Tag Archive | choose

Just Let Things Be

Satisfied Alone

You simply have no choice but to Just Let Things Be.
You don’t control the world. Why not leave things alone?
You think you’re here to make the world a better place.
It’s a noble ambition where infinite grace
Would be needed to deal with a world that is prone
To viciousness regarding its humanity.

You make the world a better place by witnessing
What takes place, then asking for something different
And when billions of people start observing things
Then start asking, the combined power of it brings
About change in the world. By your conscious intent
And purpose you provide what the world is missing.

As a deliberate creator you need not
Push against what you don’t want. You know it’s a waste
Of your creative energy. No assertion
Exists in the universe – only attraction.
Energy that’s aggressive is truly misplaced.
Usually it will only thicken the plot.

As long as you’re not focused in opposition
To what you want, your fine, because you get to choose
Where to place your attention and how to become
Effective in a world that is different from
The ideal but one in which you cannot lose.
Troublesome things are surely worth your dismission.

Never Too Late

Speak Your Heart

Life moves swiftly. If you don’t stop and look around
Every once in a while you may miss it. It’s not
About having time. It’s about making time. Your
Relationship with others is a metaphor
For your relationship with yourself. There’s a lot
Of time left for complete fulfillment to be found.

Never be so loyal that yourself you betray.
Be selfish with your time because many people
Don’t deserve it. The most harmful thing you can do
Is believe other people’s opinion of you.
Hang around people that you find most delightful.
In a positive mood always do try to stay.

There will always be someone who can’t see your worth.
Don’t let that someone be you. Never make someone
A priority who makes you but an option.
Growth happens when you do things that need to get done.
You can do that and still have a whole lot of fun.
There’s always an opportunity for rebirth.

It’s Never To Late to do the things you’ve always
Wanted to. You can have results or excuses
But not both. Follow you heart but carry your mind
Along with you. It pays to be gentle and kind
Only in a perfect world without abuses.
Nothing much about this world is worthy of praise.

Set Your Own Tone

Omnidirectional Faces

It’s not difficult for you to set the tone in
This physical realm. You’ve got a tone flowing to
You always from nonphysical and if you choose
A thought that resonates with it you cannot lose.
You’ll be lined up with the most evolved part of you.
Set Your Own Tone. Right now is the time to begin.

When you’re in that state you feel enthusiasm,
Passion, joy, clarity, and extreme confidence.
If however you concentrate on something that
Doesn’t feel good then your vibration will be flat.
When you’re happy the power you have is immense.
Between you and your higher self there’s no chasm.

Nothing is more important than your feeling good.
It’s so foremost in your life that you’re willing to
Spend more time with that good feeling friend and much less
With the not so good feeling one. Your happiness
Is the paramount issue. The more you can do
To get happy the more that life is understood.

It’s a simple decision. Judge everything by
How it feels. You then get to decide what to do.
If it feels bad then do something to get away
From the circumstance. Try your best always to stay
In alignment with the most evolved part of you.
Life becomes easy for you when you’re flying high.

Just Let Things Be


Of the guilt and shame you may have you can let go
As well as all the negative feelings that you
Have been nursing. Although it will be difficult
When you let go then peace of mind is the result.
In your heart you know that there’s nothing you can do
To prevent what has happened to your tomorrow.

Let the momentum play out and then start anew.
So now how do you make the world a better place?
It’s by your asking for things to be different
Than they are now which means that you cannot lament
What is past. You deserve a bit of divine grace.
Let go of thinking of what you’ve put people through.

Do you focus on what you want or let things be?
You do both in that order. As long as you’re not
Focusing in opposition to your desire
You’re okay. What you want you’re able to acquire.
How you feel about yourself matters quite a lot.
Above all else you must see yourself as worthy.

Every good feeling notion that you have comes from
Deep within you and the universe supports it
Completely. The only thing that you need to do
Is to maintain alignment between you and you.
Of your internal guidance take full benefit
And expect there to be a successful outcome.

What’s Life All About?

