve the freedom to do what I want at long last.
I can make my life the way I want it to be.

It may be ‘too late’ for those who say that it’s so
Because if you desire something but it’s ‘too late,’
It will never show up. There’s contradictory
Energy operating within the psyche.
It will affect your ability to create
What you want in your life. It’s a good thing to know.

I really want it, and it is well on its way.
That’s a healthier way of stating my intent
To be open to all that life has to offer
And to not let the judgements of others deter
Me from my path. I must exercise discernment
In my interactions with others through the day.

If I try to explain things, people may not be
On the same page as I am. I’ll just understand
And not try to re-litigate or to defend
My thinking to others who cannot comprehend.
It’s not my duty to lead others by the hand.
I’m free to look at life optimistically.

You Are Being Led

Spiritual Connection

Provident is the guidance you get from your Source
Who is the larger part of you. You’re connected
To this being who’s non-physically focused,
But the person that you are must learn how to trust
That this being is real. If it is rejected,
You will be experiencing utter remorse.

A belief is just a thought that you continue
To think because you’ve given it your attention.
You’re taught to be objective and realistic.
Encouraged you were to reject the fantastic.
It may not have been done through conscious intention
But the knowledge you have now can benefit you.

Your Source has the perspective of the big picture.
It can see the path of least resistance for you.
The Law of Attraction is responding to your
Inner Being and you. Everything you adore
It keeps track of. You can open the floodgate to
Your vibrational escrow and perhaps much more.

Your Source never looks back at where you were before
Nor where you are right now. It looks forward only.
Its focus is on where you are going – not where
You have been. It leads you by its infinite care
For your happiness and wellbeing constantly.
You are led by your Higher Self; you can be sure.

Understanding Allowing

The Power Of Color

Allowing yourself to feel better than ever
Can’t be seen as a challenge. It’s done easily
With a small shift in focus. Appreciation
For how well things are going is the number one
Way of reaching a better place if you can see
Your whole life as one magnificent endeavor.

Allowing all the things that you’ve been wanting to
Flow into your experience is creating
For yourself a fulfilling life and one of ease.
There is no one but yourself that you need to please.
The universe is forever advocating
For your ultimate pleasure in all that you do.

In a vibrational universe you’re living.
About that idea be exhilarated.
Your allowing means your basking and frolicking.
Positive aspects are worth your acknowledging.
Be aware of all the good that you’ve created.
Of the mistakes you’ve made you must be forgiving.

Nothing is more important than that you look for
Only that which you want to see. Variety
Is delicious. Be thankful that you get to choose
Just the life that you want. Only you can refuse
The blessings of the universe. You’re meant to be
In a state of fulfillment and asking for more.

Let It Go!

Releasing Momentum

Much without your awareness you were trained into
Your beliefs about money by people who were
Struggling with it and those who were irritated
By the people who have it. One who’s frustrated
With the economy has not much to offer
To the one who knows little about making do.

Dialogues about money both nationally
And worldwide seem to be about demonizing
Those who have a lot of it. This is peculiar.
It is obvious that there’s a huge tug of war
Going on in the psyche. It’s reassuring
That abundance is infinite, as it should be.

When this much abundance is flowing and you do
Something radically different, like relax
Your vibration, more will come to you rapidly.
Fast money is considered by some bad money.
What you think about money certainly impacts
How much of it you have making its way to you.

Fast money means you’ve pulled back the big rubber band…
So far back that you feel something is imminent,
Then you let go completely of all resistance.
Speak dearly about issues regarding finance.
Stop your doing the thing that you do to prevent
What is coming. It’s something you need not demand.

Relax Into Wellbeing

Natural Panacea

My last low brought me to a place where I could not
Resist doing something about it anymore.
When one reaches rock bottom, nowhere else is there
To go but in the direction of loving care
Toward oneself and others. That’s what we’re here for.
The contrast I experience matters a lot.

From between the rock and the hard place, there is hope
Or despair. A thin line exists between the two.
One cannot remain stuck there without going mad.
With a change in perception some peace can be had.
Once things are gone there’s nothing else for me to do
But surrender the struggle and learn how to cope.

Must I suffer sufficiently before I learn
Anything to my benefit? I don’t have to
Live the experience of deep desperation.
Yet indeed anything that helps get the job done
Is fair game for the universe. All I can do
Is to figure out how to relieve my concern.

