Tag Archive | began

Seeking Inner Peace

Bright New Day

In the depths of the human soul there’s a profound
Battle raging against desires that can serve no
Purpose other than to enslave and weaken us.
World activity demonstrates the disastrous
Human tendency to live within the shadow
Of a troubled existence. To it we are bound.

Mindfulness meditation can alleviate
Much of your inner turmoil. You want to break free
From the world around you every once in a while.
Though the world is unthinkably cruel and hostile
You can get away from it temporarily.
Good happens when you’re in a meditative sate.

Be the master of yourself and you will be free.
True freedom lay not in indulging your desires
But in conquering them. If humanity will
Figure out ways to keep its collective mind still
Then world peace would occur but of course it requires
A unanimous effort where all must agree.

It’s not the things themselves that disturb people but
Their judgments about these things. Can we recognize
The illusions succumbed to? The impediment
To action advances action. None can prevent
Things from happening so it’s both helpful and wise
To keep yourself out of a most depressing rut.

Were You Born To Lead?

Matrix Formation

Explaining leadership to someone who does not
Have an idea what it is isn’t easy.
It’s like trying to explain love to someone who
Has never been in love. It’s a hard thing to do.
Definitions found in every dictionary
All include the word ‘lead’ which does not help a lot.

Many leadership styles therefore tend to exist
Which suggests it’s a personal choice to define
What it is for oneself when in that position.
One defines for oneself what the leader’s mission
Is to be. With that one is able to align.
The temptation to shy away one must resist.

Most leaders are there to see those around them rise.
If you want people to be honest about their
Shortcomings then you have to be honest about
Your own faults. Be empathic in working things out.
The best leaders show others that they truly care
About those in their team. This is loving and wise.

How you respond when things go wrong is important.
You can be condescending or you can just say,
“How are we going to fix this? What can I do
To support you in this effort?”
They’ll respect you.

You’ll encourage love and honesty in this way.
Good leaders have the ability to enchant.

You Get What You Believe

Doctor Cat

You Get What You Believe. It’s as simple as that.
If you think that the world is coming to an end
Then it is but if you believe otherwise then
Things will turn out just that way. But what happens when
You believe in something others can’t comprehend
Like a well-meaning doctor disguised as a cat?

Your life is created by the conversations
That you have and by memories and how you feel
About things and you have the ability to
Feel quite differently about things than you do.
Any idea can turn into something real.
Be receptive to the positive vibrations.

The Law of Attraction, while it’s your very best
Friend, because of its consistency, it also
Gives you what you believe. What you know to be true
Is first pondered by the rational parts of you
And by then you can say to yourself that you know
What is true for you and disregard all the rest.

It’s not easy to hold thoughts that are different
Than the ones you’d prefer so you must overcome
Limiting belief systems that keep you apart
From the things that are special and dear to your heart.
Your belief in wellbeing delivers you from
Negative feelings such as doubt and discontent.

Windows And Doors

Paths Cluster

Many paths there are in spirituality
So many that it can be difficult to choose
Which one is the best for you but you can explore
Any teaching that helps you to open the door
To enlightenment. Don’t let anything confuse
You about finding purpose and reason to be.

Any path that fuels the spirit of selflessness
Is appropriate. When you learn to surrender
To something that you know is far greater than you
Then you always will know the proper thing to do
In any situation. The path you prefer
Is the one that leads to ultimate happiness.

It’s the path of devotion that opens the heart
To feeling divine presence. Experiencing
The joy of devotion ignites the flame of love.
Once illuminated, you put noting above
Your devotion. Your ministry means everything
As it gives to your life a much needed kick start.

Understanding the universe and yourself are
The highest truths to work toward ultimately.
Spiritual enlightenment is all about
Harmonizing with all that is and there’s no doubt
You’ll rid yourself of much negative energy.
From a life of fulfillment you’re never too far.

Unfulfilled Desire

Strongly Hopeful

Are you right now in vibrational alignment
With the problem or with the solution? You can
Get so solution oriented that you know
For damned sure that the things that you ask for will flow
Into your life. You manifest much better than
You may think. You may think you need some refinement.

You’re connected to Source Energy. Resources
Are available to you to guide you to where
You most want to be. The moment you give birth to
A desire the universe delivers to you
All the clues necessary to take you right there.
You’re taken care of by spiritual forces.

