Tag Archive | illusion

How To Pray

Consumed In Prayer

You can pray from a place of extreme need or from
Thankfulness. Which way do you think gets more results?
For some, praying is like going to the toilet.
It’s become a mere function that’s used just to get
Satisfaction. But what if your praying insults
That which hears it? You can’t expect a good outcome.

When you pray out of indignation and despair
It sets up a vibration that makes the problem
More severe. You give it more of your attention.
In your praying you’re better off not to mention
Any issues because God knows all about them.
When you speak to divinity do so with care.

Santa Claus was a big thing when you were yet small.
Since then you’ve come to know that it all was a lie
But you still pray as if God comes down the chimney
Once a year with the answers you seek earnestly.
You may pray your behind off yet ask yourself why
God has not taken time to respond to your call.

When you pray from a place of appreciation
You put yourself in a better state to receive
Maybe not what you’re asking for this time around
But relief from your misery will have been found.
A state of alignment isn’t hard to achieve
As you find the object of your adoration.

The Illusion Of Romance

Neon Heart

Romance is an illusion. That’s why the divorce
Rate increases. A great number of couples thought
That when they married life would be a lifelong date.
But when reality sets in life’s not so great.
In illusion their hearts, minds, and egos are caught.
Inner guidance becomes the most trusted resource.

People who have bought into this idea of
A romance that is perfect perhaps believe that
Romance is what love really is which isn’t so.
Romance isn’t love. It cannot help you to grow
As a person. You want to take a good look at
Your relationship. Is it one made in true love?

Love is far deeper, more powerful, and it does
Not wear off like a romance will after a while.
Romance is the projection of good qualities
In oneself on another which leads to disease
Of the psyche which may be hard to reconcile.
You continue to long for the good time that was.

You see the other person as intelligent,
Beautiful, sensual, charming, gregarious,
And caring. If you can see yourself as all these
Plus a whole lot more of these kinds of qualities
You’ll attract just the right person. You need not fuss
With the details. They all will become evident.

A Perfect Illusion

Faces Of Ages

Whenever you interact with anyone or
Whenever you encounter a circumstance you
Enter an illusion – a learning dynamic.
The curriculum offered is one that you pick
As your soul recommends, and from its point of view
Everything that you do gets a positive score.

The illusion creates for you like a movie
All the experiences and circumstances
That your soul needs in order for it to evolve.
It gives you situations and problems to solve.
You may feel that in life you are taking chances
But your lessons are planned automatically.

It’s alive at each moment as it continues
To instruct, and the content of your illusion
Is created by your intentions and shaped by
Your past karma which may be the sole reason why
To certain things about life you have confusion.
To your soul it matters not what lessons you choose.

All that exists between souls is love. This is true.
The illusion is that you have an enemy
Or that you’re being put upon or you’re depressed.
The illusion gets stronger when you become stressed.
One engages the illusion effectively
In acceptance of what the soul wants one to do.

On Being Alone

Distant Horizon

There are two minds. One mind is always on the run
With its incessant chatter while the other mind
Remains silent. It doesn’t respond to outside
Interference, yet access is never denied
To its clarity. But we’re not often inclined
To partake of its peace as we’re getting things done.

Aloneness doesn’t mean being isolated
Having no friends and vanishing into a cave.
You can do that but you’ll take your two minds with you
And then meditate on things that you were told to
Meditate on. It’s just the way people behave
Aloneness and confinement are not related.

If you just take a moment – five seconds or so
To be quiet, everything that will disappear
In that time is what’s not real. When you’re not thinking
Everything that is lost is what you’d been linking
To your ego which operates much out of fear.
Your moments of aloneness can help you to grow.

When you consider yourself it’s all about thought.
Ninety nine percent of our life experience
Is in this world of virtual reality.
It’s an illusion of garden variety.
Is aloneness now making a whole lot more sense?
What you’ll find will astound you so give it a shot.

Make An Impact

Moral Machinery

On your deathbed you won’t be worried much about
How much money you made or the power you had.
You are going to see that it was all a game –
And illusion. The obstacles you overcame
Had no meaning. You don’t want to end feeling sad
About how you lived your life. There can be no doubt.

The only thing that’s going to matter is the
Impact you had on others’ lives. No one will care
That you struggled. They won’t talk about your success.
They will speak about all the love and happiness
That you shared, so it’s best that you become aware
Of what matters most right now that you clearly see.

