Tag Archive | choice

Advice From The Elderly


Everything comes to you at the right time so be
Patient and trust the process. To give out someone
Else’s secret is a betrayal but to give
Out your own is stupidity. It’s best to live
Without care about what others think. What you’ve done
In the past should remain there for eternity.

Life’s biggest tragedy is that we get old too
Soon and wise too late. The more people let you down
The easier you’ll bounce back and realize that
Life doesn’t stop for anyone. Take a look at
What is causing you to constantly wear a frown.
Take the time to consider what is best for you.

The bee doesn’t waste its time trying to convince
The fly that honey is better than shit. If you
Want to change people, yourself is where to begin.
Get to know your emotional guidance within.
No one knows better than yourself what you must do.
Notice when a circumstance causes you to wince.

Death does not concern us because as long as we
Exist death doesn’t and when it finally comes
We no longer exist. Be humble enough to
Know that no one’s any better or worse than you
But be wise enough to keep on beating the drums
Of your blessed uniqueness. Be all you can be.

Wholeness And Wellness

Fresh Breath

To instill into your minds and thus your bodies
The sensation of wholeness within is the quest.
It’s the very sensation of wellness that will
Propel you toward the dreams you want to fulfill.
Magical things happen when you’re feeling your best.
The blessings of a wonderful life you will seize.

The mess that’s been created by our human race
Will only work itself out when we realize
Our greatest fears – hatred, violence, greed, envy,
Lust and so forth. Can we rid ourselves completely
Of these tendencies? Are we nearing our demise
As a species? What kind of future do we face?

We will realize our massive capacity
For greatness of both mind and soul. We will in time
Overcome our miscalculations of the heart.
It’s not likely that this world will be blown apart
Even though the conditions right now aren’t sublime.
This future may be somewhat difficult to see.

When you understand your own greatness you proceed
With an effervescent light which tracks the very
People and situations that energize you.
On a worldwide basis think of what we could do
To turn earth into a place joyful and merry.
In the mind’s eye is where your consciousness is freed.

Free Yourself From Negativity

Focused Anger

No thought lives in your head rent free and your thoughts cost
Way more than you may realize in the moment.
Thoughts of bitterness, revenge, and resentment are
Perhaps the most expensive because they are far
From delightful. They are of extreme discontent.
To your negative emotions you’ve become lost.

Every time you think of that person who wronged you
That person has hijacked your mind. Your happiness
And your time have been stolen and you are the one
Allowing it to happen. The harm that is done
To the psyche is serious. You may obsess
About giving the son of a gun what is due.

You can choose to occupy your mind with thoughts of
Bitterness or of thoughts that will empower you.
Hatred is like drinking poison and expecting
The other person to die. It’s not affecting
Anyone but yourself. The best thing you can do
Is forgive and grow. This is the pathway to love.

Don’t forgive to make someone else feel better or
Because it’s the ‘right’ thing to do. Do it to free
Yourself from your self-torment. Make room in your mind
For all things that add value to your life. You’ll find
That you can get on with you life and happily.
Keep your real estate open to things you adore.

Before Doing It, Align With It

Mechanical Perfection

What do you know that you often seem to forget?
You know the difference between what doesn’t feel
So good and what feels a little better so you
Can make well informed choices about how to do
The mundane things as well as the ones most ideal.
Things you have to do shouldn’t be seen as a threat.

You don’t need to know everything. Just know what you
Know already. Does this thought feel better or worse
Than the one right before it? You know beyond doubt
The answer in each moment so it’s all about
Choosing better and the entire universe
Will support you. You have to believe this is true.

You need to talk yourself into feeling better.
You begin by remembering that you create
By the way that you vibrate, in other words, you
Attract things. They do not come from out of the blue.
So, how can you stay in a more positive state?
Keep your mind focused on the thoughts that you prefer.

Nothing is more important than that you feel good.
Only look for that which you are wanting to see.
No matter what you’re doing you can make it fun.
It’s the best way for you to get anything done.
Before doing it you’re advised to get happy.
How you get to that place is now well understood.

