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Emotion And Manifestation

Group Meditation

An event, action, or object that clearly shows
Or embodies something especially something
That’s abstract like and idea or a theory…
It’s a good definition so don’t be leary
Of the point here. Manifestation means to bring
Something into being. This everybody knows.

Manifestations are things like breathing in air
And exhaling. Where you are right now is also
Something brought into being. This very moment
And everything about it all does represent
Nothingness gaining somethingness. It’s good to know
That you manifest anytime and anywhere.

The importance of this manifested moment
Cannot be overemphasized and emotion
Gives it power. When you want something earnestly
Your emotion is what will make it come to be
So when you’re manifesting give much devotion
To the feeling of your being fully content.

Find the feeling place of what you want and practice
It and know it and own it until you become
Absolutely one with it. Determination
To feel it will enhance its manifestation.
How you feel is where all of your power comes from.
Think of what you could manifest when you’re in bliss.

This Moment In Time

Capturing Eternity

In this moment, the power to change anything
You possess without question. Now is the juncture
Where the focus of you and who you’re becoming
Are converging. So, you are now manifesting
This moment in totality. Do know that you’re
The creator of now and all that’s happening.

You may think that big money, a house, or a car
Are manifestations. This is certainly true,
But in the truest sense, it’s the full infusion
Of the Source within you that deserves inclusion
As a manifestation. The best part of you
In this moment can never be considered far.

To a lesser or greater degree, you occlude
The blessings that are flowing directly to you.
Yet you can change the moment with just a feeling
Or a thought of something that is most appealing.
What you choose in this moment is always brand new.
You can manifest a most loving attitude.

You cannot separate the manifestation
From your depth of emotion. Find the feeling place.
Your can feel as if you’re sneaking in the back door
To a good time. The universe will offer more
To prove the reality of infinite grace.
What shows up in your life is all your creation.

Things Fall Into Place

Universal Forces At Work

All the time manifestations happen to you.
Whether it’s a relationship, money, or things,
Like a new car or bigger house, you are aware
Of the feeling of wanting it. You must take care
That your feelings are positive. How you feel brings
Things to you much more quickly than all that you do.

The word manifestation in the truest sense
Is this moment in time. It is the junction where
The focus of you and of who you really are
Is converging. It means you are not very far
From receiving. About your feelings you must care.
Against negative feelings be on the defense.

Every detail of your life is manifested.
The alarm clock, the person behind the counter,
And the place where you live are manifestations.
Those that are driven by passion are the best ones.
You can always find a thought that you would prefer.
In your own wellbeing you must be invested.

Your emotional response to your heart’s desire
Guides you to it… or from it. You are in control
Of your own guidance system. You can’t separate
The manifestation from the feeling. Your state
Of alignment with yourself is the only goal.
From this present moment, the next is made higher.