Tag Archive | women

Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

What If...?

How to learn to think like a successful person
Is on the minds of many. People want to know
How to make things happen. The Law of Attraction
Mindset starts with the feeling of satisfaction
And from there you can get that good feeling to grow
In intensity. Thus happiness is begun.

Your thoughts create your reality. You’ve heard this
Many times before. But have you actually
Really practiced it? You do in one of two ways.
You can think those appreciative thoughts of praise
Or you can think thoughts of utter catastrophe.
Knowing this, you can, at will, reach a state of bliss.

When you think thoughts about yourself such as, “I’m not
Disciplined enough”
or “I can’t do anything
About my situation”
you’re creating hell

For yourself. How long in it do you want to dwell?
Train yourself to catch these thoughts as they’re happening
And then flip them to positive right on the spot.

In your doing so, you’re shifting your energy
And immediately you begin to feel good.
As you feel better it becomes easy to find
Better answers. Control the power of your mind.
Know for certain that things will work out as they should.
Think yourself into a better reality.

Where Is Mister Right?

Heartfelt Illusion

“You complete me.” It’s sweet. It can make the girls cry
When they hear it especially on the big screen.
People mean it when they say it. But is it true?
Is it possible for everything about you
To be part of someone else? The world, if it’s seen
Through rose colored glasses, will not be your ally.

You may have had a relationship with someone
Who’s abusive so red flags go up everywhere
There are men. Look at that to see what’s going on
With your feelings from which conclusions can be drawn
In order to provide yourself the best of care
In your searching for a romantic solution.

Don’t be in denial about previous pain
That you suffered. You must feel it then let it go
Because it’s served its mission. Don’t drag it into
The future. You’ll repeat the ordeal if you do.
Once the pain is transcended the healed heart will grow
In experience. You’ll have a whole lot to gain.

Don’t look for the ‘right’ person. Instead look for who
In yourself you would love to be. Make yourself the
Right person for yourself then the right person will
Be attracted to you but he may not fulfill
Your dream in every detail. But at least you’ll be
With the person who is most attracted to you.

It’s Not Lost

American Village

All white men are created equal. It’s Not Lost
In the language of those who came here to conquer
Or to ‘colonize.’ It’s working exactly how
It was written. The document didn’t allow
Any mention of women. They were, as it were,
Nonexistent as people. How much has it cost?

Striking is the stupidity of landing here
Thinking that you’ve reached India. What a mistake.
But no one ever talks about that. It’s okay
To treat the indigenous people in this way.
It’s Not Lost. It is written. Why not come awake
To the truth which is made to all perfectly clear?

Merciless savages are what natives were called.
Black people were seen only as sixty percent
Of a person. So only land-owning white men
Could be called “We The People.” The document, then,
Is a work of irrelevance. It’s only meant
For a certain group. Everyone should be appalled.

Should it shock us that women are still making less
Than their male counterparts? Should we not be surprised
That our prisons are filled with people of color?
Can we not see that the gap between rich and poor
Only grows? What is written, although it’s despised,
Is the foundation of this nation’s wickedness.

The Scourge

Speak Your Truth

Fear Of Male Obsolescence, the main cause of death
Among women is something that can’t be denied.
Throughout history the scourge of male dominance
Has cursed women worldwide. Does it make human sense
To cling onto a toxic and false sense of pride?
I shall speak about this until my dying breath.

The atrocities happen. They’re always shrouded
In uncertainty. Truth is not meant to be known.
Our technology and media now reveal
Quite enough of what happens. Amid the surreal
Is the feeling of trauma. Women aren’t alone
In their voice of defiance with minds unclouded.

Every state has a caliphate – not just Iran
And a few other nations. Use of religion
To control women’s lives has occurred everywhere.
Our supreme court and congress are a lethal pair
With misogyny blatant – not just a smidgen.
What the hell is so ‘right’ about being a man?

Women are organizing. It comes on the heels
Of the most recent tragic event in the news.
Women will make their voices heard at voting booths.
People are responding to the uncovered truths
Of behaviors that no decent one can excuse.
We are fortunate in what the darkness reveals.

Gender Is Irrelevant

Sex Stereotypes Don't Matter

Men are seen less at spiritual gatherings.
There’s sufficient truth to this. It’s a statistic,
But in spirit, there’s no differentiation
Of that sort. It’s only the human condition
That makes of gender something rather fantastic.
Who is far more encouraged to ponder such things?

