Tag Archive | imagine

Feeling And Imagination

Threshold Of Inspiration

You’ve imagined. You’ve visualized but nothing
Has happened as of yet so you want to know why
Things seem not to be working out. Know that they are.
You’re on the right track. In fact you’re not very far
From its manifestation. Nothing’s gone awry.
Be mindful of the vibration you’re offering.

The big secret to manifesting is feeling.
You only have to raise your imagination
To the state of vision then what you want is done.
Vision means all your five senses. It can be fun
Feeling your way to clarity through sensation.
You’re the one who knows what’s to you most appealing.

Say you want a new house. You can think about it
But that means you’re not in it so visually
See yourself walking through it. Go into detail
About what you see in it. Let your dream prevail
Over present conditions. The more you can see
Yourself in the house then the more you’ll benefit.

Money has a distinct feel to it. When you touch
A plain piece of paper and then some currency
There’s a difference. The textures are not the same.
Imagine feeling lots of crisp bills then exclaim
Your delight in abundance and count that money
Like you mean it because it will help you out much.

If you want a promotion then hear people say,
“That was fantastic of you. Congratulations!”
If it’s love that you wanting imagine a ring
On your finger and let yourself feel everything
About love. You’ll experience good vibrations.
Have fun with it all and prosper along the way.

Source Will Show You The Way

Water Way

You’re a powerful being. You’re worthy beyond
Conception or description and you’re wanting to
Be in this sweet spot of creation where you’ve mixed
It all up and by now you have your focus fixed
On your heart’s desire. Life’s contrast stirs within you
A wanting to which the universe will respond.

Source is God. It is that which we can’t comprehend
But we can reach a state where we experience
The divine in its essence. We’re all connected
To this God Source. It knows what’s to be expected
Of each one of us and it comes to our defense
When we’re unkind to ourselves. It’s like a good friend.

Get into the receiving mode. Let the contrast
Be the canvas you paint upon. Your masterpiece
Is created when you decide to get happy
And the Source within you agrees wholeheartedly.
There’s nothing better than feeling your joy increase
And then finding ways easily to make it last.

The path of Source is the path of least resistance.
Source knows how to get you to where you want to be
With the least effort and the most satisfaction.
Learn to trust fully in the Law of Attraction.
Let Source talk you into becoming totally
Who you’re meant to be under any circumstance.


Carefree Giving

Just imagine if there were no comparison,
Greed or envy. The world would be a nicer place
To grow up in. If eight billion of us could be
More respectful and loving perhaps we would see
Positive transformation of the human race.
Imagine all the good work that we could get done.

We may never see this kind of thing come to be
In our lifetimes but we can begin with our own
Thoughts and actions. A good example you can set
For others and your doing so requires no sweat.
When your compassion and understanding are shown
To the world around you, you live more happily.

Not matter how well educated, talented,
Rich, or cool you believe you are, it’s how you treat
Other people that ultimately tells the tale.
If kindness and wellbeing are meant to prevail
Then the darkness you see in the world can’t compete
With your wholeness. It’s your goodness you want to spread.

Kindness spreads like a virus. You can influence
Other people to be kind. The difference you
Make in someone’s life is what is most important.
There’s no reason on earth for you to think you can’t
Begin creating a world exciting and new.
All the love that we’re capable of is immense.

Definition Of The Soul

Blending Of Spirit

The soul isn’t a mythical entity. It
Is a powerful, purposeful essence. It’s at
The very center of who you are, but don’t think
That you are its entirety. You are but a link
In a huge chain reaction. It’s good to know that.
To its will we must all ultimately submit.

Your soul is enormous. It existed before
You were born and it will exist after you die.
But the you who is reading this and I who write
Are but our personalities. All our insight,
Intuition, and cognition will go bye-bye,
But the soul will remain conscious forevermore.

Every fleet has a mother ship – one ship that knows
Where all of them are going, and it sets the course
And direction for all ships. Life on one ship might
Be unpleasant but on another it’s alright
Yet the mother ship remains a powerful force
In the lives of all ships and their human cargoes.

A magnificent city afloat is the soul
And you’re one of the little boats. Storms may occur
But the mother ship knows why we’re all out at sea.
To stay in line with it is our reason to be.
You’re a ship with free will to do what you prefer.
Follow your inner meaning. It will make you whole.

Influence Versus Assertion

More Flies With Honey

It’s been said that you can catch more flies with honey
Than with vinegar. Does this imply that the flies
Favor honey? I know what is meant by the claim,
But it’s cumbersome. People come up with some lame
Little tidbits to help us to become more wise.
Can one wonder what vinegar does for the bee?

What this saying means is that there’s no assertion
In a universe based on attraction, therefore
You can influence someone but you cannot be
The creator of another’s reality.
By your visualizing you can achieve more
In the way you communicate with everyone.

Find your power. You don’t know what it is until
You find your alignment with who you really are.
Your power of influence cannot be denied
When with your inner being you’re truly allied.
When you witness your power you’re not very far
From being able to share with others goodwill.

Are you feeling your power? Can you recognize
That a general daydream about someone who
You find difficult can change things for the better?
Your influence can be an awesome pacesetter
For the people in the vicinity of you.
On this power you can fully capitalize.

How You Treat People Is Who You Are

Warm Embrace

Imagine what seven billion human beings
Could accomplish if we cared for one another.
If there were no comparisons, hatred, or greed,
Everyone would run their own race without the need
For unhealthy attention. All that would occur
Would be absent of utterly negative things.

Such a world may not happen in our lifetime but
We can start with ourselves by choosing to uplift
And show kind understanding, love, and compassion.
You will succeed in life if you treat everyone
As you would like to be treated. Be a true gift
To the ones you encounter. Embrace from the gut.

No matter how educated, talented, cool,
Or rich you believe you are, how you treat people
Tells the story ultimately. Integrity
Is everything about who you happen to be.
You, your words, and your presence are truly helpful.
Treat others in accordance with the golden rule.

Be the reason someone believes in the goodness
Of humanity. Be the change you want to see
Happening in the world. Always do what is right –
Not what’s easy in the moment and take delight
In knowing that the infinite powers that be
Are supporting you in all the love you express.



“You are powerful beings.” This much has been said
By those who had been human but now are spirit.
We are worthy beyond their ability to
Describe to us. The thing they would like us to do
Is to be open to their help and not fear it.
Never feel that your life is hanging by a thread.

The sweet spot of creation is where you’re content
With your here and now, yet you are ready for more.
Life has caused you to ask. Your source has answered you.
Get into the receptive mode. You can work through
Your resistance by thinking of things you adore.
Satisfaction will guide you to your fulfillment.

You accept the perfection in all the contrast
That life offers. It keeps producing more desire
From within you. On your path of least resistance,
You are conscious of anything that will enhance
Your vibration. Your feeling good doesn’t require
Anything but your decision to have a blast.

“Get rid of all of that resistance, or we will
Tell you nothing else anymore!”
Is this what they,

Who are now out of body, would offer to us?
No, they wouldn’t. If it feels like you’ve missed the bus,
There’s another and another right on the way.
Living is learning how to kick back and to chill.