Success is really important, but even more
Important than success is having an impact.
It’s knowing you have not walked the planet in vain.
Everything in your life that you happen to gain
Will rot and fall apart, but how you interact
With others earns you a high spiritual score.

The most valuable currency that exists
Is the effect you have on others. As you live,
Be the best that you can be to everyone you
Encounter. Let the spirit within you shine through.
You can give to this world all that you have to give.
Spirit knows very well what the ego resists.

Spiritual Liberation


Liberation is the act of being freed from
Slavery or oppression or imprisonment.
It occurs when someone is released, rescued, or
One escapes from confinement. It’s an open door
To the freedom to live life to full enjoyment.
It’s amazing what a freed person can become.

Spiritual liberation clearly implies
That within this world one’s consciousness is confused,
Trapped, lost, stuck, and in bondage. The highest purpose
In life is to free ourselves of illusion, thus
One who seeks liberation is likely enthused
About doing whatever will make one more wise.

The concept of liberation sought, known, and taught
By spiritual masters throughout history
Has to do with salvation, redemption, and more
Terms like it. One’s enlightenment is at the core
Of intention. One wants to be totally free
Of the traps in which one always seems to get caught.

Freedom from the bonds of illusion, ignorance,
Separation, and duality is the goal
Of spiritual practice. Unconditional
Love, service, and compassion are the general
Fruits of freedom. The shattered self can be made whole
No matter what happens to be the circumstance.


At One

Awareness is one’s very capacity for
Experiencing. As such, it’s primary to
All of life and existence. Without awareness
Nothing could be known. Consciousness is nothing less
Than a miracle. It’s the being part of you.
Within yourself there’s plenty for you to explore.

Are you conscious? Are you alive. Are you aware
That you are? How do you know that you’ve come to be
Who and what you are? Within you there’s a knowing
That you know that you are. There’s no sense in going
Through mental calisthenics in order to see
That awareness is much an internal affair.

Perception through the senses depends on something
Greater than oneself. The body could not perceive
Itself were it not for the mind. The foundation
Of the mind is awareness. Every creation
Is born out of awareness. All that you achieve
Is through conscious attention on what you’re doing.

Only pure awareness can state that it’s beyond
All concepts of existence and nonexistence.
Turn the mind inward upon itself and behold
The presence of divinity. Then you’ve found gold.
Benefits of awareness are truly immense.
Be aware of how the universe will respond.

Make An Impact

Be A Positive Influence

On my last day of living I won’t be concerned
About money, prestige, or power. I will know
That it was all a game – a grotesque illusion.
The impact that I had on others is the one
Thought that will agonize me. How can I let go
Of the feeling that by the world I should be spurned?

We are all on a separate journey, but the
Beautiful thing about our lives here on this earth
Is that when people die, their survivors recall
Not successes. In sorrow they remember all
The good acts of the departed ever since birth.
Have I shown love and encouraged sufficiently?

Success is quite important to me but more so
Is knowing that I’ve not walked this planet in vain.
Have I touched people’s lives in a positive way?
Am I bothered that some folks will cheer on the day
That I perish? No longer will I cause them pain.
Have I blessed lives? I truly can say I don’t know.

The effect that I have on others is the most
Valuable currency there is. Everything
That I gain in life will rot and wither apart.
All that will remain is what’s contained in my heart.
Life gives me who I am. All that I have I bring
To the table. I can be a satisfied ghost.

There Is No Name For It

Existence Unspeakable

In this universe there is One Great Energy
That there is not a name for. A few that are tried
Like Brahman, and the Tao have a greater meaning
Than does God because that name is often leaning
In peculiar directions. One cannot decide
For oneself what’s the nature of divinity.

One substance is existence. It’s fascinating
That anything came to exist. Much easier,
Then, it would have been had there been nothing at all.
The effort and energy needed isn’t small.
It’s an on and off system. We are, as it were,
And are not at the same time as we do our thing.

An infinity of functions it does contain
And of this elegant suchness all are a part.
Now you see it. Now you don’t. The Yang and the Yin,
Like the crest and the trough and the particle spin,
Are a principle that can be taken to heart.
In the naming of suchness there’s not much to gain.