One could argue that women need, much more than men,
Spiritual alignment because they have more
Trouble finding fulfillment… Or just the reverse
May be true. It’s been argued that men are much worse
At compassionate feeling. They do not explore
Their emotions as freely. Are they alien?

Women are introspective. They feel a lot more
The contrast that their lives provide, and they can be
More considerate of all the finer details.
When in trouble their keen intuition prevails.
A much bigger picture men usually see,
And the details of things they have not much time for.

More acutely aware of the environment,
Women care for the whole earth and life everywhere.
Statistics generate labels that are unclear.
We are spiritual beings, and we are here
To look out for one another and truly care.
Peace on earth is achieved through our common intent.

Who Is Going To Intervene?

Call To Justice

Who values corporate profits? No one like me,
But some people do, and so does our government.
Petty little is spent on peacebuilding measures.
It is clear that we are a nation that treasures
Corporations. When did we begin our descent
Into social psychosis to this grave degree?

A greater incidence of peace and a lower
Incidence of conflict, the statistics have shown,
Happens when there’s greater economic power
For women and when all children want to devour
What they’re learning, and when women are left alone.
Since this isn’t happening we evolve slower.

The reduction of violence against women
And immense lessening of human suffering
Are the things all must value if we’re to survive.
When people are less in despair then they will thrive
And feel that they can do just about anything.
What has not been done before can’t be done again.

Virulent is the strain of capitalism
That has hijacked America since the eighties.
It has corrupted our government to its core.
We have war because in it the profit is more,
And wellness is less profitable than disease,
And we have not a handle on our racism.

A Magical Exercise

The Ultimate Mind Game

Women Are Fundamental. This statement of fact
With no more said makes strong men grow week in the knees.
What it means is complete loss of means of control.
Not a man on earth conquers the feminine soul.
Women rely on Magic to treat the disease
That flares up and is chronic with lethal impact.

One by one, states like Texas will try to secede
From the union of women – their freedom to be
In command of their bodies and female power.
In the long run, support for pro-choice will devour
Any chance that established law can completely
Be thrown out by old white men caught up in their greed.

Nebulizing an outcome less fettered and flawed
Can be done by believing that all things are well
With ourselves, how we live, and with the universe,
But, the weak human spirit exalts the perverse.
Exercising our Magic from the depths of hell,
We can change it. The way is brought to us by God.

What it takes is Emotion. Our Feeling what’s right
And that it is completed already is all
That is needed. Write down exactly how you feel.
Hypnotic visualization is most real,
And because it is Magic, no one’s part is small.
Our success depends on what we bring to the fight.

The Women

Those Without Voice

No one else is there visible. Only mad men
Can be seen on the media and network news
Spouting off at the mouth or the weapon in hand.
Is it best that an ignorant world understand
What The Women must go through? It is they who lose
Having been nonexistent since heaven knows when.

Men who pass gas in public where there’s no escape
From their foul perverse intent are of the mindset
That their grossness is power that gives them control
Of most people’s attention. Their psychotic goal
Is to prove to all others that they are a threat.
Sense of smell is the wholesomeness they care to rape.

It’s a crusty old bastard nation in the eyes
Of the world cast upon them. Their arrogant ways,
Centuries in the making, have stale stunk the air.
Women had been breathing some real oxygen there,
And it’s not tolerated. Abusive mores
Among state and religion have integral ties.

It will take generations. New waves of women
With support of those worldwide pries open the door.
Once fresh air has been breathed, there is no turning back
To the ways of abuse and of constant attack.
Once one has tasted freedom, there’s wanting for more.
Women don’t want to breathe fecal air once again.

Who’s Going To Do Something?

Stopping The Momentum Of Evil

All the world’s statisticians give truth that is raw.
So straightforward the science, its transparency
Can be taken for granted. Our whole lives could change
For the ultimate better. It is rather strange
That we don’t choose what’s best for our society.
The life spans of democracies are wrought with flaw.

I know that common sense is ignorable when
One nineteenth the defense budget is spent on peace.
Good health is not as profitable as is sickness,
And it means that some of us cannot have access
To what everyone should have. All crime would decrease
If more people felt worthy and human again.