Big Little Questions

Life is not about being right. It’s more about
Being kind. If you’re given the choice to be right
Or to be kind choose kindness. It makes you feel good.
Being right doesn’t always work out as it should.
Life is not about getting yourself all uptight
Over things to the point where you simply freak out.

And life is not about proving anyone wrong.
It’s about proving yourself right. It’s not about
Competing against others. It’s more about you
Competing against yourself to bring yourself to
An improved self – one which others nor you can doubt.
It’s about growing and becoming ever strong.

Life’s about being happy – not being perfect.
It’s about making sure you’re experiencing,
Learning, loving, and developing who you are.
You know that being happy is better by far
Than the feeling that you don’t deserve a damned thing.
Life demands that you cultivate some self-respect.

Money’s great but only when used with positive
Intentions. It’s alright to want it but don’t stress
Over it. You can’t take it with you anyway.
Your upliftment of others will brighten each day
Of your life. You’re meant to live one of happiness.
You receive in accordance with how much you give.

Feel Better Anyway

Reluctant Acceptance

In and of itself, contrast conceptually
Is a good thing although it may not seem so when
It feels like constant struggle while getting nowhere.
Often times it puts you in a state of despair.
Things change into the same things all over again.
Is there any hope of your ever getting free?

Contrast is fantastic. Life is like a buffet
Where there are many kinds of things from which to choose
So you could simply call contrast variety.
The thing that makes it bad is your choosing poorly.
As life happens just take it as really good news
And believe that things are always going your way.

Contrast lets you make choices. You get to decide
How to feel in each moment. You can choose to feel
Good about it whatever it happens to be.
You can experience your contrast happily
By deciding that it’s not that big of a deal.
How you feel you can use as your ultimate guide.

Things get better when you feel better. It’s a fact
So decide to feel better. It’s the only way
To get through what you’re going through confidently.
You evolve to the point where you’re able to see
Only positive aspects regarding your day.
With your higher self always be in good contact.

Find The Frequency Of Freedom

Colorful Waveform

I’ve the freedom to do anything that I please –
To wake up feeling well rested and to breathe in
The fresh air and to exhale. Thank God I’m alive
For another day. Nothing on earth can deprive
Me of feeling my best. This new day shall begin
By my seeing the way my inner being sees.

I’ve the freedom to think clearly and to feel good.
There’s no chance that I won’t get to where I should be.
I can take my time and go as slowly or fast
As I want. There’s no thought of my coming in last.
Freedom I have to line up with the energy
That creates worlds. My purpose is well understood.

I’m so free that I could choose to be ornery
And impatient with people but I know that I
Have the freedom to consciously be more aware
Of my thoughts as I feel them. I must take great care
Not to think thoughts that in essence don’t satisfy
My existence – my eternal reason to be.

Thought by thought I can feel my way to alignment
With my inner being about any subject.
I’ve the freedom to know what it thinks about me
And I’ll come to know it by living happily.
Happiness and wellbeing is what I expect.
I believe in my freedom one hundred percent.

Focus Wheeling And Freedom

Cosmic Target

If you think you need to clean up some resistance
In your life on a specific topic you may
Do a focus wheel feeling that it’s all you need
To deal with it and without a doubt you’ll succeed
With your clean up and you’ll cast resistance away.
This works rather well under any circumstance.

The idea of cleaning up a vibration
Has some resistance in it because there’s something
To clean up and if you focus on it too long
Or too hard then you send the universe the wrong
Affirmation and what you don’t want it will bring.
Too much focus wheeling leads to your frustration.

So when you find yourself weary of the subject
It’s a sign that your offering too much effort.
At that point you can give up. “Enough Already!”
You can say to yourself. You have reason to be
Liberated. The process you need to abort
If you’re not getting from it what you would expect.

Once you give it up you reach an uncluttered space
Of becoming aware that you can start anew
On a fresh subject where there’s no cleaning to do.
Allow yourself to witness your dream coming true
By surrendering to the evolved part of you.
Shift you focus to something you fully embrace.