Good will never once and for all triumph over
Evil. ‘On’ will never finally conquer ‘off.’
By indulging in the illusion we become
Disillusioned. The spirit may grow cold and numb.
Then creation becomes like a persistent cough.
The mind is a place where the nameless can’t occur.

Link With Previous Lives

Connection To Eternity

Soul agreements are made outside of time and space.
Often they are forgotten in this dimension.
Distracted by this day to day reality,
Living can be a challenge. While blind we can’t see
What it is we had written. Whatever is done
Without guidance may result in harm and disgrace.

Connections from the present we make to the past.
We believe they’re essential for drawing upon
Information from past lives to help with the theme
That was chosen for this one. Within the daydream
Are subconscious reflections, and from them are drawn
Insights from the vast pool that the soul has amassed.

Linear is our thinking. We can’t go beyond
Our imperfect perceptions of experience.
Time and space are illusory. All that occurs
Does so all at once. We are at best amateurs
When it comes to experience. Don’t take offense.
It is futile to look at the truth and despond.

Simultaneous is the nature of being.
Connections that we make and break are dynamic,
Ever changing, and subtle. The changes we make
To past lives and this present one are for the sake
Of them all that they all may become fantastic.
Knowledge of how it all works is truly freeing.

How To Pray

Asking Intently

I have prayed for so many years for certain things
But it seems that the more that I do, the harder
I feel about receiving the things I pray for.
I always wonder if I could do something more
For my wanted manifestations to occur.
I lose faith in my meaningless prayer offerings.

This puzzle of thinking is familiar to some.
I’ll include myself in this. I often forget
That there are two different ways that one can pray…
Out of neediness or thankfulness. And which way
Proves to be more effective? It’s an easy bet.
Just because you feel needy, you are never scum.

All prayers are not answered in the order received.
They’re addressed instantaneously in the mind
Of the Master Creator. Appreciation
Is the best kind of prayer for indeed everyone.
If you ask in a whiny voice you will not find
That your prayers have been heard and all has been achieved.

Pray from inside your happiness. Be thankful for
All there is in your life that is most wonderful.
Don’t pray from scarcity or from feeling that you
Are not more than deserving. You’ve nothing to do
But believe your magnificence and be grateful
For what you have already. Then you’ll receive more.


Practical Enlightenment

It’s the cause of most suffering, wise ones believe,
Of the mind and its habit of thinking always.
Recognizing the chatter is tricky at best.
It is just an illusion. I can become stressed
Easily by the drama, and it rarely pays.
Almost always it turns out that it will deceive.

So asleep is the ego self. It’s in a daze
That the mind has created as its main plaything.
Sometimes I really get it. I come wide awake
In sincere meditation, but if I could make
It an all the time feeling, what joy that would bring.
Can I learn how to get my consciousness to raise?

Beyond thought is Awakening to someone who
Is much bigger than I am and all that I know.
In fact, that person is everyone in essence.
From that broader perspective what e’er may commence
Will no doubt help me spiritually to grow.
I’m not there all the time, but I know what to do…

…And that is to stay focused and nearly thought free.
In a world of illusions created by such,
It can be quite a challenge. But this way is true.
Once in touch with your true self your life shines anew.
There’s no reason for me to be cold to the touch.
It is now my quest to stay awake completely.


The Wildness of Awareness

What do we know of freedom? People without grace
Populating the planet and causing disease
Across manifold species and nature’s systems,
What we manifest easily also condemns
Us to social psychosis. The power we seize
We’re not ready to deal with as one human race.

Animals of the wild – the majestic untamed,
Are the heartbeat of nature. In that, they are wise
To the ways of humanity and keep away.
Never would it occur to these ones to betray
Anything that is of them. They wear no disguise
Nor are they ever feeling distraught or ashamed.

Freedom is such a state where no choices are made.
That there is freedom in choice is simply not true.
Hesitation the act is before deciding
Which bootstraps to pull up on – an obsessive thing
To be doing to oneself. What one ought to do
Is to be more spontaneous and less afraid.

I can’t change anything here… myself included.
All I can do is witness and go with the flow
Which I know I’m a part of. It’s all that I’ll be.
I relax in this truth and have more energy
To fulfill my ambitions and wholesomely grow
To completion in freedom without the bloodshed.