Free From Negativity

Masks Of The Ego

It’s been said that no thought lives in your head rent free
And your thoughts cost you more than you may realize
In the moment. Thoughts of bitterness, resentment,
And revenge are the most costly to the extent
That they hijack your happiness. Your spirit dies
As you justify your feelings vehemently.

Every time you think about that person who wronged
You, that person steals your consciousness. Like your home,
Your mind only has room for so many thoughts, so
It is best that you take the high road and let go
Of the issue, lest you be caught in a syndrome
Of abject desperation that may be prolonged.

Don’t forgive to make someone else feel better or
Because it’s the right thing to do. Forgive for you.
Release your attachment to negativity
To make room for the thoughts that are absolutely
Beneficial. They are of tremendous value.
There will be many new horizons to explore.

When someone mistreats you, in the moment it feels
Like it’s all about you, but more often than not,
It’s about something over which you’ve no control.
Own whatever you can. Forgiveness makes one whole.
You can find relief from misery on the spot.
Take advantage of the only method that heals.

Feel Better Always

Geometric Emojis

Contrast is, by its nature, a wonderful thing.
It gives meaning to life. You need not feel badly
In the midst of a difficult situation.
You have choices, but before anything is done,
Feel your way to a better place. Then you will see
Clearly the value the contrast is offering.

What makes contrast not feel good is choosing poorly.
When you find fault with someone and feel negative
Emotion overcome you, you’ve not chosen well.
It’s a fortunate thing when quickly you can tell
That it’s happening. It isn’t worthwhile to give
That feeling more attention than there needs to be.

Why go there and feel that way? What sense can it make
To stay stuck in an ornery disposition?
It takes determination to get yourself free
From the torment. You must vow to live happily.
Your dreams then have the chance to come to fruition.
Know how you want to feel with every breath you take.

The difference between asking and complaining
Is enormous. Before your thought gains momentum,
You decide that it’s going to be a request.
Nothing will come about if it’s wrongly expressed.
You can get used to beating the happiness drum.
Keep yourself aligned with what is joy sustaining.

Pay Attention To One Thing

Singularity Of Focus

There are lots of things you can’t control with action,
But you can control anything from the standpoint
Of alignment with what you believe can come true.
Controlling your vibration is easy to do.
It’s a magical essence you use to anoint
Every day of your life with excitement and fun.

When you get to a place, though, where you can create
What you want, you stop trying to make anything
Happen for you. Things just seem to fall into place.
It’s as if you have tapped into infinite grace,
And it’s true. It’s amazing what focus can bring
Into your life experience and not by fate.

The vibrational frequency you’re achieving,
Practicing and maintaining attracts unto you
Everything that you have. What your mind can believe
Has everything to do with what you can receive.
What will you get if you’re constantly feeling blue?
Innocent little thoughts of lack are deceiving.

There’s no ‘Should I or shouldn’t I’ when you’re aligned
With who you really are. There’s only certainty
That things always work out for you in the long run.
There’s no rush and no effort in getting things done.
Pay Attention To One Thing: how to get happy.
Abundance and wellbeing you’re likely to find.

Things Will Go Your Way

All Is Well

Everything that is manifest at one time was
A vibration, then a thought, before it became
What we now perceive with our physical senses.
Is it wrong that our belief only commences
When the actual manifestation we claim?
Yes, it’s so according to spiritual laws.

The whole universe was at one time only thought –
A consensus of intent of nonphysical
Entities, and their focus keeps things in order.
What we see as chaotic just doesn’t concur
With the overall view, yet a part of you shall
Stay in touch with the unseen of which you’re begot.

You can’t define love in manifestational
Terms, but you can surely feel it, and you know it.
Yet it’s only a feeling you have inside you.
It Is Real. Now, the only thing you have to do
Is align with that vibration. You will permit
Yourself to take on a positive rationale.

You challenge life to show you its weaknesses so
You can yearn for the strengths. You don’t want to be bored.
You want to be exhilarated and to feel
The passion that’s within you that no one can steal.
Being turned on to life shall be your just reward.
Be open to what the universe wants to show.