I don’t need the gut-wrenching experience to
Understand that I can always turn things around.
A comparative experience is needed
To the one most preferred. I will have succeeded
In relaxing into the new wellbeing found.
There is not much of anything I need to do.

Your Emotional Frequency

Dance Of Vibration

Who can predict the weather to any degree
Of a semblance of accuracy? No one can.
So why do they keep trying? Is their intention
To piss off we the people? If so, it is done.
A fortune teller is more reliable than
The fallacious forecasting one does often see.

You can control the weather by controlling the
Only thing that you can control – your vibration.
Yet, the word ‘control’ may be a bit misleading.
In this instance, it means that you are succeeding
In doing the only thing that needs to be done.
You ‘control’ your vibration emotionally.

Your vibrational stance of alignment is your
Way of changing reality. By how you feel,
You adjust your attention to feeling better.
You send to the universe an open letter
Stating your declaration of what is ideal.
Whatever you focus on, it will give you more.

Having practiced the vibrational frequency
Of achieving, maintaining, and owning what you
Have created, now everything else will follow.
How can this be a difficult pill to swallow?
Feeling good is the only thing there is to do.
You can get a whole lot done emotionally.

Let It In

Enjoy Life's Treasures

You’re the creator of your own experience.
The world isn’t broken. It’s just varied in ways
That cause clarification of what you prefer.
Do not place your bets on whatever may occur
In the contrast. You’re able to focus your gaze
On the things that delight you and make of life sense.

You’re in a well-stocked kitchen. It has everything
Imaginable in terms of ingredients.
You can pluck from the shelves and make a pie that you
Really love. No tabasco sauce can get into
Your pie unless your thinking of it is intense.
Your pie is of the vibration you’re offering.

Tabasco sauce is something that may worry you.
You don’t want it in your pie. How it ends up there
Is by your constant worry and much attention.
If you form a group supporting its prevention
From all kitchens, it will only end in despair.
Protesting is not something that you came to do.

All the trampling and bombing and voting against
Tabasco sauce in kitchens is offered in vain.
Look for things that are most satisfying to you.
It is one of the easiest things you can do.
Letting in the perfection, you have much to gain.
Take advantage right now of what will have commenced.

The Vibration Of Trust

At One With Existence

There’s a gap between what I want and where I am,
And it scares me because I don’t know who, when, where
Or how things are to happen. The steps I don’t see
To the outcome that is favorable to me.
It’s too big and to uncomfortable to share
Unless I can make of it a final exam.

To be a deliberate creator I must
Do the work. I cannot operate out of fear
Of the unexplained and unobserved. I must be
In alignment with infinite source energy
And go through the darned process. It will be made clear
In due time. I could use an attitude of trust.

The Vibration Of Trust is an old mystery
Come to life every eon. Spiritual Law
Matches that of the physical at some level.
In the magnificence of the Law I revel
Even though my life is mostly fettered in flaw.
I must believe it like the law of gravity.

I can find that vibration. My expectation
That things will work out for me becomes more and more
Solid as I focus more upon my desire.
I cannot be of my own dream a denier.
I can know that it will happen down to the core
Of my being. This exercise will get things done.

Divine Intervention Requires No Effort

Stop Struggling

Do I feel like I’m paying enough of a price
To get somewhere in life? Two worlds there seems to be –
One that says I must struggle my way to success.
The other is one in which I can work far less
And achieve more by tuning spiritually.
There is no physical substance to sacrifice.

Still believing in struggle, hard work, and action
To get things done, I am exhausted and empty.
Through my determination, sometimes I succeed.
I can’t understand how my effort can impede
My progress. Can someone explain it all to me?
I am in dire need of some sort of solution.

This economic pie that we all have to share
Is not finite. It grows in response to our dreams,
Hopes, and wishes, and it just keeps on expanding
According to our enlightened understanding.
I believe that abundance comes to me in streams.
About how I am feeling I truly must care.

The only limitation that I have is my
Inattention to impulse and inspiration.
The power that creates worlds wants to assist me.
I find that divine intervention is easy.
The fairies of the universe are having fun
As my wishes they most gleefully gratify.

Receive What You Deserve

Accept Waht Is Yours

You are more than deserving of all that is good.
You may nurture the mindset of comparison,
And in determination, you’re made unworthy,
Which is far from spiritual reality.
There’s a price to be paid for every solution
To a problem. This may be how life’s understood.