Within You


Many look for fulfillment where it can’t be found
Like possessions, money, recognition, and such
Or perhaps it’s love and praise from others you know.
A ‘well done’ from the world can pump up the ego
But these things when accomplished don’t mean very much
To the spirit which can be in no way earthbound.

It can only be found within you. Happiness
Is the reason for wanting. You can be happy
Without having. Think back to when you were a child.
Any thought of lack was instantly reconciled
With a fun thought. You had every reason to be
Free and joyful without any hint of distress.

Your focus wasn’t on what was not there. It was
On what was there and there was always happiness.
If you choose to focus on finding it you will.
Be always reminded that you’re that person still.
At any moment you have absolute access
To that feeling according to natural laws.

Our society teaches us that the new car,
The new house, the new person, the perfect body,
The money, and the new job will satisfy you.
You don’t need this and that. All that you need to do
Is to determine that you want to be happy.
More blessings come to you the more childlike you are.


Carefree Giving

Just imagine if there were no comparison,
Greed or envy. The world would be a nicer place
To grow up in. If eight billion of us could be
More respectful and loving perhaps we would see
Positive transformation of the human race.
Imagine all the good work that we could get done.

We may never see this kind of thing come to be
In our lifetimes but we can begin with our own
Thoughts and actions. A good example you can set
For others and your doing so requires no sweat.
When your compassion and understanding are shown
To the world around you, you live more happily.

Not matter how well educated, talented,
Rich, or cool you believe you are, it’s how you treat
Other people that ultimately tells the tale.
If kindness and wellbeing are meant to prevail
Then the darkness you see in the world can’t compete
With your wholeness. It’s your goodness you want to spread.

Kindness spreads like a virus. You can influence
Other people to be kind. The difference you
Make in someone’s life is what is most important.
There’s no reason on earth for you to think you can’t
Begin creating a world exciting and new.
All the love that we’re capable of is immense.

Just Let Things Be


Can you focus on what you want and let things be
At the same time? The fact is that you can’t control
What’s outside you so you have no choice but to let
Things be as they are. If it hasn’t happened yet
And you feel that it’s keeping you from being whole
It’s because your focus isn’t resistance free.

You may not think that you’re here to Just Let Things Be.
After all, the world isn’t a very nice place
To get used to. You did not come here to repair
A world you think is broken. You’re here to take care
Of your own evolution. Since this is the case
You’re then able to create deliberately.

Once you’ve got that down so that you’re consistently
Focusing in the direction of your desire
Without any anxiety you’ll have achieved
A state where anything you want can be received
Easily in a short time. It doesn’t require
Any effort. Let go of the insanity.

If you simply don’t focus in opposition
To what you want then what you want will come to you
So you can focus and simultaneously
Make it your standing mantra to Just Let Things Be.
Trust in what your power of intention can do
All within the context of your having more fun.

Free Yourself From Negativity

Focused Anger

No thought lives in your head rent free and your thoughts cost
Way more than you may realize in the moment.
Thoughts of bitterness, revenge, and resentment are
Perhaps the most expensive because they are far
From delightful. They are of extreme discontent.
To your negative emotions you’ve become lost.

Every time you think of that person who wronged you
That person has hijacked your mind. Your happiness
And your time have been stolen and you are the one
Allowing it to happen. The harm that is done
To the psyche is serious. You may obsess
About giving the son of a gun what is due.

You can choose to occupy your mind with thoughts of
Bitterness or of thoughts that will empower you.
Hatred is like drinking poison and expecting
The other person to die. It’s not affecting
Anyone but yourself. The best thing you can do
Is forgive and grow. This is the pathway to love.

Don’t forgive to make someone else feel better or
Because it’s the ‘right’ thing to do. Do it to free
Yourself from your self-torment. Make room in your mind
For all things that add value to your life. You’ll find
That you can get on with you life and happily.
Keep your real estate open to things you adore.

Change Your Life Within Days

New Lease On Life

You do have absolute creative control of
Your own experience, in fact you intended
To have that before you came here. With that control
You have dominant vibrations. They play a role
In your overall attitude. Recommended
Is that you tune your vibration to that of love.