Part of this world I am. I am not it’s victim
Yet a cog in a clockwork no longer impressed
By the world’s man made magic. The Freedom I know
Is the spirit within me that’s destined to grow.
We’re becoming a species that truly is blessed
But if we cannot know this our chances are slim.

The Dream Of Life

...Yet It Seems Almost Real

Awaken from illusion? Which one would that be?
Just as black implies white, self implies the other.
Death brings meaning to life. This is fundamental.
Not a stranger am I in this place where I dwell.
Believing my existence was meant to occur,
Nothing short of a death wish can awaken me.

People are going crazy as far as I see
Or perhaps it’s been ongoing since time began.
We were all meant to be here. If this isn’t true
Then we might as well give up. The grand party zoo
Is far off the deep end and akin to the klan.
Colors true are most vibrant when one is dream free.

Nine eleven was done by the Arabs, so we
Came together as one nation, yet what happened
On the sixth of the first month is nothing to fear.
Perpetrated by white men, it’s perfectly clear
That one chunk of the nation cannot comprehend
What it means to be human most regrettably.

If I dreamed many lifetimes, each of many years,
And I could author all of them as I desire,
I would want for surprise after so many nights.
I would ask for a gamble so sometimes life bites.
God comes into each person that growth may transpire.
If that presence is ignored I nurture my fears.

The Biggest Joke Of All

The Illusory Duo

Jokes I play on myself are imaginative.
If it weren’t for my trick self, I’d have none at all.
Some say I should get rid of it, But I cannot,
Because it thinks like I do. I’m all that it’s got.
Mostly it takes the big roles. I’m left with the small.
I ask myself if this is the right way to live.

But, alas, it can’t answer. It thinks everything
Is an intricate puzzle it only can solve.
When it can’t, it’s frustrated, as if it exists
As a viable entity. On it persists
In its ‘it-centric’ world where all things must revolve.
Onto some sense of purpose this person must cling.

So, there’s no getting rid of this subsequent dude
Come about like a tattoo etched over decades
Of abuse of his surface – a time tapestry
Of eternal becoming. The ink runs through me
But shows up not through thick skin. Freely it pervades
And presents as my ego. As such, I am screwed.

I end up doing nothing and leaving it to
That which is ever conscious and omni aware.
I can’t grasp nor rid myself of all I become.
I alone cannot get it. The getting comes from
Consciousness Universal which is everywhere.
There’s no need to get anything but a damned clue.

It Is All Happening Now

Eternal Beingness

Something feels great big gobs of relief in knowing
That the only occurrence is spontaneous.
Things just happen as they should or shouldn’t without
Consciousness being present. And yet there’s no doubt
Things continue to function as many discuss
Ways that they can control them because that’s their thing.

Some things get in the way of my thinking clearly.
Knowing full well that that is an oxymoron,
Still I try to break through the illusion of me.
Thoughts and feelings are much of what I seem to be.
Cloudiness leads to conclusions falsely foregone.
Reset I must my consciousness to better see.

Everything is a “happening.” This is groovy!
Time warps are but ideas, but breathing is real
Just as retinal rods and cones processing light.
Fortunately no one trusts me to get that right.
In respectful observance I touch the ideal.
Knowing there’s no observer I’m there completely.

So, there’s no self to speak of. It’s all happening.
All of now is eternal and is everywhere.
Breathing in and out happens as wind moves the clouds
Whether fate shows its favor to protesting crowds.
Nothing is more important than being aware
That distinction exists not. I am everything.

Do I Really Exist?

Questioning Consciousness

Can I transform myself? Can I make myself sane…
Or more loving or unselfish? Is that my wish?
It would seem necessary to be these fine ways
If I am to be nurtured by other folks’ praise.
When I feel I can’t do it, I’m rather sluggish
In pursuit of direction, so I act in vain.

So much says I can’t do it, but I say I can.
Gravity is an odd consequence of time/space.
This aspect makes it seem alien of nature
But indeed how can that be? Earth can but assure
That itself and I are one. I fully embrace
What this is that I’m part of as one humbled man.

Within time and space equal, all that I can do
Can’t be done because I don’t exist in that way –
An ego-separated personality.
An idea based on a fake feeling of me
Is what passes for presence each and every day.
Putting things right is futile in absence of clue.

Things exist that I can and cannot do. That’s fine.
I would pay due respect, here, knowing I’ve no choice.
All that goes on of itself is all part of me…
Which includes all of this earth most naturally.
It and I are a mutually passive voice
With no message specific. Such Being Is Mine.