Talk To The Future Self

Inspiration From Within

Time is such that it falls within eternity.
Thus we’re able to visit, whenever we choose,
Other versions of ourselves. The information
We get from such visits may be the solution
To the issues we have now. Is this not good news?
Connection with the unknown does set the soul free.

Someone wants to get pregnant. In fact, it’s her goal.
Her desire to bring forth a child is very strong.
But for now she’s unable. The contract she made
With the spirit forthcoming cannot be betrayed
But by worry and doubt. She did get before long
Information from herself about this new soul.

Passion is what is needed to gain the insight
To proceed with the present. Also you must trust
That it’s not about time. It is about timing.
You can contact your future self just by being
Open to information. All that is discussed
Between you and your future you is only right.

We are all in the trusting mode every moment
Of our existence or else we could not exist.
You don’t have to ‘learn how’ to trust. Simply decide
On exactly what you will trust. You can confide
In the guidance of your future self. Do resist
The temptation to doubt what comes to the present.

Wake Up Happy

A Fine Day Awaits

One eliminates false starts by being prepared
With the intention of having an awesome day.
While asleep you were in the non-resistant mode.
Now awake, you’re a clean slate. You’ve released the load
That existed before sleeping, and you can stay
In that space. By you it need only be declared.

It’s another day on planet earth. This is why
It’s a great day. No other reason needs to be.
You have no idea what’s going to happen.
Feeling good once can certainly happen again.
Do not carry anything forward that really
With your spiritual program cannot comply.

Break the conventional patterns holding you back
From becoming the person you are deep inside.
Social structures and mannerisms are a toll
On your creative energy. You become whole
Only when your true self is not being denied.
You can know that you’re totally free from attack.

Let the subconscious programming that you create
Redirect you to the place where you want to be.
There’s a moment while you are playing the program
Where you will ask yourself if your work’s worth a damn.
In that moment there’s power because you are free
To choose whether or not to remain in that state.

What Happens After Death?

Is There Another Side?

There’s so much that is unknown about existence.
We are here but a brief while in this consciousness
That we know as daily living reality.
We know that our physical eyes aren’t meant to see
All there is to be seen. We do not have access
To the state we all came from. It makes little sense.

We who are called survivors are steeped in mourning
For the one who’s now missing from this dimension.
We have lost all connection for all that we know.
There is no way that we can express our sorrow
At its deepest. The only thing that can be done
Is to get back into the business of living.

The one who has departed does experience
Something absolutely wonderful compared to
What is here and what we feel and what they did feel.
The release from the heaviness they see as real.
It’s a dream they’ve awoken from. Their broader view
Is what we living miss here. It still makes no sense.

But from there they experience a life review
Where they feel everything they’ve done to everyone.
Once that’s finished they’re welcomed into a new world
Where all of their potential is freely unfurled.
We survivors see this not as a solution.
It remains a most difficult time to go through.

What Is Karma?

The Meaning Of Purpose

What Is Karma? It’s something that is self-imposed.
It’s not punishment. It’s an issue of balance.
Recognizing that I’ve made some awful choices,
I cannot stop my own inner demons’ voices.
That I have run from life is my greatest offense.
It is fitting that all my bad deeds be exposed.

So therefore, in the recognition that I might
Be out of alignment with myself I can choose
To do something about it… To enter a state
Of being that restores me, I carry much weight
So I must go there often. I cannot excuse
What I have done in my past that just wasn’t right.

It’s choosing to be who I am deep down inside
Without all the pretense of the selfish ego.
By comparing my true self with who I am not
I am willing to recognize that what I’ve got
Is a knot in the third chakra. It’s good to know
The nature of my nature with eyes opened wide.

Karma is just a balancing of energy.
It’s momentum is timeless as is a teaching
Of the lessons most basic to being alive.
It is an opportunity for me to strive
To be better. To my old self I am preaching
And indeed I am humbled simply just to be.

Ask This Question

The Most Important Thing To Ask

Much obscene information erupts into play
With my daily reality. There is no need
For me to ask a single thing. Too much goes on
For the mind to keep track of. Consensus is drawn
From the common collective. In this way I’m freed
From the wild chase that would make a waste of my day.