The price is your alignment through nonresistance.
You pay ease and not struggle. Get this squared away
In your mind. You’re surrounded by a nucleus
Of wellbeing and prosperity, so don’t fuss
About anything because it causes delay.
Alignment can do wonders if given the chance.

Be released from the armor you fearfully don
To protect you from goodness. Can you let it in?
You picked up your armor from what others told you
From the time you were little, and much has to do
With your being unworthy. When do you begin
To feel that your sense of your alignment is gone?

“The meek shall inherit the earth” someone once said.
Meekness means nonresistance. It means allowing
The surrounding soup of providence to become
The reality. Peace is where your strength comes from.
You evolve into a deeper understanding
Of your path in life as you are looking ahead.

Don’t Worry


I just let life come at me, and then I respond
So that when I want something, the way that I feel
Is quite positive. But the opposite is true
About things that I don’t want. Not much I can do
Under this circumstance. My self-structured ordeal
I wish could be banished with a kind magic wand.

Do I really have any control over my
Own experience? Something tells me that I should
Have as much because I’m the creator of me.
I can have it the way that I want it to be.
I am well on my way, when this is understood,
To a life of fulfillment with no need to try.

There’s a deeper part of me that knows very well
What I’m thinking and wishing. It’s fully aware
Of where I am and where I would most like to be,
And it has staked a vibrational claim on me.
About past sins and failures… It will not go there.
If I go against it, I experience hell.

The vibrational driver’s seat I can be in.
The path of nonresistance, for me, is the one
To be focused on. There is no need to worry.
As I stumble upon it deliberately,
A new setpoint of understanding has begun.
I can run a fine race without having to win.

Creating Who You Are

The Perpetual Masterpiece

There are only two reasons why you do not know
What you want. One is that you have it already.
The other is that you don’t know yourself enough
To know what you want. Your life may seem rather rough
On the edges. The fact is you can never be
In complete knowing of yourself. It’s a shadow.

It is not all that tragic a state of affairs.
The divine is never an object of its own
Fund of knowledge. Just as light can’t illuminate
Itself, nor can a knife cut itself, you create
Of yourself a self that is completely unknown
By some essence within you who cautiously cares.

To itself, it’s always an endless mystery.
“I don’t know,” as it’s uttered in the infinite
Interior of the spirit, is the relief.
The time that you have left here may be rather brief.
Wasting energy forcing things doesn’t seem right.
Letting go is the same thing as humility.

Yet, you don’t have to let go. There is nothing to
Grab on to. It’s achieved for you by the process
Of nature. Once you get this, you will suddenly
Find that you have full access to the energy
You’ve been wasting. You find self in your selflessness.
You are always creating the best part of you.

Tell A New Story

Close The Old Book

Change my thoughts about money and life as a whole?
Is that hard to do? It depends on the story
I’ve been telling to myself and others I know.
For all that I have done, what do I have to show?
This question doesn’t lead me to any glory.
It will cause my thoughts to spin way out of control.

What then is the solution? I know that money
Is as available as the air I take in
And breathe out. I like thinking about the freedom
That it gives me. I know that the money will come
In good time as soon as I decide to begin
Focusing only on the place I want to be.

I can imagine a lot of money flowing
Into my life experience. I can see how
My feeling about money affects how much comes.
If I want it to flow in uncountable sums
I must Tell A New Story and learn to allow
The abundance that this world to me is showing.

I do get the essence of what I think about.
I can tell by the way I’m feeling whether I
Am focused on money or the gross lack of it.
Positive thoughts about money I must transmit
To the universe. I know that it will comply
With my best wishes. Of this I have not a doubt.

Allowing Divine Intervention

Receiving Grace

Still believing in struggle, most human beings
Don’t feel like they are paying enough of a price.
No one plays their way through life and achieves success.
We must work long and hard for it, that is unless
We are fortunate where the bird of paradise
Makes its way into our lives and brings us nice things.

This is true in the real world because this mindset
Has evolved over eons where there’s a finite
Economic pie that all are wanting to share.
We have to make things happen. We seem not aware
That we are of vibration, and all is alright.
This is how the world functions much to our regret.

There’s an infinite ‘amount’ of economy.
To be shared among everyone. Those who believe
That there’s only so much wealth do not hear the call
Of their spirit. Their perspective is rather small.
Effort is not needed in order to receive
If we get ourselves to thinking differently.

The power of the universe is within you.
It creates worlds. It can manifest anything.
One cannot have it both ways. One has to decide
For oneself which is better. Let your spirit guide
You to what feels in your life to be fulfilling.
Know in your heart the best thing that you ought to do.

