Tag Archive | mental


The Part Each Plays

Positionality refers to how social
Position and power shape identities and
Access within society. Dualistic
Mental structures within the ego mind can trick
Itself into believing that it’s in command
By virtue of position and its rationale.

Positionalities include cherished values,
Beliefs, attitudes, and judgments. They are ingrained
During childhood. Reinforced by society,
They become an illusion of reality.
In order to function well, they must be maintained.
One becomes manipulated by social cues.

Positionalities provide all the juice the
Ego needs to maintain its hold and dominance
Of the mind. Race, religion, nationality,
Gender, or how one postures politically
Are examples of position and they enhance
The ego’s own agenda of needing to be.

Phenomena are not either fair or unfair,
Good or bad, right or wrong, or somewhere in-between.
We become judgmental and opinionated
Over things that can’t possibly be related
To enlightenment where the big picture is seen.
Of the ego we can only be more aware.


Semi Deep Thought

Thinking is the process of using one’s mind to
Consider or to reason regarding something.
It’s an autonomous function of the ego,
And it thinks thoughts of happiness or of sorrow
According to beliefs and social programming.
The mind is dualistic in its point of view.

The mind processes its concepts with the notion
Of a subject an object. Thoughts are constructive
When they’re focused and conscious, but usually,
The mind is bombarded pretty much endlessly
With extraneous content. In order to live
With some balance requires specific devotion.

The ego mind loves to judge, consider, presume,
Regard, ponder, and ruminate. The delusion
Of the thinking process stems from one’s believing
That one is one’s ego, but this is deceiving
The true self and can lead to utter confusion.
Thoughts can be of enlightenment or utter doom.

Thinking is seen as the main tool of survival.
Thoughts are seen as precious, personal, and unique.
Realize that the ego mind is in denial
That there are other tools that are much more worthwhile.
Change your mind to the focus of that which you seek,
Which is to celebrate a true self revival.


Mental Contents

A concept is a name or a label that’s used
To identify objects. It’s an idea
Or a mental picture that is agreed upon
By society. Then its elite echelon
Makes it part of the whole verbal diarrhea.
It’s no wonder there is such a word as ‘confused.’

Concepts are produced by the ego thinking mind
That is limited to its perceptually
Created abstractions, language, labels, and names.
To describe and explain things is one of the aims
Of the ego’s agenda. In reality,
Nothing is close to being the name it’s assigned.

It’s true for all phenomena in existence,
Whether physical objects or intangible
Ideas, like spirit, being, or consciousness.
Yet the ego cannot fully function unless
It creates its abstractions. It can be helpful
If one realizes the ego’s concept sense.

Concepts are important and are necessary
For people to communicate and get along
In a world everchanging. Our understanding
That nothing can be as we describe it will bring
Clarity of consciousness. One cannot go wrong
In accepting the ego as illusory.


Life Is Good

Attitude defines the person. It is a learned
Tendency to evaluate things in a way
That is certain. People, issues, things, or events
Are the predispositions which are the contents
Of the ego mind wherein the attitude may
Have a wide range as the total self is concerned.

Attitudes range form very bad to very good.
In psychology, attitude is the construct
Of a mental and emotional entity
That characterizes a person. It can be
The main influencer of a person’s conduct.
Many social factors need to be understood.

For spiritual seekers, it’s good to know that
Attitudes will change over time. By letting go
Of beliefs and positions that are negative
A much healthier life on this earth you will live.
Attitudes will change naturally as we grow
In experience. Your searching never falls flat.

Attitudes laced with jealousy, hatred, and fear
Have been associated with ill health, whereas
Positive attitudes such as joy, love, and peace
Help the body. There is a substantial increase
In wellbeing. Do know that your attitude has
Everything to do with what in life does appear.

Transcendence Through Stillness

The Reflection Of Calm

How do I learn to transcend the limited me
…The conditional entity? How do I know
What is silence and stillness? What has this to do
With the person I am and what I’m going through?
What does it mean to be ‘still?’ How can someone grow
Without moving? Can this fettered self be made free?

Like most words, ‘stillness’ is but a starting off place
For describing what can’t be described easily.
Everyone has their own experience of it.
Meditation is the perfect thing to permit
It to happen. What’s called my personality
Is dissolved in the process of receiving grace.

If I haven’t found the stillness, no matter how
Well I do in life, it will turn into something
Unfulfilling, even if the world praises me.
Free from erratic motion I most want to be.
It is the cause of most of human suffering.
The stillness is available to me right now.