Into the future you can propel the problem
With you mind and the solution will follow suit
If you let go of worry and take it easy.
Look for reasons to feel good. There are so many
To consider. Partake of the low hanging fruit
Of your life. Find some puppies and give love to them.

Let the things that feel good to you call out to you.
Don’t beat up on yourself when you’re in a moment
Of not being able to find wholeness. Instead
Find the most relief possible. Don’t fill your head
With ideas and opinions that will prevent
Your most cherished of dreams from ever coming true.

Old Ways Of Struggling

Old Work

Spending too much time sleeping I wonder what I
Am escaping. I don’t really know how I feel
About anything anymore. Weary I am
And upset to the point where I can’t give a damn
About life. My disgust with it I can’t conceal.
I have lots of resistance and I don’t care why.

I’d been keeping a list of all the amazing
Things that were happening then all of a sudden
I just lost it. I got caught up in other things.
Now I feel as if something is pulling my strings.
It would be nice to be feeling wholesome again.
There’s nothing about how I feel that’s worth praising.

When you begin to acknowledge that you can be,
Do, or have anything, you would like to believe
But hardly do. Your expectation is improved
By the manifestation. Energy has moved
Such that you’ve put yourself in the mode to receive.
Slipping back to old ways happens naturally.

You can do this. You’ve done it before. Realize
The potential within you and stop keeping score
Of your progress. Stop introducing resistance
To the mix. Be respective of your circumstance.
Surely there’s something about life you can adore.
Take your mind for a moment off things you despise.

Only One Person Will Live Your Life


What do others think of you? Should you really care?
If someone speaks ill of you do you get upset?
It’s a normal reaction though not very wise.
Is it hard for you to begin to recognize
That what people say can’t be considered a threat?
Of your own value you should become more aware.

Instead of buying into what the world has said
You should be like, exercise your freedom to choose
To be your own creator of who you can be.
Don’t depend upon others to get you to see
Your potential because you’re the only one who’s
Got the insight so that on solid ground you tread.

We’re all thoroughly programmed into believing
What our culture force feeds us. It’s an illusion
That we all are subjected to. How to escape
Is the question. You will be in pretty good shape
If you don’t let society stoke confusion
About your life. The world can be quite deceiving.

Whose advice shall you follow? As you begin to
Feel what’s in your heart you begin to develop
The intention to express it in a way that
Is considerate and respectful. So, look at
The big picture and know that things are looking up
As you follow the guidance that is within you.

Love Of Life

Joy Of Being

To turn thoughts into things is why you have come here
To this leading-edge planet. You’re an extension
Of divine energy. You are co-creating
With eight billion others. It’s a wonderful thing
To be living in this physical dimension.
There are so many things within it to hold dear.

This environment is one of diversity –
Not of sameness. The world is becoming much more
Than it ever was. You came to participate
In this mass evolution. You appreciate
Every opportunity you have to explore
The contrast to determine how good life can be.

You knew things that you knew you would not remember
Upon coming here. There is a separation
That you fully agreed to, but you have guidance.
Don’t think that you arrived here totally by chance.
You are part of the magnificent creation
Of a life on earth that most people would prefer.

You love taking your inner being to places
That it has never been before. You’re its tour guide
As it leads you to happiness along the way.
It does not condemn you if you choose to betray
Its influence. You have the freedom to decide
To be receptive to spiritual graces.

Is There One Inner Being?

The Unity Of All Consciousness

Consciousness is eternal. With no beginning,
It continues forever. What else can it do
But create an immensity to comprehend
Yet cannot until all know enough to transcend
Origins of pure purpose. We are the ones who,
With these physical bodies, deserve honoring.

One may muse, “Is there only one spirit assigned
To a physical body, or are there a few
Who take turns and account for our various moods?”

Consciousness is an essence that rightly includes
Particles of existence creating what’s new.
Overwhelming this all is for the human mind.

Much confusion arises from our point of view
In that we think our beings are dead or alive.
But we are always spirit. Sometimes we take form
And are then part of both worlds. This is quite the norm.
From the standpoint of consciousness one can derive
And inclusive philosophy helpful and new.

We see ourselves as separate clumps of being.
We must pigeonhole and catalog what we see
And express using words or some kind of action.
It is through our senses we get anything done.
We are one single consciousness trying To Be.
If one looks at things this way it’s awfully freeing.