Negative emotion always means that I’m not
In agreement with how my inner being feels
About what I am dealing with. It cannot see
Any evil in anyone including me.
It’s the epitome of positive ideals.
What it thinks about all things should matter a lot.

I could choose to be angry about many things
That involve people having to be different
Than they are in order for me to be happy.
They won’t change who they are just to satisfy me.
There is one other option. I can be content
In the clarity that my inner being brings.

How does my inner being feel about this thing
That I’m focused upon?
Is my gut in a knot?

If so, it means I’m not in agreement with it.
My internal guidance is of huge benefit.
It tells me when I’m warm or cold and when I’m hot.
It’s the only question I will keep on asking.

Just Let Things Be?

Release Compulsivity

It was sung by The Beatles a long time ago.
Let It Be and an answer will be on its way.
We’ve no choice in the matter. We might as well be
In a place of acceptance. The world that we see
Causes us to want better that our asking may
Bring about proper changes albeit quite slow.

How do we make those changes if we don’t grab hold
Of the horns of the bull work? Is asking enough?
It’s such a democratic way of doing things
And the ways of republicans too often brings
Tyranny to the people. Our lives become tough.
Is it best to just ask and let nature unfold?

Focusing on what I want or letting things be
Is the choice made available. Both can be done
As long as I’m not in opposition to what
I would like to have happen. I’ll keep my mouth shut
About what the heck’s wrong with things and just have fun.
I can be quite effective by being carefree.

The universe is designed to stand on its head
In response to our asking. Demand we cannot
That the path of another creator be changed
To suit anyone’s wishes. Be thou not deranged
But indulge in the positiveness of your thought.
Each of us gets to choose either freedom or dread.

The Choice

The Easiest Of Decisions

Life is ripe with variety, and it’s the spice
That makes it so engaging. Digesting is fun,
Yet the mere act of choosing which things will enthrall
And consume my attention is part of it all.
I believe in a process that will get things done
In a world made abundant. Life is paradise.

Ancient teachers like Rama and Buddha were heard
In their time by the fewest. Today anyone
Can speak volumes to everyone across the globe.
The least used body part may be the frontal lobe.
Privilege of technology is the reason
That our acts can be fortunate in thought and word.

So, among all our choices, the words that are used
To convey what the soul speaks are significant.
We become the world’s teachers in ways that we speak.
Influence we may have on those minds who are weak.
Just because we are listened to, we may enchant
The behaviors of others through mindscape perused.

This platform wasn’t possible decades ago.
I’m amazed still that I have extended this reach.
I broadcast with no borders imagined or real.
I’m concerned with the way I cause people to feel.
Being responsible for the tone of my speech,
With a fresh set of choices, it’s on with the show.


The Right Of Free Will

I don’t know where my hiccup decisions come from.
They’re like guttural spasms. The choking of air
Is the constant anxiety. Thinking things through
Only adds more confusion. Whatever I do,
Worrying about worrying while in despair
Is a blend of psychosis that renders me numb.

In my mind there’s a feedback loop endlessly closed.
Thoughts that speed as if race cars are always the same.
Did I take enough time to consider every
Possible thing I should have and confidently?
In a dither of doubt no relief can I claim.
Choices are not decisions. My truth is exposed.

There are infinite data – too much to take in
For any given situation that occurs.
Deciding on an issue by using the mind
May result in catastrophe for my behind.
Doing just as I please is what this self prefers.
Can there be a solution that won’t mete my sin?

Mystical states of consciousness can be achieved
Where there is a natural lightness of feeling
Difficulty is effortless. Life is a breeze.
I’m not at that place yet, but I feel more at ease.
I’m a cloud not misshapen… a God awful thing
That is badly designed. In that, I am relieved.

The awareness state I’m conditioned to resist.
The repugnant sensation of discord creates
Sensory basis for the ego to appear
To convince me that no state is better than fear.
We are not helpless creatures consumed by our fates.
Intuition is something that can’t be dismissed.