When Big Stuff Starts To Happen

Touching Your Dreams

Whether you feel ecstatic or just satisfied
You have equal access to the treasures within
Your Vortex of Creation. There’s a difference
Between surrendering to life experience
And becoming excited. The big things begin
To occur when you know nothing can be denied.

The degrees of emotion become your stairway
To the stars you’ve created and placed in the sky.
They’re your hopes, dreams, and wishes. With no resistance
In your vibration, you will know the existence
Of the things that you want without having to try
To attain them. In readiness you want to stay.

Meditation is meeting your Vortex with no
Resistance. The mind is quieted. You become
Receptive and contented. The feeling of peace
Brings with it a deep cleansing and total release
Of the residual negative psychic scum
That started to accumulate decades ago.

What is more dynamic is appreciation.
It makes you more receptive. It feels more hands on,
And the more that you like it, the more you will feel
Energy flowing through you. With justified zeal
You approach life. The sins of the past are now gone.
You are here to offer your best to everyone.

Once you find an object of attention to which
You want to flow your pure positive energy
Is when in your life big stuff begins happening.
Stay focused on the thing that does make your heart sing.
What a wonderful paradise your life can be.
Easily it is done. It’s like flipping a switch.

Break The Cycle

Stop The Madness

The more things that are asked for the more you are called
By your inner self to move in the direction
Of your wishes. You also become more aware
Of things in the way that you don’t want to be there.
The resistance life offers is by selection.
When it is minimized you will be more enthralled.

You’re connected to your inner being always.
You feel much satisfaction when the link is strong.
When it’s weak, you feel hopeless. You are in control
Of the thoughts and emotions that can make you whole.
In that place of alignment is where you belong.
Sensitive you are to what your true self conveys.

You can stay off the subject that’s not letting you
Be receptive to inspiration and guidance.
Close the gap between your true self and your ego.
Break the evil spell that is not letting you grow.
You achieve your contentment not by happenstance.
Your dissatisfaction with life you can get through.

“Isn’t that a beautiful tree? And isn’t that
A beautiful bird? This meal is so delicious.
Isn’t this a nice day? Look at that butterfly!”

This winning attitude makes the spirit soar high.
Take notice of the things you’re willing to discuss.
It is okay to be okay with where you’re at.

Righteous Selfishness

Be Your Own Master

Don’t freak out when people tell you you’re not okay.
They don’t mean to be disrespectful. They just are.
You are in the exact place where you’re meant to be.
You cannot be off schedule. Nothing remotely
Is the matter. In fact, you are not very far
From achieving nirvana as if it’s child’s play.

And from this point forward, your conscious awareness
Is a keener experience. There are many
Who will please you and many who will let you down.
No one’s here to do either, so wearing a frown
Makes no sense, that is if you want to remain free
Of unrighteous encounters. You don’t need the stress.

Don’t look to other folks for what you already
Have within you. Your own heart knows what’s best for you.
Just notice it all softly – the nice subtle ways
That the universe structures itself to amaze
And delight you. There’s nothing that you need to do
But to be aware of your creativity.

You’ve decided to please yourself a whole lot more
Than you had been. You’re free to not stand on your head
Or jump through hoops for others’ worthless approval.
Your enlightenment means your constant removal
Of the psychic behaviors that have cause much dread.
There are some things in life that are good to ignore.

Magic Mantra

Earth Becomes Heaven

I Am Satisfied and that’s the way I should be
Just because I am conscious. I’m fully aware
That I’m not here to fix a world that is broken.
It is not. Why this truth does remain unspoken
Is a mystery I need not the wide world share.
If I said I was lying would you believe me?

I Am Satisfied with what has not yet occurred.
I have not the resistance that I had before
When I was tripping over what’s not happening.
There is nothing more harmful to my wellbeing
Than to say there are no avenues to explore.
Thinking that things are hopeless is simply absurd.

I’d been pushing the concrete noodle way too long.
It has not brought me happiness but misery.
I cannot make things happen. I cannot dictate
To the universe what I want it to create
So that I can be made eternally happy.
I’m surprised now by how I had things so damned wrong.

I can’t turn the world right side up. I can only
Be a part of all that is, and that is content
With all that is. I trust, stay in tune, and allow
The guidance of discovery to show me how
In this moment to be here and fully present.
Satisfaction with nothingness is ecstasy.