You can tell what your dominant vibrations are.
When you think about money do you feel freedom,
Fun, and fancy? Or do you have feelings of dread?
Your habit of vibration is easily read
By yourself and by others. As you beat your drum
It is heard by the universe both near and far.

There’s a game that’s called virtual reality.
It is used to enhance your point of attraction.
Think a thought that already makes you feel happy
Then just stay there for thirty seconds. You will be
Magnetized by the feeling. This simple action
Of the mind and heart is something done easily.

Practice this. It will get easier as you do.
Give yourself a vacation from what you’re facing.
Within thirty days your dominant vibration
Will reflect all the positive work you have done.
Virtual reality is worth embracing.
You will be the one who sets the tone within you.

Spiritual Growth Requires Relationships

Matching Pieces

The substance of your interactions with others
Forms the basis of your spiritual growth. You
Need relationships that will help you to become
More emotionally evolved. When you come from
A place of love you have no problem getting through
Difficulties as your own life story occurs.

As you interact with others you activate
Loving and frightened parts of them. They do the same
To your loving and frightened parts. Between the two
You must distinguish and it will benefit you
To choose consciously. You have but yourself to blame
For relinquishing power and not thinking straight.

When you consciously choose love while you’re feeling fear
That’s creating authentic power. It may be
Difficult in the beginning but with practice
You will be in a perpetual state of bliss
And the angry part of your personality
Will diminish and in a short time disappear.

The part of you that’s grateful, appreciative,
Content, caring, and patient is who you want to
Give attention to. Relationships are the key
To spiritual growth and living happily.
People benefit greatly from this part of you
And for you this can be the only way to live.

Trust Will Change Your Life

Open Hand

Trust comes unmistakably when you begin to
See that everything you do in this earth school serves
Perfectly the evolution of your soul. But
How can this be? You may feel you’re stuck in a rut
To where trusting is something that gets on your nerves
Because despicable things have happened to you.

Even when you’re in a power struggle, angry,
Resentful, jealous, or bitter you’re serving the
Evolution of your soul. Everything you do
Is worthy and perfect in your soul’s point of view
But into this dynamic you know there will be
Consequences for actions done unconsciously.

In a relationship trust allows people to
Feel safe and comfortable, being open and
Authentic and free to be vulnerable with
One another. Trust isn’t just an ideal myth.
The only way for your consciousness to expand
Is to trust that there are good forces guiding you.

If your trust has been shattered before, you may be
Apprehensive in trusting in you’re here and now.
Strong social connections with others can help you
To regain confidence in humanity. New
Horizons are available if you allow
The same trust you believe in spiritually.

About Happiness

Just Plain Free

A professor one evening had a meeting for
Some of his former students to see how they were
Doing out in the real world. He wanted to see
How much they had succeeded at being happy.
Are they all living the life that they would prefer?
All about their lives now he wanted to know more.

They each told him their stories. “I’m not doing well.
I can’t get that promotion. The harder I try
To achieve what I’m after, the more I’m let down.
I get through my days typically with a frown.
Sometimes while I’m at work I could break down and cry.”

Not a single one had a good story to tell.

So the professor said, “You all seem to be stressed.”
He provided them coffee and several cups
To choose from. Some were plain and some were elegant.
What he said to them next was very important.
Knowing that stress has to do with mental hangups,
It was a bit of wisdom he clearly expressed.

“You all picked the nice looking cups leaving behind
The plain looking ones, but the cup gives no value
To the coffee it’s holding. You want the coffee –
Not the cup. If you want to be truly happy
Care about what’s of value. The more that you do
Then the more success and happiness you will find.”

A Message To The World

Earth Rising

All this talk about aliens… What does it all mean?
Many UFO sightings have been reported
In the past few months. Why is this now happening
On the planet? Conspiracies are a big thing
To the ones who need answers amid distorted
Incomplete information. It’s rather obscene.

Some say they’re now among us. Someone you may know
May have had contact with one, or maybe we are
Foreigners to this planet and they are the ones
Who are taking it back. They probably have tons
Of ways of doing that, yet they haven’t so far.
If they were ready, they’d have done it long ago.