Greater economic opportunities for
Women and educational ones for children,
The reduction of violence against women…
Are some places where our attention hasn’t been.
If the human condition cannot change, what then?
We don’t play by the numbers. We mess with the score.

Who’s Going To Do Something? It’s all up to us,
And that feels catastrophic right down to the bone.
But this truth is the answer to no question asked.
All democracy suffers, and so we are tasked
To address the condition become too well known…
But to those in authority, superfluous.

The Good Doctor

A Pillar of Society

One connected to earth’s energy is most wise
And a positive influence in people’s lives.
Her responsible nature comforts and protects.
Everyone whom she services love and respects
Her knowledge and benevolence. Each of us thrives.
Respect for Mother Nature she’ll always advise.

Keeping folk fit and healthy comes naturally
To the one who gives counsel. The warmth of her heart
Brings about inspiration to all in much need
Of a boost to the spirit. Her job is to lead.
No one can disagree that she plays well her part
In our world’s evolution. That’s easy to see.

Well-known in the community, she knows her place
Which is right at the center of all our affairs.
Striking up a good friendship with folk about town
Provides just the right medicine for one who’s down.
We appreciate greatly a doctor who cares
For the welfare of others with loving embrace.

There are some unsung heroes who like it that way.
They prefer not to be in the blinding starlight.
Rather they proceed casually and with pride
Among their local public. The Will To Provide
In the spirit of love makes one’s vision more bright.
Character is what good leaders often display.

Beliefs And Prejudices

Examine Your Attitudes

Thoughts are swayed by my moods… or maybe the reverse.
Finding out exactly how I feel about both
My ideas and emotions would be to my good.
My subconscious compulsions may be understood
If I come to conclusions that lead to my growth.
Then the time spent is worthwhile. Nothing becomes worse.

One would think it most impossible to root out
The collection of prejudices that have been
Built up over a lifetime. But if it is tried
There is truth universal that can’t be denied.
It may be hard to do in a world ruled by men.
The emergence of women is now beyond doubt.

“Get in touch with your feelings.” I’ve heard that before.
Had it made enough sense then as it does today?
 “Keep your head on your shoulders.” …because up the ass
Represents what we stand for? A house made of glass
From which to hurl hypocrisy. Is this our way?
Times of change for the better we cannot ignore.

 The alignment of mind and heart helps with the task
Of releasing the blockage to natural peace.
As assessment is made through commingling of each.
Happiness and enlightenment is within reach.
If I have such an outlook, will all problems cease?
Surely not, but at least, I’ve the gumption to ask.

Heart Decay


Hide behind the fine children and dutiful wife.
That’s how most play the card game of optics these days.
Your damned daughters and spouse cannot make you look good.
That they are not the applicant is understood
Well by everyone. Is your intent to amaze
And parlay for that justice position for life?

What they’re hiding I would not allow in my yard.
I’ve respect for the bugs and worms who slither there.
Any privileged white boy who learns how to lie
Can grow up to be SCOTUS. Do give it a try.
If your views about women do make you unfair,
It is only too right if we push back, and hard.

One can diagnose heart decay in your background
Whether seen by the good doctor or tarot deck
Or by members of congress who are themselves ill.
Men can make women suffer and get a sick thrill.
A frat boy in a robe is one lethal redneck.
We The People insist something better be found.

Women are coming forward. Man can be The Beast.
This is known by all women who have been abused.
I’d assume there are many who linger in pain
As they know coming forward invites the insane.
When some Old White Man calls an accuser ‘confused’
Then we’ve not learned our lessons… no, not in the least!

The Service


Who avails of The Service? Look at the bell curve,
With many at the center and few at the ends.
It’s not poor ones nor rich ones, but those in-between
Who partake of the process, because they have seen
What a burden new life is. On she it depends.
There’s demand for The Service and for those who serve.

It is all about sex lives, convenience and things
Others would judge as selfish and of barren heart.
But we scorn not the many. We lecture the poor
At one end of the spectrum. All they want is more
Just as anyone finding the need to depart
From unplanned deep commitment and all that it brings.

When you think of The Service, as this much is known,
Should there be a commitment to see with more light
Toward all women in general for who they are?
The whole question of ‘choice’ is one rather bizarre.
We may think that we know what is wrong and what’s right.
Take a look at the numbers and see what is shown.