Setting Intentions

Creating Your Dreams

The purpose of your Setting Intentions is to
Allow all the things that you’ve been wanting to flow
Into your life experience. You understand
That this is a vibrational universe, and
You are exhilarated about this to know.
What you want to make happen can then become true.

What you’re thinking and feeling and what you’re getting
Are a vibrational match always to be sure.
You are the creator of your experience.
Practicing allowing makes the wisest of sense.
In itself it is a wonderful adventure,
One in which there is nothing worth your regretting.

Allowing means acknowledging all the good things
About your life. It means basking and frolicking
In the positive aspects of you’re here and now.
Everything’s done already. You need not know how
To make things happen for you. Indeed everything
Comes to you easily. It’s what happiness brings.

You are looking for only what you want to see.
The variety of objects of attention
Is enough that you easily find wellbeing.
Do what you need to do to enhance your seeing.
Look not upon life with undue apprehension.
You can dream your world as you believe it should be.

A Powerful Message

Life Changing Information

Through the eyes of God I’m privileged to be seen.
I express my deep love and appreciation
For everything in my life. I see where I’ve been
Under the influence of a counter amen,
But at least I’m expanding when all’s said and done.
I’ll get better at keeping my vibration clean.

Thoughts that are undesirable can affect me
In a way that is lethal. I take extreme care
Not to be disappointed. I take no delight
In having to get myself involved in a fight
For my own rights. I do know that life isn’t fair.
Useless then are comparisons, definitely.

Being seen through the eyes of God, I’m not a mess
Of a being conflicted, deranged, and at war
With myself and the world. I am seen as perfect.
Being made by God this is what I would expect.
I’m divinity, thus I am free to explore
Avenues that will lead to ultimate success.

Guilt is so overwhelming. The will to survive
Is diminished, yet there are things I need to do
And to suffer. My karma must catch up with me.
Let this be the only reason I want to be
On this earth a while longer. So, what else is new?
Nothing much except I’ve chosen to stay alive.

Feel Good And Behold

Savor The Bliss

There’s nothing more important than that you feel good.
You must be that outrageous about who you are
Because your feeling your best invites everyone
Around you to be uplifted. Your life is fun
And exciting. You know that you’ve come very far
On your journey. Things are working out as they should.

You’re a vibrational being emanating
A signal at all times by the words that you speak,
All the thoughts that you think, and the action you take.
Whatever your focus is on while you’re awake
Is causing you to offer a signal unique,
And the universe for you is advocating.

This is how you create your own reality.
The Law of Attraction matches your vibration
With the proper cooperative components
That deliver life to you. Your only expense
Is your being in love with life and having fun.
You get back what you’re giving out absolutely.

To be consciously aware of what you give out
Is most helpful. You’ve figured things out already.
When you can vocalize what you want and mean it
You can then start relaxing. This way you permit
Unseen forces to make what you want come to be.
It is appropriate for you to sing and shout.

Surrender To Your Worthiness

Goodness Embraces You

We may often fall victim to comparison.
In our determination to feel unworthy
Or subservient in some way, we’ve concluded
That for everything there’s a price to pay. With dread
We consider becoming who we want to be
So it is hard to get almost anything done.

The only price that you pay is your alignment.
Your absence of resistance is all that you need
To feel that you’re surrounded by a nucleus
Of wellbeing. In fact, it engulfs all of us.
Know that in your surrender to it you are freed
To pursue anything that’s to your heart’s content.

Often we pay with struggle by thinking that we
Haven’t jumped through enough hoops or kissed the right ring
To deserve something different, and our armor
Prevents blessings from penetrating to the core
Of our beingness. Success does not effort bring,
And hard work is not needed for prosperity.

The meek will inherit this earth someone once said
A long time ago. He meant the non-resisted
Lighthearted, free feeling folk who are allowing,
Not angry or determined but understanding
And accepting of the goodness that lies ahead.
Surrender To Your Worthiness. Don’t be misled.

Talk To The Future Self

Inspiration From Within

Time is such that it falls within eternity.
Thus we’re able to visit, whenever we choose,
Other versions of ourselves. The information
We get from such visits may be the solution
To the issues we have now. Is this not good news?
Connection with the unknown does set the soul free.

Someone wants to get pregnant. In fact, it’s her goal.
Her desire to bring forth a child is very strong.
But for now she’s unable. The contract she made
With the spirit forthcoming cannot be betrayed
But by worry and doubt. She did get before long
Information from herself about this new soul.