I like pleasant conditions and circumstances.
By the same token, bad situations cause me
Much discomfort, but if I can find the stillness
In the moment, I know that I will suffer less
Than I would if I can’t. Stillness I clearly see
As the alternative to my taking chances.

Self-Esteem And Oneself

Darkness Of Spirit

Am I confident in who I am or am I
Struggling seeing worth as it pertains to me?
This affects how I think and feel and how I act.
I feel there’s nothing left in this world to distract
Me from myself and everyone. All that I see
Is sorrow sorely strangled. I’ve no alibi.

If I could say I’m sorry to those I have harmed
I might feel a lot better, though this won’t occur.
My darkness has a thickness outside of pitch-black.
Along with many other things, courage I lack
And a clue as to what to do. I would prefer
That the cross hairs of circumstance are not alarmed.

Guilt encrusted avoidance and isolation
Are to my full advantage. Passively I wait
For something bad to happen. I figure I’m due
For the next indiscriminate turn of the screw
All the time. Where the hell is there time to create?
If I keep feeling this way, indeed I’ll have none.

I need positive feedback to somehow negate
Negative reinforcement that reverberates
Through my entire being. Perceived worthlessness
Will undo me in due time. I made a big mess
Of my life. I’m in fear of what karma awaits.
I’m aware of but reject the hell I create.

Good Intentions Can Go Bad

In Lieu of the Left Hand

If you’re interested in the wellbeing of
Those around you, the first and foremost thing to do
Is to give yourself value. Otherwise you will
Be a problem instead, despite all your fine skill.
If you are aiming to be a solution to
Someone’s issues, it must be done out of self-love.

Make sure you’re not the problem a long time before
You attempt to give service. It makes common sense
That if your hands are dirty then you shouldn’t touch
The person of another. That would garner much
In the way of resentment. Indeed the offense
Is sufficiently grave as to bring about war.

Good intentions have screwed things up to the degree
That we’re in many crises. People do mean well
But they are themselves messed up in so many ways
That whatever they do causes undue malaise.
Those who have good intentions create utter hell
If they lack what is needed to most clearly see.

Right now we’re in a mess ecologically
And our growth is skyrocketing clear out of sight.
We can’t govern ourselves without civil unrest.
So like everything, good intentions are the best
When one knows the difference between wrong and right.
Don’t extend the right hand that people cannot see.

Think Through Your Body

The Marriage Of Mind And Body

There are manifold bodies contained within one
Integrated completely. No such thing as mind
Can exist independently from other ones.
Each one has its own mind, so the whole can have tons
Happening simultaneously if inclined
To reach that state of consciousness. It would be fun.

Some can operate at once on many channels.
Others don’t seem to notice and take for granted
That these folks are amazing in what they can do.
Anyone can achieve it. Sadly, only few
Give it some attention. Then they’re disenchanted.
The spirit may be strong, but the body rebels.

It’s not just in the head. Thinking through the body
Has one sure benefit. One can’t get a headache.
The thousands of things that are always going on
Are by no means confusing. Relying upon
What the cellular presence provides for one’s sake
 Is the path to enlightenment naturally.

There’s a deeper dimension in everybody.
We are each just as capable as anyone
To attain such alignment that brings total peace.
One will notice at first a gradual increase
In the general feeling of wonder and fun.
Get to know all your bodies. Indeed, they’d agree.

Negative Thought Removal

Remedy For The Common Mood

Negative thoughts are just thoughts. Don’t identify
Them as good ones and bad ones. They all are the same
In that I’m either conscious of them or I’m not.
It is in the subconscious where some become fraught
In the ways they affect me. Yet I cannot blame
Them for my bad behavior, though hard I may try.

Try not to think of monkeys for just a brief while.
The mere thought makes the mind but a monkey machine
Generating more monkeys than ever wanted.
The mind does amplify whatever it is fed.
So, to think not a negative thought is obscene
Because I cannot do it. It isn’t my style.

Understanding that my thoughts are not part of me
Is the key to becoming more fully aware
That my unconscious thinking can get out of hand.
It seduces me to places I hadn’t planned.
If I try to not think them I welcome despair.
This is quite a predicament as I can see.

So, what is the solution? Surely there must be
One that is most appropriate and effective.
Since the mind can’t digest well, it needs to be fed
Positive support by me. Today I’m not dead.
That’s of utmost importance. My will is to live.
Knowing not when life will end is just fine with me.