What Is Truth? It’s something considered to be real
And there’s such a huge deficit of it today.
If we have enough courage to face the truth in
Our lives, we will meet our fears and we will begin
To live righteously. The message they would convey
To the world is to honor truth as an ideal.

It’s easy to believe in gurus, teachers, and
Our elected officials. If we analyze
What we consider truth, we may find out that it
Isn’t truth and it can’t be to our benefit
To believe it. Our loving alien would advise
Giving up on whatever you can’t understand.

Happiness Chooses You


Evidence of alignment or trying to hard?
Which one is it? You could make it ‘til you fake it,
But that never works because you’re just pretending
To be happy. The message you end up sending
To the universe is of little benefit.
Your concealing the truth keeps you always on guard.

Happiness comes from within. It cannot come from
Anywhere else. Your inner being loves every
Bit of whatever you are. It’s others who may
Find you wanting, but don’t listen to what they say.
To your true self you’re wonderful. When you agree
All the blessings of happiness to you will come.

Be as happy as you can be and let that be
Quite enough. You need not manifest anything
Other than the good feeling. Then you will attract
Abundance and wellbeing. When you’ve made contact
With you true self the universe to you will bring
Many blessings. It’s easy to live happily.

You can choose to be happy, but often you may
Find it difficult. It means that you’re not happy.
Wait until you feel then give it a try.
You don’t find happiness. It finds you, which is why
It’s better to attract happiness consciously.
Do appreciate all the good that comes your way.

Tapping Into Other Inner Beings

Distilled Consciousness

People are made of spirit essentially so.
We have bodies but they’re just the vehicles for
Interacting with this time space reality.
Human beings are therefore a dichotomy
Of magnificence. Our work here is to be more
Than we are now. The purpose of life is to grow.

Inner beings are our spirits. Each has access
To all others, which means if we can tap into
Our own spirit then we have the ability
To communicate with others psychically.
Your connecting in this way can benefit you
And all others and can lead to your happiness.

The emotional scale determines how far we
Are from our inner being. So no matter where
We may find ourselves we can get to a new place
Where we are more receptive to infinite grace.
All it takes is a willingness to be aware
Of your spirit and trust in it wholeheartedly.

When you’re tuned into your inner being you will
Receive impulses also flashes of insight
Telling you there are others in contact with your
Inner being. You can be absolutely sure
That what you get from your inner being is right.
It takes no time at all to develop this skill.

Choosing The People Around Us

Mutual Suspicion

I create my own reality. Does this mean
That I choose those around me like friends, family,
And acquaintances? Their vibrational essence
Is what I choose, and if I should take great offense
To their being in my life, then it’s hard to be
In alignment because my vibration isn’t clean.

I’m creating a vibrational version of
Everything in each moment. The universe fills
In the details. Cooperative components
Are assembled along with the kinds of events
That are like my vibration. The thought gives me chills.
Somewhere in this equation there has to be love.

Love is like getting hungry again long after
A most satisfying meal. I think I’ll never
Be hungry again, but I will. I don’t freak out
When I’m hungry. I don’t keep my mouth shut and pout
Like I used to. I’m open to the endeavor
Of living a life of abundance and laughter.

Contrast is like the next meal and eternally
I will hunger. There’s always going to be more
Right along with more choices. I get to decide
Who I take along on this continuous ride
Through existence. Respect for myself is called for.
To attract what I want is my reason to be.

Let Things Be

Reflection Of Earth

When you want something it’s hard to just Let Things Be.
You feel like you must be doing something to get
What you want, but of this world you have no control
Which means you have no choice but to make it your goal
To accept things as they are now without regret.
The universe knows what you have done already.

You may think that it’s not true that you shouldn’t care
About things that you want. After all, you are here
To make this world a better place. So how do you
Do that without assertion? All that you can do
Is to make sure you’re not operating from fear.
Of the good in all circumstances be aware.

There are things you’re observing that are causing you
To ask for something different. If you believe
In the laws of the universe, then things will change
For the better. Although people may find it strange
That inaction is the best way one can achieve
Getting what one is wanting, it still remains true.