Passion is what is needed to gain the insight
To proceed with the present. Also you must trust
That it’s not about time. It is about timing.
You can contact your future self just by being
Open to information. All that is discussed
Between you and your future you is only right.

We are all in the trusting mode every moment
Of our existence or else we could not exist.
You don’t have to ‘learn how’ to trust. Simply decide
On exactly what you will trust. You can confide
In the guidance of your future self. Do resist
The temptation to doubt what comes to the present.

No Matter What Happens

Even Through The Calamity

Feeling good is the mission but in the best way.
Selfishness and self-consciousness are a bad mix
However, nothing matters to you more than that
You feel good, and with that there is no caveat.
May this have something to do with what’s done for kicks?
And could there be vibrational forces at play?

You’re a vibrational being, and you create
Your own reality. You are emanating
A signal at all times by the thoughts that you think
And the words that you speak. There’s a definite link
Between those simple things and how you are feeling
And the universe matches what you activate.

You get back what you’re giving out now and always.
Be consistently aware of what you give out
With respect to what you want. Your inner being
Knows what you want and leads you toward everything
With the least bit of effort. This leaves you no doubt
That what you do is righteous and worthy of praise.

You’ve a relationship with your reality
Everything that you feel is your interacting
With your intimate surroundings. If happiness
Becomes your dominant quest then you will access
Universal forces that ultimately bring
A life of fulfillment and increased clarity.

The Dream Of Life

The Brief Circus Of Existence

What if all this reality is but a dream,
And when we die, we wake up? Within illusion,
You can feel yourself not as a stranger on earth
On probation, arrived by a fluke. No! Your birth
Is as fundamental as the moon and the sun.
You’re part of a divinely orchestrated scheme.

Let’s suppose you were able to dream every night
Eighty years’ worth of life, and you had everything
That you wanted. After several nights of this
You would say, “This is great! I’m in a world of bliss.”
To have control over all that is happening
Is a thing most would find and enormous delight.

Let us say now that you decide to have a few
Where you have no control over what’s happening.
You would say, “That was a close call” after each one.
But you want some adventure. So far there’s been none.
Having no control is extremely challenging
But you take it and finally wake up as you.

You are an aperture through which the universe
Is looking and exploring itself in detail.
All of nature is Godlike. Multiplicity
Of the choices you’re offered is how things should be.
We cannot know what’s happening on the grand scale.
Never have we decided to go for the worse.

Turning Crap Into Gold

Physical Alchemy

Utterly catastrophic my whole life has been.
Now that I’m in my seventies I realize
That I have been a tyrant – selfishly insane.
Silently I’m remorseful. I suffer the pain
Of a qualified loser. In most people’s eyes
I am one who the entire world should chagrin.

How I got this way at this point matters not much.
Little time I may have left to make it all right
If that is even possible. I have cut ties
For this lifetime. I know that was not very wise
Even for an old bastard. I’ve no appetite
For connecting, relating, confiding, and such.

But I do know how to express myself with ease.
It’s the single most significant way for me
To make sense of my troubled self and to explore
Possible ways to monetize what I adore.
With some consciousness my life could turn out to be
Something that has some meaning that others may seize.

There will be other lifetimes. Opportunities
I will find most abundant. My sorrow ignites
The torch of my continuing this existence.
There’s no other option. I have some common sense.
The only thing to do is to focus my sights
On eternal redemption amid my feces.

The Genius Of The Crowd

The All Knowing Public

Treachery, hatred, violence, absurdity…
There’s enough of it in the average person
To supply any given army any day.
Those who excel at murder preach, and what they say
Is that killing is offensive yet they have none
Of the virtue they speak of. All eyes plainly see.

Those who hate with a passion and do it quite well
Are those who get to teach love. Is this ironic?
And those who are the best at war finally preach
Of the peace that is needed. Their eloquent speech
Often manipulates the body politic.
Negativity sadly is not a hard sell.

Those who preach love have no love, and those who preach peace
Don’t have peace. Those who speak of God incessantly
Do need God. Beware the knowers and the preachers.
Those who read books are also dangerous creatures.
People who detest or are proud of poverty
Are a drain on the life force. Connection must cease.

Beware the average human being today.
There’s enough genius in their hatred of others
To kill you, me, or anyone. No solitude
Do they want nor can understand. This can be viewed
As a tragic existence if one so prefers.
It’s an understatement that life’s not a ballet.