What Really Matters

The Search For Life's Truest Meaning

Seductive and hypnotic is movement of thought
Through the bowels of the gray matter. Deeply ingrained,
My subconscious assumption that this moment now
Is of lesser importance than the next somehow,
Causes me much frustration, in that I’m constrained
To what is nonexistent. In this web I’m caught.

So I hear people speak of This Moment so much.
It is vital I get what the hell these folk mean.
It ain’t all that damned obvious to the novice
How to find in This Moment some measure of bliss.
It don’t take much pretending before I come clean
With my truest of feelings responsive to touch.

What’s important is already here, I must know,
And not in the next moment which does not exist.
Ever presence is consciousness’ only act.
In the place of no substance nor form, the abstract
Shining essence of my true self cannot be missed.
In all that I’ve become, I’ve the need to let go.

Realizing this truth takes some practice for sure.
Everybody inherits the pattern of mind
That lives outside of right now. So practice it takes.
It requires little effort or psychic headaches
To achieve awareness of the transcendent kind.
What matters in This Moment will ever endure.

We Wear The Mask

Human Prfessions of Pretense

Basic forms of humanity all are but one
Yet discordant illusions are what people wear.
I must put on the character act that I know.
As it smiles and pretends, it puts on a smart show.
Keeping up the performance I do in despair
For the way that things are and the harm that is done.

In my home I am no one I’d care not to be
Necessarily so. But the mask that shines through
The bright soul that’s behind it I’m tasked to maintain.
Other people near me is one huge psychic drain.
If my speech become tainted and shocking in hue
May I then be the wiser in all that I see?

Since I am not this body, nor am I the mind
With susceptible subtleties to clouded view,
The costume and the archetype others require
I may use to express my most heartfelt desire
To know what is acceptance. So long overdue
Is the wisdom and logic of being more kind.

Ever resident turmoil, insidious hate…
All the worst of our species along with the best…
Form an intricate fabric stuck fast in the clay.
Let us smile and cry out with a song to betray
Our true selves and our tortured souls at the behest
Of the world dream transparent we’re doomed to create.

Why Worry About What Isn’t Real?

It's ALL An Illusion

The future is a figment. It has no meaning,
Yet I fix my attention on what is unknown.
I can’t fantasize endlessly nor possibly
Predict any outcome. It’s for no one to see
Because it’s nonexistent except in the zone
Where spirit and the physical are the same thing.

I need things to be real so that I may survive
As a being of spirit in physical form.
To exist in the future is not being real.
Manifold are illusions that make an ordeal
Of the process of living. The mental thought storm
Undermines everything else that keeps me alive.

Oneself is like a mountain top always exposed
To an enduring blizzard it cannot control.
Different shapes and sizes of snowflakes it sees
And in many directions and speeds in the breeze.
It can’t predict what’s coming, yet I have a soul
And the same goes for me. My mind cannot be closed.

Evidence shows that worrying makes people ill
Over time. Luckily, there are some antidotes.
Fortifying the weak mind with logical thought
Based in certain reality, one can’t be caught
In cascading delusion. Good judgment promotes
Confidence in one’s actions, much peace, and goodwill.

Acts Of Faith

Absolute Belief

The illusion of separateness between me
And all others and everything gets in the way
Of my trusting the universe. It must be wise,
Much more so than I am with my limited eyes.
The Tao nourishes all things in consummate play.
Letting go of the ego, I may better see.

I’ve the need to relinquish my power façade
When I notice I’m up nights consumed in worry.
My decisions, well thought out, made under duress,
Yield calamitous outcomes and increasing stress.
Snap decisions made instantly happen to be
The right ones in the long run. Now isn’t that odd?

Faith enormous and heart moving cannot be blind
For the sight is beyond what the senses behold.
It’s a leap into wellness and feeling at ease
In the world that I’m one with. Its intent to please
I must know absolutely. What e’er may unfold,
When I see life correctly, is loving and kind.

To be one with the universe, trust that it will,
Through its infinite intellect, meet all my needs.
Treat it like it’s a dear friend whom I haven’t seen
For a really long time. Then the rapport between
Me and all that exists blossoms free of the weeds.
It and I are the same thing. This should make me chill.