Everyone gets to choose. Everyone is choosing
And to some degree all are allowing what they
Have chosen. Strong desire leads to inspiration
To be fulfilled without the manifestation.
The secret to things changing is just that you stay
In a state that’s perpetually enthusing.

How You Treat People Is Who You Are

Warm Embrace

Imagine what seven billion human beings
Could accomplish if we cared for one another.
If there were no comparisons, hatred, or greed,
Everyone would run their own race without the need
For unhealthy attention. All that would occur
Would be absent of utterly negative things.

Such a world may not happen in our lifetime but
We can start with ourselves by choosing to uplift
And show kind understanding, love, and compassion.
You will succeed in life if you treat everyone
As you would like to be treated. Be a true gift
To the ones you encounter. Embrace from the gut.

No matter how educated, talented, cool,
Or rich you believe you are, how you treat people
Tells the story ultimately. Integrity
Is everything about who you happen to be.
You, your words, and your presence are truly helpful.
Treat others in accordance with the golden rule.

Be the reason someone believes in the goodness
Of humanity. Be the change you want to see
Happening in the world. Always do what is right –
Not what’s easy in the moment and take delight
In knowing that the infinite powers that be
Are supporting you in all the love you express.


Trial And Error

An intention is an idea that you plan
Or want to carry out. It is one of the most
Powerful forces there is. If you mean to do
Something, whether or not you accomplish it, you
Have mustered an intention. You had been engrossed
In its outcome even before the plan began.

To survive and to feel better are the basic
Intentions of the ordinary ego mind.
Spiritual intentions have the power to
Energize and give you a more positive view
Of reality. You can become more refined
In you focus. It isn’t that much of a trick.

They are set internally or externally
And are closely related to one’s objective,
Purpose, aim, goal, design, or dream. As one creates
With intention, the universe coordinates
Everything to one’s favor. One therefore can live
A life free of the ego’s negativity.

Intentions set up priorities and values
And direct commitment and determination.
Some powerful intentions are: “I intend to
Accept responsibility for what I do.
I intend to make peace with my situation.
I intend to be mindful in all that I choose.”

Starting Your Day

Beginning The Segment

When you first start out your day – anytime, really –
You get to choose which frequency you will tune to.
Things are already moving. Law of Attraction
Picks up right from where you are. If nothing is done
To align yourself with the better part of you,
Then the peace that you would have will not come to be.

If you had an argument with someone last night
Then you start that whole ball of wax over again
By defending yourself and by justifying
Just how wrong they were, then you’re only denying
Yourself of who you really are. You will know when
The events of the present day don’t turn out right.

In the same way, you can’t tune your radio dial
To ninety-seven FM and expect to hear
What’s broadcasted on ninety-five FM because
The frequencies are different. These are the laws
Of the physics of this world. It’s perfectly clear
That you should choose a frequency that is worthwhile.

And that’s easy. You simply have to be aware
Of your point of attraction, and then do something
About it if it’s tainted. You evaluate
How you feel in each moment. You get to create
Your experience, and it’s exhilarating
To behold life improving because of your care.

You Are Choosing

Forward Momentum

Have I not chosen wisely by starting my day
Cursing some person out who I don’t even know?
Sometimes I can’t catch myself. I end up doing
Things that I’d rather not do. If I’m pursuing
Some righteous indignation, how far can I go
Before my sense of selfhood begins to decay?

I have got to choose better if I am to be
In alignment with my true self. I can become
Lazy before I’ve had breakfast. If I can stay
In high spirits at the very start of the day,
Then I’ll have accomplished something really awesome.
Maintenance of my vibration is up to me.

With each choice I make I’m creating momentum.
When I choose something, then I choose the opposite,
I get nowhere. I need to stay focused on what
My desire is, otherwise, I’m stuck in a rut
I achieve nothing when my energy is split.
There is some resistance for me to overcome.

Energy that creates worlds is available
To me all the time. It courses through me always.
How much am I allowing it to work for me?
If I keep reaching higher, in time I will be
Indestructible. Being happy always pays.
All I need do is keep my vibration stable.

Riding The Waves Of Contrast

Engaging The Wave

As life happens, sometimes things don’t go quite your way.
You may feel negative emotion due to it.
Contrast is by its nature a wonderful thing.
If it feels less than that, what may be happening
Is that you’re not perceiving the full benefit
Of the circumstance. You choose to be in dismay.

What makes contrast not feel good is choosing poorly.
When you choose differently from your truest heart,
Like when you find fault with someone, you are choosing
Rather poorly. You always will end up losing.
You can know that your truest self never takes part
In your battles. Only but the best does it see.

Diverging from your furthest most expanded you
Doesn’t feel good. There are times when you’re flying high.
Your feel coordinated. You have clarity.
Interactions with others are as they should be.
You’re in touch with your true self who is your ally.
It guides you to itself in everything you do.

Every thought that you have that’s contrasting does not
Have to feel bad. It can be most clarifying.
Even in an aligned state there’s some resistance,
But you do have the choice to stay stuck or advance
Through the process. It’s not all that terrifying
To make choices. Your attitude matters a lot.

A Spiritual Solution

The Asking

There’s an omnipotent spiritual Force at
Our fingertips that contains the solution to
All our problems. Their vibrations are different
From that of their solutions. If I’m in torment,
Then there is one of two things I can choose to do.
Life is not any more complicated than that.

I find myself reacting to situations
Instead of responding in a calm and cool way.
When the world seems insane, I can take a step back,
But I don’t sometimes. That’s why I’m so out of whack.
I create my own crises. The price that I pay
In so doing is seeking unwise solutions.

To react from a place of fear or to respond
From a place of alignment… These are my choices.
It’s easy to trust life when things are going well,
But through times of uncertainty and certain hell,
Can I get to a place where my heart rejoices?
Yes, it’s possible. My mind is a magic wand.

I’m the conscious decision maker of how I
Feel in each and every moment. I can impact
This world in better ways, if spiritually,
I can see the bigger picture much more clearly.
With the Force that supports me, I keep close contact.
It can become for me a most helpful ally.

Feel Better Always

Geometric Emojis

Contrast is, by its nature, a wonderful thing.
It gives meaning to life. You need not feel badly
In the midst of a difficult situation.
You have choices, but before anything is done,
Feel your way to a better place. Then you will see
Clearly the value the contrast is offering.

What makes contrast not feel good is choosing poorly.
When you find fault with someone and feel negative
Emotion overcome you, you’ve not chosen well.
It’s a fortunate thing when quickly you can tell
That it’s happening. It isn’t worthwhile to give
That feeling more attention than there needs to be.

Why go there and feel that way? What sense can it make
To stay stuck in an ornery disposition?
It takes determination to get yourself free
From the torment. You must vow to live happily.
Your dreams then have the chance to come to fruition.
Know how you want to feel with every breath you take.

The difference between asking and complaining
Is enormous. Before your thought gains momentum,
You decide that it’s going to be a request.
Nothing will come about if it’s wrongly expressed.
You can get used to beating the happiness drum.
Keep yourself aligned with what is joy sustaining.

The Freedom To Be Happy

Young Superhero

To wake up feeling lively, to breathe some fresh air…
Having clear thoughts… aligning with the energy
That creates worlds… I love perpetual freedom.
I can be satisfied as I’m beating the drum
Of whatever excites me. Right now, I can be
In a state of fulfillment. It’s no longer rare.

To begin to discover who I am at heart
Is to be thus reminded that I am worthy
Of the freedoms I have. There’s no contradiction
With the freedoms of others. Indeed everyone
Has the same set. At least, that’s the way it should be.
Living my way to happiness is a fine art.

Freedom is the alignment of myself with who
I’ve become in vibration. My closing the gap
Is a constant endeavor. I think about things
That bring only the most positive of feelings.
Happiness is not being caught in someone’s trap.
The freedom that joy generates is nothing new.

I’ve the freedom to take my time in getting there
To wherever I’m going. My state of being
Is of utmost importance in what I receive.
Happiness is the one thing I truly believe
Is the ultimate in its resistance freeing
Capability, and it’s something I can share.

Just Let Things Be!


I’ve released enough resistance. I’ve lots of fun.
I know that things are always working out for me.
If I am here to make this world a better place,
Then I need to know which purpose I must embrace.
Should I focus on what I want or let things be?
Do I need to do something to get something done?

I do not have control over this world, so I
Might as well let things be because I have no choice.
Life causes me to ask for something different,
Then the universe will pick up on my intent.
Among billions, there’s enough reason to rejoice.
So, if change isn’t happening, we should know why.

As long as I don’t focus in opposition
To what I want, I’m okay. There’s no resistance
To my better ideas. The universe will
Do its best to fulfill me. I live for the thrill
Of observing things happen. I know at first glance
That I’m the creator of each and every one.

Giving up the resistance means letting things be.
In so doing, wonderful things start happening.
Line up with every good feeling notion that you
Can give birth to. Life can be exciting and new.
You can be, do, or have, in this world, anything.
Know that the universe supports you eagerly.

What Happens After Death?

Is There Another Side?

There’s so much that is unknown about existence.
We are here but a brief while in this consciousness
That we know as daily living reality.
We know that our physical eyes aren’t meant to see
All there is to be seen. We do not have access
To the state we all came from. It makes little sense.

We who are called survivors are steeped in mourning
For the one who’s now missing from this dimension.
We have lost all connection for all that we know.
There is no way that we can express our sorrow
At its deepest. The only thing that can be done
Is to get back into the business of living.

The one who has departed does experience
Something absolutely wonderful compared to
What is here and what we feel and what they did feel.
The release from the heaviness they see as real.
It’s a dream they’ve awoken from. Their broader view
Is what we living miss here. It still makes no sense.

But from there they experience a life review
Where they feel everything they’ve done to everyone.
Once that’s finished they’re welcomed into a new world
Where all of their potential is freely unfurled.
We survivors see this not as a solution.
It remains a most difficult time to go through.

Frequency Of Freedom

Periodic Release

Freedom is of a spectrum of satisfaction.
It’s a positive feeling most generally.
It feels good to wake up in the morning refreshed
And it is most uplifting to not be enmeshed
In the drama of yesterday. Freedom To Be
Is in essence its most proper definition.

I am free to breathe deeply my fill of fresh air
And to think as I wish as clearly as can be.
Freedom feels like I’m floating in elegant space.
I can choose how receptive to infinite grace
I will be in the moment. Freedom is for me
Firm alignment with the good of which I’m aware.

With the energies that create worlds I’m in tune.
The freedom of connection is what I so choose.
Incrementally all the things that I’ve asked for
Are available to me. I need not do more
Than to be receptive. There’s no paying of dues.
To the one who thinks otherwise I am immune.

Freedom is the allowance to let everyone
Be as they choose to be without contradiction
To my own sense of who I am. It’s my pleasure
To be free to explore undiscovered treasure
In the depths of my being, and as this is done
I shall maintain my frequency by having fun.

Feel Good Now!

Instant Satisfaction

I cannot disallow the wellbeing to come
While allowing it. This law is spiritual.
I can make up my mind which one that it will be.
My set point of attraction is vital to me.
I shall give it more attention than usual.
My good feeling is where all good tidings come from.

What is is but a snapshot of patterns of old
And it matters not one bit to how I feel now.
But how I feel about what is matters a lot.
My emotional state has more power than thought.
It is good that I know how to feel and allow.
Life is filled with wonderful things I may behold.

It must be all that matters, for life is in vain
If I don’t make it paramount that I feel good.
I can do something about the way that I feel
In any given moment. This has great appeal
To my true self excited. It is understood
By my heart and my mind. There is wisdom to gain.

Since there’s so much to choose from about what is now
And I have the freedom enjoyed by everyone
I can pick something critical and give it hell
Or something to appreciate wherein I dwell
In the state of good fortune. I’m having much fun
Now that I’ve made the right decision to allow.